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Approved Submission Children of the Aether

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Real quick: If they're mostly based on Yamataian planets, Yamatai's FM needs to approve them. If they're on unclaimed worlds, they won't require an FM.
I'm liking the concept. There's some interesting potential here.

1. Who founded the cult?

2. About when was it founded?

3. Is there a rough estimate of members? Where are they most concentrated?

4. Are there any particular deities worth mentioning? If so, who (or what) are they?

5. Do groups talk to each other? If so, how?

6. What are the demographics of the cult? Are they mostly well-to-do Yamataians, like Scientology, or are we talking more of a poor person's religion, something to bring hope and control to the lowly?

7. How do they achieve the goal of reducing aether use? Pamphlets are the first line of offense, I see, but do they do more?
1. Haven't thought of that. Amending posthaste.

2. Will add YE 37 as initial conception, YE38 as first active year.

3. I am terrible with numbers so I guess I'll just go steal scient0logy's membership statistics and bump it down by like 15% to call it even. But the latter half of this question is answered in the opening sentence - primarily Yamataian planets.

4. Also mentioned in the opening sentence. Ataxia.

5+6. Good questions. I should add a Membership section.

7. Huh. Not sure how I missed adding something to this accord to the article. Noting for later incorporation: They rely on pamphlets as the first line, but with gradual membership increase, there will be an increase in more aggressive actions. Less Algeria more CTHULU N'GRA FLGRAN and all that. I should also add a parasite variant like a "grab n' go" modification but honestly that sounds like a lategame tactic and not something the group should initially have.

Will post again in this thread when I have finished making the aforementioned modifications.