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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 1.0] - New Hires

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Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

To say Amelia wasn't startled herself was an understatement, she brought on hand defensively in front of her face as she stared -or rather tried to make out what she hear- mesmerized at the scene before her. She snapped of it shortly after when she heard the engineering airlock being cycled, not only was Crash fighting for her, it would soon not matter if the second hijacker reached her, there was simply no way she could fight both of them.

The Astrogator reached down for the penlight, pointing the light beam towards where she had just heard the noise of someone toppling and falling. She spotted the still downed and struggling form of her attacker on the floor as well as the spiderbot ''jockeying'' him. She sprung into action again, advancing towards her downed foe, raising her leg and bringing it down, aiming for his neck.
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The only things going for Crash in the way of weapons was the fear the man meat was under, and the 'bot's legs. Neither were going to hold out long. It occasionally attempted to snap at the man's cheek with the mandibles, but unless it was a good hold they were just going to hurt as much as the man's Aunt ever did to him as a kid.

When Crash felt the man start to fall back and fall It chittered and spoke again clinging on and poking the man's mouth with the It's front leg, "NOw yOU'RE MInE. ShE WAnTS mE tO FALay yUo." Crash wasn't sure how much longer this was going to work out, so when It saw Amelia back in the game Its hope came back.
Outside Ye Olde Den

Oreza dropped the tattered jacket. "And what sort of impression are we supposed to have of you when your first action when walking in is to shoot someone?" he demanded. "Your action escalated the situation and caused the death of at least a dozen people in there!" he pointed back in the direction of the bar.
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Tunnels outside Ye Olde Den

Seeing the pistol in the woman's hand Vel decided that a change in tactics was the most prudent course of action. "If my first impression on you was so bad that holding me at gun point after you killed an unarmed man, rather than have a peaceful conversion before the authorities arrive, which could be lucrative for the both of us, seems like the most appropriate course of action then please continue," He said more or less unconcerned about the weapon pointed his way "If, by any chance, you are interested in making money perhaps you would be so kind as to lower the weapon while we talk."

As he finished speaking he begins searching his cargo pockets pulling out an obscene amount of data pads, some contained blueprints for different mecha's and power armors some for handheld weapons, and others were filled with text that flashed on then back off too quickly for anyone else to make anything of them. "Ah here we go," he said holding up an 8th data pad "This holds the location of a derelict mining vessel that is nearby, but, in trade for the location you must take me with you off this planet and give me a fair cut..." He paused to let her think for a moment "do we have a deal?"

The man that was dragging him caught his attention " My intentions were to bring the situation to a halt I estimated that by my inaction the same result we witnessed would have played out so I took the chance in hopes to save lives."
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Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Although even in the darkness Amelia could tell that Crash had Paul temporarily incapacitated with nothing more than the element of surprise and sheer panic rather than any actual hold on him, the would-be hijacker was face-down on the floor nonetheless, furiously trying to swat away whatever arachnoid horror had accosted him. She realized his orientation an instant before her boot connected with its target, not that it likely would have made much difference to her at that point, but she missed striking the back of his neck and instead stomped down hard on the top of his spine. The force of her kick wasn't enough to cause any irreparable damage, but the moment her blow landed, Paul's lungs explosively expelled every last ounce of air in them, causing his frantic cries to go dead silent, leaving only the sounds of his banging around helplessly and gasping for breath like a fish flopping helplessly on the shore.

A wild swing of Paul's arm was lucky enough to catch Crash on its broadside, breaking its tenacious hold on his skull and sending it skidding across the metal decking a few feet before skipping over a seam and tumbling end over end the rest of the way into the far bulkhead, next to the welded-shut escape hatch.

Black Moon - Tunnels outside Ye Olde Den

An amused smirk tugged at Sienna's lips after Vel's first statement, and she took a sidelong glance towards Oreza without lowering her weapon. "'Authorities,' he says," she chided, speaking to her large companion but obviously meant for Vel to hear, before looking back at the Iromakuanhe. She didn't elaborate on what she found entertaining about that, but she continued speaking. "The gun is on you partially because the way I see it, you're just as dangerously insane as the one I shot in self-defense," she continued, without any apparent sign of remorse or pity, appearing completely secure in the knowledge that what she'd done was justified, "seeing how you walked into a gun-happy bar like some goddamn self-appointed sheriff and thought you'd scare some people into playing nicely. A stunt which screwed up a lot of people's days, including mine, when it scared off our job."

Judging from the tall, auburn-haired woman's body language, it was reasonable to guess that she had no actual intention of shooting the Iromakuanhe where he stood, but the look in her eyes coupled with the absence of any visible reaction to having shot a man in the bar, regardless of her reasons for doing so, made it clear that testing her would be unwise.

