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RP: 5th Fleet [Chapter Four] Refuge

James still looked a little incredulous but he nodded his head slowly at Kai's words.

"If you say so sir."

Reaching up and scratching the back of his head James finally just shrugged and found a seat to sit in with the rest of the squad. Leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms he put his attention back on Kai. He figured he would try and get a friendly word in with the rest of the squad once the meeting was over. James couldn't help but think these sets of orders were already turning out to be quite 'colorful'.
Just as she was about to answer Brandon, the other new recruit started to babble.

"You came here. Not even knowing who your commanding officers are," Sif haughtily stated - she expected him to understand the meaning behind those words. If he didn't, he was unlikely to be worth her time. Not that she had the luxury of ignoring him of course. Turning her attention back to Brandon, Sif spoke; "Hold still." At that, the 7 inch tall young woman leaped off the light fixture and smoothly glided through the air, landing right on the palm of his upturned hand - pair of light, booted feet could be felt on the surface of his skin. Brushing wrinkles out of her duty uniform, the Mini-Neko looked up at him from the palm of his hand. "Why are you standing here, so close to the corner?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her aloof voice.

"Go join the others," Sif commanded, pointing a finger at the rest.
Fieke put both her hands behind her head and shrugged at the same time in response to April's questioning. “The tin can is my own piece of property – bought and paid – so I tend to be a bit over protective of it.” The Abwehran stated a little bit sheepishly. “Besides, I've been through the whole 'Nothing but blood and guts up against PA' routine before. It is a bit comforting to remind myself I'm on the other side this time.”

Leaning back and taking a step to the side as she heard a multitude of stampeding feet the OriSec Corporal moved herself further away from the door as Sif emptied the room of all its hanger-ons. Smiling crookedly and cocking her head slightly to the side Fieke continued her conversation. “The Gruppenführerran swept his message out my way too so I assume he's gotten a line through command and up to my boss – no idea how that is going to go, but I can't be sweating up any buckets over it until my times come anyhow.”

As the crowd moved away and down the hall the Abwehran cocked an armoured thumb back towards the doorway. “Reckon there is room for you, my armour and me in there now.”
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Anzu looked up as Sif spoke, getting only that brief frozen moment of warning before the stampede began. She let out a surprised yelp, bumped sideways as her spare chair was knocked aside. Then she was flailing her arms as the one she was seated in tumbled over as well, upending the poor Neko. Once everyone had cleared out, she pulled herself up, grumbling. She was positively sulky as she plopped back into her chair, arms crossed over her chest as the new squad members introduced themselves. Alken's outburst put a smile back on her face.

"She's an ornery little thing, that's for sure." She nodded, grinning at Aya as well when the other Neko settled in. "Looks like she's trading in that Sylph for the new guy, the way she's drivin' him around." Anzu giggled at the thought, back in good spirits for the moment.
The other Nepleslian's disbelief didn't come as a surprise for Brandon - he would've probably had a similar reaction if he hadn't been introduced to the different models of nekos as part of his field-medic training - and he couldn't help but feel sorry for the guy, thrown for a loop. Their commanding officer didn't seem too bad, but the miniature had what he'd call an improvable attitude and, even worse, was also allowed to boss them around and seemed to enjoy doing so.

Then Sif decided to jump onto his hand and, while she didn't seem to be plummeting onto the ground as he thought she would but rather gliding, Brandon's arm tensed up all the same ready to hold her weight. A moment later he was left feeling even sillier when she landed perfectly on his hand and he didn't even have to strain to hold her. She proved she was rather perceptive by asking about his positioning, putting Brandon in the tough spot of having to choose between a relatively embarrassing truth, or lying.

"There was room here." He replied, holding back a shrug as he settled on a half-truth. Ordered then to move with the rest of the group, he was forced to choose where exactly to go. He spent a couple of seconds second thinking it as he walked without any hurry - near the other Nepleslian would be best, and if he couldn't then... well, there weren't that many people inside. Definitely not near the CO, and while he'd like to be further away from the XO it was hard when it was standing on him, literally. The other options were... either of the nekos, though the blue skinned looked friendlier than the white-haired one - or at least hadn't made any amused remarks at his embarrassing predicament - and lastly the yamataian. It was a bit of a tossup between bringing the XO right next to the white haired one just to bug her or sitting near to the blue one, but he'd started heading in the former's direction and it would probably be rather insulting if he just went elsewhere, so that's where he ended, giving her a friendly nod as he sat down.

