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[Carthage] Spacelord Class Frontline Destroyer


Inactive Member
====== Frontline Destroyer
CB-D-FL1 Spacelord Class ======

===== 1. About the Spacelord =====
The Spacelord is the first destroyer design fielded by Carthage's Dresden fleet, and is truly a jack of all trades. Thou originally designed as an anti-fighter and corvette capital ship, the Spacelord can also fill the role of an assault-lander (dropship) and strike cruiser.

===== 2. History and Background =====
One of the early ships proposed for Dresden fleet, the Spacelord class saw many changes over its design history, finally adapting existing Perry and Spacelord class hull and system components into it's framework. The ship's atmospheric entry capabilities were often written out or back in on successive drafts, with the engineers finally working out a compromise. A modular system for the main weapons was also decided upon due to the success of the warhorse class's smaller modular turret system. This allows the ship to use modules designed after a ships completion and keep up with newer weapons technology as they come into play.

===== 3. Statistics and Performance =====
*Organizations Using This Vessel: Carthage Base
*Type: Destroyer
*Class: CB-D-FL1-Spacelord
*Designer: Carthage R&D Team Delta
*Manufacturer: Carthage Base
*Production: 12 Ships built, 24 more proposed, 36 total.
NCSS- Heinlein,

*Crew: 4000
*Maximum Capacity: 4500

==== Dimensions ====
*Length: 1,840m
*Width: 192m
*Height: 250m
*Decks: 90
*Mass: 580,000 Tons

==== Performance ====
*Speed (STL): 0.1 to 0.65c Sublight
*Speed (FTL): 12,000c
*Speed (Aerial): Mach 2
*Speed (Water): 40 KPH

*Range (Distance): 200 LY without re-supply.
*Range (Support): 2 years with full supply stock.
*Lifespan: With routine upgrades & maintenance, the Spacelordclass has an estimated life of 15 years
*Refit Cycle: 5 years, or as needed.
===== 4. Roleplay Stats and Cost =====

==== Sections and Armor Rating ====
*Forward hull: 6
*Main hull: 6
*Aft Hull: 6
*Ventral Launch Bay: 7
*Starboard Bridge: 7
*Port Communications/Sensor Array: 5
*Weapons Module: 5

==== Ship Resource Point Cost ====
FTL Engine: 120
Hyperspace Drive: 0
Sublight Engine: 65
Main Starship Super-weapon: N/A
Main Gun Battery: 100(25x4)
Secondary Guns: 140(10x14(7+7)
Point Defense Guns: 10(5+5)
Main Generator: 400
Secondary Generators: 600
Environmental Systems: 4500
Computer: 100
Armor: 300 (50x6)
Stealth Armor: N/A
Sensor System: 300
Shield Systems: 1200
Nanotech systems: 0
Total: 7835

===== 5. Inside the Spacelord =====

=== Armory ===
There are 32 armories on the ship, located every other deck, fore and aft.
These armories are fully stocked with the latest Nepleslian weapons as of YE 32. Each armory requires a ranking Sergeant or higher to access it.
=== Bridge ===
The Spacelord has a more modern bridge layout compared to most Nepleslian ships, with the captain situated at the center of the bridge with the helmsmen and tactical officer to the fore of him, and the science and engineering stations at the aft. The Stellar Road's interface systems are comprised of touch-screen interfaces and tactile response key interfaces. The front of the bridges hull is comprised of a large viewscreen capable of projecting three dimensional images several feet in front of it along with a enhanced sound system built into the surrounding bridge walls.
=== Captain's Suite ===
These rooms are slightly larger, with the captains being the largest, and are fully furnished
=== Cargo Storage Areas ===
The Ship has one large cargo receiving bay located on the bottom of the ship with the space-door facing to the aft. This bay is capable of holding 4 red hill class transports or various fighters, bombers, Power armors, or 8 reaper class gunships. The ships two main cargo holds are located inside the main forward hull, directly to the port and starboard of the ship's centerline.
=== Crew Quarters ===

