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Chigusa's Handcannon


Inactive Member
Here's my idea for a new gun. I'd like to know if anyone thinks this is a feasible idea.

Type: Ballistic (Durandium)
Class: Pistol
Sub-class: Semi-automatic
Model: "Chigusa's Handcannon"
Dimensions: 215 x 195 x 40 mm
Weight: 1053 grams unloaded with empty magazine.
Caliber: 11 x 20 mm blade-tipped durandium with Thermite Charge

Capacity: 6 rounds

Controls: Ambidextrous decocker, pressure sensor in trigger releases firing pin safety. Fires razor-tipped durandium rounds fitted with thermite explosive charges through a miniature particle accelerator. Fitted with a small generator to power the accelerator. Bullet pierces armor, then detonates. Uses a revolving loading mechanism.

WARNING: Extremely susceptable to jamming, as it is a prototype weapon. There is about a 1/6 chance it will fire when the trigger is pulled.

Additions: None.

Review: The 'Handcannon' as in apt name for this weapon, as it's entire basis for usage would be to cause moderate damage to components of Power Suits, and to inflict lethal harm to out-of-vehicle personnel. Thermite charges are 1/2 second timed explosives, allowing the bullet to drill into it's target before exploding.

Is this feasible?
Well perhaps it won't pierce armor at all?

That's it purpose, but remember that this is a prototype test weapon Chigusa has created, not a powerful company-developed weapon.
*shakes head* Repelling charges doesn't produce that kinda forces over the length of a barrel. The only reason why particle accelerators get huge forces is that they have constant magnetic force over huge distances.

Also charing a bullet like that really isn't that simple. Not to mention it's likely to screw up whatever system you have within it to explode after 0.5 seconds.

Edit: Try not to double post.

In addition I agree with you on that point. Not being able to penetrate power armour is the sort of thing that's perfect for a prototype weapon.
Wouldn't it be neat if there were six to a barrel, it was big and heavy and each round had some sort of unique warhead?

Say a quantum weapon that abuses super-position with a subspace wave of some sort that super-imposes the superpositional property, in effect increasing the energy of the warhead ^12 to it's existing power.

But there's also only a 1 in six chance that when one pulls the trigger, it will successfully fire the bullet and the charge in the warhead takes another 3 seconds to charge, to balance the power issue out.

Just a thought tossed into the wind.

Otherwise, I quite like the concept. A reasonably powerful revolver that could happily rip through car-doors and make the life of policemen misereble.
Thanks Osaka! I have to agree, revolver-ishness and a chance probability like that would balance out the power issue and make this quite a fair weapon. Thanks for the idea!
I think if you're going to start going down that road, Wes (or, if he's still willing, Zack) needs to come around and approve that kind of experimental technology. When I thought of you making this thing, I assumed Chigusa would have only hand tools and such.
The Miharu has fabrication rooms. That helps a lot.

Mind you, I have a requirement: not complete the pistol in a day. Use two or three. Please. I'm tired of seeing technology be completed overnight by individuals (*cough*Miles*cough*) without an effort being put ICly behind it.
Ahhh, the fab rooms. Forgot about that.

Ehhh ... as long as you're not playing with anti-matter or anything ... I guess it's cool.
From personal experience, if your character is making a "first venture" into fabrication, make something that hardly works but be insistant on it.

As time goes on, the weapons faults or entire redesigns and fabrications would take place and in the space of several weeks or months, a weapon goes from a sub-par unsafe revolver with the power to break your right arm in recoil to a precision penetration weapon.

In terms of the quantum stuff, I recommend you stay the hell away from Aether since it's a can of undocumented secret worms we players aren't supposed to fiddle with.

But to be perfectly honest, the temptation to map the properties of Aether and try to fit it into existing science is huge.
I'll have to take that into account, Osaka. It'll be a weak weapon at first, but will improve as Chigusa learns more.
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