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RP: The Fringe [Chapter 4.0] - Dawn

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Dawn Station, Sector Six Spaceport

Spacecraft, shuttles, and utility vehicles swarmed about the crowded space in and around the Sector Six arm of the Origin Industries crown jewel, the comms frequencies absolutely jam-packed with transmission packets flying every which way. Were it not for the steel-nerved and highly trained men and women directing the dizzying amount of traffic moving in and out of the station's multiple docking points, the place would be a hotbed of chaos and anarchy, with ships and EVA suits of all sizes crashing into one another in a maelstrom of fiery disaster.

The little Concordia Veil, dwarfed and overshadowed by many of the far more massive and modern-looking interstellar craft moving along the travel lanes, slipped through two criss-crossing rivers of shuttles moving in opposite directions atop one another, having carefully matched rotation with the sixth "spoke" in the station's radial design, aided remotely by the port pilot's tractor beam. The polished white of the docking bay almost had its own glow, teeming with the life of thousands of people and their transports going about their business in the spaceborne beehive, laden with slips and docking cradles that ranged from mind-shatteringly massive to dimunitively unimpressive. In a slow, graceful dance with the other ships, it maneuvered silently through space and into one of the enormous bays leading into the docking area it had been assigned, its gravity drive pulsing with a dimming glow, slowing its speed.


"Damn, look at that," Sienna commented from the pilot's seat, her input on the controls minimal as the spaceport's remote pilot guided the ship towards its berth. She was staring in wonder out through the canopy as a gigantic freighter slowly moved over them, dimming the light in the cockpit as its ponderous mass blocked out some of the brilliant lights shining far, far above them, on the upper bulkheads of the spaceport interior. The young captain leaned forward, craning her neck to admire the vessel, its fresh white paint and gleaming metals almost seeming to haughtily turn its nose up at the battered old Jinsoku with its grandeur. "Now that's a ship," she murmured.

The Veil's momentum gradually slowed to a stop, and with a few minor corrections to its orientation, began to descend to one of the smaller slip-pads far from the entrance, designed for smaller craft and a good ways away from the huge cradles that housed the more massive ships. Little by little, the ship inched downward, until with a final, conclusive series of thumps, the ship settled down on its landing struts.

"ISS Concordia Veil, Sector Six Docking Control," a middle-aged woman's voice came over the comms. "Tractor beam released, you may power down now. Welcome to Dawn Station."

Sienna touched the headset in her ear with two fingers. "Copy, Control," she replied as she started to flip switches around her, beginning the power-down sequence. "ISS Concordia Veil out." As she neared the end of the shutdown, she thumbed the ship intercom's general address button, addressing everyone in her crew. "All right, gang, we're here. Everyone meet me in the lounge in ten minutes, and we'll get y'all paid. Then you're all on shore leave."

Shrie divided her time during the travel between rest and her job. Well the job she though she had, which was making sure everyone was fed and that the ship was neat. So first thing she did was sorting the mess in the cargo-bay, up-righting all the boxes and stacking them and securing them. She also took all the bits and pieces of destroyed bots and stuffed them in one corner. Then she took to cleaning hallways. Everything had to be clean.

Now she walked into the lounge and prepared something to drink for everyone. Just some water in a big jug and set of glasses so everyone could pour themselves. With that done Shrie sat into the chair she used last time and waited for the captain.

Tam made his way into the lounge with his armor repaired and seemingly in some semblance of a good mood, he had a set of flat black gloves on that covered his hands entirely but he seemed at ease with the current situation. He found the same seat he'd been in before and essentially flopped into it after making sure that his tail was clear.
Med Bay, Aquarium on Six Four's Desk.

Klingdofast, The Crown Prince of the Kingdom of Lupa, (More commonly known as Deep Bog on Sydney Prime a small back water planet near the Astral Cluster) starred out with contempt from its glass prison at its warden, the strange creature referred to as a 'Six Four'. Klingdofast had been separated from its kinsfolk and more importantly its kingdom for far to long, it had been at least seven years sense it was snatched up from its murky by that strange creature to be placed in a much smaller prison along with several other animals from its home world. Oh how it longed to taste the blood crickets that inhabited the bog, or feel its dirty water flow over its scaly body as he patrolled his kingdom for any sign of attack. But alas he could not, he would have to settle for patrolling the mere puddle in his tank or go explore the large stick for the umpteenth time in his captivity. Shuffling over towards the strange rock like den in the corner he let out his of disgust at Six Four, he knew that in all of his attempts to kill the beast he had failed, its hide too tough to penetrate with his mighty jaw. Klingdofast settled in to its bed, it judged from the odd suns in the sky that it must be close to when his keeper set pieces of dead creatures into its cell, an offering perhaps? Or maybe some odd ritual? The Prince ate them, out of both spite and also necessity as it waited for something alive to stumble upon it.


After feeding a Specimen One, Six four went back to making its requisition list for its excursion to Dawn Station. It had added several items to the list, including a lock for the box that held the Qualen more had appeared to have gone missing as well as a few other supplies. Six Four also made a note to itself to get checked, maybe its internal software had a bug in it. Looking at the time display in its HUD it realized that it needed to be in the Lounge relatively soon. Doing a quarter spin in its chair it spun to face the door before getting up and retracing its steps that it always took to get to the crews meeting place.


After entering the lounge Six Four looked around for the capitan, its finger hovering over a tic box on its data pad that said "Talk To Capitan about missing supplies" Under a tab that said "Things To Do." Seeing that she wasn't there it decided to take a seat and wait like the rest of the crew. It was a matter that shouldn't be brought up to the rest of the crew anyway.

The door leading into Cabin 2 hissed and slid open, remaining ajar for a second before Amelia poked her had out from the open door and looked at the people already assembled in the lounge. Her eyes jumped from the ship's doctor, to Shrie and then the newly hired muscle before she stepped into the room. The astrogator was wearing her usual clothes, which had practically become some sort of uniform by then; the same sweater, faded pants and boots, with the exception that her jacket had been tied around her waist by its sleeves.

"Hello," she said quietly, before slipping from the open doorway and making her way to the room's couch, where she simply slumped down on. The Datajockey was pulled from one of her pockets and its screen was turned on as Amelia scratched her head, continuing to read another one of her books.

The entry door slid open with a quiet grinding noise just before Sienna stepped over the threshold, clad in her usual earthtone tank top tucked into her cargo pants and calf-length boots. In her hand was a small stack of general-use credit chits. Purposefully she strode through the room towards the still-slightly-ajar door to her cabin, running her free hand through her hair as she gave the assembled crew little more than an acknowledging nod and tight-lipped smile. Yanking the stubbornly stuck actuating handle set in the wall, her cabin door made a groan of protest, as if stuck, before suddenly popping free and flying open with a bang. A quiet sigh of frustration was visible in the way Sienna's shoulders rose and fell quickly, and she disappeared into the cabin, leaving the others to wonder for a few moments if she even had anything to say.

Oreza, the ship's first mate, oddly, remained conspicuously absent.

Finally she reemerged, her wrist-mounted PHC clasped freely in her other hand, and she walked over to the far end of the table with her back to the wall, still not saying a thing. While she didn't appear to be any more in a friendly mood than she usually was, there was an odd air of satisfaction about her, and the look on her face and in her eyes seemed slightly softer than usual, more at ease. Settling into the chair and pulling herself up to the table, she quietly cleared her throat as she placed the PHC in front of her, conjuring up the ghostly green-and-white volumetric display with a wave of her fingers in the air above it. And still, she said nothing while she tapped and swiped the air, thumbing through account sheets. While she worked, she stood only long enough to lean forward and pour herself a glass of water from the jug that Shrie had set out. Dead silence hung in the room for several moments more.

