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CFS Decentralization Discussion


Inactive Member
When I submitted an upgrade to Andrew's CFS, Fred made some recommendations, including interest in removing CDD function from the rest of the CFS and decentralizing those systems from each other as separate entities. Here's the thread: https://stararmy.com/roleplay-forum/index.php?threads/integrated-cfs-array-updated.59307/

I am wondering what the opinion of people and the prevailing opinion of the setting is on this. My submission thread isn't the right venue for an extended discussion of this type.
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As far as I can tell from the current CFS article's section on propulsion, the distortion effects provided by a CFS are relatively minor and mostly exist to augment a ship's actual CDD. The only things that I've found with CFS-only FTL speeds are power armor without a CDD, and those speeds are universally much slower than ships actually equipped with a CDD (Compare the Mindy 4's 10c CFS speed with the Heitan's β€” or really any other ship's β€” listed "Combined Field System/Continuum Distortion Drive" speed). Small craft like the Nodachi fighter and Raccoon shuttle don't even make note of their CFS' propulsion capabilities.

tl;dr: Keep the CFS's propulsion function because it's essentially only used in a standalone capacity so power armors can have minor FTL while whatever effects it gives ships with a CDD is effectively indeterminate.
I see. In other places early in the CFS article, it seems to imply that a CFS always and fully replaces a CDD...maybe the CFS article needs revamped to make this more clear. There are also references to interdiction and all as well...

And it seems Andrew's system integrates them in that full capacity Fred found to be ill-advised. Okay, that clears some stuff up.

tl;dr, I misunderstood what Fred was trying to say and thought it was a bigger thing than it was.
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Well, updating the article would be great. I do agree with Raz that the CFS should remain generally as-is, but I also feel that Fred's got a point. The CFS does do everything, and that's sorta excessive. If it hasn't been suggested before, perhaps it should be made that a 'top shelf' model would be able to do all that, but lesser ones would be missing a function or two? I'm tossing ideas here. Fred's idea of the CFS having all the features, but not being 'optimized' for every one isn't bad either.
Hmm...while I don't see warships downgrading to align with the assorted "options", I could see some level of play here...
What I can say is that:
- I know Wes had been trying to dissociate protection and propulsion for a long time, but never achieved it.
- I feel a "status quo+1" article is neither constructive for the Star Army, or favorable for Yaichiro personally (Yaichiro's better than just giving a new coat of paint to something someone's already done).
- I think the end result could come across as visionary, and that it may end up as more impactful in-character.
- Wes is already inclined to remove FTL capabilities from most power armor in the setting.

There are IC stances on that too. The CFS is an extremely complex piece of gear capable of doing so much, and it is certainly well established, but it doesn't mean that it doesn't pose its own hurdles during construction of new ships. When working at its peak, given it does so much, it must require tons of power through only a select part of the power grid. Whereas the fold drive assembly is only used when doing hyperspace jumps. As an IT tech, I know multi-function printers can be a pain to fix because they try to do so much; it could be the same for the CFS too. You innovate, innovate and innovate on it, and suddenly fixing it ends up being like untangling a kite's string. Messy.

Making the CFS units a less central system and more integrated to the hull (like it happens to semi-be in the Plumeria's shields - those at the end of the pylons) was a likely start. Perosnally, I think spreading it out like this makes it less good of a 'hub', likely motivating putting propulsion function elsewhere. Integrating more features in the fold engines (something that's fed power or taxed only before a jump) to govern more propulsion functions seems like a laudable follow up to me: it's already a cousin to transposition tech and can do pocket dimensions to hide in, and with some tinkering could probably be repurposed to bend space the way CDD travel does too.

Note, this is not how I would personally do it. On my ships, the combined field system combines fields: distorsion fields coming from the fold drives and deflecting/prematurely exploding missiles; gravimetric field absorbing impacts (heat and kinetic), energized armor spreading/dilluting/mitigating any direct impact on the ship. Two are six-sided bubbles, another is conformal and they'd draw from the same source.

But that's not what I'm suggesting because that's mostly to my own purpose. Your current work just seems to be a springboard that you could use to checkmark a lot of things on Wes' wishlists. This can either be a "ho hum OP upgrade" that Wes humors because he likes his faction being strong or a significant milestone in KFY tech.
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Integrating CDD into Fold is interesting, though some designs explicitly omit Fold, like the Chiaki... Should that be handled just with a separate CDD?

Also, what you recommend is something that would have to be adopted setting-wide, not just faction wide, if it is meant to make Power Armor incapable of FTL. Wes will have to weigh in and verify/elaborate his wishes in this regard though. I don't actually have his verification on what he wants in this regard.
The Star Army used to use CDD which is like a warp drive, but then we figured out how to use the same distortion bubble for shielding, which was the CFS. Now all Star Army ships use CFS instead of CDD and it's one of Yamatai's hallmarks of technology.

I don't understand the desire to change the setting and take apart something that seems to be working fine already, or to increase the tech level of the setting.
Apparently you had stuff you wanted to accomplish, and Fred thinks that this is a way of achieving that end. Since I'm not 100% aware of what that list was or what was on it though, I need you to verify.
I don't understand the desire to change the setting and take apart something that seems to be working fine already, or to increase the tech level of the setting.

*bops Wes over the head*

You mention these things, and I remember them. Then you remention them later and mention with regret "I wanted this but unfortunately the community did not want it". But I keep remembering it. And then later on you go "Uhhh... I have no clue what you guys are talking about" because you forgot all about it.

GRAAH! It makes me livid! I'd call you hypocrite if I actually didn't believe that you really forgot all about it. Which I sadly do. T_T

Doshii keeps praising me for my good memory, but sometimes Wes, when dealing with you, it comes across like a curse. And here I was trying to champion stuff I recalled you wanted years ago and couldn't get. Of couse, this isn't exactly the first time this kind of thing blows up in my face. Someday, I'm going to learn to know better.

*tears at his hair in frustration*

Okay, Toshiro, if you think none of what I said made any sense, you can just ignore it. Like I said earlier, none of my views were actually relevant to approval. What I said wasn't my own exact preference so much as stuff I remember Wes said he wanted, so I'm not going to lose any sleep over it.

In the meantime, Wes can enjoy the stuff he once said "it would be nice if it'd be less OP" become more so. Not my problem anymore.
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