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RP: Bounty Hunts [Bounty 2] Castle Crashing

Foxtrot 813

Prettiest Member
Inactive Member
==== Undisclosed Warehouse– Delsauria - Noon ====

The boiling pot that was called a warehouse was the place picked for the crew of the Iron Ferret to meet up with the extra manpower, and while it only shielded them from the sun it did little to insulate them from the temperatures, but it served the purpose of helping them on their current assignment. The place wasn’t cramped, but it wasn’t spacious either with what it was currently storing, and anyone could notice it hadn’t been used for a long time from the dust that gathered on every horizontal surface and the dark stains of mechanical grease on some parts of the floor. Two exhaust fans lazily spun around their axis on the metallic ceiling, replacing the hot hair from inside the building with the hot air from the desert planet, making the building a place that someone would avoid in a normal day, but for the purpose that it was being used then it suited it just fine.

There were no windows on the walls, and the only natural light that shone inside came from sporadic holes in the slanted metal roof, raining down in coin sized beans, and one massive pillar of light coming from the opened sliding door on the entrance. The natural light was also complemented by projects on each of the four corners of the building, aiming below at the center.

The main object of interest was located at the center where several wooden crates, some piled and others opened, were stored, revealing their contents to whoever wanted to see: metallic ammo cans. Some of the cans were open, each carrying a variety of things, from entire magazines already loaded up and ready to go, to simply a bunch of bullets shoved to the brim inside the can. The other boxes that weren’t storing ammo also revealed to be containing grenades.

The ammo had been ‘appropriated’ from another warehouse not too long ago, and there was some kind of twisted poetry in the fact that it would likely be used against its former owner. What was more important about this ammo, apart from it being ‘free’, was that it wasn’t just regular ball ammo, a good portion of them were armor piercing or incendiary, to name a few. The ammo was also of varying calibers, although it was just for the chemically-propelled weapons that Nepleslia loved to use.

Further down the warehouse, and partially out of the light from the projectors, was a very big armored vehicle. There was nothing particularly interesting about the vehicle, it was big, bulky and armored, with a small electric turret on the top that housed a machinegun. Other than that it still had the colors of Nepleslia’s National Police Force, although if someone would bother looking into the local precinct’s inventory about that particular vehicle they would find out that it was, in fact, reported to be undergoing repairs; One thing that anyone had to love about Nepleslia was that one could get anything they wanted by greasing the right gears.

Desmond sat on top of the vehicle, his legs dangling from one side. The bounty hunter was fully clad in his Muur, with his jacket and sweater covering his upper body and the heavy cargo pants and boots covering his lower body under the armored plates. At first, the combination of clothing seemed crazy, but it was actually the most basic knowledge someone would need for a desert world like Delsauria; Since the ambient temperature was higher than a normal person’s average body’s, the clothes would keep the hot air insulated from them. It still wasn’t a pleasing combination, but it was the next best thing after the environmentally-sealed power armors.

The bounty hunter casually spoke with Jacob, who was standing beside the APC, while Helric sat on the open exit hatch behind the vehicle. The talk was suddenly cut short as the bounty hunter lifted his left wrist level with his face and then jumped off the armored vehicle. It was almost time for the new-arrivals to get there after they received his message with the location and time of the rendezvous, if they were punctual.

Since there was no way that just their small numbers would be able to pull off the assault, Desmond had called a few familiar faces and a few unfamiliar ones for the next job. What bothered him, though, was that, there was still a chance that they wouldn’t pull it with the extra complement if the key part of the plan didn’t succeed. It wasn’t brute force that would carry them out through that bounty, but instead the element of surprised and the initiative that they could pick how and when they would fight.

“Alright, try to look like you’re organized! These guys will be here any second now” Desmond called out, walking to the center of the warehouse where the crates were located.
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Raven would be lounging off to the side with his new Type 33 rifle across his back, alongside his SGAR for backup firepower. His HHG was holstered on his right hip and he had his VBCS on his left. In a belt pouch he had multiple magazines of various rounds for his rifle along with speed loaders and battery packs scattered throughout the pouches on his Emrys armor suit. "Hello Desmond, this should be interesting. I'll be providing support from that smokestack we located along the periphery of the facility." He said with a slight wave as they waited for the others to arrive.
Tannozako was the first of the newcomers to arrive. She carried with her the same suitcase that Desmond had last seen her with, but instead of the simple shirt and shorts she wore before, She had changed into a pair of black cargo pants, the pockets of which appeared to be loaded down slightly, probably with ammunition. Over the T-shirt, she was wearing a green canvas Bomber jacket, which obscured her figure and made her look slightly more the part of a bounty hunter or hired gun than her previous mode of dress. her two pistols, she wore, stowed away as before in her back pockets, but otherwise she was the same as before. She wore that plain, but pleasant expression on her face, and walked with an ease that belied the weight of what she was carrying.

