Star Army

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Cirrus Station [Cirrus Station] For Nothing


Inactive Member

It was unsettling.

The similarity between now and that past experience was a bit too close for comfort. The shuttle bay, one amongst many, was a bustle with activity. Several Cirrus Station dock workers worked moved about, transporting storage crates of varying sizes from the opened side of a large freight shuttle. While they went about this, using either motorized forklifts or simple wheeled dolleys, a handful of Cirrus Station Security officers sparsely littered the area, watching over the proceedings. Near the shuttle's loading bay were several imposing figures, lithe and clad in chrome armor beneath a variety of elaborate women's clothing. A large emblem decorated the side of the shuttle itself, identifying it quite plainly for everyone present in the shuttle bay; a delivery of supplies from Vinross Yu-Cranker Materials. Certainly not the first, and if the previous deliveries that the Cirrus Station had received prior to this one were any indication, not the last.

The resemblance to the first encounter that Cirrus Station had with the business juggernaut wasn't without a main cause for concern. The CEO of the massive Nepleslian company, Laj Vinross Yu, had traveled with this shipment and was making another unexpected visit to Cirrus Station; he could be seen amongst the Unique squad, clad in his usual business attire, watching the dock crew work tirelessly removing his product from the vessel. A couple of the Cirrus employees cast cautious glances towards his direction on more than one occasion, the rumors (although unproven) of one of his previous visits still somewhat apparent and fresh on their taxed minds.

Cassefin Montreal could be counted amongst one of the worried, watching the transfer happen from the observation deck high above the shuttle bay. The one-way glass obscured her, but she had no doubts that Laj and his Uniques knew someone was watching them from here; she and a handful of CSS members. The Head Administrator drew in a long, slow breath, releasing it as she placed an open palm on the glass, pressing her flesh against the cold pane as she looked on in quiet concern.

"That's an awful lot of concern for someone who didn't put much faith in our reports the first time they showed their faces around here." commented Kokuten, leaning against the glass in a casual form, his armor plates providing little friction that his feet had to make up with. He was looking over his shoulder, his polarized visor only showing a reflect of what happened before him, save for a small green glow. "Or is it just the military-grade security detail that's bothering you?"

The red-haired scientist didn't turn to catch Kokuten's words. Cassefin's free hand trailed to the area beneath her breasts, delicately tracing a small square around her bandaged wound as she looked on. Her worrisome expression didn't change, even with Kokuten's less-than-threatening presence. "I have been wrong before, Chiaki," she said in a low tone, her eyes not leaving the well-dressed businessman as he smiled and idly chatted with one of the Uniques closest to him. "I just want to be right this time."

"Is that because you want to trust him? Or... Perhaps you just don't want to believe Marissa is involved in such antics," guessed the Security Captain as he pushed off the glass, and straightened his fore-arm plates. His synthesized voice through the internal speakers sounded a little grim on the latter part of the statement. The Captain's attention turned towards the door, and then at her, almost expectant.

Cassefin didn't have an answer for him. The woman's opinion on Marrisa Cranker was difficult to place, mostly because Miss Cranker's actions and motives were largely unknown to her. Marrisa was a good friend of hers, right alongside Purina Popjoy... but that was some time ago. If Marrisa's actions were any indication, that stage of their lives was long over and done with.

Kssh... The door to the room open, letting in a little extra light from the halls.

"Whatever the case may be, I'm going to have chat with our esteemed guest," continued Kokuten, taking his step out, but pausing again, finding he needed to say something else. Yet, what with how she was, and how he was, he couldn't find the words to properly convey the message.

"What?" Cassefin said abruptly, turning towards the door with an alarmed look across her face. "What are you talking about?"

"You may not know it, but Laj is a close friend of the Chiaki family, politics and company business what-not," lied the Captain, but rather smoothing, he had gotten better at the act. "I want to make sure that whatever he's concocting doesn't involve them. I think he'll offer me the chance; if not, I'm coming right back up."

Kokuten's bluff wasn't enough to ease Cassefin, who began to look more distressed as the man attempted to explain himself. "But... you can't..." Cassefin managed to get out, taking a few steps towards the door, her brow furrowing in cautious determination. "You cannot do that. Just leave him alone and he'll leave, Chiaki. Isn't that the best for everyone?"

That polarized visor stared back at the concerned woman her brilliant visage reflected right back at her with an arcing warp of perception. He turned, stepping back over to her, and placing his armored hands onto her shoulders.

"Trust me," was all he asked.

Cassefin couldn't give Kokuten an immediate reply. She stared at him, grasped by the shoulders, a pained look falling across her expression. The Head Administrator eventually sighed dejectedly, closing her eyes as she exhaled before turning them back to the glass. "Don't do anything stupid, Chiaki. I can't deal with another problem right now."

"I have the utmost confidence that the chances of something stupid occurring from my actions are at a miniscule one percent," said Kokuten, his grin not very apparent behind his reflective, amber mask. He took a step back, and slapped his armored breast-plate with an open palm. "In even that case I've got your top-of-the-line armor to protect me, no? Should anything happen, I think I'll work my way out of it. I've done so before."

With that, he turned, and made his way down to the bay. All the while, he felt gripped by a certain apprehension. Sure, it was easy to show a brave face, but nothing could properly erase that anxiety of stepping on what one thought was a mine-field. One wrong step, and boom, or not really. That was the worst part, walking in with that sense of danger, and finding out that the enemy simply put a sign down with a bunch of duds to play with you. That was what Kokuten thought of when thought of speaking to anyone that represented Vinross-Yu Cranker.

He was quick, though, Cassefin could see him striding across the floor in that purposeful pace he had always had. The man always looked like he was on a mission, always with a certain objective in mind. He never moved without one, it seemed.

From the observation deck above, Cassefin had hurriedly returned to the one-way glass and was pensively watching Kokuten as he traveled towards Laj and his shuttle. Her face was rife with discomfort and worry; it was obvious that she clearly did not want him there. Off to her left, Kess's volumetric image waved into view, standing a bit to the side. Cassefin caught sight of her out of the corner of her eye and turned, somewhat surprised, to Kess, who was displaying the same level of worry as her Head Administrator. However, Kess was the first to smile and nod in a consoling fashion, as though to assure Cassefin that he would be alright. This served to calm the red-haired administrator down a small ways, but she still could not help but glance out of the viewing window, keeping her eyes fastened on Kokuten's form moving amidst the rest.


"Senator Vinross-Yu!" called Captain Chiaki, rather confidently. His hands went to his helmet, the seals releasing from his head with an audible escape of pressure, "You're looking as healthy as ever, the political climate must be very cool right now."

