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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 3.0] - Strangers in a Strange Land

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Concordia Veil - Lounge
Four standard days after departing the Black Moon

The sound of cards ruffled over the low, rumbling thrum of the ship's engines that the crew's hearing had long since learned to ignore in their time between the stars as Sienna, seated at the mess table with her back to the far wall, shuffled a deck to deal herself another game of solitaire. She had recently bathed, but enough time had passed for her hair to be completely dry and finger-brushed into its usual style, and she once again sported her typical dark green tank top tucked into her utility pants, black belt, and heavy boots in preparations for the upcoming task ahead of them.

Their departure from the Black Moon had thankfully gone off without a hitch, even with nearly her entire crew groggy and sleep-deprived for some reason she didn't understand. She had even once had to reprimand Shrie for nearly nodding off in the path of a loading fork in the cargo bay after she had yanked her clear of its path prior to being pinned between it and another heavy crate of moon dust, but all of their cargo had been accounted and paid for, and Oreza's men had done satisfactory work repairing the damaged turret and helping resupply the ship. They had bought enough fuel and food supplies to stay in interstellar space for nearly three weeks, even if the foodstuffs were basic and uninteresting, although she sincerely hoped they wouldn't be that long. Besides, Shrie had more than proven herself to be quite resourceful in creating at least passable meals given the barest of ingredients so far.

Khorsovarolor was a pretty planet from high above, but they didn't stay long enough to interact with any of the locals or see any of the sights. It was just a quick insertion into orbit, a rendezvous with an orbital hauler where they jettisoned their cargo for pickup, and once the money changed hands, they were on their way again. Not exactly a king's ransom, but it was enough to pay for their travel costs and pocket a little extra for their trouble in case things with picking up this Tam fellow went awry. Boring, but simple, straightforward, and without surprises; a welcome change from their salvage mission.

Sienna had made it a point not to interfere with Amelia and Crash's course plotting, as much as it drove her crazy to keep her mouth shut. The Veil was her ship, and entrusting its well being to someone else was almost physically painful for her to do, but Oreza's and Crash's words still resonated in her head. And as much as she hated it, so far it seemed that the astrogator was doing just fine on her own. She couldn't bring herself to avoid meddling altogether, but she satisfied her discomfort by only demanding regular status updates, and distracting the rest of her desire to micromanage with furious, strenuous exercise in the cargo bay, and the occasional card games by herself.

She of course would never openly admit it, but she had snuck into the cockpit when Amelia and Crash were otherwise occupied on two or three occasions, checking their plots and trying to come up with a better one on her own, but she never could. Complex calculations were never her strong suit, and there wasn't a single time she managed to improve upon Amelia and the Freespacer's trajectories. By her observations, they were pretty much optimal already.

She dealt out another hand on the table before her and sighed softly as she began her fifth consecutive game. Just as she was starting to wonder if she should get up to check on their progress, the soft chime sounded over the intercom speaker next to the door, and the computerized voice spoke. "Approaching destination threshold. Continuum distortion drive... will disengage in... thirty minutes."

That was the cue she had been waiting for. Drawing a sharp breath in through her nose, she stood up and exhaled through puffed cheeks, sidestepping the table, and started to head for the cockpit.

Oreza had spent much of the trip keeping an eye on the day to day operation of the ship, as any good exec would. He had taken to the cockpit duties, keeping an eye on things as the ship ripped through interstellar space while the others went about their other routines, and Sienna mostly left him alone. He did not mind the solitude, in fact, after the recent dust ups with her, he had come to prefer them. This did, though, isolate him from the rest of the crew. But that was all right, he figured. Someone had to monitor the ship's functions, and it might as well be him.

"Approaching destination threshold. Continuum distortion drive... will disengage in... thirty minutes."

The monotone computer voice reported and Oreza sat up in the cramped co-pilot's chair he had been inhabiting for the past few hours, rubbed his tired eyes and pushed his black fishermans cap back up into it's proper place on the top of his head. His eyes scanned the ships master system status board, checking for any warning indicators. All was green on the board. He nodded with some satisfaction and continued systematically checking over all functions in preparation for reversion to sub light space.
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Concordia Veil - Escape Pod Bay

Six Four sat practially motionless in its chair, occasionally moving a finger or some other minute body motion. A book was open in front of it but even with its Black Mirrored helmet on one could clearly tell it wasn't reading it.

Polyscience Virtual Chatroom

Though motionless on the outside Six Four was sipping a virtual coffee across from a near duplicate of itself, the only exception being the longer pink hair set into twintails, and the less mechanical arms and legs that were visible.

"But Paaaaat, she was cute! I mean come on don't scold your sister like that! Mom would be mad!" The other woman said before finishing off the last of a glass of beer she had.

"First off Jack," Six Four began setting its coffee down on a small doily covered plate, "You and This One both know we do not have a biological mother, unless you are counting the cloning apparatus as a mother. If that is the case this one thinks you are crazier than normal and should not be flying. Inanimate objects do not know feelings."

"It was a joke." Spacecase Jack 69-4406-2207 said rolling her eyes, but was cut off by Six Four's silencing hand.

"Sternly: Secondly it is bad to your health to be, as you quaintly put it 'hooking up' with these random people. Not to mention the safety concerns."

"Dammit Pat, I don't need another one of your lectures.. I just wanted to catch up and see how things were going... maybe tell a few stories maybe a joke or two..."

"This one understands, but as being the older sibling one must make sure that its younger biological relation is making good choices and other things that are, " Six Four paused for a moment to take a drink from its digital coffee, "Well hazardous to your health."

Jack said nothing as she starred at her sister. After about a minute the other pink haired freespacer leaned back in its chair after polishing off the remainder of its digital beer, "Your something else, you know that Pat. Your something else."

"This one thanks you for the complement."
~~Crash's Nest~~

hooked to the computer core through numerous jury-rigged cables, crash had spent the bulk of the trip in It's nest. Flying the ship, while making it look like Amelia was doing all the work. The rest of the time was spent bugging his pet with pics and strange images from it's data storage core. most were simple images of starships, and stars. Others though here form It's special folder. The same as the vids were kept, the same vids that kept popping up in Sienna's inbox.

For the most part though Crash was slowly going over the data he had downloaded form the black moon's data cores. Data on the Freespacers, there wasn't much but Crash was starting to find that the Kats did attack and nearly wipe them out, but then they stopped with their attacks. Now focusing on a few so called terrorist cells with in the Freespacer populous. Crash couldn't find much on the terrorists, nor what they were doing to be defined as such.

