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This new technology from Emrys Industries is designed for the fast repairing of tissue on a patient. It works by way of first sampling a patients DNA, an creating the cells required of replacement within itself, before ‘spraying' them onto the patient in a high accurate fashion using a powerful electric field, capable of spraying droplets of cells suspended in solution, only a few micrometres in solution. In function it is very similar to an ink-printer, but faster, more accurate and capable of in only a few seconds creating a three dimensional matrix, and as such replace flesh.

The machine used to do is complicated, using a 3D imaging technology to analyse the body of the patient, and to discover what parts of the body need to be replaced and repaired. To each side of the machine are two micro-scalpel/arms manipulated with inhuman precision by the semi-AI that controls the machine, which are used to cut away damaged flesh, and make the body more ready to take the new flesh that the Cellular Spray will graft on.

It should be noted that the Cellular Spray can not repair something like a missing limb, but it can do great things for injuries such as deep chest wounds, critical limb damage and most wounds where the there is at least a frame to build upon. The targeted flesh can have many different types of cell, all of which are made by the Cellular Spray through sampling the targets DNA and quick growth of relevant cells through specially designed bacterium/stem-cells, and are then ‘sprayed', the right cells targeted with incredible accuracy to where they are meant to go.

The Cellular-Spray can take many forms, from one built into a room, to a mobile device which can move by itself. Currently they will only be in Emrys Industry operated Hospitals. The main visible part of the device is the network of small tubes, each one containing one of the electro-spraying devices, and moving around the patient spraying the cellular tissue in perfect tandem. There are usually between fifteen and twenty of these, depending on the variety of Cellular spray used (twenty for the room variety, fifteen for the mobile), each one around half a centimetre in diameter.

(Based on some new tech I read about in the New Scientist. In addition - this is post 800, so I'm happy.)
I am a bit confused about the science behind it, how long would it take to make the particles that it sprays? and how much can it repair per 'go'. Maybe you already said it above but it was not clear to me, so could you quote it or explain it.
Please answer Minorock's question, Thomas.
To create the cells needed requires around about ten minutes. This creates enough cells to repair almost any wound which doesn't include replacing major organs or limbs. As far as this goes, in that ten minute period, around 500 cm2 of the various varieties of cells can be created. Wounds requiring less than this amount require proportionally less time.

Does that answer your question Minorock?