The young woman then glanced at the Freespacer again, just long enough to indicate that she was addressing him, or her, whichever the case. "No," she replied to Six Four's offer of assistance, "but after that little... 'disposal' routine in there, I do have to wonder exactly what your role here is."

She held the gun on Vel in their standoff while he outlined his rather vague offer of an alternate job, all while people milled back and forth through the tunnel around them, giving them a noticeably wide margin but otherwise unfazed by and uninterested in the sight. Even the smoke and acrid odor of melted tissue billowing out of the destroyed bar didn't seem to bother very many people, other than the occasional passerby who stopped to curiously crane their neck to catch a glimpse of the carnage as if it were little more than a mild oddity before continuing on their way. Her left eye narrowed ever so slightly at his offer, and the smirk on her lips twitched upwards just a touch. She was obviously interested in... something about his proposal, or at least found part of it somehow amusing, but exactly what wasn't as clear as it probably should have been. Rather than reply, she simply stood there, staring down the Iromakuanhe with a dubious, sideways stare, and that very odd smirk of hers. Perhaps she was thinking it over, perhaps she was waiting for her companion's input. Or maybe she was considering something entirely different.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Amelia didn't let up after seeing her feet connect. The strange mix of fear, anger and -as much as she wouldn't admit it- a tinge of excitement only spurred her own as she scowled, teeth bared and eyes wide. As the target of her frustration and aggression lost his breath and swatted the spiderbot away, Amelia had already taken a step back in preparation for what would come next. Using the short distance between her and her quarry to increase her momentum, the Astrogator came back in full speed, one feet forward and another one still coming towards the man's head as she threw a wide and low kick at him.
Skittering across the deck Crash found himself upside down and slightly helpless. Oh It could right Its self given a bit of time, but if Paul got up and cam at the 'bot the Crash would be screwed. The legs spasmed out and attempted to grab anything, with hopes to gain a point in which to hasten Its escape. An Almost scared child like whimper emanated from the 'bot.
Black Moon - Tunnels outside Ye Olde Den

Six Four's attention darted between the two talking, shifting its eyes to each person speaking while polishing and scrubbing the blood off of its helmet. It said nothing as it was addressed by both parties, focusing more on the cleanliness of its protective medical gear than what was being said to it. After a few more moments, and getting to where the gold rag was now more dark red in color, the freespacer put the helmet back onto its head, activating it with a vocal command driving the needles back into their previous position.

Six Four shook its head as the helmet activated, shaking off the chills of having something lodged in its skin again, before speaking up in its normal monotone robotic speech.

"Questioning: The pair of you seemed to be very concerned about authoritative figures, you do realize that there is no official police force correct?" Six Four cocked its head to the side as it spoke, "Issues involving two or more concerned parties are solved by the parties involved. Though on occasion hired help my be brought in to terminate one or more of the opposing parties."

Six Four was very 'manner of fact' as it spoke, as if a tour guide telling about the history of a particular monument, or a bored clerk at a help kiosk.

"If you are requiring of such services, this one will be more than happy to point you in the proper direction."

After another brief pause, as well as realizing that it was asked questions by both parties.

"This one agrees with the Nepleslian female and male, Iromakuanhe. Your solution to halt the violence was," Six Four paused for a moment to rub its 'chin' to think of the proper word to use, "Illogical and only proceeded to exacerbate the situation. Unit Six Four merely attempted to subdue the problem before it escalated any further." Satisfied with its answer it focused attention towards Sienna, "As to answer your query Subject 324, this ones role here is a surgeon and physician for the inhabitants of this....place."

Even though its voice was monotone, there somehow was a hint of annoyance and disappointment in the free spacers tone .

"Informative: This one on occasion will have to dispose of unwanted biological detritus. Incineration, this one has found, appears to be the most efficient and cost effective way to dispose of such problems. Saves on space and money."
Black Moon Tunnels - Outside Ye Olde Den

Vel couldn't help himself as he began laughing and shook his head "And you see me as the threat, while you condone killing anyone that looks at you funny and chaos without the chance of order... But, like myself, you may have just arrived here as well and I should not judge you without knowing who I am speaking with," He said sliding the data pad back into his pocket and spread his hands smiling "Perhaps you think me a liar about this little venture but if I am then why would I still be standing here?"
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Amelia's savage kick flipped Paul completely over onto his back, twisting his neck around almost far enough to snap it. He still didn't have enough breath in his lungs to be able to effectively cry out from the blow, instead, all that escaped was a weak groan followed by an airy grunt as he hit the deck again. At the same time, she could hear his stun baton clatter away, sliding across the floor towards Crash, who had hit the bulkhead and stopped tumbling and was now on its back, furiously trying to right itself.