After approaching the vehicle, she placed her suitcase on the ground, and stood at something resembling attention, observing Desmond and the other Bounty Hunters whom were already around.

"Good day," she greeted, simply.
Walking in through the warehouse's doors was a man of shorter stature with a well-kept blonde hair, a neatly-trimmed chinstrap beard and carrying a matte black attache case. He seemed to be wearing scruffy clothing: dirty jeans, an off-white shirt under a vest and loafers. They looked out of place amongst bounty hunting warriors armed and armoured, but a closer inspection showed that there was more to this man. He seemed to be wearing skintight matte navy gloves and more of the same material was hugging his body below the cranium, extending all the way down his chest that was visible with his clothing.

The man was wearing loafers too, and he wasn't wearing socks either - it was just more of that strange material stretching into the shoes and up his ankles. The attache case he carried seemed to absorb all of the light that struck it, as though it didn't even want to be inspected. "Mr. Stroud," he reintroduced himself, looking up at the bounty hunter from below. Desmond had seen what was beneath the clothing and knew his story.

The man's eyes gazed down from Stroud and to the vehicle. He tilted his head. "I take it this is our ride in?"
Amanozako entered the warehouse, her red eyes scanning the space, noting who and what was there. She was clad in her black jumpsuit, NMX flack jacket, well worn brown greatcoat and black fedora atop her head. Her impaler rifle was slung over her shoulder and her pair of HHG's in the holsters at her hips. Her knife, still chipped from her last mission to aquire the ammo, was in it's scabbard on her boot.

The former NMX Neko strolled up to the group and leaned against the armored vehicle, not saying anything to those she already knew or the newcomers.
Svante didn't arrive with any particular sort of fanfare. He hadn't been given any sort details about just what was going on, only to come armed, and for Svante that meant there was likely going to be a fight. When he entered the warehouse, he was wearing a pair of faded denim jeans, his steel-toed workboots, and over the jeans he had the leg-plates of his Muur along with the various pouches for ammo, and on his belt was both the HHG and his .45 pistol.

Other than that? His hair was gelled up in its usual mohawk-fashion, his beard tied off in a braid, and with almost all the rest of his equipment being in a duffel bag he now carried: his arms were exposed to the sun and his Aethersperm concert shirt was plain as day to any interested. Compared to everybody else he looked a bit - out of place as he approached the waiting armored vehicle and dropped his duffel bag down.

And here he was looking out of place in a crew that had a former NMX neko in their ranks. But Svante didn't let it get to him as he undid the duffel bag and started pulling out the rest of his Muur armor to get it on, starting with his vest as he secured it over his shirt. With that done he spared the massive pile of ammo and equipment a glance, before looking back to Desmond.

"So. What's all the firepower for?" He pulled out his Z-SAMR from the bag, getting it loaded and ready, "Not that I'm complaining."
Nicholas peered inside the warehouse before entering, but upon seeing some familiar faces, he started in. He wore his usual attire, his black duster over his plain white shirt. His blue carpenter pants were weighed down a little with the ammunition that resided in his belt. He was wearing his Styrling Everyday Armor underneath it all. Strapped onto his back was his new Styrling Longbolt, while his Wulver rifle, formerly McRenar's Wulver Rifle, was slung low to his side.

He looked a bit unkempt, especially his hair, even more so than usual. Nicholas looked tired, though he didn't say what from, as he drew close to the group. He recognized some, didn't recognize others, but all and all he figured all was well. Looking up at Desmond, he called, "Hello Desmond, Good to see you again. Glad to be out of the information business for a little bit."
Kendra was to the side of the Warehouse, checking her shotgun. Not like she would need it anyway. She and Desmond decide that he will lead this one, so it would ser up his position as seconds properly. Kendra on the other hand will be ready for support if needed. The captain of Iron Ferret did not mind too much, as she would not fight a fight, she would not have to.

"All right," she said as she slithered closer to Desmond. "Good to see you Nicholas, all right Desmond I will take Jacob and go get ready. Just call us and we will fly in with the shuttle. Hopefully that would not bee needed, it would just make this into real battlefield. Haha." With that she waved at Jacob and made for the exit. It seemed the snake lady did not mind the hot air all too much, even when she was clad in her auburn coloured Muur armour. Jacob stopped leaning against the APC and went after her.