At last, she spoke up. "All right, here we go," she said, clearing her throat again and lifting her eyes to look at Tam. "Before we get started, it's probably obvious there ain't a cut for you," she explained to the Gartagen. "Most of this is your money anyway. I'll talk to you after everyone's off to blow theirs, so we can divvy up what's in the cargo hold, as per our arrangement." She continued to tap at the display, and one by one began to pull credit chits from the stack, setting them alongside the PHC so that they lightly touched its tiny physical surface, then setting them aside and replacing it with another. "As for the rest of you," she continued, not looking up, "I'm throwing in a bit bigger share than will be normal, just 'cause we got off to a rough start, and all y'all pulled your weight more'n once. But don't get too used to it."

With that, she finished transferring the funds to the last credit chit, and stacked them back in order. Leaning back in her chair, she took a drink from her glass and paused for a moment, then looked at everyone gathered in turn. "I know I ain't been easy to get along with," she said plainly, brushing her hand through her hair again. "So if anyone don't come back after we leave, I ain't gonna hold it against you. Everyone's earned this pay, and none of you owe me anything from now on, including an explanation." She crossed her legs as she started to lightly tap the stack of chits in her hand on the armrest. "But those of you that do decide to come back, you've got my messaging address, and you'll know where to find me." For a second, she looked like she had something further to say, but after a brief hesitation, she closed her mouth again and turned her chair to rest her elbow on the table, still from her reclined position. One at a time, she started to pull the chits from the stack. "Amelia," she called out, holding the first chit in the air in the astrogator's direction, then tossed it with a flick of her wrist across the room to her. "Six Four," she continued, pressing the second chit to the table with her thumb, then slid it across to the Freespacer medic. "Shrie," she said finally, repeating the motion, sending it sliding across to the Lorath.

She tucked what appeared to be two remaining chits into her palm, and leaned forward just enough to take another drink from her glass of water. Looking over at the couch towards Amelia, she spoke again. "I need to talk to you for a minute before you leave," she said, then looked at Tam, "and then you. The rest of you are good to go. Don't go blow it all in one place."

Payment Amounts:
Amelia - 6000 DA
Six Four - 5500 DA
Shrie - 5500 DA

The astrogator deftly caught the chit thrown her way by the captain with her bare hands. She rotated the small silicon and plastic rectangle around her hand, examining it, before inserting it into her Datajockey. As soon as she saw the quantity contained by it, she couldn't help but to let out a low whistle; the last time that she had received such a sum was when things had went awry in Nepleslia Prime, and the payment had ended up looking no more than a consolation prize for the failure of the expedition she had been in. "Wow, thanks," she said sincerely and surprised. She somewhat expected Sienna to underpay everyone, and it was nice to have her savings finally go over the three digits that they seemed to be permanently stuck in.

Her head slowly rose once the captain called her out, which almost instantly made the astrogator go on the defensive, expecting the bout of bad news that came after the new one. "Alright, she said," standing up and off her comfortable seat and putting the Datajockey away before dusty her hands on the front of the faded green cargo pants that she was wearing.
above the lounge.

Crash was sitting in a vent just about Sienna. When the call was made for the whole crew to show up, and Amelia left, It had ventured forth into the ducts and watched the proceedings. When The captain first pasted there, Crash expected some yelling, but then she left for her cabin. it was strange, she seemed almost different when she came back out. Crash noted It would have to figure out what she did to make her so bubbly.

Then she announced pay. Silently It waited for it's name to be called, not that It was going to come forth and claim it in front of everyone. But when she didn't call It's name Crash got upset. Storming off Crash worked it's way through the different systems of the ship, until it was outside and free.

Dawn Station.

Once free of the ship Crash made it's way into the station far far from where the ship was docked. After a few minutes though It paused... Crash needed to send a message to Amelia tell her It wasn't on the ship...

> Amelia... I have left. Not sure if or when I'll be back...

Crash thought for a moment trying to come up with something more to say, but nothing came up.

The astrogator quickly pulled out her Datajockey once she felt it vibrate in her pocket. Her brow creased as she read the message, and her lips twitched to the side as she hurriedly put the datapad back in the side pocket of her pants, trying to keep her expression normal. Fine, if he wanted to run away she wouldn't stop him, nor would she answer that message. Amelia turned her gaze back towards the captain, crossing her arms in front of her chest and gripping each with the opposite hand firmly as she waited for Sienna to speak with her.

Shrie caught the chit that was slid her way with a swift movement of her hand. She picked it up, but she had little way to see how much was on it really. The woman had no datajockey or anything. It was fine though, they were on a Dawn station and it won't be hard to setup some account and get a way to pay for things electronically. Hopefully a lack of ID won't be trouble. Still no one looked for Shrie anywhere and she was officially dead for Lorath. Lazarus would already found her by now, if they were interested in her again and that was unlikely.

"Thank you captain," Shrie said back to Sienna. The Lorath cocked her head to side and looked at the chit again. She wondered how much was on it. Probably hunder DA or so. There could not be more. Back on the mining ship, Shrie was paid about 7 DA a day and she would not think it would be too different on Veil.

"Uhmm," Shrie sounded off and looked at others. "I will. I need to get a bank account. Can someone help. I am not sure I will be able to tell what I want. What I need."

Sienna looked over at Shrie from her seat, then nudged the top of her head in Six Four's direction. "I bet Six Four here can help you," she commented. "I've got a long list of things that need doing around here for now, but if you can't get help soon, let me know and I'll do what I can."

Six Four looked up from it's datapad as the credit chit was pushed in front of it. Picking it up with its index finger and thumb the doctor examined it for a moment, turning it to and fro watching it glint in the phosphorescent light before inserting it into its datapad and transferring it into its private account.

"This One can help yes." It said putting down its datapad and tapping it's fingers together, "it can make a stop at a banking facility while purchasing supplies, a minor detour."

Tapping a few times on its datapad it added the bank to its to do list before drafting up a rough list of needed items.

"After a routine stock evaluation this one has determined we need a few things after our previous encounter. Please feel free to add anything if you see fit captian."

Forwarding the list via message to Sienna (with a 'breif' statement about the missing supplies also attached), Six Four went back to doing other things on the datapad, finalizing what it needed to do before visiting the station.

A soft ping sounded from the hovering volumetric display above Sienna's PHC still on the table as Six Four's message went through. From her reclined position, she swiped two fingers along the edge of the display and read the list, rocking the leg she had draped over the other rhythmically as she did so. She didn't show any outward reaction to it other than a slightly raised eyebrow. "I'll take care of these," she said conclusively after she finished reading, tapping the device to shut off the display, and looked up at Six Four, then at Shrie. "Anything else y'all need?"

"This one does not require anything else at the moment, though if you do run into some problems attaining any items feel free to contact Six Four." The doctor said looking up from its data pad. Ticking a few items on said pad the doctor got up and stashed the pad in its lab coat before turning towards the door.

"This one has nothing further to say and will be taking its leave." Six Four said, monotone as ever though the helmets voice converter, "Though if Shrie wishes to join and solve its monetary storage issue I will wait outside for fifteen minutes approximate."

It spoke as it walked making a pit stop at its office to grab some things before making its way out of the Veil.