A duo of Uniques immediately moved inbetween Kokuten and Laj Vinross Yu as the CSS Captain approached. However, after Kokuten had removed his helmet, Laj's face brightened up a bit, his smile widening ever so slightly. "Well, Mr. Chiaki! What a surprise. Ladies, you can let him by," Laj said as he adjusted his tie, waving the two Uniques away as they exchanged skeptical glances between themselves behind their chrome faceplates. The Unique that Laj had been talking to previously did not move, however, and continued to remain at Laj's side. This particular Unique was a captain, evident from the slight raised fins along the top of her helmet, and the long black lace camisole adorning her armor. Laj Vinross Yu didn't seem to take notice, however, beckoning Kokuten to approach. "You might as well just call me Laj Vinross Yu now; the senate isn't getting anything done until this war is over with. Anyway... what can I do for you, captain?"

Clank. Sounded the security officer's helmet as it latched to the magnetic hanger. He offered a short salute to the ranking Unique, "Captain Swann."

With that, Kokuten brought a closed fist to his mouth, coughing into the deadly weapon.

"I was hoping to speak to you in private, Mister Vinross Yu." asked the Captain, nodding his head respectfully to the man. "Particularly, where I could speak... openly? Yes." An armored set of fingers rubbed his bearded chin as Kokuten looked about, "Present company and..." A short glance went over his shoulder, looking upwards, as if at the ceiling, "surveillance makes it a little stifling. Though, I can understand if you would rather not upset your Captain."

Laj's eyebrows rose slightly at Kokuten's request. Captain Swann exchanged glances between the two, most likely communicating with Laj and the rest of the Uniques as the CEO withheld his answer for the moment.

"If it helps, I could leave my arms at the door." said Kokuten, holding up his hands, a small grin on his face. "They're quite easy to disassemble, if you know how."

"Oh no, no no no," Laj said with a short laugh. "There's no need for that. I was just thinking about what you would want to talk about. I suppose there's nothing wrong with a little chat, though, if it's that important."

Laj Vinross Yu stroked a single hand through his slicked-back hair, beginning to make his ascent into the passenger door of the shuttle and beckoning Kokuten to follow. Before the captain could ascend the slim staircase, however, Captain Swann ducked in front of him, barring his path. "I will need your firearms, captain. Please."

"Miss Swann," Laj called back down, watching from the top of the stairs with half of his body concealed beyond the sliding shuttle door. "I said it would be fine. Just make sure he gets up here in one piece, yes? We're on a schedule, after all." The Unique Captain remained silent as she turned back to Kokuten, remaining still for a moment longer before moving out of his way without protest.

"It's no trouble." answering Kokuten, a fist quickly curling over his shoulder to strike his back-pack, loosing his rifle into his free hand. He drew his dart-weapon, then pulled up his hypolathe with a free finger. "I can understand her position, I'm in it quite a bit."

He presented his possible weapons to her in a neat pile, with the dart-gun and hypolathe carefully placed over his rifle.

Captain Odette Swann paused for a moment, turning her head up to Laj, who was silently watching the exchange. After a moment, Laj chuckled a bit and shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. "Alright, alright, fine. Mitska, hold the captains equipment for him while we talk."

As it turns out, it was not Swann who took Kokuten's belongings, but another Unique off to the side. 'Mitska', as she was called, carefully stowed her own weapon as she accepted Kokuten's small pile, giving the captain a curt nod and saluting to Swann after the process. Odette released her and followed Kokuten up the staircase, into the passenger area of the Vinross Yu-Cranker shuttlecraft.

The inside was a bit more lavish than what one would normally consider standard for a transport shuttle, however given the present company, perhaps it wasn't all that surprising. The shuttle door opened to the inside of a single, large room that spanned a majority of the width of the shuttle itself. The floor was covered in a plush navy blue carpet, with a small number of standard passenger seats up near the entrance to the shuttle's cockpit. Behind that single row, however, was a large expanse of area, populated with a long, ornate wooden desk and a set of matching chairs set in front. To the left was also a small minibar, and to the right, a large holovision screen, currently blank. The desk was populated with a number of articles, mostly business in nature, but all with a similar theme; the suites of a standard deck of cards. Laj's affinity for the gamble came through in his decoration methods, so it seemed.

Laj stood behind his desk, opening his arms in a welcoming fashion at Kokuten and Swann's approach. "Come, come. Sit. Would you like something to drink? I'm going to wager a guess you haven't had anything since you visited the Lady of the Ocean, and if you're good, I might just keep it a secret from those who would have otherwise, hm?" Laj gave him a sly wink, taking a seat behind his desk while motioning for Kokuten to do the same.

"You read my mind," grinned the Captain in response, his eyes certainly stolen by the decoration, but more by the alcohol. "I haven't had something properly distilled in ages. When I was at the Lady of the Ocean, I got some Green Liquid just for old times sake." His armored hand rose to his chin, grooming the beard with careful fingers as those LEDs gave some thought to it. Back home, when a man offered one a drink, a person had to consider their response. Denying it showed the guest lacked a similar interest of the host, asking for what was available was the most modest choice. Though... Kokuten wanted to ensure the best of relations.

"I'll have what you'll have," stated the Medic, putting up a graceful hand with an asserting nod, "I can trust out of anyone around here, you'd have the best tastes to attune to."

Laj drew up a deep smile at Kokuten's response. The businessman turned his eyes towards Swann near the back of the room. The Unique Captain had just removed her chrome-plated helmet, her jet-black hair tied up into a modest bun at the back of her head to avoid too much interference. She caught sight of Laj Vinross Yu's gaze, standing at attention and giving the man a short bow in return, a small smile drawing across her face as she moved over to the miniature bar, set down her helmet atop the counter, and went about making two drinks for the host and his guest.

"So! To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit, Mr. Chiaki?" Laj said, slowly leaning back into his cushioned seat as he spoke. "If you're here to thank me for that little tip-off concerning De Soto, I must say that it's really not necessary. If anything you should thank Miss Swann and Miss Sarahs; they're the ones who provided your much-needed distraction."

"None-the-less, the thanks is there. If it weren't for you and those following you, reaching De Soto and Abeck before their plans came to fruition would've been... difficult." replied the Captain, bringing a fist to his mouth to cough in. "I hope it's not much trouble if you'd convey my own appreciation to the both of them. I... have lot invested in this place, perhaps maybe not the same way you do, but words aren't enough for it."

"However," Kokuten's hand snapped up again, with a firm movement, "that's not why I'm here. I know your time is valuable, so I'll use as little as possible."

Whir! Came the firm movement, a single finger raised in the air, "My first item of business is a matter of knowing, something that you can sate my curiosity with if you have willingness to do so."

Clack! A second finger firmly stood next to the first, "My second item of business is a request, an involved one. Even if you don't wish to answer my curiosities, I need your assistance."