As Kendra opened the door, she smiled and turned around to Desmond again. "You really outdid yourself with the reinforcements this time around." She said and went outside, with Jacob in tow.

Then people started walking in. All sorts of people, mostly in khaki, but some just had jeans. They all looked like they could handle themselves. It was the mercenary group, they met in the desert, while they fought for the caravan. All in all about 20 of them. Still at least half of them were new faces, since lot of them got injured or killed when they fought the bandits. In the front walked the ever proud and ever angry looking leader of the group. Jaina Derring.

"Oi," she greeted Desmond. "So we are here, I brought as much as I could. Let's go over the plan."

Walking forward she noticed Svante and frowned even more.
Lapas somewhat jogged in he made himself when he was shopping for some extra ordinance in the darker sections of the city. He didn't buy anything of course he was far to cheap for that. Lapas just hoped someone had brought some explosives of their own, his clay-mores were nice but not really great at actually taking down anything more then personnel.

He strapped himself into his normal armor and threw on his star ship jacket with the one arm ripped off. He had his normal bag of tricks in addition to his standard Laiz pistol and Laiz rifle.

The Iroma slid up behind Amano, " Hey Kitty how much did I miss?"
“Yeah, that works. Just try not to get shot up,” Desmond replied to Raven as he watched the new and old arrivals get inside the warehouse. He regarded each one with a short nod from where he was near the ammo/stuff crates, not bothering to say much after that, or anything at all like it was the case. The bounty hunter once spurred himself into action again when the last, and biggest, group walked in, the one belonging to Jaina. They were, all in all, properly equipped, with most of them sporting the all-too-common Styrling Everyday vest, some with the additional Durandium plate and some with just the actual soft armor, wearing it under their half-open jackets for a better concealment. And there was, of course, the short and angry woman leading them.

After giving the group and their leader a quick once-over, Desmond moved to one of the sides of the warehouse, next to something tall, long and thin which was concealed by a tarp. When the bounty hunter pulled off the cover from it, a small cloud of dust rose around him, then the annoying sounds of badly lubricated trolley wheels going into motion as he pushed what looked like to be a big wooden board.

As he pushed the board closer to the center, which allowed for all the bystanders to see it more clearly, it would be possible to see several different pictures attached to it. Upon closer inspections, the pictures on one side would reveal to be aerial shots from one kind of facility, while the ones on the other were pictures from the ground level.

“This is the job.” Desmond said, looking around as Jaina’s group made a small semi-circle around the board. He waited a couple of moments before continuing, “This is one of the, if not the, biggest gang central base of operations in this planet, they call themselves the Danger Knives or some other stupid bullshit like that,” He stated, jabbing a finger a finger on the largest picture of the industrial complex. The square-kilometer perimeter of the complex was surrounded by a wall, with a few sentry towers every now and then; The picture from the ground, taken from below the ground level in some sort of ditch showed one such tower, which was completely ramshackle and reinforced with random bits and metal plates around it, as well as a barbed wire over the walls.

The picture had a small red circle on one side of the complex’s walls, while three other circles were strewn around the inside of it. Desmond moved his finger to one of the circles, the one next to the wall, “This over here is the main gate, it’s solid metal and has some sort of mechanism behind it which operates it. Luckily, it’s not something very sturdy, and the APC can easily punch through it, but that’s not the case. Kendra will be in the shuttle with Jacob providing air support whenever she can, but the main strength in this will be us.”

His finger moved to the second circle, a rectangular building which was closest to the gate, “This over here is the residential building, it’s just three stories high and shouldn’t be much of a problem. Based off it we can guess it’s got housing for at least thirty people or so, but based on a little scouting trip, it’s not even being occupied by that many.”

“This second building here is the actual factory, or it used to be. There’s not much about on what’s going to be inside of it, so it’s a box of surprises, but one thing is for sure, this is where everything is planned and coordinated,” Desmond said, motioning to another picture on the other side of the board that showed the factory building from a more ground level, which was among one of the pictures that his Muur’s helmet had taken when he was up on the smokestack.

He pointed to the third and last building that was circled, on the other side showing Raven’s helmet-cam picture it showed a metallic prefab building, much like the ones used by the military with the surface mostly rusted from aging, there were also several antennae and satellite dishes protruding from it. “This is the most important thing. The residential building houses around thirty people, but most of the occupants inside the place aren’t actually people,” Desmond said, pointing to another picture on the board that showed a robot standing watch next to the very same ditch that the picture of the sentry tower had been taken, the robot had a V-shaped head-plate and spindly limbs holding some sort of weapon.

