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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 3.0] - Strangers in a Strange Land

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Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

The captain raised an eyebrow at Shrie, appearing to size her up from head to toe for a second as the two of them lumbered awkwardly down the hallway. "Be a waste if a giant like you wasn't," she commented, "but no. I don't know you, and neither do the two I'm sending out. So you're staying here with me for now, until we find this guy and figure out what we're gonna do about him."

Reaching the central airlock's inner door, she turned the release handle with a loud metallic ratcheting sound, cycling it open, glancing up at the Lorath again. "And if you're gonna help haul this stuff aboard, we need to figure up a way to put a breathing mask on you. You're no good to me unconscious." The young captain folded her arms, regarding the skinny winged woman again. "So what do they call you?"
"I should tell you to call me Pinpoint." Shrie responded at first to asnwer the question. It was no surprise that Sienna did not trust her that much yet. "Lorath don't tell their names to non-lorath. But I do not care anymore. I am is Shrie. I don't want to go back to Lor. It is bad place with bad people. There are bad people here too. Here they are more honest about it. Easier to live with that. Also almost every Fyunnen is soldier. My race was made for that. Lmnael and New Tur'lista not so much."
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor

Six Four rounded the corner out of the galley, apparently finding a tissue of sorts during the rough landing and had managed to clean the interior of its helmet off.

"Interjection: A standard helmet should fit the Lorath Individual, though it may be a bit tight. Man concern would be finding a suit that fits her."

Six Four said picking up on the conversation between Sienna and Shire.

"This one apologizes for eves dropping and interrupting."
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor - Outside the Central Airlock

A slight smirk turned Sienna's lips upwards for an instant as the Fyunnen poured out a plethora of background information on herself, and finally the captain held up a hand and nodded. "All right, all right, I got it," she said, sounding somewhat amused. "I'll call you Shrie, then. And in case you hadn't guessed already, I'm Sienna Shelton, but you can call me 'Captain.'"

The young Nepleslian's head turned to Six Four just after the Freespacer interrupted, her eyes flicking down to the suited medic's feet and back up again. "No need for the suit," she explained evenly. "Air outside is denser than normal, but nothing we need protection from. Just need to have a ready supply of oxygen on hand for anyone going outside. With the heavy gravity and low oh-two content, you'd be gasping like an asthmatic just trying to put one foot in front of the other." She turned her gaze back to Shrie, looking up at the huge Lorath as she lightly bit her lower lip in thought. "Hell, I bet if we just poked holes in an air hose and strapped a tank on your back you'd be fine. If we got anything like that lying around, that is..."
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor - Outside the Central Airlock

"But this one always wears a suit, Six Four is very susceptible to environmental pollutants and pathogens. Not the most optimal immune system. "

The Doctor paused for a moment as if it were going to go into full detail on the complexities of the Freespacer immune system but instead it mearly cocked its head to the side before speaking up again.

"Query: Does Sienna want This one to accompany them on the away team?"
Concordia Veil - Main Corridor - Outside the Central Airlock

The captain shook her head as she stepped through the open inner lock door, where Oreza was finishing prepping the suits. "No, I need you here for now," she replied. "We ain't got any idea what's waiting out there for us, and I can't risk something happening to the only, uh, qualified doctor aboard." As she spoke, she opened the lockers one by one and briefly checked the first mate's work, nodding to herself.

"I presume we'll be going armed, Captain?" Oreza asked as he finished the last one, his face completely stoic.

"Naturally," Sienna replied. "Go ahead and get suited up. You're going with Amelia." Double-checking the last one, she strode over to the intercom on the opposite wall, and depressed the call button. "Amelia, once you get the ship powered down, get your suit and your gun and meet Oreza at the ramp."
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

"Understood," Amelia replied on the radio. She started to shut down the displays on her station once the shuttle was firmly landed, keeping the ship on standby in case they had to get off in a hurry, then grabbed on the support overhead to hoist herself up from her seat. She then made her way to the airlock chamber to retrieve her suit and get ready for the task ahead; considering how low the oxygen was in the planet, she would very much need it if she didn't want to pass out or have the lack of oxygen cloud her head.