With any luck he wouldn't be asked to hand his datapad as James had because it was in his left pocket and, in his current situation, pulling it out would be rather awkward.
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Sif's impassive gaze settled onto Anzu for only a moment before she turned to consider her chaperon and listening to him speak.

"No. He's too big and slow," she remarked, hopping off of his hand and onto a table. "Same with the other it seems." Walking along its cloth covered length, she eventually came to a tea cup - and kicking it over in an unladylike way - used it as a chair. Neatly seating herself, legs crossed, the Mini-Neko looked at them all. "Everyone here should listen to what will come next from Nakamura-san," she began. "It is widely known that at best, the standard equipment is good enough. At best. Getting new, customized equipment is a major factor in surviving this war, as I and my customized Sylph both prove," she explained to them all. "Of course," Sif continued, examining her fingertips, "It's useless if You Suck."

The last words, spoken in Nepleslian and heavily accented by her Yamataian tongue, hung in the air like a bitter taste would linger in the mouth.
James really had to restrain himself from responding in the way he wanted to. He didn't miss the insults slung at him and the new guy. In his mind raced a sling of thoughts in reaction.

Are you fucking serious? Oh man I actually can't wait to get out there now. I'll kill anything for the Empire so long as it gets me rank fast. Anything to out rank you Pipsqueak!

Slowing down and taking a mental deep breath James calmed himself down...a little. Forming a big forced smile he turned to Sif and replied.

"Wow that really helped thanks. Is their anymore obvious advice you have for us Heisho or is that it? We can grab data pads to jot this down if you need us to."

Damn he did it again. James had a bad habit of letting his sarcasm get the better of him. Normally he would chide himself for it yet this time he couldn't seem to bring himself to.
Brandon lowered his arm as the woman jumped off, biting back a response as he taunted him yet again... and then once more in his own mother-tongue. Enough was enough. It was one thing to not make himself a target, and another to stand and sit idly while the miniature mocked him - and his fellow Nepleslian - mercilessly. James had given her a rather inflamatory response which Brandon agreed fully with, but after he was done he had a piece of his own mind to give her, his breathing heavy and mouth clenched in anger as he finally snapped back.

"Perhaps you could help us suck less, ma'am, and achieve the same things you have by the sheer power of your effort? Like, say, that Nekovalkyrja body you were gifted with at the start of your life? The training you had directly written into your mind? I guess power trips are to be expected in a species known for socialization issues, though. Do feel free to come by any time you wish to discuss how to solve those." His voice was cold, excessively cold for the glare he was shooting the neko's way, even as he knew he was only digging himself an even bigger hole with every word.

Well, he'd done it. He'd got a load off his chest, and he hadn't been more offensive because he couldn't find a way to. His decent first impression had jumped out the window the moment he'd started speaking, and if he didn't get put somewhere extremely unpleasant for it he'd be the first one to be surprised. Still... nothing to do now but run along with it, and see how far he could get before it all went to Hell in a handbasket. Images flew through his mind, of the opportunities he'd have for revenge afterwards - not giving her painkillers during her next ST update; painful procedures during the regular checkups, Agony instead of painkillers in the field. It was unlikely he'd ever do those things, but right now he took relief in the simple thought.
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James turned to Brandon and listened to his rant. He found himself wincing a little once his fellow Nepleslian made a generalized comment on nekos. He didn't blame the guy, he was upset and certainly rightfully so. Still though James could see how his comment could put him in a bad position with a few of their squad-mates that he was certain Brandon hadn't intended to offend. Letting out a drawn whistle when he was done in response to what Brandon said he managed to pull the attention back on him.

"Whoa easy there Killer. I know how you feel, but lets not have you piss off half the squad huh. Not all nekos are like her."

James then shrugged and smiled.

"After all you and I are probably going to have to rely on these nekos to help keep us alive at some point you know?"

He turned to everyone else with a semi apologetic look on his.

"Look guys I'm sure you know he didn't mean anything by it towards you."

