Star Army

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[Carthage] Juggernaut Cybernetic Assualt Trooper


Inactive Member
====Carthage Projext CP-AST-J Mk I Juggernaut Cybernetic Assault Trooper====

====History and Background====
One might consider the Juggernaut a further evolution of the ID-SOL. First conceptualized by the Committee of the Carthage Project as a partial answer to the Nekovalkyrja, this unit utilizes dead or dieing Nepleslian soldiers as its organic component. Knowing the massive, almost overcrowding conditions on Nepleslia, and their reliance on simpler technology then their enemies, the use of already trained soldiers whose lives were unduly shortened, the conclusion seemed only logical to them.

The Juggernaut was designed from its earliest conception to work alongside one or more trinity units for full combat effectiveness of both designs, the Juggernaut providing the Strength and raw firepower while the Trinity excelled in speed, agility and tactical abilities. It was thought that a team such as this would be comparable to a single combat Nekovalkyrja.

As part of the early Carthage Project personal forces draft, bodies for the Juggernaut program were easily acquired as well as the majority of cybernetic components except for the A.I. system, which was designed and built in-house at Carthage Base. Brain augmentation ranges from 25% to 100%, depending on how much of the individual's brain can be salvaged if there is damage.

===About the Juggernaut===
Standing at an average of 8 feet tall, with flexible external Durandium composite armor and cybernetic augmented strength, the Juggernaut truly lives up to its name. Common features are 2 wide-field communication antennas on the head and retractable forearm blades. The unit normally carries the larger firearms available, such as chainguns, anti-vehicle weapons, and large sniper rifles due to its immense strength.

Host subjects are selected from the stock of Nepleslians which have died within 12 hours and then the body is augmented, repaired, and then revived. After the brain is augmented with a self-replicating neural-net system which grows to replace whatever sections of brain that may have been damaged.

===Statistical Information===
*Government: Carthage Project
*Organization: Carthage Project/Nepleslian Star Army - Carthaginian Division
*Type: Cybernetic Assault Trooper
*Class: Juggernaut CP-AST-J1
*Designer: Carthage Project Advanced Cybernetics R&D Team Alpha
*Manufacturer: Carthage Base
*Production: 1,200 Units
*Crew: The Juggernaut is normally maintained by a field medic/engineer. The same Cybernetics knowledge medics use for normal soldiers can be applied to the Juggernaut. However, engineers must be specially trained to work on the unit's A.I. components in the field.
*Maximum Capacity: The Juggernaut can physically lift & carry 2 Nepleslian soldiers of average weight with its arms.
Appearance: Roughly similar to this

===Unit Specifications===
*Length: N/A
*Width: 2-3 ft.
*Height: 8 ft. Average
*Mass: 300Lbs.
*Speeds: 25 Mph. Max.
*Planetary: The Juggernaut is designed to survive troop drops of 100 ft. The unit is also designed to survive up to four times the atmospheric pressure on Nepleslia and can also survive in space for up to 8 hours.
*Range: 6 months in non-combat.
*Lifespan: Average life span is 60 yrs.

===Weapons Systems===

*CP-MW-01 Fist of God (2):

Location: Knuckles
Primary use: anti-personnel
Secondary use: demolition or anti-light armor
Damage: Heavy-moderate depending on target
Range: close
Rate of fire: Up to 1 minute or limit of internal reactor.
Payload: 1 armored knuckle per arm

Designed for anti-Nekovalkyrja primarily, these high endurance coated knuckles can theoretically allow a Juggernaut to punch through a Neko without damaging its own organic components. The fists can also be used for penetration of structures, light armored vehicles, & sheer wall climbing due to there Zanarium composition.

*Retractable Zanarium Blades (2):
Location: Forearms
Primary Purpose: Anti-personal
Secondary Purpose: Climbing
Damage: Moderate to severe.
Range: close.
Rate of Fire: N/A
Payload: N/A
General purpose anti-personal melee combat blades, 1 in each arm, which are normally, retracted flush with the forearm.

Juggernauts can also carry any size firearm a normal Nepleslian soldier can and are normally assigned the heaviest firearm available to the squad.

===Defensive Systems===
*CP-PS-01 Energy Shield
The juggernaut is capable of deploying an energy shield from its shoulders and back encompasses the entire unit for up to 15 minutes at a time, requiring an hour to recharge after full shield energy expenditure. The shield is modulated to allow weapons fire to leave it while still blocking most light incoming ballistic and energy weapons fire.
The shield generator draws directly from the unit's micro-reactor.

