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Broadsides Class Battle Cruiser


Inactive Member
1. About the Broadsides
The ship gets its name from the odd positioning of weapons. Large cannons are placed along the sides of the ship instead of the front. While the ship is turning to face an enemy its full firepower can be unleashed upon it. This allows continuous faster than light maneuvering while not having to use FTL strafing runs to attack an enemy.

The Broadside Class Cruiser was designed to help round out the Qelnoran fleets. It provides the firepower of a much larger class ship with additional speed and smaller size although it cuts down on computer systems and armor to accommodate this. The Broadsides class doesn't see much combat and is usually reduced to planetary defense operations, taking the role of a dedicated defender.

The Broadsides has recently undergone modifications to serve in the NSA. Torpedo systems have been switched out with more economical rail guns and the complex orbit weapons have been replaced with simpler more numerous devices mode deticated to the role they were intended to fill. The CDD drive has been removed in favor of a wormhole device and the conventional particle thrust system has been replaced with a more powerful tachyon recoil drive which has become standard on all Qel'noran produced ships. A large amount of automation has also been installed to help the NSA run the ships. The entire craft can be run via remote.

2. History and Background
Originally a Qel'noran starship class designed to help round out their fleet the Broadsides was redesigned and modified in YE 28 to serve the newly formed NSA. Before that the Broadsides had seen little combat, serving in several engagements over Ralfaris. The ship also served in the AI universe however it saw no combat action there.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment
Organizations Using This Vessel:
Type: Battle Cruser
Class: Broadsides
Qel'noran Technologies
Manufacturer: Qel'noran Shipyards

Crew: 1 Captain, 1 First officer, 2 communications officers, 2 pilots, 1 chief engineer 2 gunners 5 supporting engineers. 100 power armor pilots 48 Minion Pilots.
Maximum Capacity: 230 people

Appearance: (See picture) The broadsides has hull tapered down to a point on one end with openings in the back, in between its two ‘tails', to use for shuttle bays. Suspended on two sweeping supports coming in from the sides is a large turret that holds the legacy cannons, one is on top and a duplicate on bottom. Six semicircles are supported on the sides of the front of the ship which house the links for the Minions.

Length: 1,064.14 meters overall.
Height: 354.63 meters overall.
Width: 354.46 (145.52 for the main body) meters overall.
Decks: 20

4. Performance StatisticsSpeed (STL): .85c
Speed (FTL): 250,000c
Speed (Aerial): Mach 2
Speed (Water): Mach 2

Range (Support): 20 years of power and food
Lifespan: 8 years
Refit Cycle: Upgrades are planned yearly as NSA tech improves.

5. Inside the Broadsides
Bridge: The Broadside's bridge is built like an amphitheater. The room is built inside of a 90 degree wedge with one side sloping down with many seats and two stair cases on either end. The other side closest to the origin of the arc has a large holographic projector. Each chair on the sloped side is built with comfort in mind and is surrounded on every side by moveable view screens which are suspended by a series of tentacle like arms protruding from the floor. At the highest end of the sloping amphitheater is a bridge that extends to the center of the room with a floating island. This is where the captain's chair is located. All crewmembers in the bridge can instantly interface with the computer as soon as they enter. The floor is carpeted in a mat gray soft material that can change color depending on the captain's taste.

Creature Comforts: The interior of the broadsides leaves lots of room for a functioning society inside of this warship. Large areas are given over to small living clusters. Each has a open area in the center and a apartment building like grouping of structures surrounding it. While some of the clusters are arranged like this others are given over to small parks and pool area's, creating the illusion of a small biosphere inside of the ship. The ceiling of the living area is built with a high resolution screen that displays a illusionary sky. The crew quarters are more spacious than the apartment like structures would make them seem. Although the buildings are actually quite small each room takes up an entire floor giving room for such added comforts as a personal bathroom with bath and shower, kitchen, living room, and single bedroom. These rooms are hooked into the main computer system and through the user's mind machine interface can be altered to change in shape, size, and layout.

