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Neshaten Information Network (Breaking News) Shukara Navy increases its alert status

2000 Hours

On every TV in the Kingdom, a large box appears with BREAKING NEWS in bold red letters. The word pulsates several times, accompanied by a short track, before it fades away and shows a My'leke standing in front of a Naval base. In the background, dozens, if not hundreds, of fighters are leaving the base. The reporter looked at the fighters before turning their attention toward the camera, "As of thirty minutra's ago, the Navy is on high alert. While we are still getting information, we now know that an unknown nation has invaded Yamataian space. An emergency council meeting was convened when news of this incursion reached our Kingdom, and it was quickly decided that - for the safety of the Kingdom and it's citizens, that our Navy should raise itself to Alert Status 2. For those who may not know, this means that military patrols are going to be increased, all starfighter squadrons are required to mobilize in a short period of time in event of an incursion."

The My'leke ducked for a moment as a large ship passed overhead, casting a shadow on them for a few minutes before it passed and disappeared into the sky. "Additionally, all militia squads are advised to be on standby."

"As of right now, the Navy asks that civilian ships please keep their eyes out for any foreign ships that do not belong in our space-" the My'leke stopped a moment, their tail wrapping up to their ear and pushing on something that couldn't be seen. "We now have information that the Royal Family is extending Humanatarian Aid to Injured Yamataian Civilian. We now go live to the Palace-"

The pictured faded out, and a few seconds later, came back to show the Throne Room which showed Vas’Sumera Yume'na - the Queen - standing on a raised platform. She was wearing her traditional outfit, not the one that would be used in combat. To her side was the King, who was laying down on the ground, but whose head was up and slowly looking over the audience that had gathered. "Citizens of the Kingdom," Vas'Sumera started. "I understand that what is going on may cause fear and concern, but I want to assure everyone that our actions on the council are not done to make us a threat, but rather is in keeping with our commitment to provide aid to those who need it. In order to accomplish this, I have personally requested that two of our medical ships remain on standby in the event any Yamataian Citizen requires aid."

The Queen, who to anyone that didn't understand Daur physyology, could've looked like a child no more than seven or eight years old, placed her hand on the hilt of her sword. "Unless otherwise requested, we will not provide military aid to Yamatai and will not shelter any military ships, we will turn them away at the border." She stopped, closing her eyes and looking across the room, the camera changed its angle briefly to show a group of Daur, My'leke, and Laibe Kits who were sitting on the floor, but who none the less appeared to be listening attentively. "We must protect our future, and can't afford to make us appear as if we are aiding a nation militarily."

"However, if whomever it is that is attacking Yamatai does come to our borders with hostility in their hearts, then we will defend ourselves," there was an applause from those there, some people didn't applaud but none the less appeared satisfied.
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