Once she put on her gear, the astrogator moved out.
Last edited:
Neue Jaspis IIh - Surface
Leaving the Concordia Veil landing site

Oreza shook the holstered pistol on his belt, checking how securely it was fastened, and looked around at the ethereal alien landscape. It looked even more strange from the ground, like something out of a bizarre dream, or fevered hallucination, and there was barely enough light to make more than outlines and vaguely colored shapes visible. The grove of squat, twisted-looking trees rose up in front of them like a wall, backlit by the washed-out greenish haze from the far horizon, with dark grey, cloudy skies above. The big man, donned in his flesh-hugging Dusk Suit, looked almost comical, his considerable frame stuffed into such a painted-on looking garment.

Checking the coordinates stored in his personal communicator, he oriented himself in the direction of the beacon's signal, straight through the trees ahead. "Looks like this is the way," he said over the comms, and switched on his helmet light. "Probably going to be a long walk in this gravity."

Turning her own helmet's light, Amelia simply nodded. At first she had thought the atmosphere would be bearable, but after a few seconds she was already breathing heavy and feeling light headed enough to change her mind and toggle her suit's internals on. Her suit was almost a comical contrast to Oreza's, while the massive nepleslian sported a skin-hugging suit, her small frame was covered by the looser fabric and ceramic plates for protection.

The astrogator did a quickly and last-minute check on her equipment, patting the stun-baton on her belt unholstering the pistol from her right thigh. She gave a quick look at the weapon, turning it around in her hand and pulling the slide back to make sure there was a bullet in the chamber in case of trouble. Just in case of trouble. Satisfied, she switched the safety on and returned the weaponto its holster. "I'm ready," she called out, her voice somewhat muffled by the helmet.

The first mate tapped the side of his helmet, indicating that she should switch on her radio to facilitate communication, rather than yelling through the plated visors. The thick atmosphere likely would make such a thing viable, since sound would carry better, but it still seemed like an unnecessary extra strain on their bodies to be spending the energy shouting that they would need merely to walk on this moon at any decent pace.

"Sorry," came the much more audible reply from the astrogator once she had switched her helmet to the proper channel.

With a nod, Oreza started off, shuffling foward as if he were waist-deep in quicksand, trudging off towards the woods. He wasn't his usual, personable self of late, it seemed, and he remained awkwardly silent as the two of them walked for some time, something that had not gone unnoticed by the astrogator, who despite that had decided to keep quiet about it.

They walked in silence for a time that, in their minds, should have afforded them much, much more distance between them and the ship than there actually was when either of them looked back to see just how slowly they had been progressing. Even through the thickening trees they could still see the Veil behind them, impatiently waiting for them to accomplish their task already.

Finally, Oreza spoke up. "Has the captain spoken to you lately?"

It took a while for the astrogator to reply. Despite the normal level of oxygen that her suit was providing she was still straining herself because of the planetary gravity. "Yes," she replied, pressing two fingers against the side of her helmet between some fairly heavy breathing.

Oreza grunted softly, and Amelia could hear his own labored breathing for a moment. Silence lingered again for a few seconds, before he continued. "Are you any more comfortable aboard our vessel since Halna?"

"It's getting better," Amelia answered uncomfortably. The sudden concern about her well being was more than off-putting, considering the little interaction she had had with the first mate of the Veil.

"Good," Oreza replied simply, his eyes staying forward on their path as they strained ahead. Again, there was another pause in the conversation, then Amelia heard him take a hesitant breath, as if still deciding whether or not to go on. "I believe she is a good person, you know," he said tentatively.

"Right," the astrogator said, not trying to sound sarcastic. "If it wasn't for you in Halna I don't know what would've disarmed the situation," she added after a while.

The first mate sighed deeply, shaking his head slowly. "Nor do I," he mused. "I don't know what came over her then. I have missed a great deal of her life, but I know she carries a lot more on her than you may think." He took a moment to catch his breath from the effort of walking. "But I still have faith that the person I knew years ago is still there."

"Everyone has their problems," Amelia conceded, looking around at the vegetation. To her, every world she landed on was alien in its different way; while someone might call the ecosystem of the planet normal, her normal were the clean and cramped confines of a spaceship or the sterile halways of a space station.

"That is true," the big man agreed with a nod. It seemed that there was more he wished to say, but his military conditioning, by all appearances, would not allow it. "I hope she has not soured you permanently, at any rate. You are a very talented young woman, Amelia, and this ship is better with you aboard."

"Thanks," The short woman replied, somewhat off-guard to the compliment. She also sounded like there was something else she wanted to say, but kept it to herself with much less grace than Oreza. "We must be close to the beacon," she commented, trying to change the subject.