Laj's expression piqued in curiosity as Kokuten began to explain his actions. The man leaned forward a bit, resting a single elbow atop the desk and lightly touching the tip of his chin as he watched Kokuten talk. "If I have the willingness to do so..." Laj repeated Kokuten's previous statement, the words rolling of his tongue as though he were also contemplating what sort of meaning it could relay. "Strange choice of words there, Mr. Chiaki. Are you expecting me to say no?"

"You're a genial sort, but you're also a man with ambition. A politician, a businessman. No person as powerful as you goes through life without keeping certain circles in the dark. You have reasons for it, and I can understand it. My father, his father, and his father did the same when they entered the upper echelons." explained Kokuten, now putting his hands behind his back, assuming a firm posture, but in an almost relaxed way. "Mr. Vinross-Yu, I know very well of the measures and strings, I grew up around them. Lies, deceit, darkness; if it wasn't such a big deal, I'd know it already, would I not? Would Cassefin know?"

Kokuten shrugged his shoulders, giving the man a curious look, "All I want to know, is why. Why are you involved in the Cirrus Station? Other than a simple shipment, what does it really have to do with your machinations?"

"Machinations..." Laj repeated another word yet again, his eyes trailing up as he rolled of his lips in a slow, whimsical tone. "Sounds a bit sinister... but I suppose I have earned such remarks. I am no saint, I will admit," Laj said with a shrug, his upfront manner of speech about his character not seemingly bothering him at all in his confined, secretive shuttle and office. "But, let me see. Why am I involved in the Cirrus Station?"

The suave business mogul paused for a moment, tapping a single finger against the faint cleft of his chin, thinking about the answer he wanted to give Kokuten in response. After a moment, Laj simply shook his head and smiled; sometimes it was the easiest way that was the best. "I believe that I am involved with Cirrus Station because Cassefin Montreal is. I think that this is what all the spying, espionage and general dastardly deeds come up to, yes. Even the shipments; all of these crates aren't for show, you know."

"You're saying that the only reason you've involved yourself so much is because of Cassefin herself?"

"Too vague?" Laj replied, his smile drooping a bit as he watched Kokuten's reaction. His grin reemerged almost as quickly as it had left, however. "Aaagghh," Laj growled a bit in amused frustration. "Miss Swann was just telling me how I'm often too vague. And I know I am... it's something I need to work on. Swann! Weren't you just telling me how vague my words are when I'm the least bit apprehensive?"

Odette Swann was approaching the table fast, with a small, clear glasses in each armored hand. The fair woman nodded once to her employer, setting the glass full of dark amber liquid down in front of both of the men at the table. "Yes, Master Laj. You have problems with playing games with the people you speak with. Being vague is one of them."

Laj shrugged, clearly displaying his acceptance in defeat. "Guilty. Sorry. Mr. Chiaki, I am interested in Cirrus Station because I am directly interested in the success of her Head Administrator, Cassefin Montreal," the business juggernaut gave an attempt at a clearer explanation, pensively watching Kokuten for his reply.

"That's a means to an end. Not an actual end." clarified Kokuten.

"Yes and no," Laj shook his head once. "That is the end. My interest, to put it simply, is to see Professor Montreal succeed in whatever she is doing; even if I do not have any idea what she is doing."

Kokuten's green eyes glowed softly, his brow furrowing just slightly. He looked at Odette, nodding his thanks to her before picking up the glass. The Captain tilted the liquid onto his lips, his nose collected a brief scent of what he was drinking before it hit his tongue. He blinked once, his tongue rolling over the roof his mouth once, before setting the glass down.

"Imagine a man from Delsauria serving Delsaurian Rum to his guests. A good distilled alcohol, properly aged." explained the Captain, before holding up the glass at Laj, "Why would he serve a drink he knew they would appreciate?"

"You would appreciate?" Laj repeated yet again, a coy smile playing across his face. "I just chose what I wanted to drink, sir. You yourself simply asked for the same; it was never my intent to please you, although I am happy that you enjoyed it," the man retorted, raising his own glass and taking a quick sip. Captain Swann moved to the left side of the four-sided desk, standing there with her arms behind her waist and back straight.

"Mr. Vinross-Yu, the question was hypothetical. Your intention is for the best result of a meeting, or to give your guest a sense of familiarity, or to show that you are a gracious host." commented Kokuten, setting his glass down before putting a single hand down on the table, "The fact of the matter is that you've offered me this audience not because it was the gentlemanly thing to do, but because you're curious to what I've got to say. We put actions on top of other actions to suit our needs. In the depths of it, we have our greedy desires for doing even the most philanthropic gestures. I throw my body around this station because I've the need to sate that desire to help others. As good as I want to be, deep down, I'm sating something that I want."

Laj smiled wide. "Now who's the one being vague, hmm?"

The Captain picked up the glass again, taking another testing sip, before his eyes turned a shade of teal, "If you're wanting to see Cassefin succeed, what's that desire that you are trying to sate by doing so?"

"The success of Nepleslia, Captain Chiaki," Laj answered almost immediately, taking another sip of his drink before continuing. "It is my belief, and only my belief, that Cassefin Montreal will be an essential part in the success of Nepleslia as an independent nation. My interest in her success has no solid ground to stand upon. It's a hunch, a guess... a gamble," Laj's eyes brightened a bit as he made the comparison. "But, like any good gamble, one has a better chance of winning if he can clearly see the odds. Even if... especially if everyone else around him cannot."

"So all of this is you putting all your chips on red?"

"Oh ho ho, you clever dog," Laj laughed along with his compliment. "Yes... I suppose you could say that. Not all chips, but I am placing a large wager... and I expect a great turnout. I have spent a lot of time watching Cassefin Montreal's rise," Laj Vinross Yu went on, shifting back into his seat once more, taking his glass with him and holding it aloft in front of him between his thumb and index finger. "I have watched, with great interest, how she has already changed Nepleslia for the better..." the slick CEO paused for a moment, his brow furrowing as he glanced at his glass of brackish amber fluid. A short while later, the smile returned to his face, having found what he was looking for. "You know of the plasma impulse drives that are currently replacing ion drives in Nepleslian Arms and Munitions ships and armor? The ones developed by NAM scientists before YE25?"

"I was a drop Marine, getting shot out of DD4s, encased in Nerimium Power Armor. Yeah. The Ion Systems were our first step in separating from Yamataian Armor Design, focusing on a more high-output thruster that emphasized more thrust and more speed." explained Kokuten, feeling a little nostalgic as his mind thought back to those days of zooming around in the ELEMENT series. "They were resource-heavy, though, made our armors big, bulky targets."

"Yes, they were," Laj nodded in agreement. "Although officially Vel Steyr was credited for the PID, it was Cassefin Montreal who made the actual breakthrough in miniaturization of the system without sacrificing velocity and maximum speed," the man said, his determined tone revealing his belief in the red-haired professor's capabilities solidly. "She is responsible for many of the advances we use today, as a matter of fact. And often credited for none."

