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[Bulletin] Build Your Own Ship


Banned Member
Inactive Member
Good morning, afternoon or evening!

We at IIS are excited to be announcing a new service we are releasing - Build Your Own Ship!

For the longest time, having your own custom-built craft took months of paperwork and tedious design to accomplish, talking to a array of companies to procure each part individually and then finding a way to put them together without it blowing up in your face.

Now, IIS have taken all the parts for our vehicles, systems and ships, seperated them out and standardised them, meaning that they can be reconfigured in any way you desire to produce your own perfect ship! A huge variety of bases are available - from fighters to corvettes to carriers to cruisers!

The catalogue is very comprehensive and offers a huge array of choices. You can even put modules designed for one class of ship into another with ease!

Additionally, you may bring your own parts or chassis in for fitting and customisation without any delay, if you have a lovely old banger you want to tune up!

We are also offering to extend our service wherever possible by allowing third-party companies to sign on with their own parts and chassis - further increasing your customisation options! (If you wish to see your parts featured, please contact IIS Acquisitions or reply to this bulletin.)

All the best and happy sailing!
Iemochi Innovations and Sales
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