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RP: Bounty Hunts [Bounty 1]: Sand Rally


Well-Known Member
Kendra waited in the wardroom. She waited for her new crew to show up. As soon as she could get out of the bed after her injury, she looked for some work. Nicholas was busy digging info on the token-gang after all. Kendra wanted a job that will make them money and make them look better to planet authorities. No one likes mad dogs after all. And finally she found one.

Her eyes went to the man sitting next to her. He was a bit gruff, quite round man who needed as have. Generally though he looked fairly non-specific. Just a guy in a coat smoking a cigar. The man did pay attention to her either. Kendra's sensitive nose wanted him gone already, but he was the one with the job. As such she could not toss the sweaty man out just yet.

The snake-girl sighed hoping that the others arrive soon so they could get underway and leave the smelly behind. The sight got a bit batter as Ellie, one of the saved starliner attendants brought a tray full of glass which were ruled over by a big bottle of scotch.

"Thanks Ellie," Kendra said with a smile and wondered how hard would it be to get the tall blonde dance for them at a pole. It was really what the wardroom needed.
"Yer people shure are takin' their fuckin' sweet time." Smelly said with a grunt. He poured himself full glass and downed it one go. It seemed he and Scotch were old friends.
"Ah they will get here. Hold your horses and just wait." Kendra shot back at him.
"Whatevers," Smelly replied, pouring himself second drink.
Raven was the first to arrive after being pinged. "So, what've we got here?" He asled as he slouched into a chair. "A new job offer I'm guessing" he said as he looked the nondescript man over.
Amanozako entered, her long duster swishing about her legs as she strode in, her boots thumping heavily on the deck. Her well worn and battle scarred NMX armor was plainly visible under the duster as were the pair of HHG's in drop holsters on her hips. Her nose crinkled as she caught the offensive scent of the guest. Her blood red eyes darted to him, visually interrogating him, sizing him up and filing away plans on how to eliminate him if the need arose, or he did not depart before she had enough of the smell.

Wordlessly, she slid into a chair and tipped it back, planting her boots on another chair within reach.
Lapas stumbled in his hair disheveled as always, he finished putting his arm into the sleeveless side of jacket. He prepared sarcastic comment but then he saw the new comer to the party, and did what he rarely ever did, Lapas shut up and sat down in a free chair next to Raven.

He grabbed a drink from Ellie's tray and propped his feet up on the table and waited for the new comer to say something important.
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Desmond leaned against a wall, fishing for something on one of his pockets while staying the farthest away from the group after he made his way into the wardroom. The bounty hunter was already in full gear, sporting the brand new Muur armor and his newly acquired toy.

He finally got what he was looking for, grabbing one cigarette from the pack and stashing it back . He then examined the man that sat next to Kendra and left the captain to do the talking, lighting up the cigarette.
"We waited enough, we will tell other what is going on when they arrive." Kendra said, leaning in her chair. She looked at the folk that joined her. There was Desmond the one she could trust. Amanozako, the one she could trust to get something killed, Lapas, someon that was easy to bend to her will with just her tits and then the new guy. All she knew was that he was called Raven and that according to Desmond he was good at kill people. That was good enough to her for now.

"Okay, this mr. Bob Burdo," Kendra sent, waving her hand to overweight sweaty man. "He is a cop here from Mahrombi and also are current employer."

"Hmmph," was first the man replied to that. His eyes were set on Amanozako though. "Looks like a damn sorry bunch. Damn yer've got even a fuckin' pussy-cat too. One that was bombin' our mudballs not too darn long ago. Give her a fuckin's hat or somethin'. Some stupid unigorms will see her and try to bust her and there will be blood. I don' need dat in my town."

The man poured himself another glass and poured it in his throat. He lit a cigar the size of troll's finger and puffed out a smelly smoke of tobacco. "Yeah, I guess you lot will have to do. I sure got a job fer ya. My buddy is one of the local lizard faces, he deal with caravans and what not. Well some damn group of fucker been hittin' dem caravans left and right. I ain't got people to protect every little caravan so I set up a decoy caravan you see. Well the decoy is on his way and I told my buddy to wait till they jump the decoy and we hit them. Well he is a moron and fear loosin' his goddamn profits and set out with his own goddamn caravan too."

"So the fuckin' problem now is that I have decoy caravan full of marines I borrowed from local base and a normal caravan full of few lizard faces and cheap mercs. So the way I figure it out the bandits got fifty chance to hit the wrong caravan. Now I want yer bunch to get to my buddies caravan and bolster its defense. If the fuckers hit it, you hit them back. Either way you will get paid."
"How much you paying, copper?" Desmond asked the guy, already thinking around what he'd bring along. Since they would be in vehicles, the shotgun was already out of question. The bounty hunter inhaled deeply, blowing the smoke from the cigarette into the air over him. Something about that job smelled wrong for him, but money was money and he was in that line of business to make it.
"More then enough," Kendra took the word, smiling at Desmond. It was like him thinking about money first. That was good though, the crew were not a bunch of do-gooders. They were bounty hunters, and bounty hunters did what they did for money. They could have do it for enjoyment as well, but money was important. "Each of you who will have boots on the ground gets 1000da. Plus we can take anything we want from the raiders, if they attack us."

