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Can characters commit suicide?

Doshii Jun

Perpetual player
Retired Staff
In relation to a suggestion I made with Toshiro's Yarvex Panties, I said it'd be easier for a Nekovalkyrja soldier, facing the possibility of rape and death at the hands of a Mishhuvurthyar, to commit suicide.

His response: "Also, isn't suicide of a character forbidden in the setting OOCly?"

I've had a character commit suicide before, and no one stopped me. But if I wasn't supposed to, I didn't know and had never encountered a rule about it.

Is it a banned thing? If so, why?
If it makes sense, I don't see why there'd be any problem.

There's no rule about it. I checked, just to make sure.
If you want to off your character, though, it should be discussed with the GM beforehand if possible.
I think characters should have the option to not be revived. I don't like the idea of some non-authorized personnel going into and erasing their ST back-up in order to really make a suicide on a functioning ship work. Or is the act of offing oneself during active military service enough to make a ship's captain not want to revive a crew member even if there is a viable ST back-up?
Well I imagine a character can leave a "last will and testament" to include a clause stating they wish not to be revived. If they are still needed after death, remake the body but don't infuse the soul into it and just let it be an automaton and property of the military indefinately.
Or just revive them with a back up, if possible, before the note. Be all clever about it to make them change their mind and stuff.

Course this isn't to useful for the actual case at hand, so meh.
When it comes to reviving an individual who has committed suicide and also has an ST backup I suggest that the following question must be asked:

Where they mentally ill? If they were clinically depressed or suffering from any variety of mental condition (such as PTSD) then the action can not be considered to be truly their own - at which point the individual should be resurrected.

However if it was the result of a completely sane line of thinking then there wishes should be resurrected.

I suppose what you should really do is bring them back, ask them if it's what they wanted and if they make sense shoot them again :)
Can a neko go mentally ill though? Depressions are known commonly to be lack of certain chemicals in the brain, seratonin being one of them. How could a neko brain run out of any elements it needs to function properly?
Seems to happen on a semi-regular basis. I certainly know that some of them can go into very deep depression and existential crisis' - largely the result of Sekiko bringing a darker aspect to characters. If you need an existential crisis then Sekiko's characters are the way to go - one or two might have even tried to commit suicide. I'm not certain on that particular point however.

If you stop a Neko's brain from experiencing depression or other 'dangerous' emotions you will be severely limiting their range as a character - in any case not all mental problems are caused by chemicals. It is the very thing that allows people to be individuals - different learning experiences and the such - that allow mental illnesses to develop. If Neko lack that I doubt their characters would be able to be particularly interesting or distinct.


Nekovalkyrja are mainly a manufactured species, and no manufacturing process can be considered flawless. There would always be that 0.0(bunch of zeros here)01% chance of producing a defect.

And some commanders would consider a suicidal solder an asset. :p
Default SA Commander: "Suicidal eh? Alright take this ... present ... and enjoy yourself over there. Yep, next to that big ship thing. Stop whining, it's only an Ayame's aether generator. Wimp."
The old CC guide said it was fairly common for combat neko who'd survived a bit to develop things like mild parinoia, slight depression, or certain like for killing things. Which, if all you've known is constant war, is pretty reasonable.