As the last of the crew filtered out of the room, Sienna closed the entrance door and looked towards Amelia, and with a sideways tilt of her head motioned for her to follow her into her cabin. The door was still open, and still incapable of closing, not to mention the fact that the walls in the cabins were far from soundproof, but the relative seclusion would serve as enough of an indication that their impending conversation wasn't meant for anyone else to hear. Sienna stepped through the open door and moved to the back of the cabin, turning around and lightly leaning her hind end on the back of the desk chair in the corner, her hands resting on it as well, one on either side of her hips, while the astrogator leaned against the wall beside the cabin door.

"Close the door," she said to Amelia, pointing her chin towards the entrance. "The most it will close, anyway."

Amelia reached for the panel besides the door, pressing the button to close the door. It was curious how the captain still hadn't managed to fix that door. Her gaze shifted back towards Sienna once she heard the telltale hiss of the door's mechanisms working. At first, it operated normally, albeit very slowly, actuating its cycle a full four seconds longer than it should have. Finally, the portal lurched, trying to close, and once it reached a spot a few inches shy of fully sealing off the entrance, it slammed into an unseen obstacle, the top corner slightly outrunning the bottom corner as it ground to a halt, and the servos within the door frame went silent again.

As if she hadn't seen it happen dozens of times already, Sienna softly groaned and shook her head, massaging the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger for a second. "Gonna be a busy week," she murmured to herself under her breath. After a second, she looked up, blinking a few times and settling her high-browed gaze on the astrogator again. "So," she started, loudly enough for Amelia to easily hear her, but in a hushed tone that would be difficult to make out to anyone outside the room. "About Crash's pay. I didn't wanna say anything out there because I figure he still thinks he's duping everyone by hiding in the cubby-holes around here." She shifted her weight slightly to her other leg, still leaning against the back of the chair. "I already agreed to cut him in, and he did save the ship. But I'm assuming he's gonna go talk to you first, since y'all... got... whatever happening between you," she continued with a slight shudder and a squicked face, recalling what she had previously walked in on. "So if for some reason he asks you before I find him, he'll get his pay when he replaces what he stole." She tilted her forehead towards the bare mattresses on the other wall.

The astrogator had seemed intent on watching the wall to her side the entire time, not gazing at the captain anymore once she started talking. When no immediate response came, Sienna narrowed one eye slightly, turning her face a nudge to the side. "Are you listening to me?"

"Well, I think you're out of luck," she said, not even embarassed anymore when Sienna had recalled that moment a few days ago. The message that the bot sent to her Datajockey was still too fresh on her head.

Sienna's brow dropped a touch in confusion. "What're you talking about?" In response, Amelia took the datapad from her pocket once more and extended it towards her.

Arching an eyebrow curiously, Sienna pushed away from the chair and stepped across the cabin, taking the Datajockey in her right hand, but her eyes remained on Amelia for a second before she looked down at the message. The other eyebrow slowly inched up to match the first as she read it, and though it was difficult to accurately read her expression from that angle, it almost looked like one of mildly pleasant surprise. "Huh," she grunted, looking up at her. "What's he chapped about this time?"

Amelia's expression remained passive, and she simply shrugged at the captain's question.

Sienna pursed her lips, saying nothing for a few seconds, with a calculating stare. Offering the datapad back to Amelia, she sighed with a shake of her head. "Well, that makes some things easier for me," she said, obviously intending to be nonchalant, but the mild annoyance in her voice was noticeable. "But now we got a useless mainframe and we're down a good pilot. Two more things to add to my growing list of shit to do..." It was clear that the captain was much more bothered by the logistical repercussions of Crash's sudden departure than the Freespacer itself.

The astrogator briefly glared at the captain after retrieving her Datajockey, pursing her lips together. "Anything else you want?" she asked after some deliberation.

Sienna's relaxed expression turned stony again for a moment when she saw the look in Amelia's eyes. At first, it looked as if the captain might have responded with some coolly-worded retort, but she didn't say anything. Finally she drew a long, controlled breath. "Look," she said with forced empathy. "I know you two are real buddy-buddy and all. But he's a loose cannon, and you know it. What am I supposed to do here, go off begging him to come back? Yeah, he has his uses, but you have any idea how big a pain in my ass he is?"

After that comment, the frustration and anger that Amelia had feeling was easy to turn around towards the captain. "I don't need your pity. You go and find someone to be your new slave and follow your every order to fly this ship then, if you can't handle people," she remarked, turning around to press the door's panel again.

Any semblance of sympathy that was in Sienna's eyes at that moment quickly evaporated, and her face hardened once again. Clenching her fists at her sides, she advanced a step on the comparatively smaller astrogator. "What the frak do you know about people, Amelia?" she snapped tersely. The door, as Amelia activated it, started to groan and hiss, but when it finally went to cycle open, the door simply shook a few times, pathetically trying to dislodge itself from whatever held it fast in place. The gap that remained was still far too small for her to fit through. Sienna didn't relent, however, seizing on the opportunity that being trapped in the room with Amelia presented. "I never see you hangin' 'round nobody but that goddamn robot!" she continued coldly. "Now, whatever sick thing you got for him is your business. I don't frackin' care, no matter how weird it is to me. But you ain't got a clue what you're talkin' about. Don't YOU get all goddamn high an' mighty tellin' me how to handle people!"

"I know better than you, because I don't go and try to blow people up for not doing my every whim!" Amelia said, her voice barely below yelling, forgetting about the door that wouldn't open. She had been trying to hold all that back, but the pent-up frustration just broke loose after that last straw.

"God damn it, would you get over that already!?" Sienna nearly shouted, continuing to glower down at the astrogator. "How many times are we gonna rehash the same frackin' problem!? We handled it, I thought!" Seething, she clenched her jaw, obiviously trying to force some measure of control on herself. "You know, I'm gettin' right sick of y'all telling me how to run my own goddamn ship," she hissed.

"That's because you are the worst there is at it! You had the best opportunity to learn from someone who has had much more experience in this and you chose to ignore it," she retorted, staring at the other woman. "Because everyone is wrong, and only you are right all the time," she added, not hiding the venom from her words.

"You're goddamn right I am!" Sienna roared, no longer containing the volume of her voice, pointing her finger sharply at the astrogator. Whether she actually believed her words, or if it was only her temper talking, Amelia couldn't tell. Sienna's entire body seemed wound up like a spring, her eyes hot with anger held back by a weakening dam, inches away from bursting free in violence. "I swear to God, you and Crash don't ever give me a frackin' break! He breaks into my cabin, shreds my shit, and you think I'm supposed to just grin and bear it. But heaven help me if I ever get even a little crabby when one of y'all goes and fraks everything up!"

"Oh, sooooorry then, I guess he should have just bent over and apologized after you used the ship to shock him!" Amelia said.

The tendons in Sienna's neck went taut, and just as it seemed that the captain was going to snap and throttle Amelia right where she stood, there was a loud grinding and clanking noise from the doorway, causing her attention to whip instantaneously towards it. The door suddenly flew open, revealing Oreza's hulking form standing there, his mass filling the portal. He was hobbling on one leg, his braced one hovering a few inches from the ground, and he wore a slight grimace from the effort of forcing the door open with his bare hands, but the stern look on his face was unmistakable. "Is there a problem in here?" he said in a deep, resonating, and commanding tone.

"Is there ever not a problem somewhere on this frackin' ship!?" Sienna snapped loudly, turning her ire heedlessly on the first mate, while Amelia just turned around to regard him. Oreza's glare fixated on Sienna as he considered his words carefully, while Sienna simply bristled, like a powder keg whose fuse was rapidly nearing its end. "Have you finished your business with the astrogator, Captain?" he asked evenly.