"I'm guessing your position as a Senator prevents you from getting your business directly involved with development?" asked Kokuten, the tense air over his face gently shedding off with the revelations there.

"No, actually," the Vinross Yu-Cranker CEO replied, his smile dropping a bit once more. "As a senator, or even as a businessman, I am allowed to support government-certified scientists financially if I wish so. However, I have chosen not to use those channels. I have been supporting Cassefin Montreal's projects for the past several years. Only, I have done so subtly; a small anonymous funding here, a few pending patents speeding along the process there. Small things that cannot be traced to myself, or to her."

"I suppose I should say that I am also one of her greatest detriments," Laj continued, speaking frankly. "I have, on several occasions, had NAM block Cassefin's progress, or even outright halted it, only to have it given to another scientist and restructured to remove similarities. I did it for the Plasma Impulse Drive system; Cassefin made a majority of the breakthroughs, only to be told to cease her research. Vel Steyr was then handed all of her findings on a silver platter... not surprisingly, the researching and science teams on the receiving end were the ones who asked for much less than their higher-ups."

That explanation force the Captain to shift his posture a bit, his gaze more expectant than usual. The Doctor turn soldier turned his head back over his shoulder, a small huff escaping his lips. "I'm not sure whether to sock you in the mouth, or thank you."

Kokuten's reply only served to make Laj's fading grin slowly draw back across his lips. "Now why would you thank me for that, Mr. Chiaki? You don't think Cassefin deserves praise for her discoveries? I have discretely taken things from her on several occasion, things she works tirelessly on, only so she can see them reemerge under a different name. I imagine she's been quite distressed about them, even now."

"I know the meaning of duty, Mr. Vinross Yu. If you've got to pull a few dirty moves to better the world, then there's some weight to that." The Captain snatched up his glass of alcohol, turning it back to take down the majority of it's contents before letting the burn settle in his mouth. "Remember, though, Cassefin falls under my protection, and as a doctor, I know the importance of good mental health."

"Still, it doesn't make much sense, does it?" Laj continued, egging Kokuten on. "She could do so much more if she were more recognized. Because of me, she's often considered a has-been, or even somewhat of a jest amongst her peers and her community. If I wished for her success, why wouldn't I do everything I could to-"

"Vague, sir," Odette warned Laj from her standing position at his left. The Unique Captain had been standing there listening all this time, with nary a word nor much of a change in her expression. Any doubts that she was unawares of Laj Vinross Yu's secretive dealings was long washed away by now.

Laj glanced over at Swann with a hurt gaze, but eventually nodded along with her advice, growing quiet as he looked to Kokuten for the answer.

"Because that's not where you need her. Cassefin seems to do her best work when she's trying to prove herself, and she seeks every chance she can get to set herself aside from her predecessor."

"Well, that," Laj reluctantly granted him that much, but continued on regardless. "That, and to keep her off of her pedestal. I know, for a fact, that if she were to be accredited with all of her discoveries and advancements, that she would be in much, much more danger than what you and your men deal with on occasion."

Laj leaned forward, tenting his fingers together and assuming a serious, critical stare; the first time of the night when he actually looked the least bit serious. "Were Cassefin to be seen as the invaluable asset to Nepleslia that she is, I have no doubt that she would be the target of several things. Jealous rival research teams, greedy conglomerates, pirates looking for ransom. Yamataian SAINT agents, Red separatists, or NMX insurgents," Laj began listing off the variety of parties that would have potentially either wanted Cassefin under their own employ, caged or permanently silenced. The suave CEO continued to stare at Kokuten from across the table, hoping to thoroughly deliver his point. "Much more than what you and the rest of the CSS have been dealing with thus far. What happened with De Soto was merely a faint taste of what could be. I keep Cassefin Montreal from rising, so that I do not have to see her fall, and Nepleslia's future with her."

"That's a little paranoid, isn't it? Melchior Vel Steyr was one of our greatest minds in military technology and he lived a very comfortable life." Kokuten's hand went up to his chin again, metal digits stroking the soft, brown follicles on his chin, grooming them to a particular direction. "I knew his brother, Fian Vel Steyr. He was my squadron commander back in the day, and whenever he talked about his brother, it was never about any trouble."

The Cirrus Captain leaned forward, over the table, nodding his head to his gesturing hand, "And for that matter, isn't that putting a lack of faith into the Intelligence and Pacification Group? High-priority individuals gain protection, should they choose to accept it, like the Grand Admiral of the First Fleet and the Premier, for example. In delegations you'll see those two white and black haired agents assigned to them. If Cassefin were to ascend, she'd get the pinnacle of protection from them, and not to mention access to their near unlimited resources. Marine units, naval complements, increased government involvement, and likely a closer eye from the rest of the world would make this station as much safe as it is dangerous."

Kokuten's fingers drummed on the tables edge, the odd hand sequentially raising and dropping fingers like the pistons of an engine. "I've killed pirates, fought scientists, and I killed a red-separatist not too long ago. The fact that these security threats have been under our noses the entire time might be reason enough to let her pop up under the little cloud you've nestled her career under. IPG Operators could help us stomp out potential leaks, and do so quickly. Naval protection would ensure nothing like the Pirate incident would ever happen again, and an influx of Marines to replace the civilian security troopers would mean that she'd have combat-ready defenders."

There was another small pause there, a gunmetal knuckle rising to his lips in a mild contemplation for the matter, "The station would get the protection it deserves, with a respectable level of deterrence to any would-be threats." Those sharp, glowing eyes cut back up to meet Laj's gaze, "Now that you mention it, I think it might actually be worth the risk if she gets noticed as you say."

Laj listened intently to Kokuten's rebuttal. The CEO had to admit, it made plenty of sense; he knew better than anybody the extent to which Nepleslia can protect their assets, yet he remained quite adamant in his methods for keeping the Nepleslian genius under wraps. Laj straightened back up into his chair, keeping his fingers entwined and set neatly in front of him atop the desk. "Melchior Vel Steyr is dead, Captain," the Nepleslian said grimly, his face reciprocating the direness of the fact. "And it wasn't an unintentional mishap. It was deliberate, and it was unfortunate for us."

"I'm glad you have faith in Nepleslia's security; I also have much faith in what our military does, and I support them whenever I can," Laj continued on, swiveling his seat and glances sidelong towards Miss Swann, who returned his dour gaze with a solemn nod. "But I have learned that they are not full-proof. I don't think you grasp the gravity of which Cassefin's influence has been to Nepleslia. And that's fine; not many people do... it astounds even me more often than not. I can safely say that without her, we wouldn't be sitting here drinking... we would be in much more dire straights. Far and beyond enough reason for Nepleslia's many enemies to want her gone. And it's because I can see her worth, that I have chosen to not leave it to the government, or the military, to attempt to keep her safe."

