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Can I temporarily/permanently replace my character?


Inactive Member
I was wondering about this, as I currently have the max number of PCs allowed, and while there are many newer plots that interest me, Elysia seems to have died during the forum transfer. So could I at best temporarily ignore my Elysian character, at worst totally kill him in order to make a new character? I don't want to, but I will if it is the only way.
I'll allow that. With Thomas at Oxford and Seki doing music lessons, no one's got time for Elysia.

Go ahead if you want to use your second slot. Consider your Elysian on ice.
I have no issues with this either; unless by some chance you have the..."drive" to be willing to take GMship of Elysia. :twisted:
IF there is an interest shown, yes, I would be willing to be the GM for Elysia. However, thank you for the advice, and I will go about creating my next character.
She's currently with the ECN and awaiting assignment. Wes has said he doesn't have any issue with her possibly transferring to another, more active ship. I'm willing to make small changes to her bio to make it more feasible.