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Nepleslian News Network Breaking News...IPG Defectors Marked For Death

All screens on Nepleslia became simultaneously interrupted and began to play the NNN intro. The same sandy haired Nepleslian man that viewers were used to seeing sat behind the desk with a serious expression as the NNN logo faded.

"Good evening. We're interrupting this broadcast with breaking news on terrorists that have committed treason against the Democratic Imperium of Nepleslia. Former members of the Intelligence and Pacification Group, otherwise known as the IPG, have conspired to defect from the IPG for reasons currently unknown.”

The newscaster looked down at his notes, then back up to the viewer and went on, saying, “The IPG, the Star Military of the Democractic Imperium of Nepleslia, and the government of Nepleslia has just issued several arrest warrants for these traitorous individuals and have placed them on the Most Wanted list."

Looking dead serious and with no air of frivolity, the beefy blonde said, “As their whereabouts are currently unknown any detail will be paramount in aiding their arrest and any information that is found to be useful will carry with it a reward. These individuals are considered to be very armed and dangerous and, thus, are to be killed on sight. If not prepared to do so, citizens are cautioned to not approach them, as well as to report any sightings immediately to your local authority!”

With a look of finality, the newscaster said, “Following this broadcast, their pictures and information will be displayed. Thank you.”