It all still depressed Crash, the memories dug up, th lost of It's, his, wife, and friends. It's mandibles slowly twitched, as Crash worked through what would have been a few hours of tears for a fleshy being. Sometimes Crash missed It's old body.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

The cockpit door groaned open, and Sienna ducked her head as she stepped through the portal, closing it behind her. Crouched on the command platform, she surveyed the readouts on the consoles, checking status displays and general astrogational information as she glanced down at her titanic first mate squished into Amelia's seat at the front of the cockpit, suppressing a smirk at the sight of it. "Am I gonna have to go get a rope and a tub of grease to yank you out of there?" she asked Oreza with the subtlest of witty tones while she pulled up a readout of the ship's fuel supply, consumption and replenishment rates.

Satisfied that they were still on schedule, she moved to another console and brought up the secondary comms station and started to patch in to the network address that she had conversed with Tam on. She felt slightly better about their financial situation since their successful run to Khorsovarolor, and if this soldier was good for what he promised, they would reap a huge windfall from it, but nobody threw around that amount of money without a reason. Unless, of course, this Tam fellow was either exceedingly wealthy, or simply had more money than good sense. Either way, she couldn't shake the nagging suspicion that this pick-up wasn't going to be as easy as it sounded.

She switched on the ship's intercom and set it to public address. "Amelia, come on up to the cockpit," she said. Going back to the network screen, she keyed a reply to Tam.

Arriving in-system in 30 minutes. Set up your beacon and advise of anything we might need to be aware of.
Shrie meanwhiel waddled to the stairs leading up to the cockpit. She did not climb them up, since the cocpkit was small enough even without 7 feet Fyunnen there. She still did not exactly knew what was going on, expect that they were going to pick someone up or something. Maybe that meant some more income and maybe even Shrie would get some money. That meant she might actually buy something to build her nest and even some clothes and stuff. Oh and booze. Definitely some booze. Or maybe, they will give her nothing. That was also possiblity. It was not Shrie was officially hired or something. They might think of her as a freeloader. Well that would be bad, Shrie had to make herself useful fast.

"Can I help in some way Captain?" Shrie asked through the open doors to the cockpit. It was clear, there was nothing to do for Shrie at the moment, but when they land she can help a lot. Well unless the planet has no air, Shrie still had no vacc-suit of her own. That was another thing, she will have to get asap.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

Sienna glanced to the side at Shrie just for a second to acknowledge her presence before she went back to the console. "Yeah," she replied. "If you know how to prep a Dusk Suit, head to the central airlock and get 'em all ready just in case. Then go let Amelia and Six Four know we'll be getting to Neue Jaspis here pretty soon. I ain't expecting trouble, but what I've found about this place ain't really comforting. Best be ready for anything."
"Aye ma'am," Shire replied with a nod. She turned and waddled away, her single wing held up. She was happy to be useful. Being useful means better chance of getting money ot at least staying on the captain's good side. So Shrie went to get the vacc suits prepared for others. Still there was a good chance Amelai won't use one, cause she had her new suit and Six-Four always wore a vacc suit of some sort. Still Shrie went and made sure all the suits are fine and ready for use.
Concordia Veil - Cabin 3

There was little to no noise as the astrogator lay on her bunk, legs crossed and one hand behind her head as she looked at whatever it was that she looked on her Datajockey between random pictures of spaceships that popped up and other less... Modest things. She was already in her usual attire, except that the jacket was unzipped, revealing the worn out sweater completely underneath and the pair of boots were tucked besides be bunk. With a sigh, Amelia closed yet another image of a random starship, going back to the novel she was reading, until another one popped up a few minutes later.

"God damn it," the astrogator said, and started to close the image again when something in it caught her attention. "Ooh," she started to say, looking around the empty cabin as if she expected anyone to jump in on her in that moment, "this is a good one," she added, bringing the screen of the datapad closer.

Crash monitored the Cabin as it flew and processed other things. It was almost in a deep funk about the past when It heard Amelia pipe up. It took some doing but a Volumetric spider appeared on the foot of her bed. "You enjoying it?" Crash spoke through the phantom spider as it crept closer to her. "Which one?" It could have hacked her Datajockey and found out, but that seemed rude and imposing.

The astrogator yelped loudly, sitting up from her bed and almost throwing the Datajockey up against the lower side of the other bunk. "God damn it, Crash!" She exclaimed, keying off the image as she tried to calm down. Her face was also blazing red.

"What?!?!" The holo-arachnid bounced up to the wall along the bunk and stared at her. "What Did I do? You made a comment about liking something. I came to find out what."

"W-what!? That's none of your business!" Amelia said, although the mention of the picture just made it pop inside her head again.

"Fine fine, but if it was one of the last three... I have more of all three of those types. you just have to ask." Crash skittered about up near her face. "Any ways... I'm had way to much run time and not enough stuff to run... BOOOOOOORRRRRREEEEED!" it chimed before falling off the wall into her lap upside down on it's back.

She sighed, lowering her Datajockey besides her on the bed as she watched the hologram. Slowly, she moved her hand through it, passing without an issue through the volumetric spider. "What do you wanna do?" the astrogator asked.

"I don't know... I know that right now the ship is experiencing a slight static build up on the hull, nothing to worry about. There is three parts per hundred more O2 in Cargo bay 2 then is in Cargo bay 3. I've spent most of this flight going over the bits of data I was able to pull form Black Moon, on the Freespacer current events..." There was a long deep sigh before It continued. "I'm pretty sure that if I continue sitting here I'll drive myself insane..."

"We should be out of the system as soon as we do what we're here to do," Amelia started saying, looking around the room. "Maybe the next place we go to will be nicer than the last one," she said, trailing off.

"Maybe..." The spider flicked its legs about for a few moments thinking, "You know I scared the crud out of the Boss-lady? I wanted to test the watertightness of my new bot... Well apperently she was in the shower at the same time." Crash chattered before shooting some photon webbing to the celing above, pulling it's self up. Soon it was rocking back and forth like a pendulum.

"You what?" Amelia asked incredulously, but still covering her mouth with a gloved hand, hiding her grin. Now that was something. "How did she take it?" the astrogator asked, crossing her legs and supporting her hands on her knees as she looked up.

"We talked. I took a bath in the sink... It was fun, havn't been in water since I transfered from a flesh body." Crash chattered again, this time from the pleasent memory of playing in the water and not shorting out.

"The captain doesn't seem like someone to talk during shower," the astrogator commented as she pictured the spiderbot in a sink.

"She listened more than talked... I talked, I like to talk a lot sometimes, it is even better when someone is paying attention. though I don't need people there to talk, I talk quite a bit by myself. Mainly when I'm working on a few things, but I talk my way through them." The Crash holo stopped mid swing and looked right at Amelia, "Why? You think I have images of this? I bet you want to see her..." There was chittering and the holo flickered colors as Crash laughed.

"What, no, you pervert!" Amelia said, crossing her arms across her chest, clearly uncomfortable at the whole situation, if not still blushing from when the freespacer's hologram appeared.