Oreza checked his communicator's display, and nodded in agreement as he slowed his pace, appearing grateful for an excuse to slow their pace. "Blimey, but this walk is exhausting here," he sighed, composing himself, and unclasped his pistol holster. "Let's take a moment to catch our breath, then find this passenger of hers."

Amelia nodded, leaning her back against one of the nearby trees. The physical strain wasn't much, feeling like she had been logging her duffel bag around with her all the time, but she was sure that if she were breathing the raw atmosphere of the planet she could have passed out.

The two of them, or rather, mostly Oreza, took a few moments to gather themselves after the ponderous trudge, over what was certainly an aggravatingly short distance given the slow pace that they were able to keep up in the unrelenting gravity, keeping as alert to their dim surroundings as possible. Once the massive Nepleslian had caught his breath, he nodded to Amelia and rested his hand on the butt of his weapon. "Spread out a bit and let's go find our friend," he said.

The astrogator nodded, then started to take a few steps away from the burly Nepleslian, albeit still moving in his same general direction. Her heart still raced, not as much from the physical strain as from the expectation as to how this exchange would go.

Off to the side, disguised in a thicket Tam waited, he would first send a coded ping to Sienna
I have a female humanoid and a larger male humanoid nearing the coordinates that I sent, are they yours or did they stumble upon my beacon by chance?

A few minutes passed as the Gartagen observed the search party from his hiding spot, but eventually a message returned:

They're there for you.  Don't do anything stupid, now.

Tam looked at the message and took it as a yes that they were with the ship that had answered his distress signal.
Check the account, you should be able to transfer an additional 3,000KS to your or your ship's account now
. With that the two in the clearing would see a rather short in comparison to them figure detach itself from the shadows of the woods and silently walk into the clearing. The silence was somewhat amplified by the fact that the figure was wearing a rather heavy looking set of armor yet was able to move fluidly in it without seeming to exert itself at all despite the planet's higher gravity. The figure would wave at the two humans and over a port in the helmet would come a somewhat gravelly voice "Greetings, I am given to understand that you are here to retrieve me from this hellworld."

The suited larger man whirled about when the voice suddenly spoke to him, in the same motion as he drew his sidearm and levelled it at Tam from several paces away. Holding his weapon trained on the Gartagen for a few seconds, he glanced over to Amelia's position, a bit further away and ahead of him, then looked back at Tam. Slowly, he lowered the gun and reached up to remove his helmet. With a twist and a hiss, it detached and revealed his bearded face, dressed in a guarded expression. "You are correct," he responded in his deep, resonant bass voice. "You're the one who set up the beacon?"

The astrogator, noticing the movement followed by the arrival of the person they were supposed to find, walked closer towards where the two were. Upon seeing Oreza lower his pistol, she somewhat relaxed, drawing her hand away from the holstered weapon, listening to the exchange from the two.

"I am the one that set up the beacon, my name is Bithut Palmatar Tam, who might you two be?" He asked as he examined the gear of the two figures in front of him and noting that they were clearly civilians of some sort or another from their mismatched items, small grade weapons, and somewhat clumpy movement through the terrain. "I'd also point out that the weapon which you are holding would not be particularly effective against me for your future reference."

The larger man tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Oh?" he commented dubiously. "I shall remember that, then. I am Oreza Dakkar, first mate of the Concordia Veil. Our astrogator, Amelia Stroud," he introduced themselves, extending a hand in Amelia's direction, who simply raised a hand and waved in acknowledgement.

"Good to be introduced to you both, also yes I've encountered chemical propellant weapons of that type before, they are indeed good weapons to use against unarmored foes however they seem to lack penetrating capacity against anything that is wearing an armor heavier than basic clothing." Tam said with a tilt of his head to the side, "I must apologize however, I am unable to remove my helmet on this world for very long, the atmosphere is far too damp for my species and would cause severe issues regarding the amount of gear that I have to move. I'm going to guess that you were unable to bring any sort of device to aid in moving large and heavy objects back to your vessel. Is this a correct assumption or not?"

"Actually, do you have a large net or anything of the sort?" Amelia asked, her voice somewhat muffled from inside the helmet, still a couple paces away.

"I do not have one on hand, however I can produce one in a short time using local materials and some of my own gear. That is unless you were able to bring one with you." Tam replied as he looked at the duo.