Sienna's eyes flared again and she went taut again, looking like a bomb about to go off any second. Then, with a clenched jaw, she turned her icy stare towards Amelia. "Yeah," she said with a poisonous sneer, looking down her nose at the dark-haired young woman. "We're done."

Oreza looked at Amelia. "Is there something else you wanted to discuss with the captain?"

"I'm done," the astrogator replied.

"Then let's go," Oreza replied, stepping to the side to allow Amelia to pass. "I will meet you at the ramp." He looked at Sienna once more. "Did you have any business with me, Captain?"

Sienna, still standing there in the middle of the room in barely-contained fury, gruffly shoved her hand in her pocket, withdrawing the credit chit she'd loaded for him, and with a whip of her hand chucked it at his face. The first mate snatched it from the air, steadying himself against the door frame, then gave her a simple nod. "Thank you, ma'am. I'll take my leave now."

Dawn Station Sector Six Spaceport - Landing Pad - Outside the Ship

The din and bustle of the space station met Oreza's ears as he hobbled down the ramp, having lowered it just moments before, leaning on the makeshift cane that Six Four had fashioned for him out of the broken spider drone's leg and one of Sienna's welding torches. A shuttle craft buzzed low overhead, the quiet rumbling of its engines vibrating his stomach. With a brief grimace, he hopped down on his good leg the last step to the pristinely polished metal surface of the landing pad, holding onto the big cylinder at the end of the ramp with one hand as he turned to look at Amelia, the other leaning heavily on the awkwardly shaped crutch. "Are you all right?" he asked calmly.

Amelia looked at the Concordia Veil's first mate, her hands inside the pockets of her pants as she walked down the landing ramp behind him. She wasn't all right, far from it. "You're the one with the broken leg," she said, sounding more aggressive than she had meant to.

A small smile showed beneath Oreza's beard, and the big man didn't show any offense at the misdirected hostility in Amelia's voice. "It's just a bone," he replied. "Those heal easily in a short time. Other things don't heal so quickly." His face softened, likening him almost to something of a concerned father.

A Spider Bot MK. XXVI skittered near by the Concordia's ramp. It paused for a moment, looking around the area, trying to get its bearings. As it scanned the crowd and passageways the bot's manibles slowly worked back and forth, in a depressingly slow and jagged motion.

"Right," Amelia acknowledged, looking back up the ramp in the awkward silence that followed her answer.

Oreza watched her for a moment, thinking. "Amelia," he said gently. "I don't pretend to understand Sienna all the time. I'm not sure any of us do, or ever will." Some distance away, a light transport truck ferried a full bed of scrap material to another berth. One bit of jagged slag fell off of the bed, and a pair of jumpsuited workers pounced from seemingly nowhere to grab it, fighting for a moment over who would be the one to retrieve it.

"What does that have to do with anything?" the astrogator asked, looking back at the large Nepleslian. Again, her tone had the same aggression as before, and she willed herself to calm down harder.

"She's been giving you a hard time ever since you came aboard," Oreza replied. "Many times unfairly, I know. And as trite as it sounds, she does mean well. She simply isn't used to working with people."

"Then she has no business being a captain," Amelia remarked, with some finality as she watched the transport truck drive away. "She thinks she can just force people into compliance," she added.

Oreza closed his mouth, deliberating silently for a few seconds. The look on his face suggested that, perhaps on some level, he agreed with her, but he didn't say it aloud. Reaching into his pocket with unfocused eyes, almost unconsciously, he fished around and pulled out a simple straight pipe and placed it between his teeth. "Perhaps she does, perhaps she doesn't," he mused ambiguously around the pipe, then focused his eyes again on the astrogator. "But what about a slave?"

"What?" the astrogator asked, suddenly turning her gaze to the first mate.

The first mate's shoulders rose and fell slowly. "I knew Sienna as a child. She was still every bit as stubborn and headstrong back then, of course," he remarked quietly, chuckling the kind of chuckle only born of nostalgic fondness, but he held his gaze on Amelia pointedly. "But she was different back then. A sweet girl, very social, very fond of company. And very much desperate for a father's attention that she never got. You wouldn't have recognized her." He leaned back against the cylinder, keeping his weight on his good leg as he shifted the pipe to the other side of his mouth. "I missed all of her young adult life, but I know that she was sold into slavery when she was a teenager." He paused a second to let that sink in. "I don't know what she endured in that time, but I can see the effect it had on her. Do you know what that could do to you at such a tender age?" He held his eyes on her, still with the gentle, paternal tone and air about him, waiting for her to reply.

Amelia swallowed after the Nepleslian finished speaking, still, she wouldn't simply relent after that. "So? When I was fifteen when my parents decided they didn't want to deal with their kids anymore and decided to retire and threw me on some boarding school so I could make my own life. I have a brother who decided to stop caring when I was sixteen and now is god-knows-where," she said, her voice almost wavering, making her pause so that she regained her posture. "Everyone has had it rough. She told me that herself," she added.

"You are absolutely correct," Oreza replied with a nod, cupping his pipe in his left hand as he idly toothed it. "She is not unique in that regard, and I am truly sorry to hear that your parents were as negligent as hers." While his expression retained the same measure of compassion, it also firmed up resolutely. "But while you were left to her own devices, Sienna was robbed of her very freedom. And who knows what other horrors she suffered through; she refuses to speak of them. I believe she acts the way she does because she isn't willing to risk such a thing happening to her again." He crossed his free arm across his barrel chest, tucking the hand beneath his armpit with another sigh as he idly tapped his fingers atop the cane. "Understand that I am not trying to justify her actions. The way she treated you at first was unacceptable. She's still a child in many ways, Amelia, and I cannot blame you for doubting her capability. I've had the same doubts myself. But though I know it has been difficult for her, she has been at least making the effort to improve." He paused a moment. "Do you agree, or no?"

'Her effort is not enough,' she thought, but bit back the urge she had to say it. Amelia took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled before answering the question. "Yes," she admitted.

The way Oreza's left eye narrowed a bit made it seem he doubted the sincerity of her response, but he didn't press. "I heard what she said in the lounge," he said softly. "Do you think the Veil is a ship you still wish to serve on?"

"I don't know," Amelia answered, this time, the sincerity in her tone couldn't be mistaken.

Oreza nodded in understanding. "No one can blame you," he said, gently laying his bearlike free hand on her shoulder. He considered his following words for a few seconds before continuing. "I've seen you in the cockpit," he said. "You seem very much at home there. Space travel is what you know, perhaps even a part of what you are. I know you and I are not intimately familiar with one another, but I've been around long enough to recognize a true spacefarer when I see one." A gentle smile curled his mouth upwards around the pipe. "You have to do what is best for you, of course. Someone with your skill would have no difficulty finding work on another ship, I have no doubt about it. But you and Sienna are more alike than you probably realize," he continued. "If the two of you can learn to work together, there would be little to stop you." He shifted the pipe again, sighing. "There is no need to decide right now, of course. Perhaps now would be the best time to take some time away from her, allow her to cool down, and consider your next move, yes?"

The astrogator stared at the ship's First Mate as he spoke, not saying anything in return. She noticed how he had been one of the few people to commend her on her work ever since she had gotten aboard the ship, and while she felt every need to thank him or saying those things, she couldn't bring herself to do so. There were simply too many things going on in her head at that time. "Yeah, I guess so," the astrogator finally said, smiling faintly at the bear-like Nepleslian.

Oreza gave her shoulder a light squeeze and a reassuring pat. "I won't keep you any longer," he said. "I should get off of my leg anyhow. Perhaps once I've sought some proper treatment and you have had some time to collect yourself, I can buy you dinner and a drink."