"Ok... That's good cause it would have cost you your share from the next two operations." Crash chittered again and went back to swinging back and forth. "I'm happy with the new body... It seems to be working well."

"Good to hear it's working out for you," she answered, looking around the empty cabin again until her gaze settled back on the hologram. "Crash have you ever considered, uh..." the astrogator started to say, thinking over her words, "nevermind," she added.

"Have I what? huh... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh???" Crash really enjoying the distraction from sitting around and feeling sorry for Itself. It was pretty apparent that Crash was happy.

It was then that the intercom inside the room beeped, and the captain's voice sounded clearly through it as she called for Amelia at the bridge.

"Damn it," the astrogator said, moving to the side of the bed and hurriedly putting her boots on. "I'll tell you later," she said, moving around the room and picking up her things before zipping the jacket up and running her hands through her hair, which only ended up making them even more ruffled.

"NO! Tell me... Or I'll seal the cabin door and tell the Captain Lady that you'd planned on killing the whole crew with a cheese grater and a toothpick..." It was a bluff and a crappy one at that, but Crash didn't want to have to go back to being bored and alone. Plus now it was killing It not to know what she was going to ask.

"It wasn't important, Crash, come on!" she said.

With a loud sigh the holo bot deflated a bit, "Fine... I'll go back to my room. But I'm still going to tell on you... and you dirty thoughts about the Captain Lady..." with a clatter the spider started climbing to an airduct.

"I'll tell you later, I promise," Amelia said before keying the door panel and walking out of the cabin.


Concordia Veil - Cockpit

The door to the cockpit hissed as it opened right after Sienna ordered Shrie out, allowing Amelia to look in. "What do you need?" She asked Sienna, leaning into the cockpit from outside with only her shoulders and head visible to anyone in. Even though she was aware of it, and regreted so, her face was still somewhat flushed from the surprise that had happened in the cabin. She felt like some kid who got caught trying to take something from the cookie jar.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

The captain was finishing a few more routine checks on the rear consoles when Amelia appeared. Her initial glance at the dark-haired astrogator was fleeting and disinterested, but a subtle double-take with her eyes from beneath one raised eyebrow quickly followed; by the looks of it, she had noticed Amelia's flushed color, but her expression was unreadable beyond that.

"Come help me pull this behemoth out of your seat and squeeze him into the other one," she said with a nod of her head in Oreza's direction, looking back at the computer consoles, not calling attention to whether or not she had any thoughts or guesses as to why Amelia was blushing. Her tone of voice also sounded somehow out of place. Her phrase was obviously meant in lighthearted jest, but she delivered it with so little inflection and emotion that it sounded bored, almost slightly irate. "We'll need every ear we've got listening, in case we get a less than warm welcome here," she added, closing several displays on the consoles.
Cockpit - Concordia Veil

The astrogator squeezed into the cockpit, doing her best to stay out of anyone's way in the tight confines of the room. "Don't think three of us would take it to do the job, 'cap," Amelia commented, crouching down on the command platform behind the copilot seat. She brought her left wrist level with her face, looking at the time left until arrival being displayed on the very tiny, and very not volumetric screen of her PHC. She did not look forward to go to Neue Jaspis.
Cockpit - Concordia Veil

Six Four emerged from its office shaking its head and mumbling to itself about how much of an idiot its sister was. The commotion in the cockpit caused it to pause for a moment and steal a glance towards it. At that exact moment it let out a sneeze, shortly followed by a digital groan. Placing its hands on its helmet it slowly removed it as it walked into the open cockpit door, helmet tucked under its arm.

"Excuse me," Six Four said in its normal voice as it poked its head into the confined space, "Does anyone have a tissue this one could borrow?"
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

Oreza looked up and over his shoulder at the two women talking, and chuckled softly. "No need for that, ladies," he chimed in, shaking his head as he reached up for the grab bar and hoisted his considerable frame up and out of the seat with a bit of a strained grunt. "Just give me a moment."

Sienna went back to the network interface, alternating her glances between reading their mystery friend's message and smirking slightly at her first mate, but said nothing. When Six Four appeared at the doorway, her smirk vanished, and she shook her head. "No, I don't. Sorry," she replied, then looked at Amelia, tossing her head lightly towards the front of the cockpit, silently directing her to her seat. "Get ready to start a sweep for any traffic around here. I ain't sure we'll be too welcome." With that, she keyed a reply to the network message.

Understood. My records show that this system is occupied by a highly reclusive synthetic intelligence. Need to know if you've encountered anything of the sort, and whether or not it's hostile.

It took Amelia a couple of moments to react, surprised as she was at Six Four. "Nice hair," she commented, still surprised upon seeing the doctor without the helmet for the first time. As far as she knew, the Freespacer had never taken it off. Bringing her attention back to the task, the astrogator reached for the handholds and eased herself into the copilot's seat, then set about doing her work again.

"Come to think of it, Oreza," Sienna added, her eyes still on the consoles in the rear, "can you go help Shrie? I ain't sure she knows what she's doing, and she could probably use a hand."

The first mate hesitated briefly, then nodded. "Yes ma'am," he replied flatly, squeezing past Amelia as she sat down, and wormed his way out of the cockpit. He didn't even attempt to make eye contact with Sienna, or any further conversation, and the captain didn't turn around as the first mate left the cockpit, taking Six Four with him.

Meanwhile, the astrogator kept doing her work, preparing the ship for when it arrived at the system. "What's our first destination?" She asked Sienna, turning her head around to regard the captain once her preparations had been done.

After a few moments after Oreza left the bridge the hatch sealed and locked, preventing access from the exterior. It was then a glowing spider matrialized from an air vent. "Afternoon Master Ma'am. I have the ship control. How may I serve you today." The little holo-spider shifted color to a light green as it slowly morphed into an anthrospider with 'hands' on the controls.

"Quit. Calling. Me that," Sienna said tersely, leaning forward and gripping the edge of the computer console, slowly turning her head down at the hologram in the pilot's seat and holding her eyes on it for a moment before flicking them over to Amelia. "Eighth moon of Neue Jaspis II. Lock us in and we'll have an atmo scan when we drop out of FTL and get close enough."

"Understood, master ma'am," Amelia said, imitating Crash and giving a mock salute to Sienna as she turned back around to hide her smirk. The astrogator then began working on a new approach vector for the ship, bringing a volumetric map of the system.

Sienna sighed with a huff, and shook her head, grumbling something under her breath.

The disembodied, computerized voice chimed again. "Continuum distortion drive... will disengage in... five minutes." Amelia's star charts sprang up in front of her, showing a detailed overview of the system ahead, and zoomed in slowly while panning around to focus on the Veil's present position, as well as their destination, orbiting some distance away from a massive blue gas giant. The celestial bodies on the far side of the system and those not affecting their trajectory in any way faded from view, leaving only the gas giant's system of moons, the star, and one or two errant comets a few hundred thousand kilometers off of their flight path. A thick red line extended from the ship's icon, stretching towards the eigth moon, and circling around the far side of its parent planet before stopping on the night side. As the astrogator tweaked some calculations, the line made a few minor adjustments to itself, sliding a bit to the side, lengthening the gravitational slingshot around the planet.

