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Approved Submission Bulk Templates Update

Charmaylarg Dufrain

🎖️ Game Master
Nobody asked, and it was a spur-of-the-moment thing after a discord conversation about the redundancy of some of the outdated template items and nobody updating them in a while. Some minor/major proposed updates for the various templates to remove redundancy and make the creation process a small bit easier.

Some pages I would have liked to remove that are redundant like the personal enemy, enemy vehicle, large-scale weapon, event, media, faction usage, etc. But the template page is locked and uses the nspages struct and not an actual list for that.

All of these pages are intended to replace/update the currently existing templates.

(Except the character sheet)

If/when approved ill change the namespaces to replace the old templates since the templates page cant be edited by normal members.

For a basic list of changes:

Changed the name of business template to Corporation template.

Renamed Personal PA template to Personal Mindy Loadout Template (its not personal PA, we already have a PA template, its SA specific and for the longest time I thought it was a general PA form for a simple PC powered armor without checking and then found out the title is misleading)

Added some basic "⚠️" signs on the basic portions of explanatory text and reworded them to have more concise information or be more faction-neutral in their descriptions. This is so it is easy to distinguish them when previewing your work and to make it easier to delete them before submission instead of losing it in walls of text or missing them and needing to delete them later on cleanup.

Removed some redundant parts of templates and condensed other parts. About/History 99% of the time are the same thing so I condensed them in the 'about' section and mended to include history.

Put redundant things to be optional like firing mechanisms, etc. (Every weapon has safety and nobody describes in detail how to insert a magazine.). These things add unnecessary bloat and are only flavor text so are now listed as OPTIONAL.

Removed redundant things like the weapon template having two different sections for ammo. And condensed others into the same header such as customization attachments, Other as a general term for extra sub-sections, etc.

Added the Nomenclature information right before the 'About' Section as a quick-reference/TL:DR for most applicable templates.

Added a cheat-sheet where applicable under the nomenclature portion to describe what to fill out in each portion to reduce the occasional need to open a new tab for reference.

Added the 'Page is WIP' section to the top of the page instead of the bottom and added a reminder at the top to place new pages in the wip: namespace.

Added to the damage portions to leave blank if unsure for reviewers to propose/fill out if a submitter is unsure what to make it (DRv3 can be confusing to some and others are very militant about it)
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
I am not willing to lose the basics that every article starts with a history section. It is where we keep track of IC changes. The current "ideal" template is:
  • Title/Overview
    • History
    • Description
    • Usage
    • (Fluff stuff like galleries)
    • OOC Notes
The "About" sections of outdated templates should go into Description. Anything with development or dates or notable events in RP (e.g "Six Izanagis were lost at Glimmergold") goes in history and doesn't belong in about so these sections cannot be merged IMO.

Usage is for any item the players can use, telling them how to do that. For example getting in power armor, how to reload a weapon, or how to clean a jacket. For military items it might include regulations (when to wear hats indoors etc).

If you can align these to the core template above we can proceed.
Before I do a bunch of changes:

Right now the about/history are combined into the same under the About segment. Would simply replacing the About section to be renamed back to History be appropriate and fulfill that request and then adding a subheader under it about Notable History?

This way you still get the description, the history of the X, and a subheader for actual pre-creation history without bloating the history section of the article and also not re-adding another redundant About section

Kind of like:

===== About History =====
Here are several paragraphs detailing the creation of the X including the reason for creating it and applicable history like the creators, year, faction, etc.

==== Notable History ====
Include here any events, interactions, or relevant encounters of this X here that have occurred since its introduction into RP. Include either a list for unimportant events and separate sub-headers for notable events or encounters that require expounding:

Several X performed actions at the Y event of YE:Z
X-character used this to kill Y at the summit of Z

=== X battle over Y ===
And then a bunch of information here about actual important events that happened in RP like exposition and links to any relevant event/calendar pages.

This way you get all that information requested and, like the reason for doing all of this, dont have three times the same exact history in three different parts of the article but worded slightly differently each time. (Header, history, about)

And am I also to infer that you would like the Usage section added as well to applicable templates like weapons, etc Or did I misread that as just an example?
This way you get all that information requested and, like the reason for doing all of this, dont have three times the same exact history in three different parts of the article but worded slightly differently each time. (Header, history, about)
I understand this confusion because I used to have it too, but the header/intro, history, and about/usage sections are all conceptually distinct in a well-written article. The intro is a general overview that should never delve into too much history nor usage, and be limited to summarizing a few core ideas to inform the reader and draw their interest quickly. History details elements that happen on the timeline and heavily references IC dates and IC events that happen in roleplay. And usage goes into the mechanics and procedures of how characters interact with the article’s details IC but not any history.