"Do you really think she would like something like that anyway, Captain?" Laj turned his head back around, idly tugging at the cuff of his business jacket. "Miss Montreal isn't as emotionally stable as she would have us believe. She does well under pressure, but only those of a certain kind. Surely you've noticed some change in her attitude after her near-death experience, compared to when her life was in danger from much less focused and goal-oriented sources?" Laj queried Kokuten with Cassefins history of dangerous situations. It was true enough that Cassefin was not her usual self since the accident, but surely that alone wasn't the reason behind her sudden change of mood. Before then, be it amazonian nekos or eco-terrorists, Cassefin would be back up the next day, ready to be angry, loud and snide anew. These days since her recovery, however, have indeed been different. "I don't mean to slight her character... but being under guard around the clock at all times? Constantly having to worry about how death hangs over head, where or when it could come for her? I do not believe she would want that, Chiaki. I certainly do not want that for her."

"And how is this any different from your presence on the station?" asked Kokuten, leaning his head over to the other hand, his other swirling in in contemplation, "She knows you're manipulating things about her, and she finds you as threatening as any form of death. I've seen her first hand after her brush with death, and I have done everything in my power to make sure that she wouldn't succumb to the recesses of her own fear. Perhaps she would be afraid of death, but what would she have to say on this matter? Is it really better for her to swing out in the unknown? Have her questioning the safety of her station constantly? She was nearly murdered on her own station, and why? Because some Red bastard wanted to push his own agenda through the station, a detail that somehow never came forth before it could be contained."

Kokuten leaned over the desk, imploring this passionate message of his, his eyes slowly turning an orange color, "Is she even safe now? Can her mental stability be assured when she has to question her friend's loyalties? When she feels she has no friends at all? If she could not trust Abeck, her Security Chief, how insecure do you think she is now? How can we even be sure either way? I can understand you using her as playing piece in your grand gamble to push forth Nepleslia, you're a politician" The man's LEDs darkened into a shady red, "but I will not stand for you gambling with her heart and mind."

"It's different because I'm here to keep her safe, Chiaki. There's a huge difference," Laj stated sternly, apparently a little annoyed at Kokuten's suggestion that his was a malevolent presence. The suave CEO did not see it that way, at all. "And there is no middle ground with this. If she knows what I'm doing, she will no doubt find little reason to continue. She has to remain oblivious, or all I have done, and all you have done, will be for nothing. We can't ask her for her wants in this... even if it seems unfair, this is for the best, for everyone."

Laj leaned forward again, heaving a slow sigh as she stared at the man across from him, his expression still pensive, yet calm. "All we can do for her, Chiaki, is to allow her to do what she was meant to do. Cassefin will reemerge from her short moment of melancholy. If I am to understand correctly, she has already made a great improvement since her injury. I'm wagering that is in no small part because of you and the rest of your team supporting her," Laj continued. "Despite what you may think, we share the same goal, Captain. I will continue to keep her hidden from those who would do her harm, but you need to continue keeping her safe from the dangers that I cannot. This is the best course of action... surely you realize this."

Kokuten sighed heavily through his nose, giving it a rough, dry sound as he fell back a bit. Laj was right, which was the worst of it, as this was truly the best situation: for Cassefin, for Nepleslia, for everyone. Once again, he found himself helpless to move something, another thing larger than himself.

"Then, maybe I'm not wrong in asking for your help," began the Captain, before looking up at Laj again, his eyes a verdant green. "This is something I can only do with your connections, and even if I lacked faith in your genuine intentions, I'd have no choice. I'm stretching pretty far on this, and it's become difficult to disguise my hand in the matter. So, I'll tell you."

With the utmost seriousness in his eyes, as if he were to declare some fel allegiance, he spoke his request.

"I need to meet Marissa Cranker."


"Lack of faith?" Laj leaned back once more, his serious tone melting into one of jest as he shrugged. The man looked over at Odette, seeking consolation, but finding none in her stern face. "Have I not been straightforward and forthcoming with you, Captain? I meant every word I said, honest. Crossed hearts, needles and all," Laj spoke as he raised his hand in a solemnly swearing fashion, obviously skirting Kokuten's immediate request. Strange, given that Laj had previously been very accommodating to Kokuten. Miss Swann's silent, wayward glances around the room and refusal to meet the fellow security captain's gaze confirmed some of his suspicions.

"The words were if I lacked faith." reiterated Kokuten with a little more volume in his voice, so that Laj could hear him. He continued in a more idealistic tone, a way of speaking he hadn't enjoyed in quite some time, "Which I don't, because I know you've got Cassefin's best interests at heart after Nepleslia's. Which is exactly why I need to meet Marissa Cranker."

Kokuten's persistence in the matter brought Laj's eyebrow a bit higher; the man was assuming that the captain across the table from him was, in some manner or form, in jest. Why, after all, would he want to speak to the Vinross Yu-Cranker CEO's counterpart? Odette also seemed somewhat perplexed by Kokuten's request, clearing her throat quietly and politely before resuming her stoic stance. "Now why would you want to speak to Marrisa, hmm?" Laj asked, tilting his head to the side slightly. "She's not here, if that's what you're wondering; Ms. Cranker is currently making her own scheduled visitation to our friends on Area 52."

"I know you're aware of the fact that Marissa Cranker was once a very close friend to Cassefin Montreal. Yet, for some reason, despite their time of not only going through college together and co-developing the Cirrus Station, there is a schism between them. Cassefin doesn't know why Marissa chose to end up in our reports on the pirate attack. She also doesn't understand why this once close friend seems to be acting against her," clarified Kokuten, meeting both their confused glances with one that sought to redirect the situation. "Her brush with death has shown her how lonely her existence in the clouds has been. I've already spoken to Administrator Popjoy about it, but I want Ms. Cranker to know as well. I want to know her reasons, so that Cassefin can gain either another reason to press on or a little closure in the finality of their relationship."

The Cirrus Captain sighed before leaning over the table again, in a half-pleading gesture, "Cassefin's too proud to really approach anyone, and Popjoy just needed someone to point it out to her. I have no idea how I'm going to speak to her, but I know I need to. I need to try."

Laj narrowed his eyes a bit further, displaying a measure of surprising concern amidst his skeptical gaze. "... I don't think she'll want to speak to you, Captain. Nor do I think you should pursue this for Ms. Montreal. Obviously Marrisa no longer has any affections for Cassefin; perhaps it would be best to just leave it at that."