“The last building I pointed is most likely the control center for them, we take that out and all we have to worry about is a few gangers,” he said, looking around the small crowd. “Then all that’s inside is ours before the cops show up,” he added, taking that moment to turn around and give a quick glance towards the small crowd.

“And this is where your group comes in.” Desmond said, looking towards Jaina, “I need your men to storm the gate with the APC leading, and one to spare with Raven on the smokestack to provide fire support,” He said, pointing to the smokestack on the aerial picture; The structure was next to an adjacent factory, less than half a mile away from the complex. “Meanwhile, five other guys sneak through the back and hit the control center,” he added.

“Any questions?” He asked.
Tannozako stepped forward, and nodded at Desmond. Having committed his entire briefing and all the photographs to memory already, she had a question about equipment rather than the job itself. "First of all, I would like to volunteer to go with you," she stated, before continuing, "And secondly-" she indicated the pile of guns "Will additional firepower be available to us beyond what we currently possess?"
Desmond looked at the other bounty hunter, then at the crates, then back to her again, raising an eyebrow. "Well this isn't for show," He said, gesturing towards the crates, "just tell me you didn't bring just those peashooters with you," he added, resting a hand on his hips. Fortunately for Tannozako, though, what hadn't fit into the Iron Ferret's "armory" was there at the warehouse, so the crates contained more than ammo or grenades. One crate had a few Zen Arms .45s, stacked neatly in rows, while another contained a few spare Styrling Ripshots.
Jaina watched the map with interest. She might have been foul-mouthed and angry, but she was still a professional. One cannot do the merc job without doing it the right way. Either you knew what you were doing or you die as soon as your luck runs out. Jaina did not bet on luck, she preferred to do the job properly. Her eyes darted all over the board, looking at the plans, buildings and situations as they were showed and explained.

"Sounds good, I hope you checked that the gate is not bloody reinforced, but the APC should have little problem with that. If they would have too much fucking heat aimed at the gate, I will have my people drop smoke and sod off to cover. As I savvy it, my job is to hold on and keep them occupied." Jaina spoke back with a grin. "We could also blow a hole into one of the side walls and set up a bloody mg. Get some crossfire on those fuckers. Of course it would mean I would have to divide my fuckers a bit. Should still be fine."

"And yeah I have a guy for the smokestack, he knows how to shoot well enough. I used to have better," Jaina continued, her eyes going to Svante. "But she got fucking killed."
"Why don't you pull that swagger-stick out of your rear 'fore it gets stuck, eh Jaina?" Svante finished a fine-tuning adjustment to his scope, "I'm not with your people, anymore." He shrugged, "And once working with these folks gets me enough to rez her, neither is she, I bet."

He didn't spare her another look as he rose up to finish putting on the rest of his armor. With his marksman's rifle slung over one shoulder and his helmet tucked under his arm, plus his shotgun slung over his back for safekeeping at the moment, he turned away from Jaina fully now to face the man who had become his new boss at the moment for all intents and purposes. Fully ready to go, he found himself looking between the APC, and those around him before finally setting eyes on Desmond.

"I can go wherever you need, boss. Lay down fire with Raven or help bring the hurt somewhere else."
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Desmond Stroud said:
“This is the job. This is one of the, if not the, biggest gang central base of operations in this planet...”...“This is the most important thing. The residential building houses around thirty people, but most of the occupants inside the place aren’t actually people,”...
“The last building I pointed is most likely the control center for them, we take that out and all we have to worry about is a few gangers,”...“Meanwhile, five other guys sneak through the back and hit the control center,”
Five people who understood that subtlety wasn't just for philosophers, Danny hoped. He started moving towards a quieter corner of the warehouse congregation, "I'm going to get changed," he mentioned to nobody in particular before peeling his vest and off-white shirt away, revealing more of the strange material bristling against his skin, covering his pectorals, arms and abdomen. It stretched beneath his pants and possibly all the way across his body below the neck.

He knelt down and opened up the attache case he was carrying. He then proceeded to fold up the clothing and putting it in while removing his equipment - strung upon shoulder and belt mesh webbing. He slipped the webbing over his shoulders and let his equipment hang off of him: Radio, 10mm pistol with suppressor and spare magazines, stun gun with spare cartridges, stun baton, hacking PDA, utility knife and flash grenades. All he realistically had to protect him was that skin, and his epidermis - and neither of them looked bulletproof.

As Danny stood back up to let the web mesh settle and do up the belts, his pants slid off of him, revealing even more of that odd, matte skinsuit material. He stepped out of his loafers and kicked the remaining clothing into the case before bending down again and grabbing a four foot long blade in a scabbard - Approximately three feet of edge, the rest being the hilt and pommel and similar in construction to Desmond's machete - though this one seemed tailored for him. He strapped it to left side with a click - locking into place organically.

