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Inactive Member

There are a few things (like pictures of rooms and a few weapon ideas) I think I am going to hold off on till later. Perhaps a C1-B with a few beefed up features once I see how the C1 works in RP.

Change Log:
Change all DD5 listings to C1 - Done
Change speed to 150,000c - Done
discribe how and where weapons/powerarmors/ect are stored. - done
elaborate more on crew areas. (Pictures of rooms would be nice) – not done
Give Drei and Bio.-done
Make Midsection the weakpoint. Set to DR4 and mention something about 'hull stress' - Done
Add more discription to 'Automanufactory Module' - done
reduce agressive armor range to 100 km. – done
update falloverdamage system – done (removed)
Change Big gun – removed
Change Missiles - done
Add point defense gun of somesort - not done
Add pictures to rooms – not done
Remove Protein Fabrication System – done

Disperser weapon added
Missiles split into anti-fighter and anti-ship listings.
Er, shouldn't you change the page URL?
Well, I'm not sure how to do that on the Wiki without deleting the page and making a new one. Sense I'm not sure that this is going to be the final name for the ship I was going to hold off on renaming the page until it had been approved.

But I'll rename it asap.
First, let me say that this is an EXCELLENT submission and I was pleased to read it. I love the interior detail, especially, but OVERALL the detail and good writing of this ship makes it the best Nepleslian design ever posted on Star Army. Great job! It's VIP quality and certainly offers stiff competition to the Plumeria in both IC and OOC aspects.

What really surprised me, too, is that the systems are fine in my eyes. Zack (Uso) has long irked me with overpowered submissions and this one isn't at all. It's perfect for Nepleslia's now-increased tech level (although I did have to consider the speeds for a moment as they don't match the speed standards).

I do, however, have one change:

1. Torpedoes try to abuse the DR system by using a "Dual charge." I won't allow that. They should blow up only once since they're so high-powered.

Submission Approved.
Rant about the DR system aside, the anti-ship torpedo is now listed as DR 8 but is still considered a tandem-charge weapon. 8 now simply reflects the total damage done by the weapon when both charges go off instead of the power of each individual charge.
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