No, Yangfan, actually...
The Nerimian Confederation is the Confederacy of all Human worlds in the Draconian Sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.
The Draconian League is the league of alien races created by the ancient Draconians. It's the equivalent of a United Nations of sorts. The Jaaq'tah splintered away from the League and the Draconian League effectively became the equivalent of NATO.
The Nerimians consider almost all human groups not under their umbrella to be unloyal to the aims of Humanity. The notable exception being the Koqui Imperial Forces, but even then, their level of integration with the Confederation is almost total in terms of culture and trade. Take the normal Confederate citizen and put him in a room with a Nepleslian and you'll find out just what the Nerimians think of him. They'll ridicule him for taking orders from a bunch of whorish catgirls. Consequently, the typical NDI's grunt opinion of the Nekos isn't so bad - then again, that's because they've had the opportunity to interact with the Nekos in a much more......'positive' way. Heh.
The Yamataian and Nerimian Alliance remains strong largely in part because the Confederacy doesn't want any part of the Star Army universe and as long as the Star Army doesn't try and encroach on the Confederacy's backyard in the Milky Way Galaxy, there won't be any problems.