"And why is that? Why did she sever her connections so suddenly? Whether Ms. Cranker likes it or not, Cassefin wants to believe that Marissa is still a friend in some way. She wants to believe that the only two people she really confided with were still on her side. No matter how you look at this, at this stage of her life, in this situation after near-death she needs to gain some kind control, some kind of knowing," Kokuten fought Laj's skeptical remarks and his gaze with a firmly determined one. Quite clearly, Captain Chiaki wasn't going to back down on this, as he said he wouldn't. "In her current state she's suffering a kind of mid-life crisis and she's seeking those anchors which held her to floor and gave her spirit individuality, something that set her aside from the woman she was imprinted of from. Both of those anchors being Popjoy and Cranker."

"Then she needs to seek elsewhere," Laj gave his own firm, blunt retort. "There isn't any closure to receive. This is something she's not going to be able to get, even if you push for it in her stead. Marrisa is quite set in her own ways and I don't see her changing. I highly doubt she would even want to speak to you, captain. From what I can tell, you've been a particularly annoying facet of her dealings with Cassefin."

"And just how is that? I've been nothing but genial up until now." Kokuten defended himself, putting on his chest as he defended his meritorious reputation. "The only time I've ever acted out of turn in her presence is when Cassefin spat Industrial Cleaning Alcohol all over my face."

"Truth be told, captain, I don't actually know," Laj said, shrugging as he revealed his limitation of knowledge on the subject. "I do know that Marrisa doesn't particularly enjoy the fact that Cassefin's security teams are so good at their jobs. She has stated thus several times in my presence so far; perhaps your image is what is conjured up when she sees the CSS as a whole. Gives her a face to hate, maybe? I can't ever be sure with that woman."

"I... see," came the short reply from Kokuten. The Captain tilted his head forward, staring at the table, and small sense of hopelessness crept up in him. There had been that small glimmer of hope in his mind, initially, that he'd be able to worm his way in. The whole thing seemed to be a bust. Not only that, he was the one being hated. That always hurt especially, Kokuten didn't like being hated.

Though, it didn't sting like it used to, Kokuten was back up, with his hands on the table in moments.

"Then help me defy that image. You're a senator and a businessman, good in both fields," flattered the Captain under a determined visage, "You could sell a man his own shoes and make him pay taxes on it with no arguments! Can't you stir a little bit of that word-play here? I'm not asking for much, I just need her to speak with me."

Laj gave a tired sigh and idly scratched at the back of his head. "Ergh. I can get her on a private line right now easily enough. But I don't like what you're trying to do here, captain," Laj warned him, turning his eyes back to Kokuten's own cybernetic oculars. "I understand your want to help, but what you intend to do will only serve to stir up Ms. Cranker even more than she already is. Cassefin needs to understand that, sometimes..." the CEO leaned in and tented his fingers up once more. "People that you thought you knew turn out to be a lot different from how you remember them. And sometimes, it's best to forget those people and find new friends."

"Quite, but an effort must be made to some extent. It is the most of which we can do." answered Kokuten, turning this cybernetic oculars right back onto Laj, "I wouldn't press it if I didn't think it completely impossible. Besides, what would be the harm in it working out for the best? I may seem alarmingly optimistic, but that's a side-effect of the work-place, and a requirement for keeping sanity there."

Laj sighed again, seeing that his warnings, although considered, weren't warranting the halt of progress. The man turned to the Unique Captain on his right; Odette, instead, was simply staring straight in front of her at attention, her gaze fixated on the empty space and the walls of the shuttle beyond it. Although her body displayed discipline, it was quite obvious by her tightened, narrowed eyelids and ever-so-slight sneer forming at the corner of her mouth. Laj turned again, shaking his head slowly side to side with a defeated smile across his face. "Dial Marrisa up then. I imagine she's still on her transport ship on it's way past Prime right now," the Vinross Yu-Cranker CEO explained as a small black dome of glass rose from the center of the table; a volumetric projector and receiver, most likely.

After a few moments, a cleverly hidden volumetric projection system displayed a wide screen, roughly the width of the table. In the center of the display was none other than Marrisa Cranker, in all her self-proclaimed glory. The woman was wearing a normal business suit and skirt, but her hair was currently down in its normal position; calling back on memory, Marrisa apparently did not bother fixing her hair into more professional fashions when doing official Vinross Yu-Cranker business. Never the less, there she was, at least from the chest up, smirking and giving the room a skeptical look.

"My my, what a surprise Lajjy," Marrisa spoke in jest, greeted by Laj leaning back into his seat and returning her smile with one of his own. "How unexpected. I figured you would be chat-chatting away with Finny by now. How rude of you to ask me to fly all the way out to Area 52 during your visit, keeping me from my most cherished friend," the woman spoke in words laced with blatant sarcasm, her tone noticeably upsetting Odette Swann but otherwise leaving Laj Vinross Yu completely unscathed. It became apparent that the small black glass half-globe was receiving Laj's image via directional camera; Marrisa made no note of neither Odette nor Kokuten being in the room at all.

Laj continued to smile at Marrisa, despite her obvious sleights at his expense. "Well, you know how it is Marrisa. Just trying to smooth things over with one of our biggest buyers. We are a business, after all. Actually, I have someone here discussing business with me." Ms. Cranker groaned lazily, giving a short snort of disgust. "Of course Odette is there, Laj. She's never going to hop off of your dick, you should know that by now," Marrisa spat out with a mean-spirited smirk, warranting a rapidly twitching eyebrow and growing sneer from Odette.

"Actually..." Laj chuckled a bit at the amusing silent clash between the two women, slowly reaching out and twisting the small glassy black globe around, until the vision range fell upon Kokuten. Laj motioned for Kokuten to speak, giving the man the floor as Marrisa attempted to recognize the new face with a raised eyebrow.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Cranker, or rather, good morning, where you're going." greeted Kokuten with a flourishing bow, his arm curling over is chest, as if to hold himself up somehow. He seemed to ignore the crude humor in favor of both parties. "I am Master Sergeant Kokuten Gaiasis Chiaki the 5th, Security Captain of the Cirrus Station."

Kokuten stood straight at that, letting his arms fall and then swing behind his back gently. As he tucked his hands at the small of his back, he spoke again, "I am not sure if you really remember me, such a matter is a bit of insignificant detail to the current situation. What matters, is a small subject I'd like to discuss, pertaining greatly to your," His eyes warped to a sickly blue color, "most cherished friend."

"Ungh," Marrisa unceremoniously rolled her eyes back with an annoyed grunt. "Laj, why is this man talking to me? What did you call me for?" The woman asked, scanning her eyes up and down the edges of the screen, unable to actually see Laj Vinross Yu, due to the positioning of the volumetric receiver. In her blind spot, Laj merely shook his head and shrugged at her question. "Sorry Marrisa, the good captain here is making the call. I just provided the means."

"Uunngghh," the woman groaned even louder, suddenly propping up her elbow atop an out-of-view table and resting her chin on her palm, eyes trailing off to the side and a lazy scowl stretching across her face. "Alright, whatever. What does he want?"

