Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: YSS Destiny Change


Inactive Member
Apesael switched off the screen of his bed, having just finished a real-time communication with Tanjo. He'd been getting on well with the Fist Officer ever since his duel with Mephis, and had wanted to get a few issues sorted out before getting on the Destiny. It had been an amiable conversation, and Apesael was quite looking forward to boarding the Destiny. He would have preferred a longer break, he'd refused to let the medics fix him up fully, each wound was a memory of a lesson that needed to be learned, they'd made his arm wound non-critical, and indeed replaced three teeth, but other than that nothing. He'd almost fainted when he'd stopped dampening the pain. Having it all rush in on him was worse than if he had just taken the wound normally.

Despite his cautious enthusiasm over his promotion, transfer and recent award, he was not looking forward to what he had to do now: right a letter to his father. It wasn't that he didn't get on with his father, he loved him dearly, but he wasn't always easy to deal with, and they hadn't left on the best of terms. He might as well get it over with. He opened up a message and began to type.

Apesael said:
Dear Father

How are you and mother doing? I am doing well, better than well in fact, I have been promoted to Civilian Class 3, and have been assigned as First Officer Taisho's assistant on the Destiny. With your contacts I'm sure you know about it, enormous ship, hard to miss. I suppose this means that we won't meet for even longer than we planned, the Destiny could be away for years. I have also succeeded in a Close Combat award, and have been awarded a ceremonial Katana. I know you dislike them, but recent events have called to my attention that I need more training with swords. I'm doing well on my own, and look forward to when we can meet again.


Apesael was surprised when only a matter of minutes later he received a message from his father. Surprised because by his reckoning it was three in the morning where his family lived, and his father had never been a night bird.

Seru said:
Apesael my boy!

It is good to hear about your promotion, I always knew you could make it on your own. Indeed I have heard of the Destiny, it's not exactly easy to hide, and I do have some contacts in NovaCorp. Your mother is well, and I am better, I won't say anything for now, but you might be surprised when we next meet! I look forward to that meeting, and more so for when you come back and take your place in the family. Oh, and despite your request otherwise, I am sending you something, no not money, just something that I think might help you. Emrys Industries is growing. Shame your not part of it.


Apesael was somewhat confused. He always was when talking to his father, he was brilliant in many ways and loved to play games with people's minds through a manipulation of language. Hinting at things was nothing new, but it still had the desired effect of making Apesael confused. It was good to have his father's blessing, it meant a lot to him. He was cautious about this gift that his father was sending him, with his father it was impossible to guess what it would be. For his tenth birthday he'd been given a kitten specifically engineered so that it would die after ten day's without warning, just to teach Apesael a life lesson.

Apesael finished packing all of his possessions, which amounted to his clothes, toiletries, bo and katana, and his GPC's. He put the katana into the scabbard on his belt, and picked up his clothes case and bo case, with his uninjured arm to prevent re-injury, and took one last look around his room. It had served him well for his stay. He walked slowly down the hallway, heading for the shuttle that would bring him to his new home.