He turned back to Kai. He could see that his comments had once again created a situation. He didn't want to create any waves with the rest of his squad mates and certainly didn't want Brandon getting in trouble. Sighing inside he realized the right thing to do, the thing he 'should' do, is take responsibility for it and end it. Hating what he had to do next James addressed Kai.

"Sir sorry I let this get out of hand, it was my fault."

James then paused for a few seconds. His hands became clenched and he wanted to grit his teeth. He slowly turned his head to face Sif. With quite a bit of will power he continued.

"Nishizaki Sif-Jôtô Heisho..... I'm...."

He paused again, really having to force himself to do it. It felt like the mental equivalent of trying to force his hand onto an oven burner.

"I'm sorry...this was my fault. It...was....disrespectful......and uncalled for."

Feeling like he got the hardest part out of the way he met Sif Heisho's gaze as he finished.

"Look just take it easy on him okay, he's new. You and I both know this whole situations my fault. So don't hold it against him okay?"
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One of the Mini-Neko's ears twitched in annoyance as the two spoke, one after the other after the other. She patiently waited for them, visibly becoming more and more annoyed until they finally stopped of their own accord. When she spoke however, her tone was like an annoyed parent scolding a child for eating the brownies.

"If either of you are going to say anything, make sure to at least be correct - your statements merely serve to further reveal your stupidity," Sif coldly replied to them both. "I do not enjoy hearing you take learning so lightly, nor do I enjoy hearing such ignorance in regards to the very women you will be serving alongside. The typical Nekovalkyrja, and all of her innate training, is only 'Good Enough' from the perspective of the Star Army, being superior to only typical, non-augmented soldiers. On a personal level, it simply isn't 'Good Enough'. Only a small percentage of us are born as the 'Cream of the Crop'," she continued from her teacup seat, speaking like a stern secretary waving away uninvited guests. The tone of her soft voice became harsher however, "Other than the gifted, it is only the Survivors that emerge as what you are likely imagining all of us to be - True Superior Soldiers. If any of us do become this, it is because we learned."

She then shrugged. "At least you two were honest."

Turning to Kai, she made a request of him, the hard edge of her voice sinking back to that head-in-the-clouds aloofness they first saw in her. "Nakamura-Juni, would you please take the floor and begin the topic matter? We've delayed long enough, the food is getting cold, and I suspect that if we continue playing with one another, that they'll begin dressing and undressing me like a Stacie Stormtrooper doll - I prefer having my hair brushed like a Sunlight Sparkle instead."

For all her touted expertise, it was safe to assume she didn't get it for nothing.
"Ah reckon yer right." April responded to the Abwehran security guard, craning her head to watch what was going on inside for a moment before deciding that it was safe to go back inside. "Yer probably jus' invited 'cause ya were part of our group. While we'll kindleh give ya food an' rest and even some clothes to borrow while washin' yers, Ah doubt the Star Army is gonna upgrade yer Power Armor, 'Specially if it's a personal unit." April nodded sagely at that as she found herself a seat near the middle of the larger table near where Sif was sitting, and flopped down unceremoniously. Cupping her hands over her mouth, the blonde whispered at the mini Neko "Yer scarin' tha newbies, Hun," in a Joking manner.

The Juni seemed impassive, simply observing the two new Nepleslians as they made quite a bit of hot air and not much else. Obviously, they were both inexperienced, which could be a bad thing, but it also meant that they were ready to be taught in a proper manner. Hopefully, this lack of experience wouldn't lead to their deaths in battle, as it had for the previous Nepleslian. Speaking of whom, it seemed he had been resurrected and summarily transferred to another unit. Kai wasn't really one to ask why in a situation like that, though he wondered exactly what command was doing, transferring so many soldiers in the middle of combat. Perhaps they were working out kinks in the system the hard way, by trying to break it and see if it still worked. Regardless, Sif was correct. Though not everyone had arrived yet, he would have to begin the meeting for those who were here.

The Juni addressed James and Brandon first, however. "Please, you two, take a seat and try not to speak for a short while. I have logged you both as reporting in, so your task is completed for the moment. Any further distractions will likely cause nothing but delays, and perhaps bruises, neither of which are necessary. If you will allow me, I have a meeting to begin with the rest of my Squad." The previously impassive soldier seemed to be staring intently at the two, his gaze piercing into their apparently thick skulls in either some form of disappointment or annoyance, despite the fact that nothing about his features had changed from before. After about half a second of this, which might have felt like several minutes, Kai spoke again.