"Thanks," Amelia said, suppressing a chuckle and stuffing her hands back in her pockets. "I guess I'll just take a look around the place," she added.

The first mate smiled a bit more broadly. "Enjoy yourself, then," he said. "But be careful, of course."

"Yeah, sure," the astrogator responded before she started to walk towards the exit of the ship's hangar.

Oreza watched her go, his fatherly smile slowly fading into gray malaise. With a heavy sigh, he turned himself around, the cane wobbling a bit beneath him as he started to limp back up the ramp, holding his pipe between his teeth in his free hand. If there ever was a time for a smoke, it was now.
Starboard Cargo Bay

The ship's cargo bay was in relatively good condition, given what had happened in the Neue Jaspis system. The inner hatch was still partially cut away, of course, but the debris had been cleared away thanks to Shrie's efforts, and the crates were still firmly tied down where they'd been left. Suddenly the hatch opened with a metallic groan, sending a few errant sparks flying into the room as the door threatened to come out of the bulkhead with its entire framework. Sienna entered, finishing affixing her pistol holster to her thigh. "Sorry for the wait," she said through tight lips, striding across the floor and weaving around the end of a stack of crates towards where Tam stood. Her demeanour was stiff and reined-in, but the waning fires of an explosive rage were still burning in her eyes. It wasn't apparent what had angered her, but even through her tightly controlled facade, it was clear it had only happened moments ago.

Tam shrugged looking at Sienna. "It was not that much of a wait, to be honest. I'm used to standing around waiting for something to happen for a few hours or more usually, so you getting here this rapidly is something of a surprise," Tam replied with a slight smile as he tilted his head and his eyes moved up and down examining the captain's figure and admiring the way she was confident no matter who she was talking to. Tam noted that there was a fire in her eyes and it seemed rather odd for someone of her stature and appearance so he cocked his head to the side and asked, "Is there something amiss that I should know about?"

"No," Sienna replied flatly as she walked up to him, stopping well outside of his personal space, or perhaps hers. Whatever it was, she was clearly in no mood to discuss it. Noticing his wandering eyes, she folded her arms across her chest and shifted her balance slightly to one side, pointedly clearing her throat. "You, uh, see somethin' you like?" she asked with a twinge of sarcasm, her face remaining ice cold and expressionless.

"Very well," Tam replied as he tilted his head to the side and pondered for a moment. "I see that you are confident even when talking to someone you don't know particularly well and you seem to have no problem with keeping your crew working well together, which to me speaks highly of your capabilities of a leader. That, I do like, otherwise before I was to say anything else I'd have to get to know you better." Tam replied.

"Don't flatter yourself," Sienna replied dismissively; however, her eyebrows were raised slightly in mild surprise at the compliment to her leadership abilities. She obviously hadn't expected him to say anything like that, particularly given the rather hostile feedback she had been receiving from the rest of the crew. Either he was the most oblivious soldier she'd ever met, far less experienced than he'd led her to believe, or he'd just reassured her that she was in the right, and the rest of her crew were, indeed, idiots. She wasn't sure which.

"I must ask if there was a particular reason you asked me to meet you here at this time?" Tam asked with a slight smile.

"We need to go over the stuff you have here, and decide what we're gonna do with it," the captain responded, the edge not quite gone from her voice. Moving over to the nearest crate, she rapped her knuckles lightly on its surface. "So what all you got here, exactly? Ain't nothin' the suits here are gonna be keen on seizing, is it?"

"I'm not sure, it would depend on this station's regulations on weaponry. Most of the crates are fairly innocuous in and of themselves however there are a few crates with military grade gear including this one," Tam replied as he pointed to a fairly nondescript yet also rather long crate. " I believe we can make an arrangement, however, with this crate since I have a feeling you'd like to have around 10 of the weapons that are contained in here for shipboard security," Tam said as he started the singlehandedly break the seals on the crate.

Sienna stood back and watched the Gartagen unseal the crate, craning her neck to see what was inside. "Can't say I'd turn that down," she remarked as Tam worked.

Tam smiled as he finally finished unsealing the crate and ripped the top off of it before reaching in and pulling out a rifle that was roughly a meter long with a battery pack sticking out in place of where the magazine on a slugthrower would be. "I picked this crate up at some point in the past. I believe these are called Zen arms sniper rifles or some such. I believe they may be of substantial value and if you can find me a go between that can offer a reasonable price for them I think we can work out an equitable deal for yourself and your crew in addition to the reward I've already given," Tam said as he looked at Sienna with a slight smile.

The captain's eyes wandered over the rifle with a mixture of curiosity and dubious uncertainty. "Hm," she mused, and held out an open hand with her palm up. "Mind if I take a look?"

"I wouldn't mind at all," Tam replied as he removed the battery from the rifle and handed the rifle followed by the battery over to Sienna. "You humans have a massive number of arms manufacturers, Gartaga only really has 2 main manufacturers that produce almost all weaponry that is used by Union forces," He said somewhat bemusedly.

"Yeah, well if there's one thing humans are good at, it's killin' each other," Sienna replied as she accepted the rifle in both hands, then the battery. Shoving the battery beneath her belt, she hefted the rifle, testing its weight, then shouldered it, pointing the barrel off towards the aft of the ship. She wiggled her shoulder and arms a little, getting comfortable with the grip, and peered down the sights. After a few seconds' deliberation, she lowered the gun and pulled the battery from her pants, looking the gun in her other hand over pensively. Carefully she slid the battery pack into the receiver, slapping it in, testing the weight in her hands again, then ejected it and offered them both in upturned, open palms back to Tam. "Nice gun. Not sure if I'd say its ideal for security, but they might come in handy one day..."

"Fair enough, it probably would have come in handy when you were trying to get me off that jungle hell planet, I believe these rifles would have been able to eliminate the drones as the approached your ship much more easily than hand to hand combat would." Tam replied as he accepted the rifle and battery back and placed it into the crate. "I also have a crate of grenades, a full installation kit for starship environmental systems, and a variety of other things to include a crate of nothing but bedding supplies," He remarked in an offhand manner.

"Damn, what were you doing, building an ar-- bedding supplies?" Sienna said, cutting herself off in mid sentence, slightly startled and intrigued. A wry grin spread across her lips as she tilted her head. "You're carrying rifles, grenades, starship components, and blankies?"

"I'm a bit of a collector you could say, a lot of the stuff I've collected seemingly by accident but it has come in handy in a number of ways. Including using some of those bedding supplies and a bit of my polyaramid stockpile to repair the missing piece of my armor from that drone encounter," Tam replied as he held up his fully repaired armored arm.

Sienna shrugged her eyebrows at the repaired armor, semi-approvingly. "Not bad," she commented, hooking her thumbs in her pockets. "And it so happens I'm in need of some new bedding, too. One of my dumb-ass crew thought it'd be a laugh riot to shred mine." She moved over to another one of the crates, running her fingertips along its surface, keeping herself angled just enough as to keep Tam in view. Whether it was out of paranoia or habit wasn't clear.

"Feel free to take as much as you need" Tam replied with a slight smile. "At least they didn't drug you with something that made you hyperactive, paranoid, clingy, and added about twenty times more annoyance to your day. Had that happen on a mission thanks to one of our newbies going into a panic and the medic dosing him with Shara knows what," Tam said with a slight grin.

"Feh," Sienna scoffed a bit. "No, another one of them actually did pretty much exactly that to me. Well," she corrected herself, "pumped me full of enough tranquilizer to bring down a bull, anyway." She sneered at no one in particular, shaking her head.