*Body Armor: The Juggernauts body armor consists of flexible overlapping Durandium armor plates with titanium joints. This material allows for the light weight strength necessary for a ground unit such as the Juggernaut to remain tough yet reasonably mobile.

===Systems Descriptions===
*Guardian Implant (GI): The cybernetic brain augmentation/enhancement used in all Juggernauts features advanced targeting and sensory processing capability. These even help to run the brain at a faster rate then normally possible thru advanced electro-chemical stimulation. You won't find a Juggernaut making small talk, whereas it excels at aggressive combat.
These implants also instill priorities upon the host mind, focusing it on its duties and objectives and tailoring the mind towards loyalty to Nepleslia and the Carthaginian cause. The GI can also be further customized to mission specific requirements by a certified technician. Also after each mission, mission specific & performance data are downloaded and can be reviewed.

*Atlas Package : The Atlas Package includes increased cybernetic enhanced strength, Primary and secondary (redundant) life support systems. Artificial muscle augmentations and metabolic enhancers are also installed as part of the package. All Juggernauts are fitted with these at production time.
The package also encompasses the unit's self contained suit, which is fully compliant with existing NBC standards. The suit contains enough air for 8 hours and has an advanced compact filtration and recycling system, in addition to CO2 scrubbers.


This page written by Zachary T Carpenter using the template designed by Wes Davis. Copyright ©2006
Last revised 3/15/2007
Razeal, one step at a time, please.

Can you explain the importance of this "Carthage project" to us within the entry or link to it if it's been approved?

If there's a Non-Applicable entry (N/A), you usually remove it.

I also encourage that you format this since I found it a little hard on the eye by putting an empty line between each chunk of text of importance and two between major sections and a careful rewording and a bit more detail will probably make your submission go down better with the approval bunch.

About the Juggernaut: Standing at an average of 8 feet tall, the Juggernaut wields flexible external armor and cyberneticly augmented strength, meaning the Juggernaut truly lives up to its namesake.

Though armaments differ vastly, a pair of electro-static knuckles and retractible nerium blades usually adorn the Juggernaut alongside standard Nepelsian armaments and thanks to it's strength, a juggernaut can wield even larger weapons with a feather ease and cope with recoil which would throw a normal soldier to the ground.

Statistical Information:

Government: Nepleslian Star Army
Organization: None currently, slated for Nepleslian Star Army under the Carthage Project.
Type: Cybernetic Assault Trooper
Designation: Juggernaut NX-AST-J1
Serial: NX-AST-J1
Designer: Carthage Project
Manufacturer: Carthage Base
Production: 200 Units

<center> ... </center>

Electrostatic knuckles (2):

  • Location: Knuckles
    Primary use: anti-personnel
    Secondary use: demolition or anti-light armor
    Damage: Heavy-moderate depending on target
    Range: close
    Rate of fire: Up to 1 minute or limit of internal reactor.
    Payload: 1 Electrostatic knuckle per arm

    Designed to par with Nekovalkyrja attack, the electro-static charge sends a large amount of electricity through the target. Depending on the given charge, the unit can either disable, incapacitate or permanently damage the unit by overwhelming neural pathways or sheer thermal damage.

    Retractible Nerimum Blades(2):

    • Location: ??????
      Primary Purpose: Anti-personal
      Secondary Purpose: Climbing
      Damage: Moderate to severe.
      Range: Melee

      Two general purpose anti-personal melee combat blades. With an arm-fit switchblade format, the blades are normally retracted and extend during use.
      The conservative use means that the blade will not obscure the motion of the Juggernaut and will not be dropped.

      When you mention the unit is maintained, you give the impression it is not self-sufficient and that it cannot survive without "maintanance".
      I would advise you replace this and add in a section explaining that only qualified personel can repair specific cybernetic parts or conduct efficient surgery if this is what you mean.

      There are some parts I'd like to see fleshed out such as say a dection discussing the unit's finess in close combat or how rugged it is with environments (you mention climbing under knuckles: could it scale a building or mountain without support?).

      Little questions like that, okay?

      Sorry if I'm overdoing it. ^^;

      But it's good that you've got the idea in your head.

      Everything starts with goals and ideas.
Woah, hey hey.

Robots like this are in everything. A neko in armor with some basic melee weapons would be like this, methinks.


  • -Terminators (40K)
    -Terminators (Terminator)
    -Psychic Operations Armor GolGus (Cyber City Oedo 808)
    -Spartans (Halo)
    -Wolverine? (X-Men)

And so forth.

So I don't see the harm in this, provided you flesh out some, Raz.
Actually the 'dead or dying' part of it puts in very firmly in Dreadnought town ...

It just shows no imagination.

Oh, and it's not even nearly detailed enough.
Zakalwe, stop being so harsh.

