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Interest Check Bomber Squad YAM

Do we have good canon on bomber wing composition? how many bombers, how many escorts? What are the escorts? Mamuchis?
Mmm might have to dig into the wiki, but I believe i haven’t seen one or does task force katern count? They had a fighter wing
As far as current fighters for the SAoY go, I believe that these are the current standard SAoY small craft, including bomber types, used by fighter squadrons. Newer versions of these fighters and even newer fighters exist, but those haven't been made standard for one reason or another.
So "12 of one type". So we'd have 12 bombers, and the escorts would be one or more wings of 12 of one type of fighter. That makes sense.
Also now that I look at it, the Mamushi is designed to replace the Ginga as well, since it can carry 12 torpedoes or bombs
Okay just to confirm some things I have updated the list on the first post to reflect those that signed up. I got a clear answer on @Wolf626 (Who will be my CO-GM, yes ladies and gentlemen this will be a wolf plot), @Immortal Cyan and myself are confirmed. I believe that @NightDreamer09 is choosing which position but focus on your health first, and @OmegaDonkilon had also one spot to confirm. @Soban got interested in the bomber pilot, that wolfie and I pilot, but I don't mind if we regulate the spots in the Ginga. We are discussing the fighters that will be our escorts in The Dragons (yes our squad/plot name) but currently leaning on Hayabusa II about four to five. Thanks to @Alex Hart, @Yuuki and many more people (so much chat!) to think with us

Now the first details of the mission are being formulated and we are going to bomb stuff up! But first, a social thread will happen where folks...get to know each other! More to follow!

Pooping Brigade
Signed out
Okay so at this point, we aren't making a Wing, we're making a Group
Group > Wing > Squadron

So we have a Bomber Wing, the main attraction
At least one Fighter Wing of Hayabusa IIs for escorts, upt to 4 or 5 if you wanted to do 4-1 or 5 to 1
If people want to fly Nodachis then at least one Assault Wing

I don't see any other types being relevant, since these are already fairly old (8-9 years)- they wouldn't be replaced at that time, but would probably be refreshed/upgraded like how the Hayabusa II was already once before

Bombers => Kill the main target
Fighters => Keep other fighters and PA off the Bombers
Assault Wing => Soften up AA to make way for the Bombers, or as response force if things go south for bombers/fighters
( also attacking targets of opportunity the bombers and fighters might locate but are too small to make sense for bombers to engage)


Anyone got any meaningful numbers?

The XXXth Strategic Bomber Group "Dragons"
Alright folks, both your legendary GMs have posted and approved characters that would serve the Dragons If you need help with your character, do poke one of us and we will help you as best as we can! The first thread will be a socializing one to get to know this newly formed unit that got assigned to the YSS Tokyo (I hope to get that thread up soon, but most likely it can become sunday?)
Okay, the Introduction Thread is up, please make yourself known in the thread as it will function as a socializing thread, not yet the first mission The Tokyo is not yet out of its bay so keep that in mind! Got questions, do poke the GMs There is no real posting order (I always post when everyone has posted, I don't think @Wolf626 has a problem with that but I let him speak his mind on that matter)
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