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[Carthage] Reaper Class Escort


Inactive Member
Escort Gunship
NS-EGS-1 Reaper Class

Table of Contents
1. About the Reaper
2. History and Background
3. Dimensions and Crew Complement
4. Performance Statistics
5. Inside the Reaper
6. Ship Systems
1. Armored Hull and Hull-Integrated Systems
2. Environmental Systems
3. Sensor and Computer Systems
4. Weapons Systems
7. Vehicle Complement
8. Trademarks and Copyright Information (OOC)

1. About the Reaper
Designed as a escort that can be carried aboard larger ships, the Reaper's primary function is strike and deterrence.

2. History and Background
Smaller then a standard frigate, the Reaper was designed by Razeal Kresh as part of The Carthage Project and as its space forces main escort ship. This versatile little ship can be carried by everything from the red hill class all the way to the Huge Axis Class.

3. Dimensions and Crew Complement:
Organizations Using This Vessel: Carthage fleet/ armed merchants
Type: Military Escort/Gunship
Class: NS-EGS-01
Designer: Razeal Kresh
Manufacturer: NAM
Production: 160 Ships

Crew: 2; 1 Pilot, One Copilot.
Maximum Capacity: 4
Appearance: A large curved wing with protruding weapons.

Length: 20M
Width: 70M, 30M with wings folded
Height: 8M, 28M with wings folded
Decks: 1
Mass: 23,000 Tons

4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0.1 to 0.30c Sublight
Speed (FTL): N/A
Speed (Aerial): Mach 4, has landing gear (4 short legs) and can land on a packed soil.
Speed (Water): N/A

Range (Distance): 20 LY
Range (Support): 2 months with full supply stock.
Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance , the Reaper class has an estimated life of 30 years
Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed.

5. Inside the Reaper

Bridge: The Reaper has a small bridge which is able to hold 4 people. The pilot sits to the starboard, with the co-pilot to the port. Their stations use modified fighter controls for decreased response time when maneuvering the ship. The bridge can accommodate 2 more people for special missions, one can serve as a navigator and the other as an engineer/gunner if need be.

Crew Quarters: 4 stacked bunks are located directly behind the bridge area to the starboard. The bunks are small, and all clothes and other personal items are stored in drawers built into the wall shared with the main corridor opposite the bunks.

Amenities: There is a small restroom located behind the bridge to the port, connected to the crew quarters. This state of the art space age washroom features a mirror, a sonic sink which uses compressed air and inaudible sound vibrations to kill pathogens on one's skin, a lovely stainless steel commode, and of course a standard issue TP dispenser (toilet paper not included!). Pornographic Yamatain magazines are also optional.

Engineering: Engineering consists of an access panel at the rear of the small main corridor which allows crawlway access to the reactor and other key power and propulsion systems

Misc: This ship has no med bay and no mess hall. You eat food packs/rations if you're unlucky enough to be stuck out in space.

6. Ship Systems
Hull: Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and Mercurite anti-radiation shielding, the Reaper's hull provides fairly good protection.

Airlock System: The main airlock is located on the ventral surface of the ship, designed to allow the crew to quickly board and depart the ship.

Docking system: The Reaper uses the new Nepleslian UNIV-A Docking clamp systems, located on the dorsal/ventral sides of the vessel, which enables any larger vessel so equipped to carry the Reaper. The UNIV-A is capable of quickly docking and releasing from any compatible ship it is attached to.

Escape Pods: None on this ship!

Environmental Systems: Enviro and Atmospheric generators/recyclers are located close to the bridge.

Spatial Communications: The ship uses an ancient technology known as "CB radioâ€
That means it can go for >6000 years on a single tank of gas? I think this is a bit unrealistic, or at the least it makes it an irrelevant figure.

Continuum Distortion Drive: (CDD) propels the ship at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields.
Speed (STL): 0 to 0.30c Sublight
Speed (FTL): N/A

I detect a mismatch.
That picture is such a rip off of a Romulan warbird ... especially the newest one from Nemesis.

Currently I don't see anything about its design which would suggest that it is an escort ... or anything really. Adding more descriptions to the rooms might help you a bit.

You haven't given details about how the wings fold.

A little strange you put '0' as the low end of its STL drive. Travelling at '0' mph or '0'c doesn't take any effort from the engine at all - unless that is you're using some 'inertial dampening' engine for that sole purpose.

I find that you can travel for 7,000 years on the same energy source rather interesting. How about detailing what you use for your energy source?

More importantly - what are 'passangers' doing on a military vessel? Sounds wasteful to me. I'm not sure if it's a 'small bridge' on a vessl of its size if it can hold two needless 'passangers'.

Detail the quarters. Ideally you should be able to RP in this ship, and that is impossible as it is. What are the bunks like? Where do they keep their clothes? Wardrobes? Chest of drawers? Even some shelves?

Where do they eat?

Seriously detail the restroom.

Also detail how these different rooms interact, how you get from one to the other and importantly - how you get out of the vessel.

How thick is the hull?

Detail the modular cargo units. I question right away why a military escort ship which is designed to be carried by other vessels should have the capacity to carry cargo.

It's nice to know the docking system works but details of how it actually achieves this would be great. Possibly more than great.

There's an engineering section? Shouldn't that be detailed on the 'Inside the ship' section?

Your ship has a single sensor. That's not much good. I'd advise fitting a few more - if nothing else radar is traditional. Currently your blind to anything that isn't travelling through subspace. You even lack basic visual sensors. It would certainly be very useless against noticing ... I don't know ... a asteriod? Or indeed a subspace based missile.

How does this Mercurite work by the way? I know our friends the NDI use it, but since they don't hang around here too often I suppose it should be up to you - the one who seems to be using it the most - to detail how it serves to protect against 'most forms of electromagnetic radiation'. Just so we're not using miracle substances.

A few details on the computer system might be nice. Just what variety it is, what capacity it has and so forth. It being tactical we might like to here what its targetting and plot projection systems are like.

Details about the escape pods - capacity, launch protocols, what they look like from the inside. Indeed since escape pods have to actually exist outside the ship and RPed in I'd say that a great deal more details should be done on these.

It's certainly interesting how you can only communicate through Hyperspace. No capacity to speak using radio or radio.

Ion drives take ages to build up any speed by the way. It's a relatively primative system for this day and age and pretty much ... any... other ship will run circles around you in terms of manouverability.

Weapons. I don't really see why you posted a military vessel without first covering its weapons.

You're lacking any shielding against projectile or kinetic attacks.

That's enough for now. I would say more but there isn't much to actually comment on in your ship.
I don't know a whole lot about starship design, but just a thought. If this 'Carthage Project' involves more than one type of ship maybe you should make a standardized design style, both in equipment and in art. Having some of the project's ships look like Star Trekky while others are of completely different origin may be a bit odd, considering they're all done by one company/project team.
But this isn't star trek. The ships on their were designed with a certain overall theme for each race. In my ethos, a ships design reflects it's function. If it happens to look cool to me, or I can make it look cool and still have it function well, all the better. Form Follows Function.

And I think I could get a job describing bathrooms....