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Approved Submission Capricious Watchmaker Class Starbase


Inactive Member
Submission Type: Starbase / Stellar Pump
Submission URL: https://wiki.stararmy.com/doku.php?id=faction:4th_elysian_celestial_empire:cwstarbase

Faction: 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire
FM Approved Yet? Yes/Me/Now
Faction requires art? Yes

For Reviewers:
Contains Unapproved Sub-Articles? No
Contains New art? Yes
Previously Submitted? No

A generic starbase, no weapons. This is where the 4th Great Elysian Celestial Empire has been keeping its people while they work on building more and greater stuff.

The Stellar Pump is a bit out there, and I like the idea of this empire focusing on building large things to compensate for feeling small. The starbase is built around this idea so if its a bit too out there for SARP then I'd like to talk about either sarpifying it or finding something else to do with those beams in the art.

The next three things I want to make article wise would be an article for the Elysian reactors, one for those warships in the background of the picture, and one for the planet in the background.
This suggestion has been implemented. Votes are no longer accepted.
My biggest issue is the date it supposedly entered production. We are in YE 39. You are trying to have this been in production for 3 years. The article is also a bit sparse. What systems does it have? Power, Control, Sensors, and are their bays for ships to land? If so how many.
It is supposed to be a generic NPC starbase for my elysians and the 'having been in production for three years' fits the 'elyisans went out into deep space to hide from everyone for a while' history for the NPC group.

As for power, control, sensors... is it really necessary that a line be included that generic everything is included? The aether reactor is a hugely different design than seen before on SARP sure but as far as the starbase goes its just a generic aether reactor. I think just saying that it has a reactor is enough for now and then when the more fleshed out article on open-cycle style reactors is ready I can just link this page to that one.

I also added in the interior description that there is only space for about 100 shuttles and small work vehicles in each living pod of the station. Large ships would need to shuttle over people rather than docking inside the station itself.
"By YE 37 The Elysians had rebuilt a new fortress-home."
The fortress-home wouldn't refer to the below collection of said star bases, would it?

"In YE 34 the design requirements were passed along to the Baal-Hamon design cluster which would go on to put together the final design"
"By YE 38 enough stations had been produced to house the entire population of the empire"

"At the time of its deployment, the Stellar Pump was the largest construction project produced by the Elysians. A ring of more than 30 starbases surround a gas giant in the 000604 star system, these starbases pass a charged particle beam between them."

Somehow the faction managed to build thirty of these star bases *and* the Stellar Pump that, quote on quote "was the largest construction project produced", within the span of four years?

The ability to ST great genius, engineers and minds aside - please give me an explanation before I go on.

Side Note - Also just a minor grammar boop - it's 'Two sets' not 'two sets'.
The fortress-home refers to the entire star system, which will end up having a new warship design to fill out the fortress part.

And according to the faction buildup guidelines a new faction with one world can pump out hundreds of ships in only a few months. It is so easy to build a lot of stuff its actually a bit of a problem for my plot with just how much stuff we're able to make. Realistically the starbases would also be able to help build more starbases, so by the end of YE34 there are probably only 1-2, by YE 35 its more like 4, by YE 36 8, by YE 37 16, ect ect as their ability to produce goes up. It also helps that these bases are a lot less massive than some of the larger more complex designs on the site.

The stellar pump is part of the starbases, and in terms of size, putting a ring around a planet is going to be the single largest thing the Elysians have done lately since the total size would include the beam that is being passed around the planet.

and fixed the grammar
Actually, on that note .. could you flesh out your 000604 submission? The one that Ame was reviewing for you before-hand?
I can, theoretically, quicken things up for you if you had that up because at this moment that system is currently a WIP and not approved as canon. Therefore I can't justify approving this station until after your faction's system submission is green-lit and approved by an NTSE; it basically doesn't count towards your faction and so you, in reality, have no world nor resources.

This tech submission will be placed ON HOLD until further notice.
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