"We could lift them onto a... What do you call it, those open spaces in a forest?" Amelia started to say, this time directed at Oreza. "If we put them in a place like that and land the Veil next to it then moving everything will be faster and easier," she suggested.

"A clearing, I think you mean," Oreza replied. "We would need to Veil to look around overhead for such a place nearby."

"It's better than carrying it there," the astrogator said.

Oreza looked at the other two with another nod. "We'll see about getting closer if possible. How much cargo do you have to bring along?"

Tam tilted his head and ponderred a minute analyzing their posture and judging from what he'd seen of them it was unlikely that they'd be able to do anything with what he was about to show them before he could react. "Give me a moment" he said as he walked into the treeline a short distance and began shredding what looked at first glance to be foliage but was quickly revealed to be a camoflaged net that covered a pair of massive containers along with a small pile of other crates. "Roughly this much if your ship is capable of holding it all. If needed I can dump some of it but I'd prefer to not have to do so. Also if you need a clearing produced for your ship then I can have one prepared in the space of an hour using kinetic clearing methods." He replied as he gestured at the stack of gear and crates.

Oreza's eyebrows raised slightly, and he let out a low whistle. "Blimey," he muttered. "Well, space is not an issue. We have two empty cargo holds at the moment, but I don't believe either of those containers themselves will fit. And getting them to the ship will be another story in this gravity."

"Roughly how much space does your ship require in order to land safely?" Tam asked as he began examining the nearby trees and the foliage nearby.

"Fifty meters square, give or take," Oreza replied matter-of-factly. "Perhaps we could make do with less."

"Easily done, would a 60 meter square allow for easier access to the loading portion of your vessel?" Tam asked as he started measuring distances by sight and the electronics of his armor began pinpointing locations for tree and brush removal.

Oreza pondered what Tam was suggesting for a moment, then slowly started to nod. "That could work rather well, I think," he agreed.

"Well if you folks will get behind the crates I will begin preparing a landing zone for your vessel. I believe this method would be faster than trying to rig something to allow your ship to airlift my materials from here." Tam said as he began digging in a crate and extracting handfulls of what appeared to be some sort of claylike substance and some electronic looking parts.

Amelia looked at Oreza, then started doing as she was told with a shrug. The first mate gave Amelia a reassuring nod and followed suit.

Tam started walking to the first set of trees his electronics had indicated, he was going to start in a spiral pattern to create a clearing that was large enough for the ship to land in as short a time period as possible. The smaller trees got a single 1 pound charge, the larger trees got ever increasing charges, up to the largest tree getting a monstrous 10 pound charge of antimatter fueled explosive. As he set a charge he placed an electronic detonator into it and continued moving outwards until he had a zone of explosives planted that would either shred entirely or drop the tree and make a clearing for the Veil to land that was roughly 60 meters by 60 meters in area. Once he finished placing the last charge and detonator he raced over to where Oreza and Amelia were, moving fast but still hiding his full rate of movement for the time being. Once he got to them he dropped his armored gloves for a short time to rapidly dig a trench and gestured for the other two to get down inside it with him. Once the trench was built he donned his gloves again.

The astrogator was the first one to move, despite her reservations. Running at a half-pace towards the newly dug trench, she dropped inside the small space with a thud.

Oreza watched the Gartagen work, obviously impressed with his expertise and how fast the lithe little lizard-man moved in the crushing gravity. By the time Tam had returned to them, he aided in digging the trench in any way he could, but simply couldn't keep up, and eventually just stepped out of the way, hiding inside the trench with the other two and waited for the detonation.

Tam looked to make sure that the others were ducking down in the trench and then clicked the detonator three times initiating the charges.

In a rapid chain, the charges went off one after another, some with deafening bangs, others with dull "thud" sounds that each of the three felt in their chests more than heard. Clouds of dirt and dust were thrown up in sudden eruptions, and then in a visually unnatural-appearing suddenness, fell straight back to the ground hurriedly, leaving only the thinnest, lightest specks behind. All around them the trees began to topple, knocking into one another as they slammed hard down on the ground, the smaller, weaker outer limbs sprawling out every which way crunching and folding beneath the ponderous weight of their trunks. Just as soon as it began, the cacaphony subsided, leaving the entrenched people now standing just off-center of a newly-formed, levelled clearing in the alien woods. A few of the more stout-looking trees were not quite laid flat, but there was more than enough room for the ship to land now, even if it did have to crush some of the canopies jutting upwards.