Her eyes were now probably about as adjusted to the dim light as they were going to get, and she could see that Paul was not fully unconscious, but clearly in a considerable amount of pain and discomfort. He was lying on his back, leaning partially to one side, probably trying to get up and failing, and the pained groans and gurgling sounds coming from him made it clear he wasn't going to get up very soon. However, her sense of victory was short lived, as out of the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of another shadowy figure moving down the corridor on the starboard side, just around the corner. Her instinct told her it was most likely Datsan, although she couldn't tell for sure, and it didn't appear he was attempting to advance on her.

In fact, when she looked in his direction, she couldn't see him at all. Where did he go?

Black Moon - Tunnels Outside Ye Olde Den

Sienna shrugged with her face, as if mildly impressed with what she'd learned from Six Four's reply. The lack of authorities in this place, she already knew of; but this Freespacer's unorthodox methods were... interesting to her, if a bit on the morbid side. And considering how it, or she, evidently, had handled herself when all hell had broken loose inside the bar, she couldn't help but wonder if such a person might be handy to have on her side. She was glad she'd kept the business card now.

Then the Iromakuanhe's reply came. The auburn-haired woman tilted her head and narrowed one eye at Vel, looking now more perplexed than amused. From the way she was looking at the Iromakuanhe now, she apparently considered him to be completely daft to the point of pity. "I shot someone who charged me in the middle of a brawl that turned into a gunfight," she replied, almost sounding annoyed with herself that she was even bothering to explain her actions. "And if memory serves, you shot at two guys duking it out who didn't even know you were there. And let's not forget that tree trunk you dismembered," she added, the hint of her smug smirk returning. "Or is that part of this code of honor you're shovin' on me?"

Raising an eyebrow, her gun still trained on Vel's horned head, she nudged her chin in the direction of the pocket where he'd put the datapad away. She understood his proposal all too well; she'd been in that situation before, although when it was her, she had the element of urgency on her side. "Where'd you get that kind of intel, anyway?" she asked. "And what makes you think you're the only one who's got it?"
He ignores her initial retaliation as he didn't want to start the argument all over again "The ship has been abandoned on an asteroid for a few weeks and my informant just received word of it despite its time out there, and as for where I got it, trustworthy informants remain that way when you don't name them." He said with a dull look at the gun which was still pointed at him very clearly not going to give her a name at this point.
Amelia prepared herself to deliver another kick, but stopped when she saw that the man was down and wouldn't be getting up any time soon. She caught herself staring at him for a moment before she suddenly jerked her head to the side, looking towards where she had caught a glimpse of someone -or something- moving. She quickly added two with two and realized that was probably Paul's partner, who had most likely heard all the noise, and cursed herself for not realizing that as she moved back to where Crash was, stepping back carefully as she kept her head turned in the direction of where hse had seen the movement with her newly acquired penlight flashing on that direction.

She tried to listen to any noises that might give them away, trying to hear it over her downed foe's grunts and her own quick breathing. She started trying to reach for the spiderbot once she felt her back press against the wall next to where Crash was, trying to get him upright again, taking her eyes off the place where she saw - or thought she had seen- the other hijacker for a second, so she could help the bot and get the stun baton to herself.
Outside Ye Old Den

"Informative: Judging from the current situation, this one would say that he is bluffing. Odds say about 54%." Six Four said a bit intrigued by the current situation, "Then again if Six Four was in his position this one would as well. Chances of there being a 'Ghost Ship' relatively close are slim to none, especially with the amount of .... less than legal entrepreneurs, currently inhabiting The Black Moon, easy money is hard to come by without a price. Unless you have a certain skill set that everyone needs."
Vel looks at the freespacer with interest "I would say I have skills everyone needs as I am an engineer if there is anything wrong with the ship I can fix it unless you want to try hauling it in piece by piece, but I'm sure that a ship that can fly would get a better asking price than one that has some assembly required" he said with a slightly cocky grin which is one of the few expressions besides indifference that he has really shown. "I am also ex-infantry so I am not completely useless when it comes to trouble though you two..." He nodded at the large man and the woman "seem to think I am... What was it you called it... Oh yes, playing sheriff and you, Six-Four, have yet to display any thought on the matter one way or another other than that there is a greater than 50% chance I'm bluffing when, in fact, I could just walk away and find someone that is willing to take the risk that I'm right. Now then I am going to go to my room. If you wish to continue this discussion you will have to follow as I'm not giving this information out to everyone." He said and turned to leave but stopped to see who would follow.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

With the help from Amelia the 'bot got back to Its feel. Skittering It climbed the wall and started scanning about with Its on board sensors. the lack of true eyes were handy here. "You need to move... get to the Cockpit I can seal you in there... I can locate the other and we can figure out what to do about him... Go" the male simple voice had taken over here.

