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Caliber Retcon


Well-Known Member
Previously, I've made a frame for Origin, but the problem is, I got the scaling and proportions wrong for its weapons. The machine pistol is currently 50mm, the assault rifle is 75mm and the shotcun analog of a cannon is 300mm - that's in the Gundam's ballpark. However, the frame is 6 meters tall, or basically Titanfall size. For perspective, that's one Daisy standing on top of another Daisy's head, with a third standing on top of hers. My plan is to completely retcon the guns and just rewrite the articles and mark down in the notes that the retcon happened, bringing the machine pistol to 25mm, the assault rifle to 35-40mm, and the 'shotgun' to 75mm. The current, inaccurate size is more or less a mistake on my part, and getting the numbers wrong. I bring this up for discussion since I know that retcons have always been a hot topic issue here.

The thing is, I honestly do not believe retcons are inherently bad - just poorly pulled off in many instances. Here though, it would do good and not harm RP at all, since it makes the setting more consistent and believable. That's why I'm asking if this idea is ok before quickly doing an edit.
This makes sense to me, but aren't the new sizes you suggest also oversized? If we look at real-life pistols, 8-10mm seems to be the norm and rifle cartridges are even smaller at 5.56 mm and 7.62 mm. 25mm is something that a plane or a tank or a ship might be expected to shoot (e.g. it's a vehicle weapon that has to be mounted on something or on a tripod).
Depends on how big is the frame. If it is 2x human sized, the weapons are still rather large-ish though calibre comparisons are not really the best way to estimate weapon sized, for example, a 12 gauge is much fatter than a 5.56 but you don't see a shotgun being much larger than an AR do you? Or a 7.62S vs a 7.63, on paper, it looks like the 7.63 is a bigger weapon when it is really a pistol round.

At 6m, I don't see the problem, even the 75mm AR is analogous to a main gun from an old scout tank, which are about only 3m long. So in comparison, you have an AR which is about half the size of your "man", which is pretty reasonable.
It's the M3 Gekido/Fury - a 7 meter class unit. Both the 25mm and 35-40mm would be types of heavy autocannon; the former being a higher velocity, faster firing version of the pre-existing 25mm that we have, while the latter would be a new heavy autocannon used as an assault rifle. Looking at the scale more closely however, a 125mm cannon is more suitable for use in the role of a shotgun, so I'll go with that. To give perspective on the scale of it all, the Ogre from Titanfall is 6 meters or so. With a cannon bore of 125mm, it can put its finger in, just as we would be able to with a shotgun.

If there's no objection, I'll go ahead with this if that's alright.
No objections from me then.
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