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Yamatai News (YINN) Candidates Needed For Imperial Premier

Kyoto, Yamatai--The Senate of Yamatai passed a law that set up the imminent election for the position of Imperial Premier of Yamatai, the key figure who oversees the senate, foreign relations, and most of the government of the Yamatai Star Empire. The position has been vacant since the departure of Ketsurui-Motoyoshi Katsuko last year. The major twist is that after Senator Ketsurui-Shinjuku Hanako submitted it, the law was changed due to feedback from other senators. The change meant it was passed with an added requirement that at least three valid candidates by available for voters to choose from. Previously, due to the dropout of Kinoshita Fusako, Senator Anslen Volontany was set to win by default due to a lack of competition. Now, opposing political parties and groups are scrambling to find eligible and suitable candidates to add at the last minute to satisfy the 3-option requirement. It remains to be seen who will step forward in the next week, but the law says the election must be conducted and completed by the end of YE 45.1.
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