"That would be...unpleasant I think," Tam replied. "For the person that injected me with it, that is."

The captain's smirk actually widened into a small grin for the first time. She leaned her hip against the crate next to her, chuckling quietly. "You're a lot less of a pain in my ass to talk to than the rest of my crew," she commented, her irritation appearing to dissipate.

"I do try to not be a pain. I've dealt with my fair share of pain in the tail underlings and it typically results in me wishing to space or to be frank dismember them considering some of them and the way that they acted," Tam replied with a slight grin since he really wasn't joking.

Now Sienna actually looked amused. Her shoulders relaxed ever so slightly, as if someone had just lifted a yoke off of her momentarily. "I know that feeling," she said with a lilting laugh. "At least now I know it ain't just me."

"Nope, it's not just you, I think even my old COs wanted to space me a few times, at least if my disciplinary record is anything to consider. I was a bit of a ...scapegrace I suppose you could call me in my younger days," Tam said with a broad grin as he reflected on some of his myriad misadventures before he wound up in the unit that he would eventually become second in command of before the mission of doom to the jungle hell.

Still with the grin, Sienna folded her arms across her chest once more. "So the question is," she asked chidingly, "if you join my crew, am I gonna wanna space you, too?"

"I would hope not. I've improved substantially from my fresh from the gutter trash days, actually having command tends to make you grow up quickly I think," Tam replied.

Sienna nodded in slow, thoughtful agreement, her eyes unfocusing briefly.

"I'm sure I have more things in my inventory that you may find useful," Tam continued, tapping something on his datapad. "In fact ,I just sent you an itemized list of the things I have with me to your datapad and the ones that are marked with a star are the only ones I...do not wish to part with but they are all packed in that one box with my unit insignia on the side. For that matter if you or your crew require armor reinforcement I can build armor reinforcers that add a reasonable amount of survivability to even the most basic of armored suit and with a substantial amount of extra time I could likely even armor your street clothes if the situation warranted that is." Tam said as he pointed at the indicated crate.

"Really," Sienna asked, halfway between a true question and dubious rhetoric. "How would you go about doing that?"

"It would depend on what it was that you wanted armored. If it was something similar to an armored vac suit then I'd turn a layer of polyaramids into a protective underlayer for the suit, on the other hand if was generic street clothes then I'd likely attach panels of polyaramids over vital areas to provide protection while not inhibiting movement too much" Tam replied as he looked over the outfit Sienna was wearing with an expert armorer's eye and pondered the best way to armor her clothing just in case she asked it of him.

The way Tam looked her over, even though she knew it was for no reason other than to assess her clothing for its viability as armor, still made her edgy, and she visibly tensed slightly as she squared her stance. Briefly she looked down at her tank top and cargo pants, then looked back up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Interesting," she said flatly. "We can work on that later; I got a jacket that might be more practical than this."

"Quite likely, although you may want a few pairs of trousers with armoring on the inner thighs to protect your femoral artery. At least that would be my suggestion, it may not help overly much against high powered energy weapons but it should suffice to at least turn fatal bullet wounds into somewhat less immediately fatal injuries." Tam replied with a tilt of his head

"I'll look into it," Sienna replied casually, and scanned her eyes over the array of crates again. "So what else can you tell me about yourself?" she asked, facing him still, but not looking at him.

"Well, until the fiasco on that desert planet I was the executive officer of the 147 Rapid Reaction force Kith, what you humans would likely call a company sized element. As to myself, well I'm actually originally an orphaned guttertrash halfbreed. I was adopted at some point by what is considered one of the most well known military clans in the Union, although before that I'd developed something of a reputation as an assassin even though most didn't actually know it was me, I was suspected in, and actually committed quite a large number of assassinations during my youth. As of now I'm somewhat more respectable and I was well known as a rising star in the RRF due to in one case rescuing our Empress from a rebellion led by traitorous units of the army," Tam said, not sure what all the captain would really like to know about him, whether she was interested more in his past or more in what he could offer to her and her crew.

Sienna listened, only bothering to look back at the Gartagen once he'd finished. "So why are you here now?" she asked pointedly.

"Because I want to do something else, get out and explore the galaxy without running into things that try to throw me using magic and then try to implant their demonspawn eggs into my underlings. That...was not a fun mission, to say the very least," Tam replied calmly as he looked back at Sienna.

The captain's eyebrows raised, and her smirk came back. "Magic?" she asked, not hiding the dubious tone. "Now you have to explain."

"I don't know how the bitch did it, all I know is that I was on the roof of a building and she gestured and suddenly the building is falling down around my head," Tam replied. "Maybe it was some of that scalar shit the Yamataians use or something similar, but to me it was just magic."

"They have some fancy toys, I'll give them that," Sienna replied with a quiet chuckle and a shrug. "And these 'demonspawn eggs' you're talking about?"

"I think they're something called mishuvurthy-something or other, they implant eggs into other creatures and then come out of the creature when they mature," Tam replied with a bit of a shudder actually at a somewhat distant memory. No sooner than he said it, Sienna's smile vaporized. "Creepy as hell watching some chitinous bitch with tentacles all over her body attack someone and try to shove a tentacle into--"

"Yeah, I got it," the captain cut him off with a held-up open palm. By the disturbed look on her face and the little shudder she thought she hid, it was obvious that she was more than familiar with the Mishhuvurthyar.

"Yeah, those things," Tam said after Sienna cut him off and he observed her shudder. "Of course anything you think the ship might need is available to you and the crew even after the initial taking in of my gear. If it helps you all out then feel free to make use of it. I really don't need much for myself normally." Tam said affably as he nodded towards the inventory he'd given Sienna.

Sienna's eyes followed Tam's nod to the crates, lingering on them for a moment before she turned them back to the Gartagen. Tam could see her swallow and take a short breath, as if trying to brush away the mental image conjured up by the mention of the squids. She unfolded her arms and hooked her thumbs through the front two belt loops on her pants, leaning casually into the crate next to her once again. "So," she said, the aloof disinterest returning to her voice as she looked him over with a critical eye. "Seems like you're going to be a hell of an investment." She didn't smile, and her inflection didn't give it away, but there was a slight twinkle in her eye that came and went in an instant.

Tam gave a slight upturn of his lips at her remark and replied, "Well, I hope I can be an investment that makes it worth the time and effort it took you and your crew to come and get me." He wondered at the slight twinkle he noticed but stored the pondering away in the back of his mind for something to think about during times where he had nothing useful to do otherwise.

"We'll see, won't we?" Sienna replied with a smirk, lightly pushing herself off of the crate. Pulling her thumbs from her belt loops, she tapped a finger on the PHC on her wrist, her hand flying through a dozen volumetric screens as she continued without looking up. "Everyone else is off the ship," she said, "or at least they should be by now. I'll go over this list you sent me, and I'll compile one of my own detailing what I'm interested in keeping or selling." With a final flurry of taps on her digital display, she swiped her hand through the ghostly image and it vanished. She then looked back up at him, brushing a few locks of hair off of her eyebrows.

"That seems reasonable, is there anything I should be doing still aboard ship or should I try to find something to do stationside? In addition, is there anything you might be needing either before I go or after I get back, or for that matter from the station iself?" Tam asked as he looked at Sienna and noted her obvious skill with electronics. "If you have the time perhaps you would be able to assist me in...Disposing of the remainder of the rifles for a reasonable price on station, I think the locals would look somewhat askance at me wandering around with an armload of high powered plasma weapons" Tam asked somewhat curiosly.

