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Charity and Prosperity



Akemi's - UX-4
Charity Event

There was a low light in the expansive top level Akemi's of the core part of his station near system UX-4, an independent space port that had all the ammenities and more already installed and brought by Trinary Shipping after the port was initially built by Geshrinari Shipyards and was decorated lavishly by AwesomeCorp. Filling the cavernous, chandelier-lit room were many figures of note. Ambassadors, marshals, government officials and many more milling around and exchanging small talk. They were all attired in the most beautiful and handsome of suits and dresses, a few of them with more traditional clothes to their species.

In amongst the crowd were two women, one shorter and more bouncy than the taller, more stoic woman. "Yakena!" Chiyo hissed, pulling her sister closer by her hip, eyes widening as she spotted the most wild of their family. "You weren't meant to show up, this was on my schedule!" Yakena blinked cooly in response, whispering back to the taller CEO as Chiyo smiled to a passer by. "Chi, relax, two Iemochis are better than one, right? I just thought I'd pop in." The platinum-haired traveller winked to the tanned Chiyo, stealing a parfait from one of the waiters.

Akemi said from the top of the stairway fifty feet above the guests below. The little man was hard to see until he spread his arms and the Neko floated up, to just below a sparkling and pink-gold hued chandelier. He called for attention by tapping on his glass and the soft chime was heard throughout the room as his intercom system played the precious and quiet sound all over the room. His guests turned and Akemi spoke. <blah blah>

Akemi descended the stairs and a <blah>

He made it to where the Iemochis were and bowed politely before saying, "Two women of the foremost competitor in the adult industry (tm) is beyond me. Come to spy on me or have a good enough time to give your pops a run for his money behind a camera?"

"Akemi!" Yakena grinned sweetly, batting her eyelids as she curtsied. "It's great to see you again!" The ex-patron of their 188 branch was dressed in a light, floral summer dress, her older sister in a small, black item that Akemi looked up and down. He bit his lip and put his pointed index finger and thumb up to his chin as he breathed out.

"Ooooooh," was the sound his exhalation made as he stopped at her groin.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Akemi." Chiyo smiled professionally, giving him her own little curtsy despite having a slightly confused air about her. "We try not to be known for that particular area of our business," the tanned sister chuckled in a soft tone, "do yourself and Yakena know each other..?"

"One thing I know," Akemi smiled wide as the words came out of his mouth,"is discretion. Or maybe I don't! Wait a few hours and meet me in my lounge..." he pointed to a

Yakena's floofy ears wiggled in delight, much to Chiyo's further confusion. The neon-pink haired woman nodded a few times, shooting Akemi a knowing look. "Mhm, I'll see you there." she spoke with just a taste of what could be taken as undertone. Chiyo at this point was a bit lost - "Uhm, of course, we'll be sure to meet you there." her soft voice carried once more. Needless to say Yakena was going to keep her sister in the dark, as much would be more fun than explaining.


Akemi had his slippered feet kicked up on a little cushioned stool while a woman next to him fed him a small succulent fruit the size of small beetles that were hanging to the vine.

"I want to make wine out of these," what are they called?" Akemi asked the Pangolin Girl (tm) next to the humanish woman next to her that had a weird and kind of phallic protrusion from the center of her head. "Ahhhh," Akemi said, though, before she could reply, because he was sitting up and brushing the fruit out of his face as a lounge host brought in two expected guests. If they tilted their heads, they would be able to see that underneath the plush crimson robe Akemi had changed into after his charity's main event was tied up, he was free balling.

Chiyo swept her chocolatey eyes across the rather cosy yet luxurious room with an air of detachment, her heels clicking a little with Yakena following close beside her taller companion. "This is quite.. intimate." she commented as Yakena took her hand and pulled her a little further into the room.

"Akemi! So many people out there!" the platinum-silver haired Iemochi smiled, ignoring most all of the room other than the robed man. While Chiyo either hadn't noticed his clothing or was acting aloof, Yakena stole more than one glance at his lower body. "It's been too long!"

Akemi spread his legs further before pressing his feet to the floor and he stood to hug the both of them. He looked to the women behind himself and waved them off until he turned to the two Iemochi girls and said, "Unless you would like the company...?"

There was a bustling about them, and a group of three people brushed elbows with the Iemochi girls and in a shirill voice, one of them said, "Akemiiiiii?~"

"I have company, friends, have a good time in a back room together for a few minutes while I chat up some pals," he said with a chuckle. Akemi leaned back and looked to Yakena and Chiyo, saying, "Sit on my lap, either side, so we can talk more closesly, if you don't mind."