The hologram of Crash looked back at Sienna, even as it continued miming the actions It was taking digitaly. "I heard that... it was rude, and might distract me from my job. it might lead to flying into a sun" It chittered as it turned back and continued miming. the only reason Crash had the holo presents was making the two others more comfortable then just a disinbodied voice.

"Once we drop out of the jump, please hold on we will being needing to preform a few manuvers to put us on the proper flight path. It would be suggested that you strap into an harness..."

Amelia turned her head around towards the hologram, then the captain. "Course plotted," she said crisply.

The captain didn't engage Crash, instead replying only by clenching her jaw tightly as she fought the urge to snap back at the upstart AI, knowing that it would only serve to make matters worse. "Ain't no harnesses back here," she said tightly, instead taking a few steps toward the pilot's seat and grabbed onto the handrail. "So the way I see it, you're in my seat." Without giving the hologram time to react, Sienna swung her legs over the back of the seat and half lowered, half dropped her rear end into the cushion, square on top of the holographic projection, slipping her legs into the space beneath the flight controls as she fell.

With a chitter, from with in her, "I'm in you..." the holo gram changed from the anthro-spider to a little spider that scurried over to Amelia's lap and remorphed into the standard spiderbot shape.

"Don't you wish, you pseudo-metal freak," Sienna retorted as she fastened the harness around her shoulders and waist.

"I'm still flying the ship, please don't touch the controls, or I will have to lock them down, interfearence may cause problems. Also I'll make sure not to turn the others into paste. And you only could dream of what I can do..."

Sienna just shuddered in disgust. "I ain't touching a thing," she said, obviously preferring not to continue that line of thought, and reached forward to switch on the ship's intercom. "Everybody brace for STL drop," she addressed the crew.

"Very funny," Amelia said, grabbing the harnesses and strapping herself in. There was an audible click when they locked, effectively securing her onto the seat should anything drastic happen. "Who's this guy we're picking up?" The astrogator asked Sienna once the captain had settled herself into the pilot's seat.

"No idea," the captain replied, "but he's made a damn convincing argument that he's worth picking up. Namely in monetary form."

"The Captian is picking up a male concubine." Crash chittered just before the ship dropped into realspace again. As soon as it did the ship started rotating on two seperate axis at the same moment. The rotation was slower the It wanted, but any faster the crew would have been thrown about. As it was, everyone could feel in the pits of thier stomachs the forces of the twists. Once the rotations were complete Crash noted that the ship's main power up was three point two six fave eight three seconds late... So after a quick caluclation It increassed the burn rate on the main engines causing everyone aboard to be pushed to the rear a bit.

"We are now on course. Time of arrival seventy-nine minutes, once at key point," marked on the map as beta three with a flashing spider icon, "We will begain burn for orbital insertion." it was one of the few times there was soild statements from Crash with out a joke or emotion.

Sienna, with an annoyed look on her face at Crash's addition to her reply, rode out the brief thrill ride with her thumbs hooked through the shoulder harness, closing her eyes as the ship was buffetted by inertial forces, turning a little pale in the process. If either of the other two looked over at her, they would notice that her hands were shaking again.

Once the ship was on course and coasting, the captain looked to her right side, and punched in an override command onto a keypad. Instantly a dull electrical hum could faintly be heard in the cockpit, but was otherwise unnoticable to the Nepleslians. To Crash's digital consciousness in the computer, however, the electric pulse "jump start" could be compared to either Sienna or Amelia being jabbed in the ribs with a medium-voltage cattle prod.

As the shock hit the hologram when staticy and the ship's systems blacked for a second. Crash growled, and started physically removing the hook ups to the ship. it took a minute but it started for the bridge. ti wasn't long, fifteen feet of venting, Crash dropped from the celing and landed on Sienna's head. "THAT HURT!!!" With a hissing sound Crash poked it's sharp feet lighting into her scalp, nothing to break the skin, just and 'ignoring' as the shock was.

"Ow!" Sienna yelped, and swatted a few times at the spider bot before snatching it off of her head and tossing it forward onto the console roughly. "What!?" she snapped in mock innocence. "I was just jolting the system. Damn thing's old and we've been spaceborne for days now. Calm the frak down."

"You what?" The astrogator asked incredulously. "He's plugged into the ship!" she exclaimed.

"And he's just fine," Sienna replied smugly, although she was still trying to rub away the prickly sensation on her scalp. "More than fine, since he decided to do that," she added, pointing up at the vent above her head.

With another hiss the image of Sienna in the shower popped up on the vid-screens. Crash fought for a moment trying to get up right, it was pitiful to watch, with it's legs scrabbleing int he air trying to grab on to something grab to help flip him.

Sienna's eyes shot open wide when she saw the display screens change from astrogational data and operational readouts to a fully-monty vista of her stark naked in the shower. Meanwhile, Amelia covered her mouth with one of her hands as she looked at the image in the screen. At the same time, the two women's hand lashed forward for the spider bot squirming helplessly on the console in front of them, scrambling frantically to be the first one to get a secure hold on it, Amelia to rescue him, and Sienna to tear him apart piece by piece. After bouncing him between themselves for a few frantic volleys, Amelia managed to get a hold of one of Crash's spindly legs, and yanked him into her lap.

Without missing a beat, Sienna's frenzied hands changed their mission from pulverizing the spider-bot to slapping at every single display toggle she could reach, finally managing to switch off the peep show.

With Amelia rescuing It, Crash scurried to the dash on her side and Hissed, glaring with It's red eyes at Sienna, black and red lights shimmiered down It's body via the volumetrics add-on.

"Looking good there, captain," Amelia said, trying to break the deadly silence.

Sienna's expression was icy as she glared right back at the Freespacer, even around the furiously deep red color of her cheeks. "You do that again, and I swear to God I'll stomp you into spare parts and sell you for scrap," she threatened. "I'll put bicycle pedals on this ship if I have to."

"You tased me for what? Flying the ship better than you can, or did I hit a nerve with the joke about a concubine? You attacked me either way out of pride... Bahhh, do what you want... But you Zap me again, I will do worse." Crash hissed again and turned back to looking out the window... "Seventy-five point six six three seven minutes to maneuver..."

"I jumped the computer is all!" Sienna snapped, bristling. "First of all, I ain't got any idea if this guy is a man, or even human, for that matter. And second, you undermined my goddamn dignity! So spare me the damn lecture!"