"As you all may know..." Nakamura Juni began, slipping off of the small front table in order to make sure he could properly project his voice, "The Power armors you have been using are a newer model, the Daisy II. Unlike its predecessor, it is compatible with every modular component available to the Star Army, including the back modules that the Daisy I was unable to mount. Since you have survived your first day of combat, you have been awarded modifications to the loadouts of your armors, including the ability to use the new Origin Industries GR-series rifles you have seen myself and Jackson Heisho using."

Kai produced a datapad from his uniform, and laid it on its side, allowing it to project a volumetric image of a standard Daisy II for the squad to observe. "Currently, you are all using the standard General Issue Loadout. This, as Nishizaki Heisho so eloquently pointed out before, is simply 'Good enough' and indeed is also one of the cheapest configurations the Star Army can field while still giving you what are considered effective weapons." The Juni pressed the Datapad again, and the image changed.

It was again a Daisy II, but this time it had been modified. "This is Grimace, My armor. As you can see, it has been changed in several ways. I have moved my sword from the back mount to one of the shoulder armatures, and added a barrier shield module to increase my defensive capabilities. I have given myself a shoulder-mounted missile pod, as well, I have broadened my mini-missile capabilities by adding both Offensive and Defensive pods to my unit. This does have its drawbacks, however. I am unable to carry a secondary rifle, and because I have a mix of missile types, I will run out of either in half the time of someone whom has a full compliment of a single type."

The datapad was pressed again, and the armor changed once more. "This is Jackson-Heisho's armor. As you can see, she does have a secondary weapon in case her primary becomes ineffective. She also carries only countermeasure Missile pods, as well as a backpack that has extra ammunition. Her main armament is also a fire support weapon. As you can see, she has set up her armor as a support unit. While she does not have the most offensively effective loadout, she is more than capable of lending aid to any of you."

Having given his two examples, the Juni sent a List of equipment choices to the squad at large. However, Brandon, James, Simo, and of course Fieke, did not receive the list. The Juni seemed aware of this as he immediately addressed those who did not get the list. "I would like all of you to select a loadout for your power armor, and then submit it to me for approval. Alken-Hei and Starks-Hei, you have yet to earn a customized loadout, however, you will be awarded one pending your survival of tomorrow's battles. The rest of you have two hours to submit a new loadout to me. As for Simo-Hei, I would like to speak with you privately after this meeting. Dismissed!"

With a bow to his squad, the Juni then made his way back to the small table, sitting down as he had been before, observing those present.
Anzu smirked at the look the mini gave her. "Those guys definitely ain't nimble and graceful, that's for sure." Her smile widened before she broke into giggles as the Nepleslians went on a bit of a rant. "Geeze, these guys must be losing it in their old age. Poor things." She didn't seem interested in arguing with anyone, though, just amused by the outbursts.

As Kai began his speech, the Neko scooted her chair forward a bit before propping her feet up onto the table nearest her, after her second chair had been knocked over and knocked aside. She wiggled her rump to the edge of the seat so she could lean back, tilting her hat up to let her see the projections. Talk of new weapons and upgrades for the Daisy was interesting enough to keep her attention. She raised an eyebrow as it was made clear she wasn't getting to join in on the shopping spree. Anzu just rolled her eyes as she was further singled out. It was easy enough to see where this was going. Remaining settled in her chair, she waited for the others to chatter about their options or scatter, figuring she'd head up to face the music once things had settled down from that announcement.
Freyja had entirely crashed after the battle not sleeping much before from excitement of her first assignment the shower had been nice but mostly it meant she slept wet. Waking up she saw she had a message requesting her presence in the meeting room "crapnuggets" she swore rushing into her uniform and running out the door she thought 'if i run fast enough maybe sif wont shout my ears to mush like she did Damien'.

