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Chigusa's Handcannon


Inactive Member
Here's my idea for a new gun. I'd like to know if anyone thinks this is a feasible idea.

Type: Ballistic (Durandium)
Class: Pistol
Sub-class: Semi-automatic
Model: "Chigusa's Handcannon"
Dimensions: 215 x 195 x 40 mm
Weight: 1053 grams unloaded with empty magazine.
Caliber: 11 x 20 mm blade-tipped durandium with Thermite Charge

Capacity: 6 rounds

Controls: Ambidextrous decocker, pressure sensor in trigger releases firing pin safety. Fires razor-tipped durandium rounds fitted with thermite explosive charges through a miniature particle accelerator. Fitted with a small generator to power the accelerator. Bullet pierces armor, then detonates. Uses a revolving loading mechanism.

WARNING: Extremely susceptable to jamming, as it is a prototype weapon. There is about a 1/6 chance it will fire when the trigger is pulled.

Additions: None.

Review: The 'Handcannon' as in apt name for this weapon, as it's entire basis for usage would be to cause moderate damage to components of Power Suits, and to inflict lethal harm to out-of-vehicle personnel. Thermite charges are 1/2 second timed explosives, allowing the bullet to drill into it's target before exploding.

Is this feasible?
Thomas is speaking from a history that you're essentially changing, Chigusa. Even small inventors, by the time they reach the stage where a player submits the idea, have "perfected" an item.

The reason is usually because they want to use it somehow in a plot, or for a character decoration, or what-have-you. Ideas that don't get approved are usually the ones that are considered "test subjects." Yukari's transport is both decoration and possible plot device, for instance.

What you're asking for is essentially a flawed piece of tech to be approved strictly for the purpose of making a character grow. I think it's an interesting concept ... but do we need to approve it?

The rules state new tech must be approved before they are used ICly. Are you actually going to use this in a battle we might have on the Miharu? If so, then yeah, we should approve it with the caveat of "this idea is flawed, and therefore has a chance of not working."

If not, I'm not sure we need to approve it for Amagasaki to tinker with it.
Alright, I shall.

Firstly - if we're going to accept that your bullet has some cutting edge or point it should not be called 'Razor'. A razor is a tool made for shaving, something can be 'razor sharp', but this sounds as if you wish it to have an even finer cutting edge. While this is solely a name issue - I think it's important. Unless you want to shave with the bullet.

Also it's type should probably be solely ballistic. Razor-tipped makes it sounds as if it has a razor stuck onto the end of the barrel. Which would have limited use.

So are the rounds propelled through a minor explosive at the back of their rounds?

Particle accelerator? Do you mean it uses magnetic field to accelerate its bullets?

Generally this weapon doesn't have enough detail ... I don't get an image of the weapon wheen I read it. How many charges does the generator have? How does the generator work? Battery? If so is it rechargable?

What's the range of the pistol? I suppose you'll find that out by working out the acceleration and multiplying it by 0.5 seconds.

Generally - I think it would be a really really good idea for you to use Zack's weapon template.


Chigusa, I don't understand your point.

I'm saying that there is no reason to approve a technology which has little description and whose technology is a little shaky simply because it will help character development. Feasability has to come first.
It's a good idea - the razor and the explosives, but it could do with fleshing out.

For example will it really be able to penetrate anything that the explosive wouldn't destroy anyway?
Explosives do MUCH more damage when blowing out from within a target than they do when they explode outside of the target. That's a given.
That part is not of great import though. Like Chigusa said before, the design doesn't really have to be sound, overdone, or not sufficiently powerful, lack in range, accuracy... heck, maybe the juice required to shoot would allow for only 2 shots instead of six because she'd make the battery pack be too small.
Indeed. But you also have to take into account that your bullet is going to have to withstand the impact of the hit, and to hit with enough force to penetrate one of the EXTREMELY tough materials we have in SA, indeed it needs to be able to slide through it like butter.

However with this much kinetic force - can the bullet be built tough enough to withstand the force and yet still contain room for a counter system and powerful explosive? With such a tough shell won't some of the explosive power of the round be lost?

In addition how is this round propelled? If it's electro-magnetic then there could be problems fitting such technology in a hand-held pistol.
Zakalwe, you are not getting it.

The gun isn't meant to work right. The gun is the flawed creation of a young inventor trying to make a gun work. Flaws are supposed to happen. Feasability only needs to go as far as making the gun be able to fire once.

Operational is a requirement. Effectiveness is not.
A particle accelerator can be built to miniscule sizes - think about a miniaturized CETA. I'm sure it'd be possible to do in the time SARP takes place.

Also, the explosive power IS lost, hence the fact that it merely deals moderate damage to components of the power armor, rather than blowing the components out.
What do you mean particle accelerator? That accelerates particles - this is not an accelerator.

Kotori, with the bullets as they are they'll likely explode right upon impact or not explode at all. And the propulsion technology has been very poorly explained.

I'm all for approving a weapon that doesn't function very well - but the basic science behind it has to work first.

A particle accelerator is a device that uses electric fields to propel electrically charged particles to high speeds and magnetic fields to contain them. There are two basic types: linear (i.e. straight-line) accelerators and circular accelerators.

A particle accelerator accelerates particles.

What you're talking about is either a railgun or a coilgun.
You can't back up your arguments only with wikipedia. As awesome as that source is, it is sometimes failible.

*gives up* Zakalwe, I'll leave the rest to you - educate Chi on how tech board debates work! XD
A particle is a molecule.

The bullet is given an electric charge by the generator, then fired off by the particle accelerator which has an opposite charge.

The bullet is made of molecules, therefore a partical accelerator would propel the bullet. It's really simple.
To give you an idea of what kind of energy you need to penetrate modern armor in the SARP:

The LAWS is a system that uses 7 x 15 mm steel jacketed tungsten darts (that's regular ball ammo for a Service Rifle). As you can see, it can throw that dart pretty fucking fast -- up to 6,000 m/s, and that setting is usually employed by only the Sniper Rifle.

I didn't put in a weight for those darts, which I'm kicking myself for now that I'm doing this exercise. But I imagined them being around 350 grains, so we'll round up to 355 to make it an even 23 grams. That's the ball ammo.

We're going to try and punch through Durandium armor (about 1 cm thick) with the standard ball round. Let's go with 5,000 m/s as our speed. So, calculate that out ... HOLY JESUS. I should've done these calculations when I was designing the system!

5000 m/s = 16404.1995 ft/s
[355 grains x (16404.1995 ft/s squared)] / 450240 = 212,175 foot-pounds of energy! That's 287,663.78 joules! Jesus Christ!

So, that's the ENERGY ALONE that you need to possibly penetrate Durandium armor. Nevermind bullet shape, bullet material, armor thickness, conditions, so on. That's just PURE energy.

Jesus. What have I done?
So how exactly do you give your bullet charge?

A railgun or coilgun system is infinitely simpler to the system you've created.
Zakalwe, the fact that it's simpler does NOT MATTER. This is for CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT PURPOSES. She's trying to create a system, but perhaps it isn't as effective as other ones?

Obviously, opposite ends of the generator battery's electrical conduit charge the particle accelerator and the bullet.
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