"Well anythin' yer guys can own legally," the cop stepped in, chortling. "So we are gonna check the shit first. Hopefully yer guys won' get hit anyways. I just wanna be sureh."

"See it should be easy money," Kendra shown a teethy smile. "Anyway our beloved pilot will drop you lot at the caravan. You will get a sand-coat there so you will look like bunch of local mercs. Any questions?"
A measily thousand DA. Amanozako frowned. "Pay hardly seems substantial for the possible risk" the ex soldier commented offhandedly.

"Also, you will you be providing tactical maps and records of the previous raids." this was not a request, "we do not go into this blind" the trained soldier in her was kicking in
"Which vehicles we'll be riding in? How many?" Desmond inquired. If he was going to get shot up for thousand bucks he might as well know which one and prepare accordingly.
Lapas sat in his seat inspecting his glass. His teammates were asking all of the important questions he didn't really need to care until they got there and at that point he'd just start loading up and handle business as usual.
Burdo snickered. "The thing is yer're as likely to neve see any bloody fight whatsoever. Dat is why a thousand is enough. Beside you can just take wha'ever yer want from the darn bandits later on like was said. Almost everythin'. As for tactical maps, well yer blokes will be wadin' through desert. Part of the travel is through dried up riverbed, but yer'll then exit it and move through a bunch of dunes. Goddarn sand everywhere and crap." The cop started explaining. He put out his spent cigar and lit another one, puffing large wade of smoke Amanozako's way. Then he put a data-jockey on the table. "Dis here thing will be gettin' footage from orbit the 'hole way. We asked navy to keep an eye on yer and they were so bloody nice to have one of deir frigates change orbit and spy on the area. I also asked if dey could help in any other way, but they're not allowed to do combat action on the nepleslian soil. Which means they cannot fire deir goddamn cannons upon surface. Too bad about dat, but dey will still keep an eye on your and act as a relay."

"I will also be around in a shuttle, so you will have a bit of air-suport if needed." Kendra said. "Now from what mr. Burdo said to me earlier, the raiders have snitch in towns. They only hit under-armed caravans. They most assuredly know numbers in the each caravan. They also most suredly know about races there. So if someone like me would stick out."

"Yeh, dat is pretty much correct. We are sure dat it ain't no inside job tho, since each time the whole caravan gets killed. Dese raiders are pretty stupid like dat. Anyway numbers won' be a problem since the caravan has a lot of covered cars, so enemy cannot be sure if the numbers are correct or not." Bob Burdo continued with explanation. "Well cars, if yer wanna call dose things that. It is more of a carriage, as they are dragged by big fucking lizards. There is enough room for ya in them, but some of the way yer will prolly end up walkin'. I hope yer are not too much of a sissies for that. Anyway we'll get you some sand-capes so yer won't look weird and you can still have yer fancy body armour and rifles under it."

"As for what resistance yert can meet. It should be mainly small arms. Pistols, rifles, the usual raider shit. Dey never used anythin' heavier den a stick of chemical explosive with a burn-fuse before. None of the bodies in the caravan had big rifle round wounds on Dem, so they should not have any snipers either." The cop started explaining. "There were some tracks of tracked vehicle, so we expect them to use a half-track of some sorts. No heavy machinegun rounds found in the place either though. Tracks said, there were about 10 raiders in each hit, but it is hard to tell. Either way you won't be alone out there. The merchant have mercs of his own too. You are there to help them out."

"If there won't be more question you guys can go gear up." Burdo said and looked at Amanozako. "And yer go get a bloody hat or something cat. If your convoy gets hit, there will come other cops later and I am not covering fer ya. Just hide yer goddarn ears and don't look like a neko or whatever."
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Amanozako's nose wrinkled at the smell of the smoke blown in her direction. It was not that she had any issue with people who smoked, it was the choice of product used was some cheap acrid smelling garbage rather than proper tobacco. The neko frowned as she listened to the man explain things with the grace of a primitive cave man bludgeoning an animal to death with a rock. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment. Sub par pay, lack of proper tactical information. This idiot had no clue what he was doing.

Then he finished with commentary on her again. Her red eyes opened and fixed the slob of a man with a glare. "This is not worth my time" she stated as she stood. "This slug can't be bothered to pay us a proper salary for the job or furnish us with real tactical information. No wonder his convoys keep getting hit, they are easy pickings" she scoffed. "Probably get paid better by the raiders if we helped them take out the convoy instead" she said and turned to walk out of the room.
Desmond took a deep drag of his cigarette as he watched Amanozako leave the room, "Money is money." He said, with the cigarette still tucked between his lips. If the neko wanted to be picky about her jobs, he had no problem with that, he'd just keep doing them and getting richer himself, with the only downside that there wouldn't be someone else to get shot at instead of him.