Yakena waved a little to the passers by, about to say something before Chiyo interrupted calmly "I think just us may be better?" The rather experienced woman had likely got the situation by now, or some of it at least.

As the long-haired man propositioned the two, Chiyo began "I think Yake-" Before she could finish, the lithe smol that was her sister bounded over to Akemi in his gown and perched on his knee.

"I think," she adapted, "I will take a seat over here if that's alright Mister Akemi." With that, the tall, athletic businesswoman sat gently in one of the plush seats, crossing her legs but accidentally offering Akemi a glance of what was between.

Akemi bit that bottom lip of his as his hand slid to Yakena's lower hip as her rear took its place on his knee. Two half ID-SOL had been lingering around Akemi and when one of them touched a finger to his ear, the other put a hand up to someone's chest that was approaching Akemi.

"We need red velvet ropes for this section of the balcony," said the man in a low voice.

Akemi tilted his head towards the men, "Security, but don't worry, they don't have to watch~" He was pushing his shoulder into Yakena as he did and his eyes then slid to Chiyo and as the plush roped stands were placed to section off this part of the balcony the three of them occupied, Akemi went on. "Chiyo, what interests you most about the porn industry?"

Yakena wiggled in delight on Akemi's warm lap, her cheeks soft yet firm under his touch. Chiyo coughed, tearing her eyes away from how Akemi played with her little sister, off-guard. "Well, my brother basically filed the paperwork for the company without me knowing and I've sort of run with it. I leave it all to Yakena pretty much since it's.. not my cup of tea."

Akemi nodded in understanding and looked happily into Yakena's eyes and booped her nose with his finger.

Yakena giggled a little, blushing a light crimson as she gazed into his eyes with her own striking emerald.

Chiyo absentmindely checked that her blonde bun was still in place, then added politely. "How about yourself? I'm sure you know all there is to know.

"I like to be personally involved in as many projects as I can," Akemi said. "So that I can get across the educational value that a properly filmed story lends itself to. I also don't stage any of my videos. None of them are actors or actresses, they are simply women or men in my employ and those customers that would like their deviant ways with the Sector and beyond!" Akemi said, brilliantly excited.

Yakena leaned in, her ample chest brushing against him as she whispered with hot breath, "Does that make me a deviant~?"

Chiyo simply nodded, "That sounds nice. I'm not too sure what we do but I think it's a mix from my somewhat limited knowledge." She shifted her legs a little and pulled down the edge of her dress nervously. "What other projects are you involved in?"

"Well besides educating the Sector of the anatomy of several lesser known species and mutants," Akemi said idly, "Well, I do a lot. I am currently re-establishing my Kingdom on 188604."

The older sister stifled a guffaw despite herself, then hid it best she should. "You're a King? Wow, impressive." Chiyo cleared her throat, composing herself a little, "We actually have a lot of business over in 188604, I believe one of our companies is working on a USO battleship with them. Is that where you met Yakena, I think she visited there a while back?"

"Business?" Akemi's big ears basically swiveled and wiggles for two seconds and he said, "IIS?"

"Yep, that's right." Chiyo nodded, trying to ignore Yakena brushing the tip of one finger across Akemi's side. "We broke the 30 million employee mark the other day and we have about 8 subsidiaries now I think? Yakena?" The silver-haired girl glanced over, "Hmm? Oh yeah.. We have a few thousand ships yada yada."

"I would like to buy 500 from you." Akemi said plainly, "Please." He idly scritched the back of his knee companion's ear.

Yakena closed her eyes delightfully as her furry white ears got a nice seeing to, waving them from side to side. "Sure." Chiyo leaned back in her chair, "Do you have any water? I'm parched."

"Get this girl some fine artisinal square bottled water on the double! And don't forget non-carbonated and don't spike anything with those AwesomeCorp products!" Akemi called out.

"Anyway, we managed to get all the Vekimen's fleet plans along with a bunch more, upgraded them for ourselves with tech based off Nepleslia and Yamatai. We've got a couple in the works from our own engineers too. All our ships can become invisible, courtesy of a Miss Ironhart."

"Is she dtf?" Akemi asked, tilting his head.