Finally, he grabbed his suit at the neck and pulled a length of wire with an earpiece on it, and slipped it into his right ear. "Now," he clicked the case shut and stood up again, "Question: What can we expect from the back? Just a distraction for the watchmen to spread them out and disrupt their communications?" he asked before offering his two cents and making some educated guesses of his own: "Perhaps we could recover additional data for safehouses if we have stragglers - or is that not in our time frame?"

He didn't let the spat between Jaina and that other mercenary in Desmond's camp cloud his judgement on what he was going to go out and do. As he was told, mercenary bands always had their internal feuds and so long as he wasn't drawn into them - that was fine by him.
"Whoever ends up coming with me better be decided on quickly, I plan to be in place before the rest of you assholes decide to start the party" Raven replied hefting his weapon and his bag full of reloads for it. "I'll take out the towers and if need be I can breach the wall with one of my HE rounds for you all" he said as he stood and shifted side to side waiting for people to get moving.
"If it is, we'll have the shuttle blow it up, or Lapas does from the ground." Desmond replied to Jaina. He took his time watching the woman bicker with the other mercenary, scratching the stubble on his chin as he regarded them with some amusement. He had been in the desert during the last assignment, and he knew that the latter's partner, while also part of Jaina's band, was shot in the head by the raiders, and while he would've rather let sleeping dogs lie, he didn't interrupt the argument. It simply wasn't his problem. Scraping the idea of simply throwing Svante along with the mercenary band (again), the bounty hunter made up his mind, "You go on the smokestack," he decided after a while; Couldn't have both of them going at each other's throats in the middle of a fight.

"We'll see when we get there, we weren't offered a tour." the bounty hunter replied to Danny turning his head around to regard the new hunter, before turning around to face the rest of the assembled group. He stepped on top of a few ammo crates that were piled together before calling out to the assembled group, "Alright, whoever wants to go through the back speak up or I'll start volunteering people," he said, then brought up his left wrist again, "and gear up too, the ammo is free. We leave in thirty."
Desmond's riff on Tannozako's two small holdout pistols seemed to fly over the quiet woman's head, as she simply nodded at being told they were free to take weapons and ammo from the stockpile. Wordlessly, the blue-and-orange haired girl walked over and procured herself a ripshot, as well as as much ammunition and as many magazines as she could fit in the cargo pants. Despite the weight added to her pants, she walked back to the group just as gracefully as if she were unencumbered.

"As I said before, I will volunteer to go with you," Tannozako repeated, looking at the Nepleslian man with something bordering on disinterest.
Danny looked over to the Yamataian woman who'd walked in and made the first step to volunteer with Desmond. He remembered during the interview with Desmond that the bounty hunter acknowledged that Danny will probably be coming in from behind rather than risking a frontal assault in his skin.

He walked over to Tannozako and looked up at Desmond, "As per our discussion, I'll be following you too," he said plainly as he held his attache case in front of him like a schoolgirl with a purse, face neutral. His accent was difficult to pin down, not Nepleslian, not quite Yamataian and somewhat... Lorath too. He'd been all of those places, but a traveller wouldn't have gotten the accents unless they were travelling from their native countries or they'd stayed elsewhere for a long time. Where exactly did he come from, then?

He cricked his neck idly and wiggled his fingers. As he opened his hand each time, the colours on the skin suit seemed to change, cycling through different camouflage patterns before he opted to keep an urban pattern. Danny then smiled and continued standing next to Tannozako and in front of Desmond without another word.
"Yeah I would join ya, but someone needs to lead these apes," Jaina pointed her thumb, over the shoulder at the mercenaries behind her. They laughed a bit, but did not comment back. They seemed too busy, getting ready for fight, making sure their armour was set right, they had enough extra ammo and that their weapons were in top notch state. Jaina smiled as she watched it. She then waved at on of her man. "Yo Derrick get your butt here," she said.

The man got up and rushed to her. He wore bullet-proof combat jacket, helmet and had a Styrling rifle over his shoulder. "What's up boss," He asked.
"I want you to find a nice cover once we bust in, and focus to bring out any MGs they might have," Jaina told the marksman. "Since mr. Bounty Hunter decided, he will have his own people sniping, at least I can use you in the field."
"The usual thing then. Always a pleasure boss," Derrick responded. "Just count on me."

With that Jaina turned away and walked back to Desmond. "If you need some help with taking the back road, I have two CQB specialists. They are both ex-military so they are good at listening to orders. Might be a bit insane, but who is not a little bit insane right?"