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Yamatai News (YINN) Breaking News: Kuvexians invade Essia!

[A fleet of Kuvexian ships appears on the screen. The words "Breaking News" scrolls across the bottom of the screen.] This just in, you are looking at the live appearance of Kuvexian ships in Essia orbit. Our Essia team lead by Saelyn Varish is working to confirm who the intruders are, that they are indeed Kuvexian. The feed is from a civilian space station. [Smaller dots quickly grow larger, resolving into Kuvexian fighters and corvettes.] They appear to be approaching the station now. Kuvexian fighters in the lead escorting some slightly larger ships. [The feed cuts out abruptly, returning to a concerned but still professional news team.] The feed is gone. Saylyn, what happened to the feed? [There is a highly zoomed in picture of the space station with tiny dots next to it.] Ok, looks like we have our picture back, from a satellite much farther away. [The tiny dots peel away from the station. Then there is a series of explosions as the station explodes.] Looks like their... Oh... Oh No. What an explosion. [The feed cuts to a rather frazzled news team who's biggest concern is no longer the cameras.] Saylyn, the feed is gone again? Saylyn, are you there? No? Nothing? [The lead announcer looks at the camera.] We have lost contact with all of our sources in the Essia System. In a few moments, we will be going to...