Moving into the crawlspaces and overhead cable runs Crash skittered about trying to find the last intruder. "MY MAINTENANCE BOT HAS KILLED YOUR PARTNER... THE YOUNG ONE WILL MAKE FOR A GREAT CURTAIN OVER MY LEFT SENSOR POD... LIKE AN EYELID. HAHAHA. YOUR WRINKLED OLD ASS WILL BE MY RIGHT." The evil sounding Amelia voice ringed back out through out the ship.
Amelia extended a hand to reach for the stun baton when the bot was up and moving about again. She wrapped her fingers around its base and quickly found the button to switch it off, her eyes still focused on where she had last seen the movement. Her eyes flicked from the dark hallway towards Crash as she regarded what he had just said to her, asking her to run away, not only she wouldn't do that because that would leave her trapped inside the cockpit and back to square one, but she also wouldn't back away from the fight she had gotten herself into; despite the fact that she avoided getting into that sort of situation, she wasn't a coward.

"I'm not going," she said to the spiderbot, trying to suppress a smirk once she heard it taunt the intruders in her voice as she pressed her back against the wall and slowly raising to her feet, her eyes darting back to the hallway. The Astrogator breathed quickly as she clicked her newly acquired penlight off, letting her eyes adjust to the darkness, "Tell me where the last one is," she said.
Outside Ye Olde Den

Oreza stood there beside Sienna, arms crossed over his chest looking imposing as ever. He did not like this Iromakuanhe, he was over confident, cocky and posessed an unacceptable idea of how the universe operated.

"This one is trouble, mark my words" the retired Nepleslian Navy Captain said to sienna, though kept his eyes fixed on the alien. He did not like this one one bit.
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Crash easily scaled the bulkhead and ascended to the conduit-covered ceiling, suspended from where its clawed feet secured it. Its movement was slowed slightly, due to the effect of gravity and having to maintain a good hold on the cabling and exposed joints, however, and it knew that if it was discovered, it was well within reach of the remaining hijacker still aboard, should he attempt to take a swing at it from the floor. It kept itself patched in to the ship's intercom system, switching the panels throughout the ship to "receive" so that any noise Datsan made would be picked up.

The corridor was once again completely black after Amelia switched off her light, save for the dim light of the consoles weakly coming from the cockpit hatch behind her. She fought to keep her breathing as quiet as she could, though her heart was pounding in her chest almost loudly enough to hear. However, there was no further sign of the other intruder.

Black Moon - Tunnels Outside Ye Olde Den

Sienna gradually lowered her pistol to her side as the Iromakuanhe turned to walk away, although it remained in her hand, her finger resting on the trigger guard. She continued to watch him cautiously as Oreza spoke, and responded with a nod of agreement to her companion. "He's an idiot," she said just loudly enough for Oreza to hear over the crowd, "and yeah, sometimes that's the worst kind of trouble." She then turned to look at the big man, her eyebrows raised slightly. "But now we've got no work, thanks to his cowboy antics. And if he's telling the truth, he's our only payday. You got any other suggestions?"

She moved her gaze to Six Four. "How attached to this place are you, exactly?" she asked the Freespacer with a leading tone. She already saw a way to make this turn of events work to her advantage.
Amelia tightened her grip on the stun baton, as she willed herself to think clearer; She had already come to terms with the fact that there was no 'calming down' from that, not until it was done anyway, and the very thought of someone remaining calm from that was both funny and distressing as it crossed her mind. She brushed that thought aside as she kept thinking about what to do next, she wouldn't risk going on a trip to find the last hijacker, all initiative she had had was gone and they weren't on equal terms if it came to a fight anymore, making the raven-haired woman grunt under her breath, if only she had her gun.

Her expression suddenly cleared. 'that's right, my gun!' She thought as she remembered that her firearm was 'procured', so there was a fifty-fifty chance that the guy she had just knocked out had it. Amelia slowly moved to the sprawled form of Paul, listening out for any odd sounds, both from the hallway and from the downed man. Slowly and carefully, she reached out towards him with a gloved hand while her other -the one holding the stun baton- was kept raised, ready to toggle the weapon again and strike down if he did so much as try anything.
Outside Ye Old Den

Six Four was about to head back to its dwelling when Sienna spoke to it.

"Well this one is secured to this Moons surface by the same amount of gravitational force that you are, seeing as how Six Four is not floating around bumping into things. This one can also move freely seeing as it is not physically secured to the ground, the reason being said gravitational force."

Six Four was satisfied with its answer but judging from the expression on the nepleslian woman's face it wasn't the one she was searching for.

"Or attachment as in how much does this one enjoy staying here or how obligated is this one to staying here. This one has no contractual obligations, nor is this home to Six Four. So to answer your questions Subject 324, None. "
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