There was a time when you didn't recognize when there was too much of a good thing.

I think what this suffers from is there's a lack of military intelligence in the design: communication particularly.

For example, the navigation, communication and strategic components of the Juggernaut are nigh mentioned.

I think it would benefit from having a neural network which can make strategic decisions: like what good vantage points are, predicting enemy movements, how to counter stratagies once recognized and how to identify said stratagies.

  • <center>

    Gradient represents ramp.
    Lighter the area, the higher it is.
    Significant changes represent a height of around 2 meters.

    Heavy enemies with a medium range grenade launchers in top middle.
    Riflemen w/ scopes pictured behind defense lines, expecting an attack from the door.

    Approach is made from the south.
    Note all higher areas can be walked beneath, similar to shelves or prison levels.

    Grenade: [Able to stick or bounce on targets, based on target temperature.
    Calibrated before throw.

    Rifle: 3 shots per second, three shots burst with one second wait in burst mode.
    Scope fitted, well calibrated.

    Stealth Dispatch: Cloak and club opponent behind the head with rifle, severing the spine
    Stick grenade to target and leave. Target may recognize event or sight the "blur".

    Here, I've done a quick estimation of how it would work in the given scenario.

    Sniping over the ledge and use of grenades seems optimal: No head on/rushing offensive tactics.
    The heavier units will be confused by gunfire and will need to look about the ledge, giving them a slower response time.

This sort of tool would issue recommendations based on the numbers, taking into account how badly injured you are, estimated enemy response and armaments and your own armaments though I'm sure it could take into account things like SAINT intel or whatever happens to be available to it.

...Maybe I should save this idea for later...
Leutre Veressis said:
I don't want to sound mean or anything but... first Star Trek cruisers now Warhammer robots... Can we expect X-Wings any time soon? >.>
Ok Copernicus, hold the phone there, I've never even PLAYED warhammer.
Honestly some of you find the littlest things to complain about, when what I NEED and would most APPRECIATED is feedback such as SUGGESTIONS and such. Talk to me like a ship builder, not a competitive artist. O_o
On, and also ever seen the movies Universal Soldier or Robocop? Geez.
As requested, some more technical feedback and thoughts.

CP-MW-01 Fist of God (2):

Location: Knuckles
Primary use: anti-personnel
Secondary use: demolition or anti-light armor
Damage: Heavy-moderate depending on target
Range: close
Rate of fire: Up to 1 minute or limit of internal reactor.
Payload: 1 Electrostatic knuckle per arm

Designed for anti-Nekovalkyrja primarily, the electro-static charge sends a large amount of electricity through the target. The fist can also be used for penetration of structures or light armored vehicles due to there Zanarium composition.

From a practical standpoint, why do they have electrostatic knuckles? I mean these guys a huge bruisers, based on the description. Yet they have the strength needed to lift their own body weight using Nerimum Blades while climbing. That equates to a whole-freaking-lot of kinetic energy that those blades have at their disposal. Carrying around a second melee weapon is kind of a waste, especially something like electrostatic knuckles. They would need a higher output power supply (more cost), a capacitor to hold the power for discharges (extra weight, slowing down the infantry), and superconducting lines to move the power, and gloves made out of super-high temperature alloys plus insulation to protect the user (most cost).

They may sound like a cool thing to have, but all in all they're highly unpractical anti-infantry weapons, especially if you already have blades. And electrostatic can't really be used for hurting armor (energy-resistant alloys are common in SARP) or "demolition" unless they're so high output they vaporize metal and create plasma. In which case the equipment would be too large and powerful to use as secondary melee weapons.

(Here's a brief thread on the practical weaponization of electrical weapons.) ... ght=#41107

* * * * *

... bodies for the Juggernaut program were easily acquired as well as the majority of cybernetic components except for the A.I. system, which was designed and built in-house at Carthage Base. For some reason zombie friendly technology wasn't readily available on Nepleslia.

'Zombie friendly?' How is the AI zombie friendly, exactly? Does Carthage have teleoperated mind control technology, or are you removing the brain entirely and replacing it with AI?

The systems have little detail... Just two combat implants and the armor. Does this mean they are just regular Nepleslians with two specialized implants wearing armor? Where does "zombie friendly" and "bodies" part tie in, exactly? There's no mention of life support, brain activity simulators, mind control tech, or whatever is turning "bodies" into "zombies."

* * * * *

Finally, some semi-off-topic notes:
The Juggernaut was designed from it's earliest conception to work alongside one or more trinity units for full combat effectiveness of both designs, the Juggernaut providing the Strength and raw firepower while the Trinity excelled in speed, agility and tactical abilities.
Whats a Trinity?

