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Approved Submission C5B


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Science Ship
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=wazu:c5b

Faction: Uso's Star Organization
FM Approved Yet? Yes
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? (Yes/No)
Contains New art? (Yes/No)
Previously Submitted? (Yes/No; explain reason if rejected)

Notes: The intention is to use a bunch of these to build a telescope array, similar to the Square Kilometer Array. There will eventually be a page for the whole array, and it will be something that can be used as a location or backdrop for space-stuff for the 188604 players.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
Does USO have an actual shipyard to make this ship in?

Does this mean Wazu is sending designs to USO/Uso?
The White Lament fabricated the original C5s I believe. Me and Zack have also been talking about putting a Viridian Array station in orbit, through that part has not actually happened in character yet.
USO set up its own shipyards on 188604, using the fabrication bay taken out of the Pumpkin Eater (A heavy freighter they purchased), the Junker drones from Vier, and the Vekimen's mining. The drones themselves are being assembled on the starport that the I'ee put together (really just a big slab of concrete). It isn't the most cutting edge of shipyards but it is good enough for building C5s.

Wazu was originally ignoring Uso's latest scheme until the I'ee showed up. Uso laid out that she was going to try and save the I'ee with or without him, and that without him the I'ee would probably get wiped out. She even got Sammy to give a heartfelt 'please help us.' Wazu ended up sending Vier to go help out so he can at least have some kind of control over what Uso uses his stuff for. This means USO has access to pretty much everything he's done up to now, so long as Vier lets them use it.


TL; DR: Yes and Yes.
The pruning of orphans killed my article, I restored it since I'm still trying to get it approved!
I've been popping about on the forums for a little while and I have a question about this.

Was the C5 that this is a variant of, approved itself? Because if that isn't, how can this one be?
I've went ahead and checked - it's been approved. The link to its predecessor is puny and easy to miss though.
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