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Chimi "Chimera" Power Armor

The system is simple enough so that it wouldn't have many draw backs. Anyone could wear the power armor with MPAIEE system and thus if someone was to order the Armor without the syste it would classify under customized armor. What the point of going through the trouble if you could just get the armor which would fit to the wearers size.The armor only has small spaced in between each segmented plate no bigger than two inches which is sealed off by zesuaium mesh. Then theirs the first layer IAP that goes over the armor itself and then Layer two. The IAP was designed to make up in the defense lost by the segmented armor and also triple the defense a great deal around the segmented plating. To further increase it's defense it was given a melee/proectile shield a more advanced version from the Lamia.
Not approved.

I need more time to go over it, and there's a bunch of errors (stuff copied from the Mindy that still says Mindy, etc).

I also seriously question the need for a new power armor for the Star Army, since anyone (humanoid) who can't fit in a Kylie can use the PHALANX, which forms around the user according to his/her size and body shape.
Ouch. I sort of figured this might have had happened. While the armor designs wasn't that bad, in my opinion, I had a healthy dose of doubt that the Ketsurui Fleet Yard would want to produce it, since they are very much leaning in favor of nekovalkyrjas (and Yamataians to a lesser extent).

Would there be a possibility that a variable-structure power armor be produced by another organisation (though I'm inclined to agree with Wes : an armor made like the Phalanx that's designed to swarm over your in a cloud of nanites, form up solidly around you in a shape customed to your body is hard to beat in term of adaptability).

That makes me wonder why I've never seen Phalanx suits in the YSS Sakura. I mean, Rufus would have had used one over an AMES on the mission to infiltrate the cargo ship instead of getting bullets in the guts.

Bah, nevermind that. Focus with the first point : anyway to recycle the design? Perhaps power armor for the really tall, hearty folks like the Kodians? They don't fit in the Phalanx, do they?
Perhaps another corporation could work with the design, and pilots could order the armor in special cases? I don't know, I've just been working with Victor to get this thing moving and I don't want to see it go to waste, but I think Thomas did bring up some good points.
Alright. Why not.

Wes, if KFY is so customer-service friendly, and so interesting in pleasing everyone, why NOT produce the armor? Editing errors aside, the PHALANX is an old armor and lacks systems that the Chimi has. The Chimi is a better armor. If it needs to go through more work, that's fine, neh?

But seriously, what reason does KFY have to not produce this armor? Tougher than the Super Phalanx, tougher than the Kylie. Give it some better handheld weaponry, it becomes a force to be reckoned with. Let the tech be massaged more to make it the superior armor it can be.
Editing errors aside, the PHALANX is an old armor and lacks systems that the Chimi has. The Chimi is a better armor. If it needs to go through more work, that's fine, neh?

I've seen nothing about the Chimi that makes it any more combat effective than Phoenix Arms' PHALANX design. And as far as 'tougher' goes - when you're using weapons that are a viable threat to warships toughness is a non-issue because the survivability of any power armor against such weapons is almost non-existant.

The main advantage Yamatai armors have over Confederate mecha in general is that the NDI doesn't typically arm its infantry with weapons with multi-megaton yields like an aether rifle.

Doesn't mean that Phoenix Arms couldn't design a new main battle rifle for the PHALANX....

Matter of factly, just to prove a point to you cats....

Give me 30 minutes.
SUre, they could make a custom one no problem, but there's a big difference between a one-shot variant and a whole new mass-produced model.
-Idea Withdrawn-

I am withdrawing my idea because it is obviously never going to come close to being approved so I withdraw it...so I may start on my new Octopedal Power Armor Design...
No offense meant, but I'd really like to spare you some trouble and effort : I think there's a strong possibility the concept is already out there in GM-controlled undeclared technologies. Check the landfall of the YSS Mikomi on Tami to get a glimpse of what is probably power armor for stuff with tentacles... and lot's of them.
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