Each crewman has their own quarters for the long missions away from port. These are normally sparse, consisting of typical bed and shiny new plastic executive desk with a computer console on top, except for commanding officers whose quarters also have an array of shelving which often displays awards, commendations, and ship models.
The quarters for marines and ground troops are comprised of stacked bunks (Made of metal with polyester mattresses) and personal trunks (Made from pressed wood composite)
Commanding officers also have their own washroom while there is one restroom for every 7 crew members.
=== Crew Recreation ===
The recreation deck (13) is primarily located in the middle of the ship, and only occupies half a deck. It serves relaxation and sporting functions for off duty crewmembers. This deck features a full gym, swimming pool, spa, and various sport courts.
The ship has 7 mess halls located in the forward hull with each capable of holding 300 people.
=== Engineering ===
Comprised of 17 decks at the aft of the ship, the Spacelord class has one of the most efficient and powerful reactor systems to date. A minimal engineering crew of 36 can operate the ship under normal conditions. All 17 decks can be reached via ladder in the event of mass power loss.
=== Maintenance Conduits ===
The ship has an adequate number of maintenance corridors, which can be sealed either manually from inside the shafts or from various control stations on the ship. These corridors are made of some of the most resilient alloys that make up the ship, and are not very comfortable to climb thru due to their hard inner surface and use of ladders for vertical ascension at evenly spaced junctions.
=== Medical Center and Laboratory ===
The ship has 12 large medbays, each fully equipped for a warship of its size and crew compliment. Due to the ship's combat status they are normally crewed by field surgeons.
=== Passageways ===
Corridors are well lit, and the overall lighting changes to red when the ship is in combat. The floors are composed of a light colored composite while the floor is composed of plates made up of open hexagonal forms to improve traction
=== Power Armor Bays ===
The vessel is equipped with 1 dedicated power armor bay located in a recessed section of the hull to the front top of the ship, and a secondary large hanger bay designed to launch and receive power armors which faces the lower aft section of the ship.
=== Shuttle Bays ===
The ship's exterior is equipped with one large shuttlebay located aft/dorsal which is a force field-contained opening in the hull. The bay makes it possible for shuttles to fly out into space at their convenience. This bay is normally sealed via a large sliding segmented door.
The fighter bays are similar in construction, with one large bay located on the forward hull, port side.
=== Wardroom ===
Located on deck 3, the wardroom is where the captain and commanding officers eat. There is a large wooden table that fills the center of the long, rectangular room, with comfortable chairs around it.

===== 6. Ship Systems =====

==== Armored Hull and Hull Integrated Systems ====
*Hull: Composed of thick panels of Neutronium-coated steel around a carbon nanotube frame and Mercurite anti-radiation shielding, the Stellar Road's hull provides fairly good protection.

*Primary Power: Primary FTL and weapons power is supplied through an aether tap system, which harnesses the fabric of space surrounding the ship and converts it into clean usable energy.
*Secondary Power: AM-M Reactor CRT VI
The ship uses a high output fusion reactor assembly to efficiently generate power whilst consuming miniscule amounts of its hydrogen fuel. Fuel is stored towards the aft of the ship and at a safe distance, thou the reactor and can be ejected from the ship in an emergency.
*Airlock System: The primary airlocks are located at the fore of the vessel, both dorsal and ventral. An airlock is a device which permits the passage of objects, people, and the like, between a pressure vessel and its surrounding space while minimizing the change of pressure—and loss of air—in the vessel. The lock consists of two airtight doors in series which do not open simultaneously.

*Docking system: The Spacelord uses the new Nepleslian UNIV-A Docking clamp systems, located midway on the spine of the vessel, which enables any smaller vessel, so equipped to be docked to and also carried along by the larger ship. The UNIV-A is capable of quickly docking and releasing any compatible ship attached to it via 4 magnetic clamps.

==== Computers and Electronics ====
*Main Computer: Carthage Project programmed a Tactical Avatar AI into the ships main modular quantum computer. Through Holographic projectors located all over the ship, computer interfaces and screens can be materialized anywhere, although solid consoles are still there for backup. The ship can also be equipped with another computer module via an empty module slot to further enhance its combat capabilities.