Oreza nodded approvingly once the show was over. "Not bad," he commented, while Amelia simply stared at the newly formed clearing from besides the Nepleslian. "Good thinking."

"Is this big enough to bring your ship in to start loading gear onto?" Tam asked as he looked over the new clearing and pondered the amount of explosives used and how it was somewhat insufficient for a few of the trees.

"It should be," the first mate replied, and pointed out towards the massive canopies sticking up from the now-sideways trees that fell victim to Tam's explosives. "We may need to do a little trimming here and there, but I think we can manage." He lifted his helmet over his head again, and slipped it on, activating the commlink. "Oreza to ship. We may have a better LZ for you now. Lock in on the beacon and move the ship closer. You should see it from the air."

There was a soft staticky sizzle for a second, and then a breathy but firm-sounding female voice came back. "Copy. May be a litle bit, but we'll have a look when we get ready."

The astrogator left the trench, dusting off her gloved hands as she examined further the destroyed vegetation. Growing bored or satisfied with it, she simply rested her hands on her hips and looked around the place, leaving the first mate to do all the talking.

"Trimming is easily enough done, let me know when your ship has checked to see what needs additional clearance in order to allow it to land and I will clear those branches" Tam replied as he looked at the other two.

With a nod Oreza removed his helmet again so that Tam could once again hear him more effectively. "Can I be of any assistance?" he asked.

"Do you have any bladed weapons on hand?" Tam asked . "They would be the most effective for clearing any remaining brush."

"I'm afraid not," Oreza answered, looking expectantly at Amelia. The astrogator, who was still looking around and examining the destroyed vegetation, took a while to notice it, and then simply shrugged back at the first mate, raising both hands.

Tam shrugged and looked at Oreza "you point out what needs removed and I'll take care of it" he said as he checked the hilt of the sword that was attached to his hip.

"Very well," the first mate said with a nod, and grunted as he hefted his bulk out of the trench. After a brief struggle, he looked at the astrogator. "You stand watch. Stay in contact with the ship, and keep an eye out for any trouble while I help him."
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

A tone was repeatedly chiming from inside the cockpit for several seconds before Sienna entered, climbing over the command platform and dropped herself into the pilot's seat, putting the headset to her ear to answer the relay from her away team. She held two fingers against her ear as she listened to the statement from Oreza, stored in a memory buffer by the ship until she acknowledged it, and responded. "Copy. May be a little bit, but we'll have a look when we get ready."

Leaving the earpiece in place, she moved her hands over several of the consoles, bringing up hull integrity reports and power displays. They'd called in much sooner than she expected, but at least it was decent news. After their atmospheric entry, she still had her concerns about the shields failing, and still needed to run some diagnostics, but they could wait for now. Her immediate concerns were some odd readings coming from the aft section of the ship. They didn't read as faults or breaches, but magnetic fluctuations appeared that shouldn't have been there, particularly since the ship was powered down. Keying the ship's intercom, she touched her headset once again. "Shrie, Six-Four, y'all finish toolin' together that breathing unit and get outside. I need y'all to do a quick check of the hull, make sure we don't have any problems."
While Oreza and Amelia were on an adventure, Sianna was fiddling with stuff in cockpit, Shrie with help of Six-Four fixed up a breathing apparatus. There was not much fixing needed though as they just had to figure out how to put a oxygen bottle on Shrie's belt so it would not get in a way and it tubes lead to the mask that she was to put on her mouth. That luckily did not take to much time. Shrie just put it on theb ack of her belt and lead the tubes under her cloak from behind, where Six-Four could attach them to the mask and Hooray, breathing was to be, when Shrie gets outside.

Which appeared to be sooner rather than later as the captain called to them to get out and check the ship. "Yes ma'am," Shire said back over the intercome, she then gave the freespacer a nod and went outside.
Concordia Veil

Six Four paused for a moment, checking out the breathing aperatus that the two came up with as Shire waked away. Hopefully it would work, the freespacer reasoned that it would have a 2.083 percent chance of failing, not huge but still a chance.

Remembering that it had a job to do, Six Four turned to go back into its office, grabbing its flamethrower and slinging it across its back ready for anything that might be hazardous to its or the crews health.


As soon as the freespacer was outside a warning lit up in its helmet warning the doctor about the increased gravity and strain on its limbs.