Chiyo giggled a little despite herself while Yakena leaned more against Akemi, burying her face into his shoulder so her long platinum locks draped over his back. One of the staff rushed over, bowing and muttering apologies as he handed Chiyo her drink in an open-faced cubic crystal glass, backing away with his head bowed in a "don't kill me please" manner.

Akemi glared at te waiter with a "I will kill you," look when he noticed the waiter almost stumble and fall onto the IIS representative family member and VIP of the space port. He said nothing, though, to the waiter an instead looked to the beautiful Iemochi girls.

And, so, he said, "Girls, girls, I couldn't strike up a business deal at the after party to the charity event I am hosting without asking for any kind of donation to One Two Red Blue. Remember, we buy and are donated musical instruments and pay musical instructors as well as hold huge performances quite often. And then there is the donator's benefit concert once a year."

He smiled and nuzzled his face into Yakena's ear and hair, saying, "I like you. I want you, Yakena. I always have. Since I first saw you in my restaurant... Mmmph~" He groped her gently on the thigh and went back to the discussion. "How does donating to charity make you feel?"

Yakena practically melted at his words, sinking deeper into him with a content humming. "Of course we can donate." Chiyo smiled, taking a long sip from her glass. "We recently donated nearly 65 million tons of food to USO, so I'm sure we can figure something out." She chuckled at the idea, turning the cube in her soft hands.

"Actually.." she frowned, glancing up from her glass to Akemi, "I remember my brother mentioning some sort of reply to that comms chain?" She shrugged dismissively, looking as if she was going to ask Yakena if she knew anything then didn't. "How does 10 million KS sound?"

"That's more than enough to put..." Akemi's super fast and capable brain did some math. "50,000 music boxes can be bought from AwesomeCorp with that money. Do you know how helpful that is!?" Akemi nearly exclaimed into the air and then rolled his head, "Wowee, thank you."

Akemi's lapsmol wiggled under his exclaimation, her fuzzy ears retreating from the sudden sound as she uttered a little mumble of protest. Chiyo smiled broadly, uncrossing and recrossing her legs.

"If there's anything we do have it's money and money is no use in a vault." she spoke softly, pleased with his reaction.

"We don't normally give money to people to buy from our competitors but our company motto is 'it's what's inside that counts', which we extend to the spirit of charity too." the black-dressed woman grinned with a dazzling smile. "We'll wire you the money after the event."

"Thank you," Akemi said, then whistled to a waiter. He made a hand gesture, putting his index finger and thumb together and the Big Man on Campus (matredi [sp?] like the head waiter no clue I thought they were just "head waiter") arrived near them.

"We have a full array of food and drink, legal drugs and others... What would you like tonight?" he was a smooth, suave, well-dressed and rogue-ishly handome gentleman. "I can tell one thing I would like." His eyes settled on Chiyo and he put a hand up, "But I must admit, I'm a sucker for a woman who can wear a little black dress and make it such an elegant statement... Both of wealth and of beauty."

Chiyo raised a sculpted eyebrow, a small smirk forming in the corner of her mouth. "I'm afraid I'll stick with the less carnal items Mr. Akemi, but I am flattered. I'm glad the dressmaker did a good job."

She stood, checking the strap of said dress was well placed on her tan shoulder. "It looks like my sister will be more open to the idea, though. Maybe next time." Chiyo shot him a parting, appreciative smile as she walked away, her rear well-moulded and standing out in the tight fabric as she did.

Yakena gently nibbled Akemi's ear as the other Iemochi excused herself, her breath tickling the hairs on his neck as her chest rose and fell against him wordlessly.

"Mmmm!~ But wait, what about those 500 ships?!" Akemi called out to Chiyo as she left, perfectly tight black clothing-covered rear in his immediate field of vision while his hands squeezed Yakena.

Chiyo raised a hand over her shoulder simply as she began to slip out of view on the carpeted steps from the balcony. "You do have a CEO draped over you, you know?" she called back rather amused, glancing back for a moment just as she disappeared into the crowds.

"I think I'm in love with your family..." Akemi mused, lusting after the leaving waifu material. "Sex and then we'll talk checks, eh my little CEO?" Akemi said while he moved Yakena on his lap. She sat more fully on him now, able to feel everything going on that pertained to the situtation they would soon find themselves in. The entrepreneur, now straddled, smiled, "I promise I'm going to be a good ride again," Akemi said. "Wherever you want, say the word... Here?" he asked, whispering into her ear.

@Ametheliana no reason to lose RP. I'm mad at myself for not posting this in the first place.