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RP: Bounty Hunts Bounty 01: New Kohana Blues

Frowning inside the biking helmet, Dimitri crossed his arms over the strapped submachinegun. "If we're on our way to the starport we could use my airbike. You saw me come here on it, why didn't you say so earlier? We just make a break through the streets and then get out of here as fast as possible... sure, they'll probably chase us on wheels but I've got the upper hand. I'm an ace on a hovercycle." He would then turn to the big guy in the power armor and the other dude.

"You guys could just stand back and make an opening for our escape." The plan seemed pretty fool-proof to Dimitri.
Keller contemplated on the idea, "That would work unless they had some good gunmen on them. Snipers could take us out and they can probably warn their guys at the starport, though I'm sure the local authorities will help us out by then," she then looked over at Raven and asked, "Got any ideas?"
"Well ma'am, I think I can provide you with the countersniper fire you require to get to the starport on this gentleman's airbike. I'll hold them off for as long as I can and if it comes down to it I can keep them busy while you guys escape" Raven replied hefting his rifle.
Atverm listened in on the conversation between the sniped and Keller while blocking one of the windows. It sounded like a decent plan, except it involved Keller zipping through town on a bike with the kid at high speeds and gunfire coming from all directions.

"That sounds like a good plan. I can use my decoy drones to help distract them while you sneak out and get the kid to safety when nobodies looking. I'm not sure what you'll do if there are more at the star port but we could fight our way there and take them out."
"See? Fool-proof plan. All we need is to make sure you guys can help us along the way. How far away is the star port? Hopefully not too far. Might not be such a solid plan if I get too far away from these two for them to make any difference." Dimitri turned his head to Keller and awaited an answer.
"Then it's agreed then," announced Keller, then after a thought began to voice the plan, "First we need to check out if the starport is safe, I'll go do that myself. We then need someone to check the rooftops, I think Raven is good for that. Atverm's suit will probably draw lots of attention so it's probably best to tail the motorcycle. That leaves Dimitri who will take the kid to the airport, if that is ok with you?"

The child just kept tugged on the cloak tightly as the adults figured out a plan.
Smirking inside the helmet, Dimitri nodded. "Sure. As long as she behaves." He walked over to the little girl, kneeling down next to her and speaking to her. "I don't know why they're looking for you, but you can trust me, ok? I'll get you to safety." He was reminded of his sister, for some reason. The bounty hunter got a bit quiet, suddenly, as he stood up.
The little girl looked up at the bounty hunter and then nodded.

Keller nodded then stood to leave, but before doing so she said, "Well then we have our parts to play gentlemen. If this goes well then we all get paid." Then after a word with the little girl she left for the spaceport.

About an hour later everyone would receive a message either by voice or text from Keller, "It seems clear here at the spaceport, if everyone is ready lets get this started."
Some time passed and as it turned out the mission was uneventful, the girl reached Keller at the starport safely and the bounty hunters were 3,400 KS richer.

However it seemed as the work well dried up as bounty heads were starting to avoid the town. Where the bounty hunters will go or do is up to the winds of destiny.

Move forward cowboy, your song is being played out there... somewhere.
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