"This one understands helmet chime, legs feel heaver and the sound of strain is hard to miss."

Six Four said sarcastically to the automated voice as it looked around for the Large woman it was supposed to be investigating with.

Shrie and Six Four descended the ramp, emerging beneath the ship's belly out onto the broad-leafed, bluish-green colored grass and dusky twilight sky. The woods in front of the ship were silent for the most part, and there was little movement in the plains around them, at least what they could see in the low light. However, Shrie noticed strange indentations in the ground: small, round depressions at regular patterns, spread in wide, parallel rows that circled around the ship, crisscrossed beneath it, and led off in one direction. There appeared to be several sets of them as well; whatever they were, they weren't there long ago.

That's when they heard it. A dull, gentle clanking sound like metal tapping together from above them, to the aft of the ship. On top of it, most likely.
Shrie turned her head towards the sound. She could feel the gravity of the planet on her shoulders, but it was not as bad for her as it was for four-six. Still he hurt knee did not like this at all. With he limp being a lot more obvious she went to the ladder-steps leading to the top of the ship. It seemed like the sound came from there. At least the oxygen mask looked like working so that was good.
Concordia Veil - Lounge

Sienna pinched the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger as she took a deep breath, placing the palm of her free hand on the wall next to her still-broken cabin door and leaning on it. The moon's oppressive gravity was making the most menial of tasks difficult and taxing; even the act of walking fifteen feet felt almost like running up four flights of stairs. Drawing her shoulders back, she stood up to her full height again, exhaling through puffed cheeks, she slipped a hand into her pocket, idly fingering the empty injection needle in her pocket.

Setting her jaw, the captain set her left hand on the edge of the ajar, broken cabin door and grunted as she strained to push its weight aside. Even with the motor disengaged, the extra gravity made the thing particularly difficult to move. But the irritation of being unable to fully close her cabin door was nothing compared to what she saw inside.

Her eyes went wide and she froze, every muscle in her body tensing simultaneously as her jaw clenched, and her fists balled up. All of the bedding in her bunks was stripped, and some of the personal effects she had left atop them strewn about the floor. Her wardrobe was wide open, and though nothing appeared to be missing, it seemed that someone had gone through it. She began to quake violently and her upper lip curled upward in a nasty-looking, furious sneer.

"CRAAAAASH!!!" she suddenly exploded, the veins in her neck and forehead bulging. Whirling about, she whipped her metal-piercing glare around the room, between the ceiling, the vent, and the door. "I know you can hear me, you skulkin' sumbitch! Get your skinny metal ass in here NOW!"

Six Four was a bit tentative to step further off the ship, the Freespacer had very little experience with terrestrial worlds, the closest being a rather large space station. From what it had read most planets had some sort of dominant predator that could and would feast on those typically outside the food chain, and judging from the increased gravity and its personal physical limitations put the Doctor a bit on edge. Its metallic fingers gripped the the strap of the flamethrower on its back a bit more as it moved to stand a bit closer to Shire.

Thats when it heard the sound, the metallic clanking from on top of the ship.

The sound put the normally steel willed doctor on edge, though thanks to its helmets voice modjulator the monotone speak didn't betray any of its fear.

"Query: What do you think that sound is? This one nominates that you go first to check it out in case it is dangerous."
Concordia Veil - Outside

The climb up the side of the exterior hull, outside of the port cargo bay, was arduous to say the least in the moon's oppressive gravity, particularly since even mounting the ladder required a bit of a jump, even for one so tall as Shrie. One hand and foot at a time, however, she managed to heft herself up, and soon enough her head poked over the topside of the aging Jinsoku.

She reflexively froze for an instant when she saw it. Crawling on top of the hull was a metallic dome, a little under a half-meter in diameter, sitting in the middle of six spindly, multi-jointed insectoid legs. Two flexible "arms" with three-pronged claws at the ends were curled up in front of it like mandibles of some sort. The mechanism looked ramshackle and shoddy, as if it were cobbled together with bits and pieces salvaged from materials found lying about, without any semblance of the sleek polish of standardized industry. A single red orb, an eye of some sort, slowly pulsed with a red light, brightening and fading in a trancelike rhythm.

