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Approved Character Character review: Inoue Rina


I spoke with Brian and he would prefer not to take on any more infantry officers so it looks like you'll be with me on the Eucharis. You can start posting right away. We'll have Rina transfer over from another ship in the Eucharis squadron (we are currently on a long range stealth mission so a shuttle from Yamatai wouldn't make sense). You may want to adjust her history accordingly to show that she caught a ride on one of the other ships (maybe she was temporarily needed there for moving cargo or something).
Yep, 7 of my 9 players are Infantry. I am looking for more shipboard bodies... Welcome Shilar

Shilar, please create your user page using the red link on the character page.
That's alright Nashoba. To tell you the truth, I had a hard time deciding which to put first anyway!

I've created a user page and edited out all those \'s (which seemed to appear wherever I'd used an apostrophe in the character template). I've also added a little to her history explaining her passage to the Eucharis as per Wes' suggestion.

I also noticed that I managed to put dancing down as one of her likes, but forgot to make sure that she has skill in it. I guess she's just mediocre at best at it. Unless it's possible to swap something (preferably security) for Entertainment: Dancing? All seven of the skill areas seem to be Star Army common skills...
Unless you want her to be a professional dancer, you're fine. She likes to dance. You aren't saying that she's great at it. Which being young she's learning.
I know your character was just approved, but I think you might want to redo the skill areas section because I believe you've mistaken what the mandatory skills/skill areas are for a Yamatai military character.

These four are the mandatory ones.

Common skills don't need to be listed. They are skills your character has that go without saying. You automatically have them in addition to your four mandatory skills areas Communication, Fighting, Technology Operation and Mathematics.

You don't need to list Maintenance and Repair, Medical and Security as you have them. All soldiers know basic first aid and how to maintain some Star Army equipment.

You'd only list those skill areas if your character has received specialization training in them and knows how to repair/treat things beyond what basic training entails.

As an example if your character knows basic first aid, that doesn't need to be listed as a skill area because all soldiers learn that during "standard"/basic training. If your character specializes in medical operations because she has the medic occupation then you'd list Medical as a skill area.

I list Maintenance and Repair on my character Koga Akemi's skill area list because she's an expert in repairing power armor and related weapons.
Ahh right, that makes more sense. I wondered why there seemed to be two sets of required skills taking up all seven slots. Thanks.

Unless anyone objects I'm going to rethink the last few skill areas.
I don't think anyone would object. I believe they'd just want to review and re-approve your character after you've done so assuming everything looks fine. As long as you don't say she's ridiculously skilled at something or has skills that a regular new soldier/character in general would have there shouldn't be a problem.
Under the circumstances, I'm going to push this back into the NCB. Post in here when everything is updated, and we'll review it again.
Profile updated.

Changes since original approved are:

An extra dislike (civilian casualties - probably goes without saying but given her current mental state I thought I'd state it explicitly, she's hates civilian casualties).

An extra "Post Graduation" section of her history to explain how she got the to the Eucharis.

I replaced the final three skill areas with Engineering, Entertainment and Physical. I also extended the last sentence of Communication.

She has now (or a while ago really) bought a number of basic commercial communications devices as per her Engineering skill. The price for this is fairly arbitrary; it's a bunch of parts and tools to keep her occupied for a while.

Thank you.
The changes look fine to me. Thanks again!
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