The captain smirked again. "Oh, I'll have plenty of things for you to do around here," she commented. "I got enough work to do on this ship to keep me busy for the next month, easily, and I remember you sayin' something about being a mechanic, too." She turned to the side, preparing to leave. "Go on and join the others taking in the local sights, if you want," she added, "and when I'm ready for you, I'll ping you on your commlink. You help me out with getting my ship back in order, and I'll help you sell your guns." With that, she turned and started to head back for the sheared-apart inner hatch, not bothering to wait for him to agree. From her actions, it appeared as though she assumed he already did.

Tam nodded essentially to himself as he headed for the hatch as well and started to make his way towards the ramp from the ship to the station to go and see what was around for a simple gartagen like himself to do, hopefully without causing too much trouble.
Dawn Station
Hanger Bay

With all of the people going to and fro, Crash was forced to stay near the walls and pipes. It wasn't sure where it was heading but the location was going to be at least far from the Veil. It was hurt, upset, and more then that depressed that it had left Amelia behind. It's body wasn't glowing nor was there any humorous chitter to It's mandibles.

Not far from the spiderbot, Amelia walked away from the landed Concordia Veil. The astrogator had her hands stuffed in her pockets and looked down as she walked away from the small freighter and looked at the ground with a somewhat moody expression. It could have been worse for her, but at least she had been paid, she mused as she approached the exit of the hangar.

Unwittingly Crash arrived at the exit with in seconds of Amelia. someone accidentally kicked It without noticing that It was there, so Crash struck out and snapped the nearest let to It. It wasn't a hard bite but it would have gotten the owner of the leg's attention. Poor Amelia, just after being chewed out, now was getting chewed on...

"Ow!" The astrogator cried out upon feeling something sharp pinch to her ankle, making her jerk the limb away from the source of the pain and take a step away from the place. "What the hell are you doing here, Crash!?" She asked annoyingly once she notice that it had been the spiderbot that had done that to her. Briefly, she also recalled the previous outburst between her and the Veil's captain, and felt the frustration of that coming to the surface again.

Looking up, Crash realized who it was, So in a flurry of motion It climbed up to her shoulder. "I'm sorry I just got kicked... I thought that leg belonged to the kicker.. But you're too nice to kick anyone..." It was trying to butter her up so that she didn't end up drop kicking It across the hanger area.

"I need to get out of here... Some where less... populated..."

"Why? Weren't you gonna leave?" she asked, looking ahead instead of facing the bot and not moving away from where she was.

"Yeah I am... But I owed you a skimpy swimming cloth and a day at a spa... That I don't raid..." Crash leaned closer to her hoping she would smile or at least grin... or go 'Oh Crash...' in mock frustration.

He was rewarded with no such thing as Amelia kept staring forward. "I'm not going to any bullshit spa," she stated with some finality.

"Fine... What do you want to do?" Crash asked as she growled at It.

'I want to do a lot of things,' Amelia thought, finally craning her head to regard the spiderbot. "I want you to go back there and get your pay like you were supposed to do," she said after a while.

"What pay.. The lady planned on me doing all the hard work for her then she was going to jip me..." Crash turned away an muttered, "Teach me to trust fleshies..."

"She was going to pay you, stupid!" Amelia exclaimed, eliciting some curious looks from some of the passers-by. "Did you seriously expect that she would just hand over the damn pay in front of everyone when all you want to do is stay hidden in that ship?" She asked, failing to contain the anger in her voice.

"I don't know... Would be right up her alley though..." Crash responded quickly, even though It was thinking it all over. "I have to go shopping before I go back to that ship either way."

Amelia could feel the anger boiling up inside her again at that, couldn't the bot be consistent at all? First he tells her he isn't coming back, and then decides that he is, after all; if that bit of information had been given to her before, that whole outburst would have been averted. "Then go!" she exclaimed, feeling her voice shake again thanks to the turmoil of emotions going on in her head.

Crash backed up from her until It fell off her, and hit the decking. "I... I..." Crash looked up at her, then turned and started off on its own to the shopping districts. There were things Crash knew had to happen in a certain order.

The astrogator stood there for a while, taking a few breaths to calm herself as she watched the spiderbot skitter away. She stuffed her hands inside her pockets again to keep them from shaking, and started to make her way out of the bay.

Dawn Station
Shopping District

The area was packed, it was as if this was the only hour to be shopping for the next month. Carefully Crash made it's way along walls and ceilings when the ground wasn't safe place to be. It took a bit of looking around but finally Crash found a linens shop. Not knowing how to proceed Crash dropped to the floor behind a display. Thinking for a moment Crash projected a Volumetric image of what it had looked like back when It was a he still.

Carefully Crash walked with the projection up, to the counter. "Excuse Me? I need to purchase a few sets of bunk bedding for a ship..."

The lady looked at the projection and nodded, "We have a few selections that would fit most ships... How many and of what quality."

'I will need six sets... hm... Better make it like silk and crap like that..." Crash responded thinking about what most people prefer to sleep under, "I'll also need comforter for each... but that can be synthetic not down... And can I get them to be delivered to a ship." Crash gave an account number to the lady after she said that it can be delivered once It payed.

"Sir what color would you like?" There was something about the Projected Crash that creped her out. Not that she realized it was a projection. It was the way the man had no emotions on his face nor blinked.

"I will leave that up to you. I don't know what would do best, and frankly even if I took the time to figure it all out, I'd be wrong again..."

She laughed and got the order ready. "Ok Sir it will be delivered in a thirty minutes. I have another delivery headed that way anyways.. Crash smiled and gave the slip number and ship's name.

As Crash left the linens store, It realized that it had just spent five hundred credits fixing his tantrum... Over a misunderstanding. Dropping the projection Crash skittered up the wall and started towards the storage depot that had been storing a few things for it. There was something he was sure he could do for Amelia, might help her relax and not be upset with It anymore.

It hadn't taken Crash long to get most of the stuff turned over to be sold, and a little wagon purchased that could be attached to the spider bot. Gathering up a few things, Crash left the Trailer truck sized tanker of Liquid Nitrogin and the few other things It wanted to keep in the storage garage, and set up a payment plan.

Crash had to trace where her Datajockey was, but that wasn't to hard. What took the longest was Crash pulling the wagon, That looked almost like a kid's toy, behind It through the traffic and congestion of the path ways.

Dawn Station - District Nine

The park was one among several of the Dawn Station's district Nine. It was the next best thing to an actual planet's ecosystem, having a fauna and flora of its own to give the less space-adapted citizens of the station a feel that they were actually at a planet and not a city-sized station. It also had been one of the closest and least crowded places that she had managed to find after leaving the Veil's docking bay. The circular area of the park was criss-crossed by several paved roads, with a water fountain located at the very center of it and surrounded by several benches where people lounged at, enjoying a break of whatever task they were performing, and seemingly oblivious to the traffic of people and vehicles that occurred around the park itself.

Amelia sat with her back pressed against one of the trees as even the relative quantity of people around the main fountain turned out to be too much for her. She just wanted to spend some time alone and clear her head. The astrogator had drawn her knees close to her chest, crossing her arms on top of them and resting her head on that as she watched the surroundings from a distance. Dawn Station had been one of the, if not the fanciest, station that she had seen in all her life, which was in itself something that turned out to make her uncomfortable in that environment.

She kept musing on those thoughts, idly looking at the park and oblivious at the approaching spiderbot, though once Crash drew near and paused to detach the wagon, she visibly snapped out from that and looked at the source of the noise.