A bright blue cutting laser, emanating from beneath the insect-like machine, had just shut off when Shrie stuck her head up, and its "eye" stopped its pulsing and suddenly glowed bright red as it jerkily oriented itself in the Lorath's direction, almost as if noticing her had slightly startled it. With barely a second's hesitation, the tiny arms curled up in front of it whipped out and jammed themselves into the newly-cut crevice in the hull, and the drone skittered back, peeling away a small, rectangular section of the outer armor with it. The "sample" it cut broke free of the hull, and clutching its prize tightly to its underbelly, its legs carried it backwards away from Shrie with astonishing speed, and over the opposite side of the hull, where it dropped to the ground with a loud thud.
"Intruder! Thief! Robot!" Shrie shouted and pulled herself up on the hull as fast as she could, getting on her feet and chasing after the thing. That was piece of the ship's hull and Shrie as a new crewmember would be damned if she did not do all she could to get it back. She ran forward, ignoring the pain in her leg and trying to overcome the gravity. The lorath still had long legs and speed was her thing as far as running was concerned. At the least she wanted to do all in her power to get the piece of the ship back.
Concordia Veil - Outside

Six Four heard the thump before it heard Shire yelling. Turning its head it made visual contact with the spider like robot. Now Six Four being mostly made of robotic components, and being a freespacer for that matter, had no particular fear of mechanical beings. However, with its current brain functions being that on paranoid the mechanical being, in layman's terms, was scared shitless by the thing.

With near inhuman speed the freespacer quickly armed and aimed its ingis flamethrower at the skittering thing and held down the trigger sending out a spray of liquid plasma at it.
Concordia Veil - Outside

Shrie lumbered across the top of the ship's hull with long, heavy steps, reaching the opposite edge just seconds after the spindly robot dropped off and hit the ground.

Without a moment's hesitation, the spidery thief hefted its mass off of the ground and began to skitter away, following the rest of the tracks in the ground that led away from the ship. Six Four's flamethrower came to bear on the thing from the other side of the ship, and before the thing got too far, a jet of liquid fire shot forth, racing underneath the ship's underbelly and exploding out from the other side, where Shrie looked down and saw the flaming tongue burst from seemingly nowhere towards the escaping mechanism.

The thick atmosphere slowed the plume far more greatly than expected, and coupled with the increased gravity its trajectory arced downward much more than normal. Six Four knew that aiming any higher from where it was standing to correct for it would risk melting parts of the ventral hull of the Veil. Even so, however, the flame still managed to reach the escaping robot, and a digitized, broken sound of what could only be panic erupted from it as it flailed suddenly to one side at the sudden superheating effect. It did not, however, noticeably slow down in its attempts to get away with the little chunk of hull it had cut free.
Concordia Veil - Captain's Cabin

It took a few minutes before Crash, or really Crash's ghost crept into the roon via a air excange vent. "What can i do for you,Your Hindyness?" Crash spoke as it worked it's way to a dresser and stood.

Standing next to the now-stripped bed, the furiously shaking Sienna whirled around at the sound of Crash's voice, her eyes burning and her face flushed bright red. Her jaw clenched hard when she spotted the holographic spider. "What the frak, Crash!?" she screamed, throwing her fists up in the air in a rage. "Am I speaking Sharan here or something? Do I stutter? What fracking part of 'stay the hell out of private areas' don't you get, you petty, thieving bastard!?"

There was a pause, as if the hologram was thinking through it's different options. Finaly though it fizzed out and the air exchanger grill swung open and the Real Spiderbot crawled in onto the dresser. "I am sorry for this, I will replace all of the damaged good.'

Sienna's face stayed creased in the scowl as she looked up at where the spiderbot emerged, and her mouth opened in preparation to shout again. However, barely the first breath of a syllable burst forth before it caught in her throat, and her furious gaze morphed slightly into one of mild surprise at the unexpected apology. She hesitated for a second, staring puzzled at Crash. "Why the hell did you do this?" she asked, the edge still very evident in her voice, but at a much lower volume.

"Well since you banished me from staying with Amelia, I felt I needed to build an area for me to live in. I was quite upset so I stole, and well, converted your bedding into strips, they are now located in the computer core room, as a web. Again I apologise and will replace your bedding," the bot stared at her, with out any holo lights flickering or even on. if ti wasn't for the sesor 'eye' lights it would have been totaly dark.

The captain scoffed, the frown returning slightly. "Were you paying any attention at all?" she replied evenly. "I said unless you were invited in, ya moron. And if you wanted someplace private for yourself, hell, you've got free run of the maintenance conduits, not to mention the computer itself! Ain't no way any of us can bug you in there, you know."