The Cirrus Security Captain's smile remained ever present, though decorated with a light arch of his brow. Even before the conversation truly began, he could see a very obvious end to it. Yet, the only thing he could really lose in this situation was Marrisa's favor, and he didn't care awfully much about that.

"He wants to speak to you," picked up the Captain, tilting his head just a slight, "I'm not here by behest of Head Administrator Montreal, but rather, on her behalf. I don't know you personally, so I'll skip the familiar talk. Are you aware of the events that have transpired on the station in the past month? The Quahhg? The Red Incident?"

"I've heard of them, yeah," Marrisa replied, an unmistakable tone of boredom across her breath as she spoke.

"And you are aware of what happened to Cassefin as a result of these events, correct? At the very least, how she came out of Quahhg Incident." queried the curious commander, still keeping an attentive gaze on the woman.

"Yeeeeeah, I heard. It broke my wittle heart," she replied again, sounding disinterested at best, her eyes not even bothering to glance in Kokuten's direction as she spoke. "Truly."

"Indeed, severe internal injuries. She was properly healed with mild nano-machine treatments and extensive surgery, but in my own personal view, she's still damaged. Facing death has jarred her mind, I've seen it in soldiers who've either been revived or pulled from the husks of their damaged armors," Kokuten brought his fingers together with an audible skritting noise of metal. His gaze turned down momentarily, considering his words before running off the mouth, "She's recessed mentally, and shares a symptom we all experience either very early in life, or late in such. We realize how dangerous, how uncaring, or how unfeeling the universe is."

The Captain cleared his throat, realizing he was dragging on a little bit, and hoping to life that Marrisa was still paying attention. "So, we seek comfort or security. When Cassefin was settling into her life, her early life, she had Ms. Popjoy and yourself for that security. As my study of the situation leads me to believe, the two of you had a great effect on her in that time, and judging how she ever refuses to listen to me, still holds you in a hopeful regard."

With that, he held out his hands, as he did when he summed up his speeches, "You were something that helped her set herself aside from the woman that imprinted herself onto her. Without Purina, without you, she simply became what her mother intended. As a result, of the situation and despite what outward stubbornness she may show, she needs her friends, the people she actually trusts, and still does."

"So fascinating," Marrisa yawned loudly, glancing at the wristwatch on her cuff. "What's your point, captain? I can barely stomach Laj's longwinded speeches, so you'll have to understand if I don't want to hear yours."

The Captain rubbed his chin at that, a little thrown off his vibe at that, speaking a low volume, "I'm starting to see where Cassefin gets this from." He cleared his throat shortly, holding up his hands, before simply letting them drop to his sides, "The point is, Cassefin is at a sensitive moment of her life. Should you ever feel the desire to rekindle your distant ties to her in a positive way, now would be the best of times, as she needs it."

Marrisa's look to disinterest suddenly gave way to another as the woman turned her gaze to Kokuten. Her eyes scrunched slightly, an odd smile growing across her face; she looked as though she was somewhere between laughter and disgust, before finally relenting in a short laugh. "Oh god, no thank you," Marrisa said in-between her amused chortles, rolling her eyes up at the very idea. "I'm fine right where I am. Finny can do whatever she wants in her sensitive moment. I don't care."

"Ah! Okay," said Kokuten suddenly, in a certain bouncy matter, before turning towards Laj with a repeated cutting motion on his neck. "We're done, then."

"Aww, is Finny gonna be sad now? Well goo-!" Marrisa's obnoxious retort started, only to be abruptly cut off as Laj canceled the conference call mid-sentence. This resulted in no small amount of smiles from both Odette and Laj himself, the two grinning happily at one another as the small black glass sphere sank back into the desk. "Well, it's always a pleasure speaking to Ms. Cranker," Laj commented, finishing the last of his drink and setting the glass down at the side of the table. "Well, Captain. Was that the answer you were looking for?"

"No, the one I was looking for was something that was actually going to help," answered Kokuten, running his hand through his hair with a tired sigh, "All I got was the answer I was expecting. Still, no true loss in this conversation. Her grimy, vindictive attitude and her firm denial is all the more confirmation to keep her away from here. I've gotten to see it for myself, and I appreciate you for bearing with me."

"Well, I'm glad you understand, at least. Although I'm afraid it's going to be impossible to really keep her out of Cirrus Station," Laj warned him, heaving his own sigh as he clasped his hands together, fingers entwined. "My business is Vinross Yu-Cranker business. But rest assured, I don't allow Marrisa Cranker to interfere with my business, just as I do not interfere with hers."

"It hasn't stopped her before," Odette muttered under her breath in a surprisingly out-of-turn manner, her face still wrought with indignation and annoyance from the conference call. Laj looked over at Odette, but otherwise said nothing.

"Then I'll just have to make it known she isn't welcome," clarified Kokuten, tucking his arms comfortably behind his back. "The station's security laws apply to everyone stepping aboard it's premises, which is why we have security manuals in all arrival areas. We security troopers can detain any civilians in violation, no matter how minor the offense."

Kokuten closed his eyes, and let a small spread on his face, "As we're government funded, we hold the same power as a local police force, so a personal body-guard detachment would have to step-aside in favor of 'local law-enforcement'." The Captain actually chuckled a little bit at that, "We don't normally exercise that kind of power, but it's there. It's a way to where we're not completely helpless when it comes to rowdy, connected people like Ms. Cranker. We can't just tell her to get the hell out, but we can hold her type in arrivals for mandatory safety and security screenings with a short," He put up air-quotes, "Presentation of the station's regulations. A three whole hours of Cassefin telling you why you are a danger to the station, and how you can prevent yourself from becoming a regulatory risk."

Laj merely returned the smile, watching Kokuten rant on. The man had his doubts, reasonable doubts, but Kokuten's confidence was good enough. "So, captain. You have your answer... what will you do now? Surely Cassefin doesn't need the approval of one such as Marrisa Cranker in order to be happy? That is assuming that you're here to glean Cranker's stake in this; I don't believe you've stated any other reason for our chat."

"Cassefin doesn't need anyone's approval to be happy, it's the capacity to do so that warranted my visit here. She's in a troubled time, and I'm just doing everything I can to help." reasoned Kokuten with a swirl of his hands, before tucking them to his sides again, "I believe that's all I have."

"I see," Laj said, his smile widening into a relaxed state. The man's eyes watched Kokuten, his face turning to the side in a playful manner. "So, what happens now, hm? You will go back to being the captain of Squad 35, keeping Cirrus Station safe from terrible men? While I fly away with my villainous entourage to hassle you another day?"

"Essentially. Your black knights are making our girl nervous, and it was hard enough to convince her to let me approach you," explained Kokuten, his own smile mirroring Laj's to the letter. There was an odd string of similarity between the two men, especially in this light-hearted situation.