Cannoning down the hallway the neko saw the others leaving the room and nimbly leaping from one wall to the other flew through the doorway rolling to aan upright salute "Signy-hei reporting for duty Juni, I express my deepest regret and sincerest apologies for sleeping in and would like to inquire why we were asked to the meeting room, please"

spotting the two neplesians arguing Freyja wondered what they were doing there but then remembered seeing some extra names on the message to arrive here. Gulping Signy anticipated a very stern reprimanding for sleeping through a possibly important meeting.
Rin found herself scowling as the two Nepleslians and Sif bickered back and forth. While Sif was certainly capable on the battlefield, Rin thought her personality was a little rough around the edges; she was beginning to prefer the Juni over the miniature Heisho. Her focus shifted towards the Juni as he began to lay out the options available for the squad's Daisy II armors.

Impressed by the amount of customization available, possible loadouts began to form in Rin's mind. She bowed in return to the Juni when they were dismissed and then returned to her seat. Tapping away on her datapad, Rin took the time to carefully create her loadout, hoping it would be satisfactory to the Juni. As an afterthought, she named her Daisy in the same way the Juni had done; she named it "Crimson" after her own particular shade of skin. Satisfied, she sent the loadout information to the CO.
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James looked at Brandon with a gaze of someone who looked rather use to reprimands. Shrugging slightly he walked over and clapped the other Nepleslian on the shoulder.

"Well Starks-Hei looks like we have been dismissed. Why don't we go do what us dumb Nepleslians do and go find us a bottle or two. Sounds like it is going to be a fun day tomorrow. As the big man said it we might not survive so might as well go live it up now. Sure we can also find a few women with loose morals around here as well."

James finished giving Brandon a wry smile. His turquoise eyes didn't betray how he felt which was scared. He never wanted to be there and that was the truth. Fighting the Mishuu was the last thing he wanted and he would have preferred some kind of a cushy desk job on a nice even temperate planet. But he was dealt the hand he was and who knew? Maybe he and Starks-Hei would make it through tomorrow's ordeals. He could see Brandon was trying his best to cope with all of this as well he didn't need to freak the poor guy out by telling him how afraid he was of the idea of fighting the squids. He would do his best to put on a brave an nonchalant face for the both of them. After all who knows.
Though the Mini-Neko yawned midway through his speech, her attention was clearly on Nakamura regardless, no matter how half assed it was.

Only when he was done, and Freyja came barging in late, did it shift towards the hapless Neko. Sif's voice stayed matter of fact however. "Custom armors. Pick something from this list, then send your idea to Nakamura-Juni," she idly waved a hand at her, not bothered by her tardiness. It was only when everyone started to leave, that her ears twitched as the two new Nepleslian soldiers beside her started talking. "I doubt you two need to go far. Why not see if one of the squad members are interested?" the Mini-Neko suggested to them both, her face set into a stoic-bored-sleepy expression. "Though Signy-Hei is of an odd color, some would say it is an exotic look. Not only that, but she is quite top heavy - something I believe to be a favorite amongst Nepleslian men," she went on, stretching her arms out like a cat would as it got up from a nap. Standing up, now fully awake, she pointed out something else as well. "Not only that, but it seems she's quite sleepy it seems - I'm sure she would greatly appreciate the both of you working hard to wake her up."

Turning on her heels towards Freyja, the Mini-Neko leaned forward and asked with a great, big, happy smile, "Isn't that right?~~~~<3" Looking back at the two hapless men, she quickly added, "I mean, it's not like you two would prefer each other, Ne?"

Never before had an adorable smile and cheery tune been so threatening to them all.
James's expression could only be described as priceless. With a very exaggerated stagger and a jaw drop, it took him a moment to recover. Gathering his bearings, his temper returned. His brow furrowed as he slammed his fist down on the table, his eyes doing their damnedest to burn a hole through Sif.

"Wow what the hell?! You really don't miss an opportunity for a jab do you Short Stack?!! It isn't enough you insult me and the other new guy before as well as our heritage. Oh no you got to take a step further! Now you have to imply we're guy inclined! I don't care if you're a Heisho or the XO of the entire Star Army, enough is enough!! There is only one to settle this...."

His tone was menacing and the air of the situation was clear. This was a challenge. Yes a challenge between a 5'11 Nepleslian Male and a 7" Neko. The battle of the century!!!.....or at-least of the hour.
The Juni looked up from his position as Sif and the new guy began verbally jousting with one another. Calmly, he spoke up, addressing them both. "Would you two kindly take your disagreement outside." It was that simple. quite direct. not exactly an order, but it was said in a tone and with a look that spoke volumes- Kai was more than willing to make an example of them both if they continued to be a disruption, even his own XO was not immune to such treatment.

