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Resolved Bot Added to IRC

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This dictatorial approach is really not to my liking. We are adults, not children. The sheer lack of personal respect is really pushing me and many others away.
The ones who are showing a lack of respect are the ones who are not following the channel rules. If you are an adult, you should know how to act. The channel rules are the terms you must accept to use the channel. If you comply with the rules, you will not be kicked. If you're not willing to comply with the rules, you don't get to use the channel.
I think I'll be departing from the main chat as well. If you don't respect the overwhelming unhappiness of your players enough on this to listen to them, than I have no desire to be in that channel when the majority of the people I consistently talk to are in other channels as well, and those channels don't have an overbearing bot in them. If you're unhappy with the moderating, than fix the moderating, don't add a bot. There are very good reasons most places don't use bots like that, but you seem to be ignoring that feedback. We have members from all over the world, I find it hard to believe we can't find moderators to cover the few hours a day that the US portion of our group isn't active.

Since Wes didn't reply to my post, I can only assume he just didn't see it, and isn't ignoring me.

Additionally, wasn't this a decision made without consulting, say the OTHER ADMINS? Even if that is not the case, it is certainly a decision made without consulting the userbase. You know, the people who actually USE the IRC?
I don't like that the bot kicks for everything instead of posting a text warning. I will investigate the possibility of other methods of chat that can use wordfilters, like a shoutbox or something, that can replace IRC. If you have suggestions for a replacement, I'd like to see them.
I don't think most of us have any real feeling that there is any need for an update. The IRC rooms have served us wonderfully over the years, and it really feels like you're the only one who feels they need further improvement or changes. Add more mods, perhaps, but a full on change seems unnecessary in the extreme.
Over the last 3 days, I've often been the only mod online beside the bot I've been using to help me. The point is that the mods we have are rarely online anymore, it would seem. So I would love to have more mods but I'm not sure who would be a good moderator. They would have to have a really tough skin because, just like with the bot, they are going to get complained about when they kick people for profanity and stuff.
Removing people who were mods in the past, and pushing away existing veterans isn't a very good way to build a mod base.
Removing people who were mods in the past, and pushing away existing veterans isn't a very good way to build a mod base.
You were removed from the channel moderator list because you weren't doing a good job. I didn't want to have a moderator who constantly broke the rules. And wasn't that over a year ago, anyway?
If that's the reason you choose to list for removing me, feel free. I've had it made clear to me more than once that my feedback wasn't being taken into consideration. But that's not the point. The point is that you're making changes no one else agrees with to fix problems that no one else is seeing, to a channel that was meant to be open. Seems kinda silly to me.
Did it occur to you that, over the last 3 days, nobody WANTS to be in that chatroom?

Besides that, I am not appreciating the lack of response on my previous two posts.
Per discussion in the chat, I request the bot be changed to the linkbot it was meant to be, and the common law of the land returns to what it was before: as long as occasional swearing is not directed at any one player, it will be allowed.
The bot can't tell what swearing is intentional or not, so I will remove some words from the list (the F word and the S word seem to be the ones people want). Standby for an update for the official IRC rules.

I want to thank everyone for their passionate feedback on this matter.

Edit: Rules updated

The bot's list of bad words has been reduced to
  1. c*nt
  2. p*ssy
  3. slut
  4. n****r
  5. f*g
Other words may be added as needed, but I'll try to avoid ones used casually, unless they're hateful. Note the above are still there because they're generally hateful to women, blacks, and gays, and Star Army welcomes all of those.
I'll be going back to and posting in mainchat in light of the concessions and apology.

But I'll still advocate for the removal of bot mod powers once we have enough human mods on to cover 24 hours a day.
Wes, I am unsure of what issue you have. But your need force your will on others is disrespectful and demeaning to all of us. Reasoning with you does not work, so I am going to stop dealing with you until things get better. I want to be professional here but this has gone to personal for all of us.
Enforcing the channel rules is not disrespectful.
There's nothing wrong with enforcing the rules. Rather, it's how the rules are enforced that's the problem. Having a bot is, quite frankly, degrading.
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