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Approved Character Brady Dust

Brady Dust

Inactive Member
Name: Brady Dust

General Information

Species: Nepleslian
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Family: Father: King Dust, 43 (KIA YE 26 during the Battle of Nepleslia)
Mother: Elena Graham, 39 (Hospitalized)
Older Sister: Esther Dust, 23 (Presumed Alive, estranged 2 years prior)

Employer: Planetary Forces of Nepleslia
Occupation: Planetary General Infantry / Cook
Rank: Soldier 3rd Class
Current Assignment: Nepleslian 179th, Active Duty

Physical Characteristics

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 157 lbs.

Build and Skin Colour: Lean, wiry, broad shoulders. Sun-tanned skin.
Facial Features and Eye Colour: A face that is slightly ugly and may have gotten into one too many fistfights. Brown eyes.
Hair Colour and Style: Short black hair trimmed very close to the scalp, with the exception of grown out sideburns. Constant, scrubby five o'clock shadow.

Distinguishing Features: Four tarnished brass studs on left ear, each one with a laser-etched sign of the Zodiac (Scorpio, Aquarius, Cancer, Libra).

Psychological Characteristics

Pragmatic and a realist. Fairly patient with people, considered to be of a quiet sort. Never tells a lie, nor shares secrets told to him. A "down to earth" guy. Has a very strong sense of duty and camaraderie to his fellow man. Disregards regular pleasantries and social norms unless absolutely necessary, preferring for direct statements without hidden meanings or innuendo. Has different perspectives regarding survival (save oneself before others), honor (a device to validate actions which would otherwise lack meaning), and war (one of the best generators of technology and economy).

Likes: Women of all humanoid races, the ocassional drink, good literature, companionship, rain, cold weather, someone who understands their duty
Dislikes: Unjustified actions, especially ones that lead to unnecessary violence, using flattery as leverage to acquire something, politics
Goals: Pay for the operation of his mother, track down his older sister, follow in his father's footsteps


Born October 24th YE 10 Nepleslian Planetary Standard Time as Brady Lawrence Dust in a backroom doctor's office located in Uesureyan Fields Starport. Brady never truly met his father, who was enlisted in the Star Army and could only get a few weeks every year on leave to visit the family. As a result, Brady grew up in a maternal environment. The Dust household was a nomadic one, constantly moving to different mega-city districts or to new mega-cities entirely. No one hovel was permanent, and despite everybody in the family working to make ends meet, almost all of the money was used to pay off gang protection rackets, purchasing scrap supplies to maintain whatever temporary house the family may have acquired, or to increasingly exorbitant doctor's bills for immunizations and general health care.

Brady was a well-behaved child, always trying to make the financial situation a little easier for his mother and sister by scavenging for his own food to save on groceries and procuring money by his own means to help out with the family bills. Elena, Brady's mother, was diagnosed with a terminal illness in YE 24. This spurred Brady to petty theft in order to pay for increasing hospital fees. By the time Brady reached 16, he was ready to enlist into the military, but stayed as a civiliain for two more years in order to help his mother out. It was during this period that Brady's older sister Esther disappeared without any preamble or cause. It was also during this time that Brady and his mother received a missive from the Star Army that King was killed during the Battle of Nepleslia. The unexpected loss of both her daughter and her husband sent Elena to the hospital for an extended stay.

As Brady became more and more desperate, he finally confessed to his mother what he'd been doing in order to help her pay for the bills - aside from working a full-time honest job, he also had been in increasingly high stakes thieving operations stealing from small luxury businesses in the richer, less secure parts of the cities. After four years of such acts, he was at his limit, rarely sleeping more than six hours broken throughout the day. It was then that his mother sent him into the military, to ensure a better life for him, and, ultimately, because she didn't want to be put into any more danger than she already was by Brady's activities.


Culinary: Brady's culinary skills stem from both his late father, a line cook on one of the many ships that were sunk during the Battle of Nepleslia, and his mother, who relied on her skills as a professional civilian chef to make ends meet. Brady's preferred method of food is something that can be eaten quickly and can sustain somebody for most of the day, such as rice balls or hearty sandwiches. This translated well into the Armed Services, where meals make an direct impact on a soldier's performance.

Communication: Learned during the first two years of Army training. As being a Army line cook exists only so far as to get the meals ready, the bulk of Brady's capabilities lie in being a flexible member of the General Infantry. He, like most enlistees who have not yet receieved promotions, is expected to have training in all aspects of soldiering so as to fill in any holes in the supply and command chains. Learning how to relay communications is no exception - a necessary skill during survival exercises and wargames where communication is one of the keys to victory.

Fighting : Brady learned how to fight at a very young age. Growing up in many of the poorest districts of Nepleslia where gang fighting and criminal activity is an everyday occurence has contributed to a lot of practical hand-to-hand fighting abilities. When Brady joined the Planetary Forces he took to firearms with natural talent, but has been reprimanded for his unconventional close-quarter combat tactics, commonly known as dirty fighting. Brady is most skilled with brutal unarmed takedown methods and knife fighting, the equivalent of Filipino Escrima knife fighting.

Physical: Because of Brady's "active" lifestyle as a child and lack of excess in food he has always kept very fit, a trait further defined by Army physical conditioning. Brady used to partake in the oft-misunderstood sport of freerunning prior to enlisting in the military, usually aiding him in escaping gang confrontations and otherwise unwanted violent encounters. His strengths lie in his speed and his extreme mobility in urban Nepleslian terrain. Certainly Brady's past history of fighting also contributed to his current physical stature.

Rogue: Being born and raised in the bad parts of urban Nepleslia has taught Brady much in the way of what most people consider to be vagabond skills. Being able to identify gang territory amd distinguish who is really pulling the strings in a seemingly unorganized group is a skill anybody who has lived more than three-quarters of his walking years in the gutter has had to learn. That and other such skills - learning how to avoid being pickpocketed; breaking and entering in order to hide from various authority figures; keeping a knife hidden without accidentally cutting vital arteries; all valuable skills that come in handy in a typically hostile urban setting.

Survival: While not necessarily an expert in the field of wilderness survival, many training exercises have been conducted in environments that are supposed to mirror various combative locations that a member of the Nepleslian Planetary Army may encounter. Brady is also intimately familiar with urban survival, knowing how to scavenge for food and shelter where there otherwise wouldn't be. After all, on Nepleslia, no street nor house is truly safe.

Strategy: As part of Army training, each new recruit is given a shot at leading a squad and orchestrating a plan. While Brady's leadership abilities were something to be questioned, it was clear that his understanding of how to use terrain to a squad's advantage gained him the upper hand in the exercises. Brady has also been commended during training during theoretical debates regarding hostage extraction strategy and pitched defensive battles involving guerilla tactics.
Reactions: Wes
Looking great so far. No issues!
This is a VERY well-written character that I am glad to


Great job.
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