Star Army

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RP: Bounty Hunts [Bounty 3.2] Manhunt

Foxtrot 813

Prettiest Member
Inactive Member
Dawn Station - Sector 6 - Iron Ferret's Hangar

It had only nearly been ten minutes since the Iron Ferret departed for the job on Tami, and the remaining bounty hunters that had not been selected for it stood in the empty, expansive hangar. The place had been big with the Jinsoku docked there, easily able to acomodate a ship-class above the small freighter, and it looked even bigger without it. The cleaningness of the surroundings was, too, a welcome change to the hangars in Maharombi that accumulated insane amounts of the desert's dust, and the regulated station-wide temperature also meant that they didn't need to yell at anyone who forgot a door open, allowing for the hot air of the desert to seep in.

Above them a white mist was constantly ejected by the ventilation ducts, keeping the temperature of the place pleasing, and almost instantly disappearing as it spread over the area of the hangar. To one of the sides was also a large bin where the discarded ship parts had been dumped, just waiting for the dock crews to remove it for recycling or simply to discard it. Considering this was Dawn, Desmond was willing to bet on the former.

The Iron Ferret was sent on its way as soon as the mandatory maintenance was done, with Desmond and the ship's original mechanic replacing what they couldn't jury rig into working. It would be sooner, rather than later that the moment came when they would have to scrap the former pirate ship since the costs to repair would be too unfeasible to maintain it. For the bounty hunter, the ship held little sentimental value other than that he had taken it rather than buying it, and the ship was already almost a scrap by the time the original group had done so.

Desmond turned his back towards the large bulkhead that he had been staring at, facing the other bounty hunters that had remained in the hangar for the other job. He was wearing a set of civilian clothes that time, as strolling around in a place like Dawn with his full gear would be simply too conspicuous and attract all sorts of unwanted attention, attention that they wouldn't want. He was wearing a simple cloth jacket, unzipped and not completely stained with engine lubricants and oils like he had been earlier, utilitarian in design with two pockets on the lower part, a well as leather covering the shoulders and elbows and a simple white T-shirt under it. below that, the cargo pants were kept in place by a rigger belt, the sides pockets almost bulging out with whatever they contained, and were hapzardly tucked into the work-boots that he wore all the time.

He retrieved the Datajockey from a pocket inside his jacket, briefly looking at the bounty hunters in front of him before the digital screen flickered on. As soon as it did, he turned his attention back towards it to look over the details of the bounty. Compared to the small warzone that they had created in Delsauria, that one looked like a piece of cake and easy money.

"Right, I'm offloading the bounty to your PDAs or whatever you use," Desmond said, scratching the stubble on his face before tapping a few time on the screen of the Datajockey. "The ship is docked on this same sector, so we go to check it out first, and if there won't be too much noise about it, we snatch this person and get it over with," he added in a lower tone, as if someone could somehow eavesdrop on them inside the expansive hangar.

"Confirm that you have received the data," Desmond said again, lowering the Datajockey and looking at the other bounty hunters. On each of their devices, the following message popped up:

Origin: Urtullan Colony, HX-24 System
Re: Bounty - Violation of Indenture
Sender: Office of the Magistrate - Reisor District

Be it known that SIENNA AUDREY SHELTON has unlawfully departed the planet in violation of his/her indenture with contract holder OLAF EDMOND PANGRE. She was last seen boarding a military shuttle with a Star Army of Yamatai crew after assisting in the murder of a lawful agent sent to collect her. Orbital trackers detected the shuttle docking with a Plumeria-class gunship and jumping away. Current whereabouts unknown, presumed to have fled to Yamatai space.

A description of the fugitive is listed below. Other crimes committed include MURDER,THEFT OF PERSONAL PROPERTY, DESTRUCTION OF GOVERNMENT RESOURCES, RECKLESS DISREGARD FOR PUBLIC SAFETY. She should be considered armed and dangerous.

A bounty of 3000 KS (or equivalent) is offered for her return ALIVE and in GOOD HEALTH. No payment will be awarded if the fugitive is critically harmed in any way, including but not limited to dismembered limbs, missing organs, brain trauma, paralysis, etc. Relatively minor injuries such as moderate bone fractures may or may not void the bounty, depending on circumstance.