"Where do we rendezvous with the caravan?" Desmond said, standing straight and preparing to leave the room himself, but to gear up instead.
Kendra sighed, got up and followed Amanozoko out of the door. The policeman did not seem to care a bit about the cat's anger fiths. He looked at Desmond and gave him a nod. "Yup, money is a money and dis is good money. I'm just a cop I cannot pay you tens of thousands." He took a drag out of his cigar. "It's not even my bloody op, I just want to protect a stupid friend. Anyway, yer'll all meet up with the caravan about 100 kilometers away from dis here city. It is a little bit of a walk, but when you get withing 40 klicks, yer will be safe. No one would dare attack yer so close to town. When yer get there co-ordinate with the caravan owner. His name is Razsig and he is a local. Aka greasy little lizard face. He iz all right, though he likes hiz money a little too much. He will try to get in yer way a bit and be bossy most likely, just tell him to scamper off and fuck a camel or something. He has mercs on the site, so get in touch with their leader. He or she is one to talk with."


Meanwhile outside Kendra made her way to Amanozako, catching up with her. "Wait up," The snakegirl shouted. "I understand that the guy is a complete tool, but we can use the money. You all get 1000 da, but the ships gest more. All of us. We get to keep the thing that we would be inserting you with. That is bloody handy. Besides, the raiders will have guns you can keep. You like guns don't you? Come Amano, do it for me at least? I will do that thing you liked so much last time." Kendra smiled and winked at the cat.
Lapas didn't like this at all the more he heard the more he wanted to join Amanozako in her little protest. He liked cops even less although this guy was far to incompetent to match the Vanguard back home.

He looked the client up and down one more time "Well we're getting shit pay, terrible hours, possible death, and our back up sex appeal may not even be joining us, all in all there have been worse odds. When we factor in the xenophobia and the boss only giving us half the story it'll be just like the old days." He said all this to Desmond while he watched the policeman to see if his minor insult struck home. Once he knew he pissed someone off he could leave to gear up.
Raven leaned back in his chair and eyed the cop. "So this is just a deal for a "friend" huh. I wonder if anything in that convoy would stir up attention with your friends on the force if they were to get hit and discover that something special had been under wraps in that convoy." Raven suggested as he watched the man for any kind of reaction. He'd go along for the chance to collect more weapons anyway even though at the moment the resident pair of hotties had decided to dip out on the op. "I'm in regardless I can always use more weapons and ammo anyway and finding energy cells for some of my gear gets to be a major pain." He grumbled as he contemplated his previous lack of success in finding energy cells for his rifle.
Amanozako paused her stride away from the wardroom and turned to face Kendra. "It's not the money" she said after listening to what the snake had to say. "It's that bigoted incompetent little slime ball that passes for a cop" she grumbled. "If he blows that shit he calls a cigar in my face or makes another negative connotation about my ears or me being a Nekovalkyrja I am going to detach his fat head from his neck" she took a breath and balled up her fists, looking as if she were going to throw a punch or five.

But then she let the breath out and relaxed her fists. She knew Kendra was right and they would need the money to upkeep the ship. She just hated working for slime like stinking ogre residing in the other room. "I will come" she said finally, more relaxed in her tone. "I will get my gear ready and be there when all of you are set to move out. I will not spend another minute with that thing in there though" she finished and turned to continue on to her cabin, where she would gather her kit and weapons.

"And I will take you up on the other offer when we get back from the mission" she added over her shoulder. Though Kendra could not see it from the angle she was at, there was just the hint of a wicked grin on the neko's lips as she started back down the passage.
"I don't even give a fuck anymore yer 'now?" The cop said as he received even more criticism. He puffed on his cigar and downed another shot of alcohol. "I rilly just hired yer boss and went here to tell yer what I could. Yer can bitch to her. We had all the info one can get from destroyed caravans, I gave yer that. In the end should somethin' happen, and I still don't think somethin' will, you will just have to do your job and shoot them. So I am out of here," He said stood up, he gave the bounty hunters around the table a nod and walked out of the doors.

As he walked out, Kendra made her way back in. "So go pack up and meet me outside. Our ride is waiting there. Jacob will do the flying, sorry Lapaz but I need you on the ground with a rifle." Kendra smiled at the Iroma. "Pack enough ammo, you will be there for at least two days. I got some military rations prepared for you in the shuttle. Hokay, get going, see you outside in 30 minutes."
Desmond watched the cop go before he headed out of the room, muttering something to himself as he left the lounge and made his way to his bunk to get ready for the mission. Gearing up wouldn't be much problem to him, he was already wearing his brand new Murr armor, which leaved him to pick up his weapons and some extras.

Twenty eight minutes and two cigarettes later, Desmond was out of the ship and waiting for the rest of the crew. He was sporting the Infantry Battle Rifle that he had acquired during the raid with Raven, except that the weapon was properly maintained and no longer caked in an inch of soot. The weapon was slung over his chest by a three point sling. He still carried his PIMP for a sidearm and the machete was sheathed on his back under a backpack.

He leaned against the entrance of the hangar and awaited for the rest of the crew to show up.
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