"Enough!" Amelia yelled, although being someone not used to yelling her voice didn't sound commanding or threatening when she did so. Still, that didn't stop her from doing so. "You're resorting to physical punishment because you can't take what anyone has to say about you. How is that different than what you promised me not to do when we talked?" she asked, but turned to regard Crash before the captain could answer, "and you, you keep instigating her on doing that. That makes you just as bad," she added. The astrogator reclined in her seat, rubbing the bridge of her nose. "You're like children sometimes, I swear," she said, sighing.

"I am not a child... I'm older than you guys..." Crash shifted It's glare for a moment to Amelia before returnign to the Captain. "Fine... but no touching the computer system, I can maintain them well enough on my own..."

Sienna gritted her teeth, obviously displeased with being reprimanded by an employee, but she kept her ire focused entirely on the spider bot. "And no more peeping on me, or anyone in the frackin' shower," she hissed. "In fact, from now on, the lavatory and cabins are completely off-limits to you, Crash, unless someone specifically invites you in. You may not see a problem with it, but I won't have you or Six Four violating the rest of the crew's privacy. We clear?"

With one last hiss, Crash scittered up to the air vent and away... Leaving a message on the screen. >I'll be in the SERVANT'S quarters...< As It worked It's way through the vents back to the Computer core, Crash Changed the Security codes to the access door to the Comp core room. Crash would be the only one to be able to come and go from there now.

Amelia's Datajocky chimed.

 > I'll need advice on how to put a surge protector on my wiring harness... until then keep the brat from zapping me as I bring us into orbit... It could cause real problems...

The captain watched the spiderbot skitter up into the vent, and scoffed quietly as she settled back into her seat, looking out at the starry expanse ahead, the faint image of the backlit gas giant barely visible far in the distance. "Sorry," she muttered, still blushing furiously as the astrogator did something with her Datajockey.

With a few more taps, Amelia put the audio receivers in the cockpit in a temporary hybernation. Even if someone wanted to turn them back in it would still take a good minute for them to turn on. "He also grinds my gears sometimes, but I don't hurt him," she said to Sienna.

"Yeah, well," Sienna replied, working her jaw as she held her gaze fixed out of the canopy, her hands completely off of the controls, reclined in a slight slump in her harness. "I'm just really creeped out by the fact that he might be recording anything and everything we do. Don't tell me you wouldn't be uncomfortable not knowing whether you're actually alone in your own home."

The astrogator did not reply immediately, but instead remembered being surprised by the bot when she was looking at... Whatever it was sending to her Datajockey. "Did you ask him not to?" She asked the captain.

Sienna turned her head to Amelia, one eyebrow raised and her lips parted slightly in a look of dubious disbelief. "Should I have to?" she asked with a scoff, still leaning back in her seat, and drew a quick circle in the air with her finger as she glanced briefly up at the vent into which Crash disappeared. "Or were you not here for that conversation?"

Amelia looked at the vent and waited. "Nevermind then," she said after a while, turning her head back towards her display. "At least he's not sending things to your personal computer," she added.

"Actually, he is," Sienna replied. "I just delete them."

"Right," Amelia said, still looking at her display but starting to blush again when she realized she was the only one who looked at them.

The captain lifted one leg and braced her foot against the retracted flight controls, resting her forehead on her right palm, her fingers interlaced with her bangs, and sighed quietly as she watched the blackness in front of them. Even though it was well known to the two women that they were blasting through space at mind-throttling speeds, without any point of reference near enough, it didn't appear they were moving at all.

Finally Sienna glanced over at Amelia once more, noticing the blush again. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing!" The astrogator said, suddently working on her volumetric display, trying to find something to keep her busy.

The sharp reply startled Sienna slightly. "Whoa, okay then," she said defensively, and let the matter drop. "Forget I asked." She shifted slightly in her seat, making herself a bit more comfortable. "Let's do a sweep for any interplanetary traffic around here."

"Okay," Amelia said, bringing up the ship's sensors and passively looking for any traffic. She didn't want to bring any possible attention to them by doing an active sweep and letting anyone know that they were nearby.

Even with passive scanning, the sensors were immediately flooded with contacts swarming throughout the inner system, concentrated most heavily around the moons of the gas giant. One moon in particular, in the fifth orbit out, was positively covered with traffic, every one of them emitting almost identical bandwidths and signals. It didn't look like a typical busy trade hub, with familiar variety and unpredictability between the ships, Rather, it seemed more like an insect hive. Amelia was glad that they wouldn't be going there, considering all the rumors about the place.

"Lot of traffic in the fifth moon," the astrogator commented, glancing over at the captain. It didn't matter how relatively far they were from the fifth moon, being in the same system as it still made her very wary.

The lit-up scanner displays caught Sienna's attention, and she took her hand away from her head as she leaned forward slightly, her foot still propped up. "Hell," she murmured. "That must be the one the databanks called the Relay Moon. Hope that doesn't cause us problems."

Amelia nodded and got back to monitoring the sensors. Her job of finding the best course for the ship was done unless anything happened, leaving her to be on the lookout for that 'anything' until the job was done.

As the ladies were working on the sensors sweeps, Crash was busy sneaking into Sienna's cabin. It needed a few items to help secure the Computer core. Namely blankets, sheets, and any other bedding she had. The Computer core needed to be fortified. It was able to drag the bedding into the Airducts, but the mattress wouldn't work. It was just plain too big. so Crash left it in place and sent back to dragging the bedding off to the core.

Once Crash got it back into the core, It went about hanging them and drapping in patturns that would make it seem more like a dark cave then a computer access room. Crash soon decided it would need the cutsons from the couch for it all to work. but that would have to wait until everyone was asleep.
Concordia Veil

Six Four frowned, the first 'human' emotion the freespacer had openly showed, when it was told no one had a tissue.

"Understood, this one will search elsewhere." It said before dipping out of the cockpit helmet held in its hand as it made its way towards the galley. About halfway down the hall it sneezed again, sniffing its nose and rubbing it with its mechanical appendage it wondered if it was coming down with something.

"A cold would be very counter productive at this moment in time." Six Four said out loud to itself in a worried tone.

Once inside the galley the doctor set its helmet on the counter as it began its search for something to wipe off the inside of its helmet.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

High orbit above the eighth moon of Neue Jaspis II

With the shimmering blue gas giant looming low over the horizon, the lush, garden world seemed to beckon the crew of the ship with its alluring beauty. Although from the overwhelming number of contacts on their scanners, the crew knew better, but from high above, the moon almost looked untouched by civilization, an unblemished haven teeming with organic life. Liquid water oceans covered most of its surface, and a thick haze enveloped its surface, scattering the light from the distant sun and the ambient reflections from its parent planet like an ethereal halo.

The sensors were locked in on their target's beacon, which had begun broadcasting about a half hour previously, located on what appeared to be one of the smaller continents, or perhaps one of the more impressive islands, dotted with mountain ranges and forests to the northwest, and to the south, a chaparral desert.