The image link is broken. Are you going to write an appearance description, or are you still using this one?

Do you have any information or links on what exactly the Carthage Project is? I'm curious as to where Razeal Kresh is getting the huge sums of money needed to develop so many ships (and apparently even its own "Viridian" fleet) and develop the advanced neuro-tech needed for cyborg AI-fused soldiers, considering NAM only bought one or two designs that I know of.
Tactically, acting as heavy backup for a unit which is fast is unsound when you don't include any ranged weaponary to begin with.

You'd do better slapping on the biggest gun you could find and a physical shield then backing one of these things up with snipers.

He does your hard work like smashing up tanks and you keep sharp shooters off his ass and stop him from being overwhelmed.
Sorry if I'm being overly nitpicky. Psychology, sociology,and neurology are some of my more knowledgable fields, so sometimes I accidently end up giving overly technical critique to people who have no idea what I'm talking about. If I end up being overly fussy about technobable, feel free to ignore me.

...utilizes dead or dieing Nepleslian soldiers as its organic component. Knowing the massive, almost overcrowding conditions on Nepleslia, and their reliance on simpler technology then their enemies, the use of already trained soldiers whose lives were unduly shortened, the conclusion seemed only logical to Razeal.
Why do they use the dead and dying? Recycling the dead may sound like a very cool concept, but they'd be much more expensive and difficult to produce than pre-designed droid or clones. Let me explain:
  • Hospital bills for the dying, and the highly advanced medical technology needed to ressurect the dead.
  • Custom-made. Since these are not cookie-cutter clones but random Nepleslians, each set of neural implants would have to be wired in a unique way, and each suit of armor fitted for different bodies. And don't forget each would need different replacement organs to replace whatever failed ones are making these people dead/dying. This level of customization would mean they would rely heavily on "hand crafting," so to speak, rather than standardized assembly lines. (Once Henry Ford worked out the kinks of the assembly line, he could build cars at costs low as 1/10th what it cost without assembly lines.) All this custom work will send production costs through the roof.
  • Brain replacement is so impractacle it deserves its own point. ("Brain augmentation ranges from 25% to 100%." in your words.) Each brain is unique and is made from literally millions of trillions of different synapses and nerve cells. Custom repair jobs of that magnitude would be rediculously expensive.
  • Psychological filtering. The folks who would volunteer for this stuff would be those taken of the street -- The very, very bottom of society's barrel in a place with a very heavy criminal presence. Cut-throats, murderers, and those with mentral trauma would need to be removed through in-depth and careful testing, or heavy background research on each individual in the form of a private investigator force (these are all off the street, so most of their actual activity wouldn't be written or recorded). This would further up the average cost of each unit.
  • Loyalty. No matter how extensive the testing, you are still recruiting from a social class that is filled with those looking out for number one. Even if you offer them big juicy saleries or save their lives, who says they wouldn't bug out at the first sign of trouble? Or desert the force and take their newfound power home to conquer their neighborhood's local criminal syndicate? This is a society/class filled with those looking out purely for number one, after all.
Other things that need clearing up

...the A.I. system, which was designed and built in-house at Carthage Base.
Your systems don't mention where the A.I. fits in. Is it simply dumb software for running life support, a type of prostetic for brain damage, or is it a Strong A.I. that can learn and think?

Brain augmentation ranges from 25% to 100%, depending on how much of the individual's brain can be salvaged due to battle damage.

*Guardian Implant (1): The cybernetic brain augmentation/enhancement used in all Juggernauts features advanced targeting and sensory processing capability. These even help to run the brain at a faster rate then normally possible thru advanced electro-chemical stimulation. You won't find a Juggernaut making small talk, whereas it excels at aggressive combat.
A direct brain interface with targeting equipment/sensors I can understand, but how does mechatronic equipment actually "speed up" brain speed? There are quadrillions (thousands of trillions) in the human brain, so rewiring everything to run more efficiently would cost gross amounts of time and energy. The alternative is simply forcing normal Nepleslian synapses to work harder, in which case they'd quickly burn out. And don't forget that even if you could deliver the signals faster, would nerve cells really have the capability to process the information at a quicker rate? These are just regular Nepleslians, after all.

Atlas Package (1): The Atlas Package includes increased cybernetic enhanced strength, Primary and secondary (redundant) life support systems. All Juggernauts are fitted with these at production time.
Needs details. How does cybernetics enhance strength? Hydraulics, electroactive polymers, steroids delivered via life support gear, or what? And what sort of life support systems are installed; Basic organ replacement, or is the armor a self-contained spacesuit type of system?