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[Challenge] The Epic Tale Of Man and Toilet


Inactive Member
The following scene was written on a dare. The scene contains an elaborate depiction of a visit to a toilet.


It started as a mere twinge, nothing to care about. The feeling of a gurgling within his bowels as he sat at the dinner table, a plate before him consisting of the mere scraps of a heavy meal. Something about it, something of that meal terrorized his innards as he squirmed in his seat. "Was it the turkey?" He asked himself as he dabbed his lips with his napkin. "Or... the fried chicken?" He asked once more to no one other than his own self as he now heard it, the gurgling was more than just a feeling.

He excused himself and scooted away from the table. He casually went about standing and pushing in his chair. A smile was upon his lips as he informed his dinner companions that he would return soon. It took a moment to leave the room. Once beyond the sight of his dinner companions his composure cracked as he went about some sort of unusual speedy shuffle to the restroom. All the while the muscles of his buttocks were clenched, forcing together the cheeks to ensure that a premature ejection of material would not take place.

The shuffle soon delivered him to the small room of porcelain and the faint hint of air-freshener. It was a hefty task to maintain control over his guts as he went about the unbuckling of his pants, followed by the unbuttoning, and the unzipping. Soon the pants were deposited around his ankles as he placed himself upon the seat of the pale white throne. Once seated, it was as if the most hefty of burdens was lifted from his shoulders. It was something of a grand revelation of peace and prosperity.

The moment consisted of a tensing of muscles, and the relaxing of other muscles as solid material was pushed through the series of tube-like organs. It felt as if his very innards were shifting as pressure was released from within his gut. His organs churned, yet felt good. His guts tensed, but felt relaxed. It was such a unique feeling which was only able to be delivered by this ever so ordinary day-to-day event.

Unfortunately, something terrible took place... a cramp in the tissues of his abdominal muscles. Relax! he told himself as he rubbed his belly. The cramp forced his muscles to tense, thus causing a halt to the ejection of the unwanted material from his innards. A sharp breath was exhaled as he tried to force his body into a relaxed state. The cramp already seemed to go away, but it had it's toll upon the process and that could not be simply undone.

"Tshhhhh." He exaled as he tried to return to the frame of mind which allowed his guts to behave as they should. He patted his palms against his knees, tapping out some obscure song as he tried not to focus on the situation. He looked about the bathroom, he studied a cheap picture which was hung upon the wall. I wonder if that is a real place? he asked himself as he looked at the landscape pictured in the reproduction painting. I wish I was there. He thought as he felt a gurgle from his gut.

A shift was felt within as pressure was released, but it was not the pressure he tried to remove. The pressure was not a solid, it was not a liquid, but it still was a pressure. The release was welcome as he reached for the brightly painted aerosol can which rested upon the counter beside the toilet. A press of his thumb upon the top of the aerosol can produced a spray of mist which banished the scent of the released gas. Fresh... like clouds and linen... He thought to himself as he set aside the can.

The primary pressure still remained though, it lingered, it was like some sort of terrible knot in his belly. Why is it being so stubborn? he asked himself as he rubbed his belly for a moment. He tried to figure out something to do as his body returned to the proper state to remove the offending matter. His gaze soon spotted a magazine placed upon the edge of the bath tub which was beside the toilet. He picked up the magazine and examined it passively as he tried not to think of his urge to simply bear down.

"That's pretty interesting..." He mumbled as he finished reading one of the articles... and his moment of insight was quickly ruined by an abrupt sound which resonated within the seat he was upon. Again it was not what he wished to release but it did release more of the offending pressure. He sighed heavily as he set aside the magazine and began to ponder the situation. He wished it went easy, when it went easy it was so much more relaxing to go about this task.

Well, grin and bear it I suppose. He thought to himself before he forced an action in his muscles. He beard down upon the pressure in his colon. First came an abrupt sharp sound of gas release, soon followed by the onset of something somewhat alarming. It was the product of cheese fondue and little fiber in the diet. "Ungh." He sounded as he felt what was to come. Even with the warning, he knew it would have to happen some time, so he pushed again.

It was a scene worthy of a novella. Sweat formed upon his brow, goosebumps spread over his skin, and his jaw was locked into an intense expression. His muscles were tensed again as he forced the movement of his bowels. The passage for the expelling of the waste protested that it was a seemingly impossible task to be done. However, with sheer effort he quickly felt the release of the full sum of pressure as a sound resounded within his seat, the sound like dropping a stone into a pond. "Whew..."

It was over, at least the reason for him being there was over. The pressure was gone, the tension was released. Every muscle in his body was now able to go slack as he took in a breath of relief. He smiled lightly at the feeling of feeling seemingly ten pounds lighter. "Now thats better..." He muttered before he looked about for the length of soft-paper which would guide him away from his throne of trials...

"... Shit." He muttered as he found that the roll suspended in the holder beside him was empty and bare, exposing the tube of brown cardboard within. It was a moment of desperation, it was like being stranded in a disaster. Somehow, this simple event caused a small panic in his mind as he looked about desperately for a solution to his situation. Behind him on the tank? Nothing. On the edge of the tub? Nothing. He then quickly leaned and looked in the cabinet beneath the sink... and his salvation was revealed. It sat between a series of hair care products, and a plastic bag-like container splashed with flowery decorations. His salvation was the white-roll of paper which he grabbed from his sandwiched position between a feminine hygiene product and the hair care supplies.

The soft rip was an enjoyable sound as he pulled the small paper tab which separated the end of the roll from the next layer of paper. He then began to pull away a length, folding it and then tearing it from the roll. The first cleansing swipe was taken. Again he made a folded square of paper before the second cleansing swipe was made. It took a total of three before he felt satisfied. He set aside the roll before he stood up and pulled his pants back on.

His clothing was secured, and now there was the simple task of disposing of the product of his release. He pressed his finger against the silver-colored leaver. The rush of water was heard... but no following gurgle. He looked down into the bowl and saw rising waters. God no... He thought as he saw the water continue to rise to dangerous levels. He quickly reached for the stick with the rubbery cup upon it's end.

The rubber cup was plunged into the tainted water, it was soon being forced against the bottom of the bowl as he went about attempting to purge the clump of material which obstructed the draining function of the waste disposal device. It was a race between the water and his ability to pump the plunger. His race was rewarded with a 'Swoooosh' of water down the drain which was signified by the obvious swirling before him. He tapped off the plunger before setting it beside the toilet where he grabbed it from.

With his trial behind him he stepped to the sink. First came the rush of water over his hands, it was cool and refreshing. The water was followed by a squirt of flowery smelling gel. The gel was rubbed between his hands before it formed a frothy lather which made his skin slick and soft. Again his hands went beneath the water as the lather was washed away. His hands were left damp and clean from the procedure. Soon he plunged his hands between layers of terry cloth as he removed the layer of water from his hands. His hands were left comfortably dry as he left the terrycloth towel to it's slumber upon it's rack.

"That was... eventful." He muttered as he opened the bathroom door. With the opened door one of his friends was seen. His friend moved her hand in a gesture for him to hurry out of her way. "Its all your's." He said as he stepped away. As he strode away from the bathroom he could not help but to wonder if she would have as much of an epic battle between her guts as he had with his own.
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