"Damn," Sienna commented, leaning forward slightly to peer at the moon below. "Don't see many places like that."

"Yeah," said Amelia. Although she could acknowledge the beauty of the planet, it would still be something she was never going to get used to. She felt much more safe and at home inside a spaceship or space station than a planet.

The captain glanced at the sensor display, and shook her head slightly at the contacts whipping about all over the place, although none of them were close enough for either of the women to see themselves. "Still don't look like they're interested in us," she commented. Throughout their entire approach they had not been forced to make any corrections, as Amelia's trajectory was more or less perfect already, and whatever was out there didn't throw any complications at them. In fact, not once had anyone, or anything, even bothered to try to contact them. Either they didn't notice them, which seemed entirely unlikely, or they didn't care.

"Yeah," the astrogator repeated again, her voice somewhat aloof as to what Sienna had said, giving a hint that her attention was still entirely allocated on monitoring the sensors. She switched from different spectrums every couple of seconds to see if there would be any different kind of feedback.

Switching between frequencies and spectrums didn't appear to yield anything new; the contacts swarming about the system of moons around the gas giant were making no effort whatsoever to hide their activities, and were very obviously willfully ignorant of anything outside of their assigned tasks. The only exception were a few of the blips that registered nothing more than heat, with no other energy signatures at all, flying on nothing more than a ballistic trajectory in low to medium orbits around some of the moons. If she had to guess, they appeared to be dummy payloads of some kind, fired into orbit by titanic mass driver installations on the surfaces of a few moons. She picked up one or two in orbit around the garden moon below them as well, although they were sparse.

"Who do you think runs this operation?" Sienna asked absently, her eyes again fixated on the moon below them.

"Yeah," The astrogator droned on, still transfixed on her display. It was then that something clicked in her head and made her realize that it wasn't a yes or no question, making her pull out of the white noise that kept her from being distracted. Amelia's head craned from her seat to regard her captain once again. "I mean what?" she asked.

The captain pursed her lips and shook her head once with a slow blink. "Forget it," she replied, while Amelia sighed and turned her head back to her station. "Crash, do you still have the helm?"

The Ship rolled over quickly in a barrel roll. There was no other answer from the bot.

"Son of a--!" Sienna yelped, barely managing to grab onto the console as she was thrown suddenly to the side, mostly held in place by the restraints as she slammed against them, while Amelia tried to supress a smile as she bounced around in her seat, but was kept in check by her own.. When the ship steadied itself, the captain's upper lip curled in a slight sneer as she glared up at the ceiling. "A simple 'yes' or 'no' would've been fine, jackass," she muttered.

"You did tase him not too long ago," the astrogator commented.

Sienna gave Amelia a withering glare for a moment, then shook her head again as she smoothed her hair, regaining her composure from the unexpected maneuver. "So he gets to stay sore, while I gotta take the high road," she muttered to herself. "This Captain shit's for the birds." Leaning forward a little and clearing her throat, she tapped the tracking beacon's location on the scanner, looking at its planetary coordinates.

"I'll talk to him, just don't make things worse than it already is," Amelia said sincerely, looking at the captain. "Meanwhile, let's just get this job over and done with," she added.

"You do that," Sienna replied flatly. "Low angle of approach for atmospheric entry. Head for the beacon and we'll see about finding a place to set down."

"Copy that," the astrogator replied, turning back to her station and quickly working on her controls. "Crash, I am relaying the approach vector to you," she said

A console beeped and the ship shifted into the the appropriate angle to enter the flight path. Once it aimed true. the main engines flared for a few seconds, pushing the ship out of its orbital positon, into one that would start pulling it into the atmosphere.

"All hands brace for atmo," Sienna barked over the intercom, then hooked her thumbs through her shoulder harness straps and settled in, taking a deep breath through her nose.

The haze below them started to rise up slowly as the ship started to descend in a soft angle towards the moon. For a few minutes, nothing happened, but eventually a dull, quiet rumble could be heard, almost inaudible at first, then slowly crescendoing little by little. The whitish-blue halo around the moon rose up to the bottom edge of the canopy's field of view, and soon a bright red-and-white glow could be seen from below. The little freighter started to quake gently, and as it started to penetrate deeper into the moon's atmosphere, the dull vibrations swelled into quivering shakes, and the rumbling grew louder.

Sienna's head bounced softly as she rode it out, the ship's incredible speeds in space being increasingly forcefully braked by the friction of the thickening air around them. Her face remained a blank mask, expressionless and unreadable, and her breathing never deviating much from regularity. At least, that is, until an alarm blared, snapping her out of her state of semi-reverie.

"Alert!" the computerized voice chimed. "Combined field system overload. Shield failure probability twenty-five percent."

"Frak," Sienna snapped, her eyes widening. "Must be from the scuffle at Halna!"

"Diverting non-essential power to shields!" Amelia said briskly, cutting the captain off. Working while the ship shook around, bouncing her in her restraints, made her task twice as hard, but not impossible. All around the ship, lights would start to go dim, being replaced by the emergency red lights, while the life support would also slow down to the bare minimum to keep the air recycled.

At the same time, Sienna punched in several inquiries on her side of the consoles, buffeted about as well by the jarring ride, reading data on atmospheric composition. "Shoulda done this first," she chastised herself angrily, the urgency in her voice more than noticable. "Pull power from the engines if you have to, we're in heavy enough we can afford the loss!"

"Roger!" Amelia exclaimed over the noise, cutting a fraction of the thrust and noticing the small decrese in the noise around her.. If the shields somehow failed, and it was a fairly small chance that they would, there was still the thick armor covering the hull. Still, to have the ship be destroyed like that, of all things, was more than insulting for her.

With the power to the engines cut down. Crash used the manuvering thrusters to shift the angle of the ship, so that it's direction of motion was directly down from the belly of the ship. Once the ship was in the right position the bot started firing the manuvering thrusters again, this time trying to slow the ship before there was too much atmosphere for them to work.

A message appeared on a display of the console.
 > Shift power to the lower sheilding. Close shutter, or you will be blinded by the fiction burn.

Without hesitation, Sienna reached above her head and yanked down a stiff metal lever with a loud, ratchetting sound, and the armored outer shutters on the canopy slowly started to grind themselves over the viewport, plunging the two women into the dim lighting of nothing more than the glow of their instrument panels. The din and roar of the ship ripping through the atmosphere, screaming to slow its descend, remained, however, jostling the both of them to and fro in their seats.

"Shield capacity at... fifty... percent," the computerized voice warned again. The captain gripped the armrests on her seat tightly, watching the shield power readouts in front of her. The rate at which it was dropping had slowed significantly with their rerouting of the ship's power, but it was still falling, and they were still a significant distance above ground level. By this point, both she and Amelia were feeling themselves being pulled more and more heavily down into their seats, as if someone were stacking bricks on their chests and lap.