Gym: To promote good health for the crewmemembers the Broadsides class is equipped with a spacious gym that takes up four levels of the starship. An exterior area around the gym is given over to a greenhouse which extends five feet out from the glass walls of the structure. This is tended by the computer although access points do exist for personnel to aid the machine. The top floor is given over to a work out room with various types of equipment. A staircase in the corner of the room moves down into a large open area with a track drawn on the floor. The staircase continues down to a pool with a raised roof that houses a small sized diving board.

Far from the busy markets one would find on a planet the market onboard the Broadsides consists of a room full of rows upon rows of vending machines that supply everything from booze to bats. The ship manages these machines and even can carry out customer relations work such as returns and the like at a specialized vending machine.

Medical Bay: The medical facilities of the Broadsides have been beefed up for use by the NSA. Conventional automated surgery robots have been installed as well as several more operating tables each enclosed in their own cubical. The ship is programmed to automatically perform an examination of anyone placed on one of the lightly padded white beds then provide a list of injuries and treatment options. The ship also has its own genetic engineering lab to produce anti-bodies and anti-toxins. For heavy injuries the ship is equipped with 27 nanomachine vats to regenerate the bodies of even the most injured personnel as well as create entirely new bodies. The process of building a body takes nearly six hours and healing injuries requires less time.

Launch Bay: The rear end of the ship has long sense had its particle thrust drives removed making room for a much larger launch bay. Normally a mouth like shutter that closes in from the top and bottom is used to seal this area off from outer space although it can be opened to allow larger ships to dock. A secondary shield system also protects this area from decompression. Power armor launch is facilitated by twenty quick launch catapults that use magnetic forces to throw power armors out of the back of the craft through an armored tunnel. Several platforms airlocks that lower into the ship's hull are used for power armor retrieval during combat.

Virtual Bridge: Any crewmember can interface directly with the ship's computer with a wireless mind machine interface anywhere on the ship. The ship networks all personnel using this outside of the bridge into a voice only chartroom for communication while the ship responds to their commands. In the event the bridge is unusable the ship can be run entirely in this manner.

6. Ship Systems
Armor: The Broadsides class starship uses a reactive armor system as its primary protection. The external armor releases a packet of compressed space when hit to knock incoming fire away from the ship by increasing the total distance between the ship and the projectile and the starship‘s hull. Underneath that is a layer of Yang Mills Alteration cloth that protects the ship against energy and piercing weapons which covers a layer of smart metals that harden as heat and pressure are applied. This acts as a shock absorber for the ship and reduces the damage taken from weapons that rely on applying kinetic force to a target. This armor is placed over a layer of shield generating coils which are used to produce the conformal kinetic energy barrier used by the starship.

Air Purification: Placed around the ship are strips of nanomachines that refine the air of the ship, pulling C02 and other harmful things from the air leaving only oxygen. This system can run indefinitely as long as power is supplied. These strips are usually on the ceiling and are a dark blue color.

Anti-matter Refinement: Because of the vast amount of anti-matter used on the ship the Broadsides is capable of synthesizing its own anti-matter, the byproduct being extra matter. Refinement processes are capable of turning this into additional shells. At full power an additional 5 rounds per minute of rail gun shells and 3 rounds per minute of Rail Cannon ammo can be created. The byproduct, matter, of the anti-matter creation process is fed into a nanomachine vat to be processed. The processed matter is used to make replacement parts and artificial food to supplement the crew's natural food supply. Advancements in nanomachine technology make the artificial food virtually indistinguishable from the real thing and as long as power is supplied to the anti-matter refinement systems the crew could survive on the artificial food alone.

Command Computer: The central computer of the ship is a fast gluon based processing system added by use of time dilation rifts. It uses a special quark/gluon plasma memory system that has many times the memory storage of conventional computers. The ship has minimal AI which can only follow orders and only generate the simplest of commands for itself such as targeting and firing at ships that have been deemed a threat as well as managing the internal systems.
The computer system interfaces with the crew on the bridge though a physical I/O system that involves a keyboard and a touch screen interface as well as an ultrasonic mind interface system that projects and collects information non-invasively from the brain of the captain allowing him to guide the ship with a thought. This system has all of the same functions of the Type 9 interface as well. The communication and command systems of the ship are run independently of each other so invasive computer warfare is not an issue for the Broadsides however the ship's objectives must be manual input by the captain, downloaded data must also be approved for use by the captain as well.