"Funny, I thought that before someone decided to jumpstart the computers..." Crash growled out before continuing. "It doesn't matter now I have moved in and sealed the compartment from the inside."

"You did w--" Sienna started, pinching off her words as she suddenly clenched her jaw and closed her eyes, very obviously holding back another outburst. Several seconds passed in silence, Sienna's steady breathing in and out through her nose the only sound before she opened her eyes again and levelled her gaze at the spiderbot. "Okay, look," she said in a controlled voice. "You can't do that. There are things in the computer room that I need access to. And with that heavy entry we just had, I need to be able to get to the CFS core and make sure there ain't any damage. If this is about you having a place to stay, and Amelia wants you in her cabin, then I don't give a shit whether or not you go in there. The problem, see, is you having unchecked access to places where the rest of the crew, myself included, have some expectation of privacy. I ain't interested in having to check all the air vents and constantly looking over my shoulder anytime I want to unbutton my goddamn pants." Sienna took another deep breath and folded her arms across her chest as it rose and fell. "Am I making things clearer now?"

"I've been in this cabin exactly three times, two of which you knew precisely when I was here. I got better things to do than watch you be gross with your fleshy bits..." The 'Bot shivered for a moments. "You can also use the external acess ports for the CFS." the botbrought up a volumetric screen with the full instructions to the access plate that would allow, and were built for, removing the CFS out of the ship. "With that you can access it quite easily. With out having to invade my privacy."

"And if I need in there while we're in interstellar space?" Sienna retorted with raised eyebrows. "No. Absolutely not. If privacy is what you want, then you bunk with Amelia, like you said. The two of you can work out whatever arrangements you want from there. But the computer core is not a private area, so you're gonna open it up." The captain rubbed her forehead for a second, continuing to speak as she looked down at the floor. "I'm sick of this run-around with you, Crash. We already worked out that you're a part of this crew, but that comes with the understanding that you answer to me. You don't like it, then you're welcome to leave anytime. But as long as you're on my ship, you're gonna abide by my rules." She looked back up, her expression softening ever so slightly. "I'm only gonna say this once, so pay attention," she continued, her voice now sounding a smidgeon less authoritative, and even a bit more genuine. "You and Oreza both made a few things clearer to me. It's obvious that the way I was handling things before ain't gonna work, so I'm trying here, really." Her face hardened again, slightly. "But I ain't gonna grovel, and I ain't gonna beg anyone aboard to do what I ask them to do. Y'all want me to treat you with some shred of dignity, I get that. But I expect every last one of ya to respect the fact that this is my ship, my outfit, and my say." She unfolded her arms and rested her hands on her hips.

"Sure, whatever," the bot replied before thinking for a moment."Funny you've never respected that this had been my home long before you came along." Crash rose up high on his legs and looked around the room. "You know I think I know just what to order for your bedding."

Sienna scoffed slightly. "You were squatting," she answered flatly, folding her arms again and leaning on the wall. "I bought the ship and everything in it, fair and square. You wanted a claim on it, you shoulda ponied up the cash first."

"Search the owner's records... Not that it matters now... I've told you as such."

"Already did," the captain said. "And as far as I'm concerned, this ain't up for debate anymore. Now, are we at an understanding?"

"The point I was trying to make, is the simple fact that unlike everyone else, who you bought, begged, or slept with to join the crew, I was pretty much Shanghaied here. Even with that I have played along and tried to do what is best for the ship. But you put me in my place." Turning the Bot started for the air exchange vent.

The captain smirked and shook her head, chuckling slightly as she looked idly at the far wall, still leaning on her shoulder. "I don't recall chainin' you to nothin'," she said evenly. "You think you're being mistreated, consider yourself dismissed."

"Fine if you feel you don't have need of me. I'll head back to the core and start removing all my patching and the OS that runs the ship." Crash silently chittered thinking how much that would screw the crew.

Sienna stood up off of the wall and turned to leave, shaking her head dismissively with a sigh. "We ain't gonna keep doing this, Crash," she said, her tone of voice elevated and more melodious. "I'm done explaining myself to you, and I'm done arguing. You do what I say is good for the ship, and when I want your opinion, I'll ask for it." With that, she left.

"We're all going to die..." Crash muttered as It cralled into the vent and headed back to the computer core.
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