Height: 175.26 cm
Weight: 60.78 kg
Eyes: Green
Hair: Lt. Brown
Age: Early 20s

((Two close-up photos of Sienna, one from the front and one in profile like a mug shot, are attached to the message))
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Rathe pulled his own device from his pocket after receiving a notification on it. Giving Desmond a nod of confirmation, the golden skinned nepleslian scanned over the report to assess the target. Once he finished, Rathe slipped the device back into his pocket, "Let's go get her then..."
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Danny was walking by with his hands in his pockets, and wearing some loose clothing and loafers. Underneath that loose clothing was no sword, just a stun baton tucked down the legs of one of his pants and his stungun on his other side. If one looked close enough, they could see that seam of material along their neck and those hands wrapped in an odd material that created the SQUID suit.

He had his datapad in his hands rather than strapped to his back as usual, and he got a good look at the target. 3000 KS equalled 6000 DA, and it was a slim take if the bounty had to be split between all of the team, but he figured that someone returned alive and in good health for some ... admittedly large charges. A closer look at the target made Danny wonder if the charge was trumped - the woman didn't look like the sort to cause that much havoc.

But, business was business, and an escaped servant allegedly capable of that much had to be bought in...
Amanozako stood at the back of the group, arms folded over her chest, listening to the brief. She was clad in her usual black jumpsuit, brown great coat and fedora. She retained her two drop holsters with their HHG's, which the coat hid pretty well.

When the file was sent out she recieved it in her digital brain and opened a volumetric window, scanning the information contained within. The woman on it did not look like the type that would be much trouble, also, not someone who was likely to be guilty of more than wanting to be free of a bad situation. Tough luck.
Desmond watched each bounty hunter in turn after he sent the message, toggling the datajockey's screen off and putting it away. Crossing his arms in front of his chest, he watched as each one of them, with exception of Amanozako, and his gaze lingered for a fraction more on the Neko before he moved on. He was about to say something else, when Rathe spoke up. The newly hired bounty hunter's drive was something that he could commend, but if they went around kicking doors they'd end up getting to know ORISEC very closely and very soon. The thought of that made his frown deepen.

"Not so fast, hotshot, here's a few things first," the bounty hunter said, glancing at the golden-skinned Nepleslian's way. He picked up a medium sized duffel bag next to him, lifting it by the strap. "Your gear, only take it out when you are sure you will absolutely need it, there's no need to parade on the station wearing that stuff," he continued, setting the bag down with dry thump. Even through the fabric, there was something cylindrical pressing against it, as big as a bucket and heavy inside, accounting for the bulk of the bag's weight.

"Second, we're checking the bounty's ship first, it's a Jinsoku called the Concordia Veil and that's the place that we're more likely to find it," he continued. Desmond took some care not to refer to the person they would be hunting down as a person; he had find it immensely easier to deal with that when he simply stopped caring about the bounties as people, or simply chose to overlook that fact. "Ship's on the same sector so we can walk there. It is very likely that there could be more people inside the ship, so minimize casualties," he continued, picking up the bag again and slinging the strap on the opposite shoulder.

"Any other questions?" Desmond asked.
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Amanozako shook her head. The mission was a simple one. Locate the target, grab them ans turn them over.

The only added information needed she would learn once they began checking out the target's ship.
Rathe eyed the bag as he listened to Desmond, slightly curious as to what was inside, even though he knew he would get to find out either way. After Desmond ended his speech, asking if they had any questions to present, Rathe casually looked over to the hunters beside him, then back to Desmond, staying silent since he had nothing to report.
Danny shook his head at Desmond. He seemed to have explained what they were going to do simply enough, it was just that for Danny, he was having some second thoughts about the validity and necessity of this bounty, but held his tongue and kept his face stiff.

Perhaps it was the way that woman looked. Their rap sheet sounded like any Nepleslian in Funky City he had to clip on the ear and drag inside on a given day - what made this one stand out?

Slow day on the bounty board?