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Can Yamataian/Nekovalkyrja Anti-Gravity glitch out?


The Ultimate Badass
🎖️ Game Master
Inactive Member
Something that came up when I was watching lots of videos of Skate 3 and laughing at them, then thinking about Yamataian skate parks being similar, then other ideas came to mind when I was reminiscing about Jackass and GMOD.

Is it possible for someone's Gravity manipulation abilities to fire off involuntarily and unpredictably if impaired, under the influence of certain drugs, scared or concussed? And if so, how intense can it get?

More importantly, what would it look like on video? Someone getting wallopped over the head and cartwheeling into the ceiling as a defence mechanism? Someone drinking something that pins them to the floor and they're forced to slither everywhere? Being scared so badly you suddenly go weightless and flail around helplessly in space until the gravity kicks back in?

Or even deciding to end yourself by focussing gravity into yourself and crushing your bones and squishing your organs into jelly in your own field of gravity?

The last bit I would say no, even for a suicidal person that seems a bit over the top. Then again im more for quick and painless soooo eh.

Otherwise, I would say that they would behave more like an NPC in a game glitching out and just randomly failing or floating away... maybe phasing with a ceiling or wall or something else. I would also say that drugs and or other influence (booze) would effect this much like a person who loses control of their bladder when they drink to much.
If you startled a neko, perhaps (maybe some sort of flight response?). But in general they're pretty reliable I'd think.
I know they're strong enough to hover and move about, but I don't think it's strong enough to implode them.

But on to the more important matter; I don't think Luca literally meant glitching out as in object clipping. Instead, for the ability to go haywire or out of control. For the sake of story, plot and lulz, it should be totally possible for something to cause their anti-grav to go haywire. For them to be immune to such would be an absence of fun. It's like the idea of drunk Neko - even though they're not supposed to be capable of such, players and GMs have gotten around it in the past through some IC maneuvering simply because it's funny and enjoyable.
Makes sense. If anything, flight should take up a lot more energy than just running - the person is exerting enough whatever to lift themselves into the air against gravity, let alone make themselves move quickly. However, with permitted intoxication, it's more a matter of losing control than not having the strength.

This should be pretty funny.
It would take something like a mind-altering substance. The Neko OS has proven reliable when it comes to actions undertaken by a clearheaded Nekovalkryja. When they're running low on energy, I've always played it like an LED flashlight -- the power gets weaker and weaker until it no longer can work. But another (or even the same!) Neko could use the power at full tilt until they suddenly drop from the sky like a stone.

How the ability can work is fluid, but its reliability is not.
I'd think it might work almost exactly like walking when drunk. It's not that it does things other than what you tell it to, it's that your coordination of the control might not all be there.
Could the brain be damaged in such a way as it misfires the signals that would normally govern gravity control which would cause it to behave erratically or in an unintended manner?

I'm not certain if there is any precedent with brain damage in humans that has caused muscles to twitch or clench uncontrollably in the aftermath of a brain injury, however it does not seem too far fetched an idea.
Neko don't suffer permanent physical brain damage, but psychological trauma isn't so easily mended.

It is possible that such trauma could affect a Neko's ability to control her antigrav, but it would be deeply weird at best. The justification for it needs to be solid, beyond "rule of cool" or "unique individual among the many" -- a clear line between trauma and effect.
Neko invulnerability is being overhyped. At least according to my own plot... and I try to stick to what I've seen Wes intend by example.

Fire or acid harms nekos just as much as anyone else and those wounds don't regenerate - not with their ability to self-heal. They're better off excising the burnt region (cutting off) to reheal the area from scratch or relying to being dunked into an hemosynth tank.

You can behead a neko and it could still possibly survive by the head being put back (Samurai body nekos were once actually freakishly able to do that themselves somehow) but if the neko brain is harmed it usually results in death of the neko. Headshots/stabbing head with knife/cutting brain in two with swords are actually pretty sure ways of killing a neko once and for all (barring ST backups/respawning).

Nekos parasited or implanted with eggs are usually considered doomed... but that's likely only because body transfer is the simplest/effortless way of circumventing a very troublesome and possibly very harmful physical ailment. Medical proceedures are likely possible. The danger really happens if the parasite/egg infestation is allowed to run its course uncheckecked/unnoticed

Nekos can also be captured by mishhu and be repurposed into breeding; meaning they get raped, get white gunk poured into them, and it changes them enough so that their bodies eventually betrays them and they start to like it, meaning that they're all too willing to have white gunk and eggs continue being poured into them. The white substance seems to be the biological equivalent of terraforming, in which the Mishhu are repurposing the lifeform to cooperatively hold youngs; from the body being better adapted to the task and their nervous systems changed to be receptive to the task and even finding joy/satisfaction in the purpose forced on them (pain of birthing/hurting from being fed on by newly birthed broodlings can be pleasure once reprogrammed that way).

Eventually, the breeders even get merged to the organic chambers of Mishhu structures only to become so much sighing/moaning biological 'appliances', so far gone that you might actually call it dead for all intents and purposes when comparing the end result to the person it was. Nekos are convenient in that, unlike humans, they might survive birthings and the initial feeding frenzy of the youngs (baby misshu don't take the polite way out, they bodily burst out from the abdomen). But once transformed, it's pretty much a one-way street; the neko is too changed, the mind too transformed for the person to feasibly recover back into a functional individual. It's death, just not the sudden, violent kind.
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As important as this highly educational information is - which should really not be forgotten at all - I think we should remain on topic. In regards to the original idea, do we agree that a Neko can become mentally impaired by various means, including willing/permitted intoxication and thereby leading to impairment or loss anti-gravity control? I for one, happily embrace the idea of a Neko wasted by alcohol or stoned on salcra blissfully floating around in the air, unaware of her surroundings.

Or, being a violent drunk in a humorous manner and flying about like something out of Jackass or G-MOD.