Communication System: In addition to Laser, Radio, and Subspace the ship can also use direct wormhole communication with its home base and other starships giving it virtually untapable communications over any distance.

Power Systems: The Broadsides requires a lot of power to use its orbiting turrets and legacy cannons, as such a large area of the ship is given over to power systems. Long rows of Zero point energy generators are placed on each side of the main antimatter reactor (which provides some power and the majority of the sub light propulsion) which is stored in the center of the ship. There are a total of 40 ZPE generators on the ship and 55 plasma rectors which are used exclusively for the orbit weapons.

Sensor Systems: The broadsides is equipped with a series of different sensor systems to help detect targets.
-Omni directional EM radiation imaging scanner.
-Quark virtual imaging sensors
-High-energy proton spectrometer
-gravimetric distortion mapper.
-Psionic sensors pallet
-Passive/Active magnetic interferometry scanner
-Subspace sensor pallet

Repulse Field: The main shield generator is a powerful repulsing field that pushes physical objects away from the ship with negative gravity at a rate of 400mps or a rate of nearly 41 times normal gravity. This reduces the effect of kinetic energy against the hull of the ship. While not powerful enough to completely deflect rail gun shots and other near light speed attacks it is more than enough to ensure that the hull does not impact debris during flight. A modified form of this field is installed to provide artificial gravity throughout the ship.

Kinetic Energy Barrier: The second shield system is a standard kinetic energy barrier projected by coils under the skin of the ship. This field is flooded with high energy particles that have a dual effect of providing a hard surface to stop incoming projectiles as well as destroying them with heat energy. Because of the location of the shield generators the field can be set to generate flush with the hull of the ship reducing the over all amount of power needed to run the field and lowering the total surface area of the field to increase its strength.

Radiation Nullification Field: The Third shield system deals with radiation and other harmful forces, keeping them out of the ship and allowing the crew to work safely in even the most harmful of natural space environments. This field is projected in a bubble around the ship and can be used to screen other craft as well.

Orbit Control Field: The fourth shield system projects a field which can be followed and used by the orbit weapons and turrets. This same field is in place on most Qel'noran shipyard craft and allows them to use the powerful orbit ring turrets.

Subspace Decay Field: The fifth deals with subspace weaponry, causing a rapid decay of subspace fields as they approach, forcing weapons that destroy subspace to loose their power and weapons that are encapsulated in subspace to loose their capabilities This field can also be expanded to disrupt the FTL abilities of other starships within a one AU radius of the starship. This field is precisely controlled by the ship's computer so as not to interfere with its own actions by modulation where the field is projected and when it is activated.

Anti-Aether field: By using special space distortion effects the Anti-Aether field is able to project an Aether exclusion effect that vastly increases the energy required to tap into Aether or Hyperspace or alternate universes. By impeding these types of movements the ship can render Aether power sources and weapons less effective by reducing their total output.

Anti-psion field: The final shield system is projected in the interior of the ship, deadening projected Alpha and Delta waves to protect the crew against psionic warfare attacks.

Tachyon Recoil Drive:
Standard on all ships produced by the Qel'noran Shipyards is the Tachyon Recoil Drive. This system generates a flow of Tachyons and then creates special force fields for the particles to interact with. The Tachyons are directed out of the front of the craft, harmlessly passing through its hull, to achieve thrust. Because of the speeds involved with Tachyons only a handful are needed to propel the entire ship reducing the ship's thrust emissions.

Wormhole Drive: A wormhole generation system has been installed on the front of the Broadsides for faster than light operations. While not able to function in real space while the wormhole drive is activated it is common practice to use short random distance jumps to mimic the FTL strafing runs used by other space faring craft. The generator uses force fields and exotic matter to create the wormhole, limiting the ship to generating one wormhole at a time to move the entire ship.


