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RP (non-canon) [Celestial Yacht] Preliminaries

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Retired Staff
Kai Nakamura typed in his design into a volumetric display in front of him. the system beeped and soon transformed the room into an exact replica of the inside of his ship. Walking to the small forward bridge area, the young man sat in one of the plush chairs, wigling around to get more comfortable. I could get used to this he thought, leaning back in the chair for a moment. He looked out of the 'window' over a simulated view of the stars. Space sure was a beatiful place. "Computer, set a course for Tami from Yamatai, Bring us there at our top Fold speed." The simulation began to show space around the ship warping, as the fold point was created. Soon a view of hyperspace could be seen out the window as the ship traveled at half a lightyear a minute.

"We will arrive at Tami in approximately twelve minutes" A soft female voice announced over the loudspeakers. Not too shabby Kai thought, leaning back in his chair and opening up a small game window from the computer console.
When the Yacht exited hyperspace, Kai watched as the COS took control of the ship and weaved it's way about the traffic around the Capitol planet. The ship took care of everything, he didn't even need to talk to any of the traffic controllers.

He sat back in his seat and ordered the ship to send him to empty space, then had the simulation create a pirate attack. Quickly, Kai took ahold of the controls, lining up his ship with the first enemy, And unleashed an EMP volley, the Pirate ship being immediately disabled, the second ship, however, began taking shots at the port side, and, with guns stronger than the yacht's shields blasted through and boiled off that side's EMP cannon. "Dangit!" Kai yelled, attempting to turn the ship to bear on his enemy, but the controls were extra slugish, as obviously the wing damage was having an effect. Moments later, a second shot ripped through the shields, but was high of the actual ship, doing no damage. Kai engaged the CDD and moved to directly behind his enemy, and unleashed a blast from the remaining Cannon. "Well, that went O.K. obviusly the CDD is the way to go to manuever. Simulator, undo all damage to the ship please"
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