*Normal Spatial Communication: Laser and radio bands provide normal space communications.
*Hyperspace Communications: The hyperspace communications relay allows near real-time communication between starships and other vessels or planetary bases.
*Unidirectional Gravitational Plating: plating on the roof emits a psuedo-gravitational field that is attracted to the plates on the floor pushing everything on the ship 'down'. This creates the false sense of gravity that permeates the ship
*Subspace Mass Sensors: Subspace mass sensors instantly detect mass readings and movement of objects up to 1 AU (93 million miles) distantance from the ship. The readings are used both for early warning and navigation when traveling at sublight speeds. The readings are not very detailed and cannot detect objects of less than 60,000 kg.
*Tachyon Scanners: Tachyon Scanners detect the disturbances in the graviton characteristics of normal space caused by the passage of ships traveling through hyperspace. Tachyon scanners also reduce the effectiveness of enemy missile jamming systems.
*Overlord Class Type C Sensor Package: This sensor package is derived from the proposed Overlord class, yet eliminates many of the ECM components. Capable of scanning and processing readings from hyperspace, subspace, normal space and quantum fluctuations close to the ship as well as natural astral and stellar phenomenon. The Type C package is one of the less sophisticated of the Overlord series, meant for a combat heavy environment due to its focus on movement tracking and multiple target acquisition capabilities.

==== Emergency Systems ====
*Escape pods: Located primarily on the forward hull with enough to accommodate a crew of 4,200. An MEC-D is located at the Medbay for the injured or otherwise incapable of surviving in the pods. The pods have food and oxygen for 90 days and are on a 5 sharing basis. MEC – B also provided inside should the 90 days run out.

==== Life Support Systems ====
Enviro and Atmospheric generators/recyclers are located at various key points inside the ship. The ship is designed to be self-sufficient for 5 years, at which time it should dock to acquire fresh air and supplies. Air scrubbers and filters should normally be changed every month.
==== Propulsion ====
*Continuum Distortion Drive: (CDD) propels the ship at speeds many times the speed of light by generating continuum distortions and nesting them to create asymmetric peristaltic fields. This effect can also be tuned down to allow high maneuverability at sublight speeds in combination with small thrusters placed around the ship.

*Sublight Drive: The ship is equipped with Four gravimetric drives that manipulate superstrings and the zero-point field to maneuver and accelerate to a far higher degree than other ships. By manipulating and "bending" superstrings, this drive system is able to create distortions in space/time that can be used to push and pull a ship in any given direction. An important byproduct of this means of propulsion is that the effect of inertia is also negated, allowing ships to accelerate, stop and maneuver at velocities that would crush a person using conventional ion propulsion. The ship is also able to enter and exit a planets atmosphere using this drive system in combination with its maneuvering thrusters.

==== Shield Systems ====
Primary Shields: Collapsed Dimensional Shielding, a relatively new technology based on older super-string theories, wraps a single dimension around the ship, making it very difficult to damage with energy based weapons and some kinetic weapons.

Secondary Shields: The Spacelord Class is equipped with a Mercurite shielding system, which is capable of blocking most forms of electromagnetic radiation. A composite of copper and mercury developed in part by NDI scientists, it is used heavily in economic ship designs for basic hull shielding. These shields are normally kept up at all times

==== Weapons Systems ====

=== Main Weapons ===
*Spacelord UNIV-D(estroyer) Modular Weapons System:
The Spacelord also features a modular weapons system for its main armament. While various weapons systems are still in development, the destroyer can currently field the Sturmshock or a quad Blitzstrike Gauss cannon assembly. This modular system allows for easy swap-out in spacedock or aboard the proposed Axis class, and also allows the ship to eject the modules if so needed. The modules can also be set to remotely destruct once away from the ship.

Sturmshock Type I missile battery system (Two, 12 missles per module): The cruiser is capable of launching missiles with ranges in excess of 1 astronomical unit (93 million miles), these weapons can be volleyed at ranges far beyond the guns of most enemy vessels.
SECONDARY PURPOSE: Depends on missile used.
RANGE: 1 AU delta-v
RATE OF FIRE: 1 per minute for anti-capital ship missiles, 2 per minute for anti fighter/mecha cluster missile warhead variant.
PAYLOAD: 400 missiles in ready magazines.