Before they could respond, he seemed to divert his attention, this time to his datapad, which flashed an alert from Maki Hei. He typed her a simple reply.
The General equipment pack may carry either the extension pack, or the extra magazines. Pick one. Also, please Review the dimensions of the Daisy's thigh compartments and alter your loadout accordingly. Otherwise, it is approved.
Sif's happy-cheery expression of doom melted back to her usual one of uncaring as Kai spoke, but despite this, she was at rapt attention.

"Yes, Nakamura-Juni." Her voice dull yet crisp as she sounded off, the Mini-Neko nearly vanished from view as she leaped off her table and somersaulted through the air, landing near the doorway out. "Alken, Starks, Signy - unless more is to be said to the Ittô Juni, please come with me," Sif practically ordered them about. It wasn't actually an order however - they were on 'leave' after all. Assuming it could even be called that, considering they were all still in-theater. Regardless - though she was first to the door, her steps were small, owing to her own tiny size. Assuming they didn't have more to be said with Kai, they'd easily out-pace the Mini-Neko and meet here there in mere moments if they wanted to.

Outside, Sif was waiting.
After James' attempt to fix the situation, Brandon fell almost silent, the burst of anger deflated in a mixture of shame and appreciation for the sacrifice James was doing - taking the brunt of the blame and apologizing was respectable enough, but when he seemed to be having as hard a time as he was with it, it became far more important to not waste his efforts to disarm the situation. He couldn't possibly let the man take the punishment for what he said, though, so he did add a simple:

"If there's any punishment to be had for my words, I'll bear it."

There was a hanging feeling left that he should apologize to Sif for his actions - he had, after all, attacked her, and her species. Nevermind that she had taunted him into it, this was the military, his feelings weren't relevant for the case. He sighed softly to himself. Perhaps he could excuse himself saying the pressure got to him, or just do like James had... While he was thinking, the neko began talking again, reprimanding them due to their lack of knowledge and, of course, dropping a hurtful comment in the way. He shrugged it off, determined to not let her get to him again, but the moment for apologizing had gone by and he felt that odd feeling that he owed her an apology, but there would be no non-awkward way of bringing that up in a conversation.

He remained silent during the commander's presentation, as expected, paying attention when he wasn't thinking about Sif's comment that they lacked in knowledge. He found that... bothersome, since he'd tried to learn all he could in the subject of nekos before arriving, but he had to admit there was probably a lot of information that wasn't kept in the manuals, or at least not in the ones they gave a fresh recruit. And he couldn't help but still keep thinking about what he'd said and how the rest of the squad would take it, and worry that he'd just managed to make half the squad his enemies. Because he obviously wouldn't have enough problems already in the field.

He was so out of it he almost missed the commander telling them that the meeting was over and that, by the way, the two rookies weren't getting anything of what he'd just shown them; and James' offer to go find food and women caught him completely off guard - and then the XO's further insinuations, even more. Whatever was wrong with this doll-sized neko? Happily offering a neko to two strangers for sex, without consulting her? He definitely hoped that wasn't a part he'd missed of the Yamataian army duties.

James' reaction was... oddly familiar. Teasing an ID-SOL about his manliness tended to have similar results, and Brandon couldn't help but wonder if at some point there was one of them in his ancestry. Brandon himself, however, didn't care for the taunts at all, having made the solid determination to ignore anything non-useful that the XO said barely a few minutes before, and specially of not having another outburst. It would seem it was his turn to defuse the situation, or at least try to.

He put a hand on James' shoulder, pulling him back softly. "Take a deep breath, relax. She's just trying to get you angry. Don't give her that victory." Nowhere near as passionate as James' own speech, but hopefully effective, and if that didn't work then the commander's very polite manner of throwing them out of the room should. For now, the CO wanted them to leave with her and, unwilling as Brandon was to spend more time with the mini-neko, he had to admit he didn't even know where he was supposed to sleep, so he didn't have much of a choice as he walked after the obnoxious pixie.
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