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RP: SNV Gam'trosha [Chapter 3.2] Recon Team

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Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member

At the moment, things seemed to be rather calm, with the gentle breeze blowing through the area; the sky was starting to grow a bit gray with clouds moving in from the north-northwest. Occasionally, rumbling of thunder could be heard carried by the wind along with the smell of rain. Zu'rel and Vlad'imirs bikes quickly disappeared into the dense forest that surrounded the landing area, the forest was very quiet right now, with the only sounds coming from branches both overhead and around that swayed back and forth.

As the recon team got further away from the ships, their bikes would begin to pick up on distant energy readings off to their one and two o'clock. Whatever they were, they were much to far right now to get an accurate reading on the signals, but they were currently the only things of possible interest.
As the two raced along Zu'rel kept an eye on his junior. It felt strange that he was in charge of the older person, rank was a pain. It was the only reason he could come up with that he was being such an jerk to Vlad.

As the pings returned and hit his bike's sensors he kicked up the radio to his partner. "Two O'clock, two pings, We'll turn in towards them. Stay at high alert." he smiled behind his helmet, hoping that there was going to be some sort of a fight ahead of him.
As the two bikes drew closer to the pings, they would notice that said pings had just disappeared off the display... only for one to appear half a mile away from its last location and another to appear to the direct 'east of it. Besides these pings, the forest also appeared to be somewhat strange, it was lacking in life - as there was no longer any animal sounds; the only thing that 'could' be heard was the swaying of tree branches in a breeze.
Drawing his plasma pistol with his free hand, Zur'el continued racing on towards the pings, he was sure it was something trying to run from him. "Vlad, keep up and cover me..." He called back to the other rider. He was determinate to be able to report what the pings were before he turned back to the ship.
The pings would soon take the two agents out of the forest and to the edge of a very large and rounded lake, the lake was surrounded by trees, some looked burnt while others looked rather healthy. There were rocks jutting out of the water, some of which were covered a blue biolumenesis, other rocks were covered in what could be covered green algae. There was evidence that animals had been in the area just moments earlier, perhaps scared off by the bikes engine. Ahead, across the lake, both agents would notice something shimmering and occasionally blinking... and it was moving...
Vladi'mir scanned the area mumbled to himself , then looked at Zur'el and whispered "i think that might be a living creature, or a robot by the colour and that blinking, in any case i think we should stay away from it maybe split off and attack from both sides see where it runs". He didn't like this, the area was nice but he had this feeling something apart from the shiny thing was watching them and moved his bike away from the water.
"Go around and come at it from the other side. I'm continue on this way." Zu'rel looked ahead at the lake before revving the engine and continuing on.

He wasn't sure what to think of everything.
It took a little bit of time, trying to get around whatever the object was that the two had been tracking, but after a few minutes Vladi'mir had found himself on the opposite side of where Zu'rel and sent in a status report to the agent to let him know of his position.
With Vladi'mir covering him, Zu'rel dismounted from his bike and started forward on foot. his right hand on the grip of his sword tightened down as he continued forward towards the blinking light and shimmering object. He walked slowly keeping his eyes and head moving so that nothing in the environment was out of his sight for long.
As Zu'rel approached the object, or whatever it was, he'd notice that the sound of animals had quickly died off but there was also something else; a number of nearby plants showed signs of dying and decay, several of which were dark brown or even entirely black. When his leg passed by one of these dead plants, the plant itself turned into ash that gently fell to the ground below. In the distance, the object continued to emit a slight humming sound but this sound was mixed in with another, the sound of branches being broken off.
At the sound of the branch snapping Zu'rel drew his sword and pulled his plasma pistol, swinging around to the sound. He was getting a bit nervous over the whole situation, but he had to carry on forward to figure out what was going on.
The object continued to do its work, continued to break branches and then feed them into some kind of scope that was just beneath itself; but then it stopped what it was doing and a small mechanical eye slowly snaked its way out of the top - it was only not an organic item, but rather, mechanical. This eye slowly swept its gaze across the forest, its 'eye' alternated between several different color, soon it would pass by Zu'rel without even stopping and then by the position that Vlad'imirs was at.

When it was done the eye-retracted back into its body, before the body began to shimmer a dark red color and then vanished; this small feat ignited a few plants that had been beneath it just moments earlier.
Going to work quickly Zur'el started collecting samples and getting images of the area. He wanted to collect as much samples as possible. With a few orders to Vlad to keep an eye out for anything coming at them or any other hostile, Zur'el continued to work at gathering samples.
Although it was supposed to be a quick work, it had actually taken a few hours to really gather all of the samples. Part of this was due to the occasional sound of nearby animals that either disrupted the gathering or had gotten close, and the two agents didn't want to spook them. When all was said and done, a few hours had passed although it didn't appear that way given how nothing appeared to have changed during that time - with the exception of a thunderstorm now rolling in over the forest. A light drizzle began to fall over the area, and some of the animals could be heard running for the safety of the forest canopy.

"We should get going," Zu'rel would hear Vlad say as the soldier kept his gaze outward, searching for any hostiles.
With a nod Zur'el loaded the last of the samples on to his bike. "Let's head back... I'm a bit unnerved that there hasn't been a comm traffic at all." He pointed at his radio on his bike. Spinning the bike around on the front tire He sped off towards the ships. He head checked to see if Vlad was behind him, but if the kid couldn't see to keep up with the job then what ever might befall him would strengthen O'rian.
"Why not check and see if you can get ahold of the ship?" asked Vlad as she eased onto his bike and turned it on, hearing the gentle whine of its engine.
'What an obnoxious statement, of course I'm going to try contacting them on the way back... Don't want my ass shot off when we arrive back at the ship... fool...' Zu'rel was growling in his head as he started off on the bike. After a moment or two he flicked on the radio connection.

"Gam'trosha, Recon team reporting, returning to ship with samples, strange object that kept popping up and then poofing to a new location, samples taken in area. Any news from your end?"
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There was no response, all Zu'rel would get was static and the occasional 'pop' of a brief communications but one that could not be discerned easily. He and Vlad could hear some of their people's starfighters as they zipped overhead, heading off into directions unknown.
"Well then back to the ship." Zur'el wasn't jazzed about the lack of comms, but he would just deal. Waving Vlad along he continued to race towards the Gam'trosha. He rode back in silence beyond every so often resending his message. What the hell was going on with this planet?
Zur'el and Vladi'mir wouldn't get very far before they ran into a number of fallen trees that blocked their path, these trees were smoldering and looked to have been caught in some kind of fire... yet the tree's around it seemed strangely unarmed, it was only the eight fallen ones that were affected; mixed into the burned trees were a number of largely burned piles of ash.
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