Blitzstrike Dual Gauss Cannon module(Two, 2 Railguns per module:
Based on proven Heavy Railgun (Gauss Cannon) technology, the Blitzstrike system was conceived as a long distance anti-capital ship. starbase standoff weapon. Using a variety of metal based slugs, the gun is capable of deep penetration of most armor.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Anti-warship/Capital Ship
SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti-starbase/ space installation
RANGE: 1 AU delta-v
RATE OF FIRE: 1 round every ten seconds.
PAYLOAD: 1,200 slugs. Common slug types are: Type I Nuclear round, with uranium/plutonium core that detonates on impact, Type II Titanium shelled round with high yield gamma radiating core surrounded by a thin layer of lead, & Type III Solid Iron round.

=== Secondary Weapons ===
*Type 19 gatling plasma cannons (48): The Type 19 Gatling Plasma Cannon is a new high-power, rapid-fire plasma cannon that operates on the same principles as the tri-focus plasma cannon but is placed in a four-barrel Vulcan that fires plasma bolts in very rapid succession. The low-end estimate of the Type 19 plasma cannon's destructive power has been measured as the equivalent of a 25 gigaton fusion weapon. High-end estimates have been placed in the 55-60 gigaton range.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Spaceship.
Secondary Purpose: Assault.
Range: 1 AU+
Rate of Fire: 20 shots/second.

*Phased Energy Arrays (160): Acquired technologies from the NDI, these weapons are standard of most Carthage Project ships. A Phased Energy Array is essentially a series of powerful beam cannons that utilizes a flux capacitor that not only can change the frequency of the energy blast, but can also phase the energy so it can exist in multiple dimensions simultaneously -- which makes it capable of totally bypassing enemy shielding systems and applying their damage immediately to the enemy hull. The low-end estimate of the Phased Energy Array's destructive power has been measured as the equivalent of a 400 megaton fusion weapon. High-end estimates have been placed in the 600 megaton range.
RATE OF FIRE: 60 shots/second.

=== Anti-Fighter Weapons ===
*Phoenix Arms Trc-1000 Pulse Cannons (144): For last-ditch point defense, the cruiser mounts fast tracking pulse cannon turrets that fire phased energy blasts at an extremely high rate of fire that are effective against all manners of mecha, missile, and other assorted targets. These weapons, however, are not effective against larger targets as they simply lack the sufficient power to deal damage. Low-end estimates for the TRC-1000 pulse cannon's destructive power has been calculated in the 700 gigawatt range. High-end estimates have been placed in the 105-130 terrawatt range.
Primary Purpose: Anti-Fighter
Secondary Purpose: Anti-Warship
Range: 450,000 Miles.
Rate Of Fire: 4 Pulses Per Second.

*Type I Point-Defense Laser Cannons (120): Installed in micro-turrets across the hull, these rapid-fire, fast-tracking pulse laser cannons deliver 50,000 terrawatts of energy to a target twice a second under normal conditions. The turret joints use a superconductor coating in order to assure the fastest possible target tracking in combination with the ships tactical computer.

Primary purpose: Anti-Fighter
Damage: Light to moderate
Range: 1000M
Rate of Fire: 2 pulses a second.

===== 7. Vehicle Complement =====
==== Shuttles ====
Ge-T1 Shuttles (15): Your basic high-capacity, FTL-capable Tran atmospheric shuttle. Includes adjustable-seal hatch on the floor and ceiling of the cargo compartment for docking with ships from outside.
Primary Purpose: Interstellar Transport
Secondary Purpose: Planetary Landings
Range: 10 days of travel (about 137 light-years at maximum speed)
Speed: 2000c, Mach 1 in atmosphere.
Load Capacity: 52 personnel with gear or 2 personnel with cargo.
Weapons: None
Systems: Anti-Gravity, Armor, CDD, Communications, Chaff/Flare Dispensers, Emergency Homing Beacon, Shields, Sensors.
==== Fighters ====
4 Squadrons of StarViper Fighters.
2 Squadrons of Black Mamba heavy Bombers
6 Squadrons of Merlin light transport/bombers

(OOC:)) Revisions and Changes are in red.
This page written by Zachary T Carpenter using the template designed by Wes Davis. Copyright ©2006
Last revised 3/22/2007
success of the warhorse class's smaller modular turret system.
I haven't seen any of these in the actual RP, so I don't think we can actually say the ships have been successful.
Shouldn't issues dealing with SR procurment and spending be expressed in the shipyards forum?

Aside from SRP calculations and more discription on ? areas is there anything that jumps out as non-approvable on this ship?