"Amelia.. I'm sorry..." It spoke as it pushed the wagon from the rear towards her. The astrogator kept staring at the spiderbot until the wagon touched her, making her look down at it.

The Spiderbot peered over the back of the wagon, watching for any reaction... It knew it was playing a dangerous game. "I brought you something..."

Amelia stood silently watching the spiderbot for a few moments before her gaze went further down towards what was inside the small wagon.

Within said wagon was a interesting pile of things: two pair of silk pajamas, that should fit her, a pile of old movies, a bag of saltwater taffy, a bottle of dâmukya iko (apple wine)... and one Novacorp Gravity Manipulation Flight Suit. Crash pointed in with it's front right leg. "I wanted to give you these..."

"Crash..." Amelia started to say, looking at the objects inside the wagon, the surprise in her voice noticeable. The thought that the spiderbot had actually bought these for her made her feel somewhat ashamed that she had made the Freespacer spend the money on her to make her feel better. "If you were sorry you just had to say so," she said, her expression turning softer.

"I just did..." Crash paused for a moment, sitting there silently. First the first time since It left the ship, the colors on It's back started flickering again. "The things here I wanted to give you because you are you. Nothing more..." Crash chittered and then fell silent again watching her in case her soften expression was a trick.

"You're making me feel bad now that I don't have anything to give in return," Amelia said, brushing a strand of hair away from her eyes and smiling faintly.

"Who said you didn't?" Again It chittered but hid, the sales person claimed the metal of the wagon was starship rated armor, though Crash didn't want to test that...

"Really? And what did I give you?" The astrogator asked, suddenly puzzled.

"Don't worry about it. Just believe me that I'm still in debt here..." Crash carefully crawled under the wagon and peered out from under the front of it up at her. "and losing ground daily."

The astrogator smiled faintly at that. "Come here," she said, extending a gloved hand towards the spiderbot after it peered at her from under the wagon.

Cautiously, ever so cautiously did Crash come out to the hand. Though once It was out from under the wagon It skittered up her arm to her shoulder. "You told me to go, I did. Then I came back!" Crash chittered hoping to keep her from breaking It or something.

Amelia crossed her legs after the spiderbot climbed on her shoulder, then turned her head back towards the park. "Yeah," she muttered, looking back down at the people lounging around the fountain. "You will still go back and ask for your payment," she said, it wasn't a question.

"Maybe..." Crash muttered, "What are we watching here? Why aren't you some where fun, like over there." Crash pointed at the fountain. "You know I can play in that now?"

"Not maybe, Crash. That's your money," Amelia said, not changing the subject.

"I can also submerge like a crab!" Crash couldn't go back to the ship for at least a bit more, It needed to be sure that the bedding had been delivered.

"Stop changing the subject!" she complained, looking back at the spiderbot on her shoulder.

"Yup, I can creep up and pop out of the water!" Crash looked over at her. "I know, I know, but things need to be delivered first. Until then you want to go and splash about in the water? Or you can have candy and booze!"

"You mean like a picnic?" Amelia asked curiously.

"Are picnics wet and splashy?" Crash chittered, "Then yeah a picnic!"

"Crash, you'll get arrested for fooling around in the fountain," she said. Getting jailed for misconduct wasn't on her list of plans.

"Says who! I'm just a toy..." Crash laughed again and fell to the ground. It was up and marching around her in a very robotic manner, before heading towards the fountain.

"Crash, come on!" The astrogator exclaimed as she watched the spiderbot skitter away.

The bot continued it's march towards the fountain. Crash wondered how long it would be before she chased after It.
Somewhere On Dawn Station

After getting off of the Concordia Veil and waiting around roughly8 minutes and 32.734954 seconds, Six Four decided to explore the area around the ship for a moment as It waited for Shire. The Doctor still had a visual as it panoramed around the landing bay for anything that might be of interest, such as a bank or a bookstore.
Concordia Veil - Cockpit

"Yeah, we got it now," Sienna was saying into the headset pressed between her index finger and her ear as she watched the registration data scroll across the display in front of her. Still in her kneeling position in front of one of the secondary consoles just inside the hatch, behind the control couches, she nodded to no one in satisfaction as the last line of alphanumerics printed out, followed by a soft chime. "Copy registration number A-X-four-oh-three-niner-J. Thanks, Control. ISS Concordia Veil out."

Releasing the earpiece from the side of her head and tossing it up into the pilot's couch, the captain lifted her wrist-mounted PHC to chest level, and brought up the display. With a few deft swipes of her fingertips, she synchronized the ship's crew registry with the station's docking protocols, ensuring that Origin's security systems would only permit herself and registered crew members access to the ship. She didn't expect trouble, but while that never stopped her from being cautious before, she was fairly confident that anyone that wanted to sneak aboard a ship they didn't belong on in the middle of such a crowded, well-policed spaceport would either be too well-equipped and well-funded to be interested in an old junker like the Veil, or stupid enough to deserve whatever ORISEC did to them in the seconds it took to respond to the intrusion. She also had made it a point not to register any of the cargo in the hold; she knew at least a few of the items would be considered illicit, given that they were in Yammie space after all, and there was no purchasing records or proof of ownership anyhow. Given how busy the spaceport was, it would be some time before anyone got around to inspecting their cargo, and anyone they sent could probably be easily paid to look the other way. Naturally, part of her wondered if there wasn't a flaw in her logic there, but at this point, she was so desperate to get away from the ship that she didn't care.

Finalizing the security protocols, Sienna sent encrypted messages to Amelia, Oreza, Six Four, Crash, and Tam in turn, giving them the relevant information and clearances they'd need to get back aboard. She then closed the display on her PHC and stepped out of the cockpit. She had already done some of her preliminary homework, and now she had errands to run.

Concordia Veil's Hangar Bay - Outside the Ship

Bootsteps clanked down the loading ramp as Sienna debarked, ducking her head beneath the hull as she stepped out into the bustling, pristine white, and positively gargantuan spaceport. The slip in which her Jinsoku was docked was far larger than the ship itself, clearly meant to accommodate medium vessels of various sizes, and she couldn't resist stretching her arms over her head and taking a deep breath of the recycled air. She hadn't realized how cramped it was getting aboard until now that she was in such a wide open space.

Looking towards the walkway that led to the airlock, she noticed Six Four standing there, its head robotically turning like a surveillance camera as it took in the sights of hovering vehicles zipping this way and that. She sighed and shook her head at how lost the Freespacer looked. With another few prods at her PHC, she sent a command to the ship's systems to close the ramp behind her, and with a loud hiss and mechanical whirring, the ship obeyed, sealing itself off from the outside world. She then took several purposeful strides in the Freespacer's direction.

"Hey," she called, tilting her head slightly as she approached. "I already located an automated financial kiosk nearby and told Shrie to meet you there. Get going already." She didn't slow her pace or look back as she strode right past, keying the access panel for the airlock and stepping through. "Through here, take a right, kiosk is in the middle of the concourse. Can't miss it." With that, the captain disappeared through the airlock, and likely into the rivers of people on the other side.
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Outside the Ship

Shrie ran out of the ship and caught up with Six-Four. She was clad in her old cloak now, perfect hiding her single wing and half of her face. Still it was hard to not note her height, so anyone who knew their way around the galaxy would spot that she was not a nepleslian. They raise them big in Nepleslia, but not this big.

"Apologise for my tardiness," Shrie said to Six-Four a sentence she prepared on her way here. "I was getting my cloak. Was hard to find. Could not remember where I put it. Thank you for help. I... am glad."
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