Orbit weapons (500): The Broadsides carries many orbit weapon pods. These small spheres each carry their own built in power generator and use the ships own force fields to orbit around. While lightly armed each pod is small and fast allowing it to quickly bring its firepower to where it is needed on the ship. The power source is a plasma generator that operates with the aid of anti-matter supplied by the ship. By careful control over the pores in the surface of the sphere's structure it can project a plasma beam in any direction virtually instantaneously.
Location: External
Primary Purpose: Anti-fighter
Secondary Purpose: Anti-missile
Damage: Light
Range: 10,000 miles.
Payload: four minutes of continuous fire.
Rate of Fire: Constant energy stream

Rail gun (160):
Arranged in along a the center of the sides of the ship and emplaced all the way around the curved front of the ship, these rail guns make up the basic weapons for the Broadsides. Rounds are stored inside of the barrel and have a variable rate of fire controlled by precise magnetic fields. Reloading the weapon is a simple process. A panel is slid aside on the interior of the craft while a fresh clip of ten shells are slid inside of the weapon. This allows the Broadsides to maintain a much more consistent rate of fire. Distortion fields built in place around the edges of the craft help guide the shots to their target. These fields allow the ship to focus up to 50% of its total rail cannon shots to either side in a 90 degree arc or all of the shots at a target ahead of the ship. 40% of the weapons can be directed to fire backwards. The typical round is a one ton shell of compressed anti-matter.
Location: Horizontal plane along the center of the ship
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Space Station
Damage: Heavy
Range: Virtually Unlimited
Rate of Fire: Variable rate of fire
Payload: 10 rounds per clip.

Heavy Rail Cannons (32): Arranged in along a the center of the sides of the ship and emplaced all the way around the curved front of the ship, these Heavy Rail Cannons are much larger than the rail guns on the Broadsides. Each is several times larger and fires much bigger rounds each with their own guidance system and distortion shield. Rounds are stored inside of the barrel and have a variable rate of fire controlled by precise magnetic fields. Reloading the weapon is a simple process, a panel is slid aside while a fresh clip of ten rounds are slid inside of the weapon. This allows the Broadsides to maintain a much more consistent rate of fire while in combat with the sacrifice of fire arcs. Each rail cannon is equipped with a linear wormhole generator that allows it to project its round at faster than light speeds to its target. The typical shell is a 10 ton round of compressed anti-matter with a subspace field suppressor system which runs off an anti-matter reactor using the shell as its fuel. This field increases the amount of energy needed to achieve space bending effects in the area and when activated before hitting a starship can impair or completely disable any subspace distortion fields and FTL effects.
Location: Horizontal plane along the center of the ship
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Space Station
Damage: Extreme
Range: Virtually Unlimited
Rate of Fire: Variable rate of fire
Payload: 5 rounds per clip.

Heavy Missile Launcher (2): Dual heavy missile launchers are fitted on the front of the ship, Each capable of firing any caliber of missile from smaller packs of anti-infantry missiles to the more powerful ender class anti-starship missiles.
Location: Front of ship
Primary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Secondary Purpose: Long Range Fire Support
Damage: Varies on type of missile used
Range: Varies on type of missile used
Rate of Fire: 4RPM
Payload: Varies on type of missile used

Legacy Battery (2): The Legacy Cannon works by ripping space or creating intense gravitational forces. In the top and bottom turret mounts of the Broadsides, 10 legacy cannons are located (5 each). Although the Legacy Cannon has seen massive failures in its design in the Jaaq'tah conflicts, it does show promise in the upcoming fights against the SMX
Location: Primary Turrets
Primary Purpose: Anti-planet
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Starship
Damage: Extreme
Range: Minimum 20miles, maximum 20,000
Rate of Fire: once per 30 seconds
Payload: Virtually unlimited so long as the ship provides power.

7. Vehicle Compliment
Integrated Strike Force: The Broadsides carries with it 24 Minion class attack corvettes. They are stored in 6 semicircles (3 on each side, just behind the front of the ship) with four connection ports each while not in battle.

The Broadsides also can carry 110 power armors although it is designed to only use 100 in combat with an additional 10 as backup units.
Would I suggest the name for prototype ship be called the "Dauntless?"

Since that's technaclly the most famous broad sider in movies.
Approved. I'll add it to the site shortly.
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