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RP (non-canon) Character death match

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A small little thread where I pit my own characters against eachother. This isn't really canon, as some of the characters in these aren't SARP or even Ayenee.

It's just combat as well. There isn't much explanation as to why each character is another.

Please don't post! This is a repository of single short and sweet combat posts.

Last warning, I promise. Expect quite a bit of gore!
The heir apparent: Zoeichi vs Carthage
“Is there method to this madness, mother?” A soft huff came from Carthage as she glanced over to her daughter, Zoeichi. The scene she had caused, the scene her daughter laid eyes on, it was nothing short of massacre. Eviscerated corpses, burned, mangled remains of what was once human. “They required purging,” Carthage answered simply. Slowly lowering the flamethrower. The woman, clad in a black Mindy turned to face her daughter fully. “They were innocents, defenceless people,” Zoeichi countered, resting a hand on both of the swords that were magnetically locked to her side. A moment of silence passed between the two power armour clad warriors. Only the howling wind presenting itself, followed by the soft crackling of the embers left by Carthage’s flamethrower.

“You intend to fight me?” She questioned, before tossing aside the morally questionable weapon. Drawing out a large nodachi from the sheath on her back. A soft clunk resounded as the younger elf pulled both swords from her hip, flicking them around in one hand. “I intend to arrest you. And offer you up to the military police. They’re the ones to judge you, not I.” A soft smirk crept on Zoeichi’s lips. “If it means fighting you, all the better.”
There was once again the bitter moment of silence. The two warriors sized each other up. Slowly, Carthage brought the hilt up to the height of her shoulders, slowly clenching both hands around the elongated hilt. Bending her knees quite a bit. Zoeichi flicked one of her longswords up and left it to rest on her shoulder. Both seemed eager to make a move, yet cautious at the same time. “I taught you,” Carthage stated. “I know how you fight, you absolute whelp.” A tilt of the head was her response. “You think I stick to your ways, old hag?” A soft chuckle came from Carthage. “I’ll cut that tongue out.” With that said, she suddenly charged forward and moved turned on her feet, leaping up in the air to bring the blade down on Zoeichi’s head. The younger elf brought both blades up in a cross and caught the blade, pushing it to the side before delivering a front kick. Which caught Carthage in the stomach, crunching the armour of her Mindy against her stomach. Zoeichi advanced immediately, a whistle resounding as one of her swords came down to attempt at catching Carthage in the shoulder, before feinting. Pulling the blow back and making a swift jab in Carthage’s general vicinity. A stab that was knocked to the side. An armoured knee colliding with her helmet ensued, not moments before she felt a blade slicing clean through the armoured padding, digging into her shoulder. A cry of pain emerged, a cry that soon changed to a growl. Zoeichi flared her plasma boosters and rushed forward, the blade slicing just that little bit deeper into her flesh. Though she managed to smack one of the notches of her sword down on the hilt of her foe. Locking Carthage down for just an instant. An instant of open defences, which she abused. Another cry resounded, this one of rage, as Zoeichi heaved her other longsword, before hammering it down in Carthage’s neck.

The force was enough to shatter her collarbone. But it didn’t breach armour yet. Though Carthage staggered, and the blade soon again impacted once again with the armoured padding. Again and again as Zoeichi kept hammering the blade down until she finally hit flesh. Cutting through bone and tendon alike, into the older elf’s lung. She felt how Carthage’s weight slumped and pulled back with her blade still lodged in. A turn of her feet, biting through the pain of the nodachi sliding from her flesh, she flicked the other blade around and smacked one of the teeth up under Carthage’s chin. Piercing through the protective layer, a splatter of blood running down. Both Zoeichi’s hands were now stained with the crimson liquid. A grunt of pain and exertion followed and soon, Carthage’ throat finally gave way. The sound of flesh ripping, the panicked screaming and crying of pain reached her elven ears. Then it ceased with a final rip. Carthage’s lifeless body slumped to the floor, her head impaled on one of the teeth of Zoeichi’s blade, before toppling off and rolling on the ground. “It was getting about fucking time,” Zoeichi grunted, a hand moving up to her shoulder and whinging in pain. The adrenaline faded away, the pain started to settle in. A thump resounded as Zoeichi dropped to one knee. Gritting her teeth as blood kept pouring from the rather grievous wound inflicted on her.

Zoeichi's intercom activated on mental command. “Command-…” She grunted out, blinking momentarily. “Carthage Saksen-coburg is eliminated… I require a medivac ASAP.”
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