Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

SYNC Border Security Warning


Everything Is Magical
RP Date
Ye 41
Having marked the Star Army communication as closed the intelligence operator began writing up the next message.

“To whomever commands your fleets and military power, this warning is issued on behalf of the Shukara navy and Division 5 of the Kingdom of Neshaten. We have been tracking your movements since arriving near us some months ago. Our nation is currently in security lockdown and should any of your people or craft attempt to cross our boarder they will be detained or destroyed.

Regards, Division 5 Intelligence”

The message was sent to the NDC formerly S6 on an unencrypted channel to ensure someone there received the message.

@Jack Pine
The comms officer sat rigid for a moment, a bit surprised by the sudden message....but not as much as by who the sender was.

"Milford, we have a message from a foreign kingdom to the south of us. Response?", they asked after turning to Jack who sat in the old captain's chair that was now more just his chair for the command deck.

"What are you on about~...oh. I'll draft one and you send it.", He answered after leaning over the side of the console to see the message.

This is the Lord Jack Pine of the New Dusk Conclave. We wish you no harm and are only a small growing nation that has settled here after realizing the coming collapse of our old home was drawing near. I would like to reaffirm that we are not hostile and only wish to be peaceful co-inhabitants of this sector.

If there is anything we can do to legitimize our claim, please inform us. We are also open to diplomatic relations and talks. Last thing we desire is conflict, or misunderstanding. A discussion to mark borders also seems in order.

And with that of the beep of the message having been uploaded to the terminal from Jack's Geist, the comm person sent the message off.
Having received the invitation to investigate further Director Vaughn came down to reply himself.

“This is Director Vaughn of Division 5, in regards to your reply we have an offer to present. On behalf of the Kingdom we are advised to inform you that diplomacy is open for discussion however in these times we will have some one sided requirements. To begin we will have to do any meetings in your territory to avoid security breaches on our end, and our representatives will be highly guarded. We are also going to require access to your facilities for a full inspection. If these terms are not feasible then we shall remain as we are until a later date.”
Jack looked over the message, and thought that everything seemed reasonable. Granted the request for a facility inspection was a little iffy, but he understood that may just want to know what the NDC was capable of. "Relay this message."

This is Lord Pine again. I as co-ruler of the NDC after a brief conversation with my brother Lord Oaklen, have agreed to these terms. We will be happy to receive a diplomatic party from you to initiate talks, and are permitted toto bring whatever level of security you wish. We will however will still have our own security present through your inspection. We are allowing the investigation, but hope you understand that we must still maintain national security on our end.

You will be allowed full access, and the Council will be notified of the coming meeting. I wish to thank you for granting this meeting, and hope that our two nations can be peaceful neighbors for the foreseeable future.
Vaughn scanned over the message with his golden eyes, nodding to himself he allowed a brief smile, good to see some people knew how to make a smart choice.

"Of course, we are not a war mongering nation and hope the same can be said about your people, we prefer to keep the peace and quiet out here away from the rest. We do not object to your terms and look forward to meeting you, it will take some time for us to prepare, how does two weeks sound for now?"

The Director sent off the final message and thrned to leave the room, nodding to the intelligence operators as he left, know they would forward any replies to him for review.