"God damn it, I hate high-grav worlds," Sienna commented, while the astrogator simply grimaced and rode through the discomfort of reentry, now even more enraged at herself for not doing a proper study of the moon's properties before descending.

The ship rocked and jolted erratically as it continued its descent, and while the drop in the shield reserves was slowly starting to level off, it was still dropping very quickly. "Shield capacity at... twenty... percent," the computer said, and the alarm tone changed to a much more urgent sound.

"Crash, slow us the frak down already!" Sienna barked over the noise.

Without a response the ship flipped ass over head, pointing the aft of the ship towards the direction of motion. After a few moments of buffeting the ship adjusted and settled into the new position. With a loud whine the ship's engines came up to full power. Slamming both of the women into their seats. the burn lasted for nearly a whole minute, before the ship rotated again and pulled it's nose over back forward. Aiming for a more flat flight path the engines powered back up pushing the ship forward. slowly but surly the ship shifted from a free fall to a powered flight. All done with out a single power setting being shifted. There was a great magical power in those graviton engines. More gravity, more power to the engines, less draw from the power core. Crash had once run the numbers, if you dropped and skimmed the event horizon of a Black hole, you could scream away using less power than an adult bedroom toy used.

"Shield capacity...depleted," the computerized voice said in an eerily unsettling calm amid the chaotic noise. A grimace was plastered on Sienna's face as she strained against the forces of the ship's maneuvering in the increasingly oppresive gravity of the moon, gripping her armrests so tightly that the veins in her hands and forearms were beginning to bulge slightly. The cockpit began to get noticably warmer just before the ship flipped back around to a forward orientation again, and beads of sweat started to form on both of the Nepleslian's foreheads.

At last, the alarm klaxon suddenly went silent, and the buffetting started to recede. The air in the cockpit still felt like the tropics, however, and while the jarring bumps and jerks gradually changed into a gentle, if erratic rocking motion, both Sienna and Amelia now felt as if the other was sitting on top of them.

"Warning," the computer chimed again. "Combined field system... offline."

As the ship continued forward, dropping in a lazy decent, a message popped up on the console.

 >Flight plan needs to be revised. Please input new directions.

With a strained sigh, Amelia got back to work. "I'm deactivating the ship's gravity," she said, and a moment later anyone could feel a small relief as the gravitational force receded a fraction. Soon afterwards, the astrogator set back to the primary task, plotting an approach vector towards the beacon that their contact had set up; it took her a few seconds, but once it was done she wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead, them unzipped the front of her jacket before cranking back the ship's life support, giving them more power so that they could fi the temperature inside.

"Frak," Sienna said barely above her breath with a relieved sigh, as much from the tiny amount of weight off of her when Amelia shut down the artificial gravity as from the dire gravity of their rocky descent. She tugged on the collar of her tank top, fanning herself slightly by flapping her shirt as she exhaled through puffed cheeks. Reaching up, she pushed the metal lever back up, retracting the canopy shields.

The vista that unfolded before them was both breathtaking and unnerving. As far around them as they could see, grassy plains and a sapphire river sprawled in every direction, beneath a greenish-gray sky with thick, amber colored clouds. The ambient lighting was dim, as if the world was bathed in perpetual waning twilight even in the full light of day from the distant star. Ahead of them near the horizon was a forest of gnarled-looking, misshapen trees with oblong, flat canopies, stretching nearly twice as far to all sides in seemingly random directions as each plant was tall. The beacon's signal originated near the grove, by the scanner's readings, still more than ten kilometers away. The sensors picked up movement around a bare, rocky outcropping off to the port side, devoid of anything resembling plant life. The outcropping itself was angular and specifically geometric in shape, making it look anything but natural.

Sienna leaned forward and peered out of the canopy around Amelia, pointing with her chin. "Look out there," she said. "You see that?" All over the outcropping, shadowy shapes could be seen moving about in patterns, crawling all over the rocks, and occasional flashes of light were noticable.

"Yes," Amelia answered, lifting her gaze up from the displays. "Are those the resource gatherers?" she asked.

"I'd think so," the captain replied, struggling to resituate herself in her seat against the increased gravity. "They seem about as interested in us as the ones offworld. Probably better keep it that way." She checked the pinging from their target's locator beacon, then glanced up at the ceiling again. "Crash, you think any of them are tracking us?"

 >I'm just the pilot here, not a tactician.  As far I can tell there is no hits on our sensors.

"Hell, I figured you'd be right at home with these guys," Sienna quipped.

"They more than likely have already spotted us, but they're not doing anything," Amelia said, flicking through the different sensors. "They're also probably automated based on the comm's pattern I'm picking," she added. The comms between the units were done in short, massive bursts of information, whereas an organic user would do long, less intense bursts.

Sienna nibbled on her lower lip for a few seconds in thought, and dragged her palm across her forehead to wipe the sweat off. Thankfully the ship's climate control system was starting to re-cool the air that had been heated from their entry, but it was still unpleasantly warm. Finally, the captain nodded. "All right," she said tentatively as she unfastened her harness. "You and Crash find us a place to set down as close to that beacon as you can." Slipping her arms out of the restraints, she reached above her with visibly slower movement under the heavy gravity, and gritted her teeth as she strained to hoist herself out of her seat with a grunt. "I'm gonna head back and make sure Oreza and Shrie have the suits ready. I want you and Oreza to be the first ones out when we land."

"Me?" Amelia asked incredulously. All the previous times she had been consigned to staying inside the ship during the operations, and it made her wonder what suddenly changed her captain's mind that time. Sighing in relief once again that the temperature inside the ship was reaching acceptable levels as the vents overhead groaned with the increased air influx, she leaned back against her seat, pulling out her datajockey to type a quick message to crash.

 > can you head to the cockpit or are you still busy flying?

Sienna hefted her legs over the back of her seat and climbed up onto the platform behind them, then turned to look down at Amelia, squatting down on one knee, her elbow resting on her other one, hands clasped together. "Yeah, you," she replied plainly. "You've got a rescue and a kill and a half under your belt already." She tilted her head slightly. "You rather I lock you in here?"

"Alright, fine," the astrogator said, raising her hands apologetically at the captain, although her stomach churned and she felt like there was a lump in her throat at the mention of what happened in the Black Moon docks. The reaction was also pretty visible in her face.

Although there was no apparent change in her expression, the look in her eyes almost looked like a buried smirk. Amelia even swore she saw the captain wink at her before she turned to leave, but she couldn't be sure.

 >I am flying.

But as soon as the door shut and sealed an holographic form slowly appeared in the pilot's seat. A young girl with brown hair, a blue shirt with silver stars on it, pink tutu, and a pair of lady bug print rain boots. "Though I do have a bit of run time left over at this time, to create a holo for you..." The voice was one of a young female matching the being in the pilot's seat. "I'm still hard linked to the ship. I will have to remain connected until I set us down."

