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Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? Laser container was previously submitted, pretty much just resubmitted as-is since this is how the container is supposed to be used: as part of a weapon submission.
The planet-cracking opreation has been mentioned a few times in RP, but it hasn't been put on the wiki yet.
โMineโ more relates to its intended use rather than it being an actual explosive device. The mine has its own engines, sensors, communication gear, etc. It also is intended to be a kinda early warning drone or speed bump drone that a ship can leave behind to watch a location.
It would be similar to how other ships have shuttles/fighters/etc included onboard.
Zack has made all of the edits I've asked such as scaling down the amount of weapons and being more up-front about the boxmines. Anything else from people that needs changing before I approve?
I only have one request, and it's fairly minor. Just in order to make sure that no one misses the fact that only 8 turrets can be active at once, could you add something like "8x active maximum" next to this section here?
It should say 8. It's not a matter of having 12 and saying in text that only 8 can work. I'm sorry, Zack, I mis-interpreted what you said.
It can only carry 8 weapons of the same tier. It can fire all 8 simultaneously, but it cannot carry more than its Tier in weaponry.
Weapons also need to be listed like this:
**Purpose:** [[(wiki link back to this article's Tier heading)|(weapon's purpose, i.e.: Light Anti-Mecha)]]