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Yamatai News (YINN) Break News: Belmonts move to acquire, not shocking to many…

YE 46.5

Trouble in the System of Nassau!

We have just received reports that The Belmonts have entered into talks with Oncari Industries CEO Jane Falkland. Many believe this is a direct result from the increased activities of Star Army in the sector. Recent reports show a power struggle is taking place on the world of Morant located in the system of Nassau.

Details are thin as no one from Star Army will confirm or deny any activity is taking place in this sector. No ships from Star Army had been reported seen in this sector. In possible related news, the YSS Koun had recently gone missing. While not reported as missing by Star Army, ship watchers had not had sighting of it as of late. This would not be the first time the YSS Koun had gone missing to only be found days later by the military police. On paper it is listed as one of the premier ships of the fleet, however behind closed doors it is seen as the misfits of the fleet.

Our panel of experts have taken interest into the dynamic between Star Army and The Belmont family. So far no connection has been made between these two groups. Though it is noted not long after Star Army is involved with an event, The Belmonts are not too far behind. Could this be a stealth way Star Army is growing its influence without direct involvement? The panel would not speculate further on this topic.

Check back later for the latest in breaking news.
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