"I see. Thanks," Amelia said, glad at the perceived company. "Crash..." the astrogator started to say after a while as she worked on her displays, "do you record everything on the ship?" she asked.


"Then why did you record the captain taking a shower? That was a very private moment," she interjected as the ship continued to fly.

"Why do you record every moment you are awake?" the Chibi responded as it tryed to peer over the control panels and out the window.

"I remember it, but that's different," the astrogator said, gazing at the little girl's hologram. "Would you do the same to me if I made you mad?" she asked.

"How is it different? i record everything i see, they are sorted in my data drives. Change those words to remember, memories, and brain." The little girl looked back at her. "I would not... She was quite mean and quite frankly abusive."

"The captain is trying to make it right and I am giving her this chance, but you are pushing her over the edge," Amelia said, "can you promise me not to do anything to her again?"

"She didn't just do something to you that nearly killed you a few days ago?" The little girl shifted so that she was sitting on her knees with her hands on the console looking at the area they were flying towards. "Let her hit that edge if she thinks she has the right to assault me... As it is, I believe that if she continues this, I will be leavig the ship once we arrive in a civilized location."

"If you leave," Amelia started to say, forgetting about the captain, "who's gonna watch my back? Who's gonna want to go out with me when we're off duty?" she asked the hologram.

"I do not know." Cute little Crashette looked back before reaching forward and started miming the motions Crash was performing digitally. The ship shot past the landing area so that It could see the area and make sure there was a good spot to land. "But if she continues to physically attack me because she can't take some verbal sparring, then I have to leave..." The girl looked over at Amelia, "You could come with me, I would grow sad if you weren't with me."

"Crash..." Amelia say. "If we both leave, this ship is as good as done. You know that."

"That is true.. so if she has an embolism, I can have my ship back." The little girl smile then stuck her tounge out at her. The ship started to slowly dip in to a orbit towards the landing area.

The astrogator smiled faintly before turning her face back to her displays. "Thanks, just give the captain another chance," she said.

"Fine... but you can inform her the Computer core is off limits to ALL biologicals..." Crash paused as It brought the ship into a final approach. "So what were you going to ask me earlier?"

"Off limits to even me?" the astrogator asked, before pausing. "It was a silly question," she added, still evading it.

"There isn't room any more, I have made it accesable to me.. which means there are wires and cloths going every which way." The little girl smiled. "All your questions have been silly in one light of another." With a smirk she looked back out the window.

"Crash..." Amelia started to say again, although this time in a more annoyed tone as she rubbed her forehead. "Alright, nevermind. I was going to ask if you ever, uh, considered changing back to an organic body again," she said, watching herself not to say 'normal' instead of organic.

The ship bumped a bit as the girl hologram snapped her head back to Amelia. "That is a great insult.." Crash though, the real spider bot, was chittering as It laughed and laughed. It took a few before the holo verison finaly grinned. "I'm joking. I have never made plans to.. but I did save bio samples if i ever needed to transfered back to a organic body... Why you ask... You wants something more then my witty comments?" The little girl morphed back into a spider, so that the conversation wasn't as creepy was it was in It's mind.

"What? I just asked because you keep saying how it was all the time," the astrogator said after the few moments of tension. "And you really seemed interested in knowing how stuff tasted when we were in the Black Moon," she added.

As the ship shifted from flight to hovering and started lowering the Spider holo skittered up the console and over to face her. "I miss a lot of things from when I was a fleshy being. And if I changed back I would miss a lot from when I was a digital being. The past is the past..." Crash chittered.

"Alright," the astrogator said, looking at the spider's hologram, "sorry for asking." With that, she went back to her job, monitoring the ship as it slowly appraoched its destination on the moon.

The hologram started towards the air vent. The ship it self descended within a meter of the gound when the engines cut out and the ship fell onto it's landing struts. Just before the holo disappeared into the vent. "Though if you asked... I might." The light being fazed out of existence.

"I'm not going to ask you to do something that you're uncomfortable with," the astrogator said after the hologram disappeared. Crash was already good company just the way he was.

With a digital sigh Crash disconnected the plugs from It's case, and started crawling around on It's new 'webbing' the sheets from the captain's bed was stripped and hung from points in the Computer bay, along with them was exsess or damaged cabling. "Maybe I need to paint it on her wall." the bot spoke making sure the sound would stay only in the room.
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The way down was not as hard on Shrie. She was reminded a lot of combat drops back in LSDF. Same as then, she sat strapped into her seat in space before the cockpit. Although back then the seat was actually made to take someone as tall as her in. This time it was a bit more uncomfortable as the restrains pushed against her and her already beaten up wing was pressing into the back of the seat. The shaking of the ship, let calm face on her though. At least this time no one was firing on her and there were not Misshu waiting down there.

When the ship landed, Shrie unstrapped herself and stood up in all her 7 feet glory. Her wing fluttered, enjoying the regained freedom of movement. She then stretched. It was obvious that gravity was quite a bit higher then standard 1G. Shrie stretched herself to get used to the higher gravity. To her enhanced muscles and bone-work it was not as horrible, but she felt it as well. What she felt the most was her knee, the extra strain on it was not taken well. She tried to do few steps and it seemed, it only slowed her a bit more. Her limp go a lot more visible now though.

The Fyunnen put on her cap and moved to where the suits where stored. She ran into the captain there. "Good landing," Shrie said to Sienna, just to announce herself. "I cheked the suits before landing, like you wanted me to. I did not find any problems. Will they be needed outside?"
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Sienna snorted derisively at Shrie's apparently misguided compliment on the rough landing, shaking her head slightly as she motioned her to follow. "Yes," she replied, walking right past the enormous Lorath and heading for the port cargo bay with an obviously labored gait under the heavy gravity. "Atmo scan says it's breathable outside, but oh-two is a bit low. And our buddy out there says he has a whole bunchof crap to load up, some of which we're gonna get to pick through. In this goddamn gravity and thin oxygen we're gonna be gasping just trying to stand up."

She led Shrie around the corridor, her boots clanking loudly on the metal grating as she walked slowly, dragging her legs as if they were anchored to heavy concrete blocks. "And I'm gonna need you on standby once Oreza and Amelia find him. You're gonna go to work."
Shire cockd her head to the side. It was good to know she could go outside, but not having enough oxygen would not be as good, still if she moved slowely and would not over-exert herself before needed, then it should be all right. Besides she could take a pause back in the ship between trips to breath in enough oxygen. Her muscles would be okay for sure, since half of them was pretty much synthetic. Or at least they should be okay. Still jsut the lack of oxygen might be fixable as well.

"I can go with them right away," Shrie said to the captain. "I can protect them. Was a soldier."
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