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Approved Character Character aid.

Davis Christian

Inactive Member
Hey everybody, I'm new here and I was just wondering if I could get some help with a character. I've been having no problems with anything but history and I was curious as to what exactly an ID-SOL does in his childhood up until he's given his life (Davis's being to serve in the Neplisian Corps). I just want to know because that's really my only problem and after that my basic sheet will be ready to be torn apart and slowly stitched back together by the advice of all the users much older and much more experianced than I.

I'm really eager to join and I can't wait.
Well, a pure ID-SOL would have been created in a vat somewhere - so he wouldn't really have a childhood, just the basic walk, talk, and shoot programming.
So his 'chlidhood' is basically boot camp until he's sent to do whatever he was made to do? Sounds pretty simple...and I feel kind of pathetic that I needed to ask for help with that.
No sense feeling pathetic about anything on the SARP. We've got a wide, confusing universe. Any questions you need to ask, feel free!
I looked over this and everything seems fine to me.
Sweet, I appreciate that. So where can I start, it doesn't seem like the NSS Acdia is doing much that I could probably get involved wiht easily.
How can a person roleplay with a character who has essentially no stated personality? Not to be harsh, but the character has no depth. He's a bad-ass ID-SOL, the same as all other bad-ass ID-SOLs, and brings no hints of drama or excitement to the RP. Did he experience anything of significance on his long list of transfers? How does he feel about the military that seemingly wasted his talent? How does he feel about his fellow soldiers? Does he look down on them? What about the Mishhu? Does he feel anything about being a clone, maybe? Why does he feel civilians are ungrateful?

New players who pick ID-SOL characters have the same rough theme to their characters that you've chosen for yours. Most of those players leave because they find the silent-treatment ID-SOL is no fun to play. I can't make you change your character choice, but if I could, I'd consider it.
All those personality traits are going to develop in-story and I never stated he felt they wasted his talent: just that he never really went anywhere super-exciting. I will try and expound and add something of interest to the bio about his transfers and other things however, like why he has a dislike for civilians. Thanks for the advice.
The instinct to have those traits develop inside the RP is a good one ... but be careful. The character right now is very blank; that's the essence of my warning. Give us a reason to want to RP with this character.
Don't worry, as soon as I can I plan to overhaul the bio so it's a tad bit more detailed and maybe add the thing about how he feels about being cloned. Thank you for the advice.

Outside of this I assume my character's generally okay?
Also, I was wondering if you could tell me where I could start out once I finished the bio, the Acadia doesn't seem to have any new missions.
It looks like that the Acadia is just between missions again, which is usually one of the better times to join up with a combat plot- since you're not getting dumped into combat action right away, you'll have a better chance to actually do something before the fight ends. It also resolves any issues of "how did you get onto a ship while it was deployed?" since it is in fact, not going anywhere at the moment.
So I just go and make a thread of me being transferred there? Noobish question I know but I'm not used to these sites that revolve mainly around 1 RP world.
Contact via PM the GM associated with that plot to get in on it. That's all you need. Then you can post in that plot.

Or, if you'd like, post in that plot's OOC thread.

Regardless, this character is approved for IC usage.

Welcome to the Star Army Role-Play.
Doshii Jun said:
Contact via PM the GM associated with that plot to get in on it.

And zat would be me.

Kim is right in that this is the best time to jump in, but its 5.30 AM here where I live right now and I'm right smack on my finals. Nevermind that, you've got some backstory reading to do and I need some shut-eye. You don't have to read everything, just the wiki article and about five pages back from the latest post in both In-Character and OOC threads. Jump in at your discretion.

And welcome to the SARP!
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