Once you separate those concepts in your mind it becomes really clear how Wes’ template requirements work. Whenever I’m struggling to write an article where each section seems same-y, I’ll just take a step back and really think about what each heading category really means and then revise or move around words to their appropriate spots.

I didn’t like the history requirement being up top in the past either. But if you learn how to use it alongside other sections (mostly by reading other articles as examples) then it really becomes obvious why Wes wants it like this as to showcase actual RP on the wiki more than anything else.
What I want it to look like is:

====== Title =====
Brief overview like: The Ke-M2-4A "Mindy" suit is a highly mobile power armor used by the Star Army of Yamatai. It is commonly called the Mindy 4.

===== History =====
The Mindy 4 was developed by attractive catgirls in YE 69. Nice. It was based on the earlier Mindy 2. (development and background history)

In YE 43, the Mindy mopped the floor with Kuvexian blood at the Battle of Glimmergold. (example of in-RP history).

===== Description =====
The Mindy 4 consists of a hemosynthetic inner liner and Zesuaium armor made of win and god. It carries an onboard aether generator, which means never having to stop for gas. It also carries a teleporter, which means omae wa mou shinderu.

(Anything stat like or about what the thing is goes here. This is the only "About" section.)

===== Usage =====
The Mindy is used by the Star Army for boarding ships.

==== Getting In and Out ====
To suit up, first hold up your gemstone topped personal massage device and shout the name of your armor. When you are completely surrounded by rainbows and pastel colors your clothing will fade out and pieces of the armor will theatrically assemble on your glowing silhouette. You are required to strike a pose when complete.

===== OOC Notes =====
[[user:Wes]] wrote this article because he watched too much anime as a teen. Deal with it.
Considering each template has different information requirements ive done what I can. Things like Faction or Rank dont need usage, Corporations dont even need a description, etc. etc. etc.

With that in mind i've done the following:

Changed all the 'About' sections back to History

Added a backlink to the templates page on each template.

Added Description with brackets where applicable for all the stat stuff like damage, speed, weight, etc.
(I can get rid of the header if you want but I want to leave the Nomenclature stuff at the top.)

None of the templates other than the Clothing template actually have a Usage section to differ meaning from, and the example you gave falls into what would be in the Description section. I added it to a couple of them where relevant but most of the templates obviously aren't things that have usage or require such information and are things like faction, weapon, ranks, etc. If you can give me a better example than what is on the clothing template and what you would find in the description other than A Mindy is used to board ships, then I can take a crack at it. But even on the PA template that information would be elsewhere in the already existing parts that fit it better.

Please also keep in mind if I missed something that im trying to edit like 15 different pages here. Some stuff gets lost or turned around along the way. Its like running in and out of fifteen almost identical rooms one after the other and then back again.
Any interest/appetite for something like the right panel in the wiki? I think Wes doesn't like some of the wrap plugins that would be used to make it, but thought I'd ask while templates are getting updated!

We used to have the wrap plugins iirc. I think they were done away for, in my opinion, a pretty poor reason being to make the articles better to read on mobile. I could be wrong tho.

I remember cause some of my old articles had/still have them.
I thought they looked good, and the nomenclature at the top of the templates I did now would look even better with them imo.
@Wes I've kinda lost my drive for this. I hate doing a lot of little edits on nearly-identical pages and it was, at most, a side project to streamline a bit and not intended to be anything more.

Knowing what you know now about what you want for the templates it might go smoother if anyone else ever tries to work on them again but my disdain for wiki-work is still really pretty prevalent on everything but the few articles im making for fun. So I would rather focus on those that I have the drive and motivation for instead of trying to streamline the paperwork part or try to give much more attention to this and request you put this on hold/abandoned/rejected/etc.
Okay, do you mind if I polish them up and use them where appropriate?
Are we utilizing any of these? I'm about to make a new vehicle article and just want to keep current, and I can test the appropriate one of these with that article if people want.
  • Ammo: merged into live template ✅
  • Corp: I hate this one lol, it's table hell
  • Clothing Item: merged into live template ✅
Anymore work done on these?