Yet Kokuten's smile took a wider form, as he waved his armored hand. The motion looked dismissive, until thin needles formed off the tips of his fingers like claws, pushing through the thin underlay. A little wet bead of some kind of solution formed on the end of each needle, before dripping off the ends to the floor below. The gesture was threatening in nature, and a tad wasteful, but the still smiling expression of the Cirrus Captain offset it all. "Just know, Mr. Vinross-Yu, this knight doesn't approve of villainy of any form in his castle or directed at his lady."

Laj Vinross Yu didn't look all that alarmed with Kokuten's sudden display, the same casual smile playing across his face as he nodded along with the man's words. Captain Swann, on the other hand, noticeably tensed at the sight, her body shifting slightly towards Kokuten before pausing. The woman looked at her employer, who looked back at her with an inquisitive glance; this seemed to be enough to put the Unique captain back a peace, but her face remained focused on Kokuten with a look of intense concentration.

"I'll have to keep that in mind then, Sir Knight," Laj said in a jesting tone, idly casting a look down at his wrist as he checked the time. "I'll just have to make sure my future dastardly deeds are kept hidden away then, I suppose," the CEO said as he rose from his chair. As Laj stood, his right hand reached down beneath the edge of the table into his lap, out of Kokuten's range of vision. When Laj stood straight up, his hand bend forward and revealed a single short-barreled pistol in his palm, most likely drawn from beneath the table. Setting the weapon down gently atop the table, Laj stretched his hands a bit and groaned with a content sigh, extending his hand across the table with a sly look about his face. "I mean, we all need to do our best to make sure things turn out well, don't we?"

The needles receded quietly into Kokuten's fingers, before taking the proffered hand in a shake. Despite the danger it posed, the Doctor seemed little phased by the presence of a gun in the room. Yet, it could be noted that his off-setting smile got a little smaller.

"As long as that stays the priority, I can agree completely," answered Kokuten, offering a firm grip and squeeze to show a modicum of respect before loosing his hand away. Even though his own fingers were made of metal, the Captain seemed wary of any needles that may have popped out of Laj's hand.

Unfortunately, no such needles shot out of Laj's hand, only a faint aroma of scented cologne. The CEO released Kokuten's hand and pulled his own hands behind his back. "Ms. Swann, the unloading should be close to completion. See that Captain Chiaki makes it back safely with his things," Laj spoke as he began making his way to the set of doors leading further into the ship.

"Of course, Master Laj," Odette said with a dignified bow, quickly striding over to the exit of the room, the door to the downward descent sliding open on her approach. As the door opened, one of the Uniques was standing with her back towards the door; it was the Unique that had been tasked with keeping up with Kokuten's personal items while in the presence of Laj Vinross Yu. The Unique immediately swung around, Kokuten's rifle and other items still clasped in one arm as her other raised into a respectful salute. Odette spoke softly to her subordinate, the faceless Unique nodded behind her chrome-plated visor as she hastily handed Kokuten's articles to Odette before returning down the steps to rejoin the rest of her group. Odette turned back to Kokuten, his effects in hand, waiting for him to approach and re-accept them.

Kokuten pulled his helmet off his backpack hanger, and let the security head-gear seal of over his head. The soldier kept an eye on the other Unique as she descended the stairs, and then turned his polarized visage on Odette. In that small moment, Kokuten couldn't help but remember the first time they met. Odette had been in some merry-time dress, with a much softer and compliant demeanor than what she lead her troops with. Those thoughts aside, he approached her, grabbing his hypolathe and dart-weapon in both hands to holster them. Then came the rifle.

Clingk! Tacked the weapon as it was secured onto its magnetic hangar.

"I realize you may have reasons to," Odette spoke suddenly as Kokuten worked at replacing his personal effects. Her voice was soft-spoken, as it normally was; she offered the man a single, respectful short bow as his rifle left her hands. "But I ask that you harbor no ill feelings towards Master Laj, captain. He has the best intentions for what he does... even if it does not seem so at first glance. And although he may not appear to be one who would care about others' opinions of him," the polite woman's voice trailed off for a split second, her eyes glancing beyond Kokuten. Laj Vinross Yu was already out of the room, spirited away behind the doors leading to the shuttles' rear area. "... he does become troubled by such things."

Odette was met with a silent, polarized stare. She could see her reflection in the yellow material, high-lighted by a soft, green glow underneath. That glow shifted, from side to side, looking to search her features. It took a minute for him to break his boring glance, letting the emotionless mask of his head-gear tilt aside just slightly.

"Out of everyone on your twisted side of things, you seem to be the only honest voice I've met there. Amongst the Uniques, amongst your employing corporation," came Kokuten's synthesized voice through the external speakers, "you are someone who I can genuinely say I trust. Perhaps it's because I'm comparing you to Captain Bell, or maybe I'm putting to much into your impressions. Laj spins and spools words like a tailor, just like I do from time to time. But you?"

The visor dipped again, staring towards the floor, a few thoughtful seconds put into the next sentence. "If you say his intentions are true... then... I'll put it on faith."

Tack! Kokuten's armored hand clacked against his smooth helmet's forehead, giving the Unique Captain a respectful salute, "Just remember, my loyalties lie with the station, and Cassefin."

Odette heaved a relieved sigh of content, nodding once as she smiled, simple and serene. "I thank you, captain. You are right to be suspicious after what happened with Lisa. I myself am unsure of what transpired there. Lisa Bell was a very close friend of mine... for a time," her voice trailed off, along with her gaze for but a moment, returning back to Kokuten with a reassuring smile. "Regardless, I thank you for your civility and understanding. Master Laj is not often this open with others... in fact, I believe you are the first outside of his circle to be spoken to so casually be him. I was unsure of what would have happened."

"I was expecting a lot worse, to be honest. I half expected to lose my temper at any other reason, but this..." Kokuten looked back towards the way he had just come from. He tapped the edge of his helmet's jaw, causing the visor to spread open. "Because of what happened, his casual nature, his political and economic stature... I expected something more greedy on the whole. Yet, for some reason, this makes much more sense." The Captain rubbed his mouth idly, a quiet consideration rolling over his mind, "As for why he spoke to me?"

Just why did Laj speak to him so openly? Why did he just tell Kokuten everything? How did things just come together so well?

"I don't know. I spoke with him along with one of my subordinates in private before." mused the Neplo-Yamataian native, "Yet... I just don't know. Your Master is not a normal man as far as I can tell. Just know that I'll be knocking down his door the next time some spook ends up on the station."

"You and him are very much alike," Odette admitted, casting her gaze over Kokuten once more as she spoke. "Perhaps he realizes this too. Maybe that's why he seems so comfortable around you and your men."

Captain Swann nodded once more as she stepped out of the way of the door, allowing Kokuten access out of the shuttle and onto the access stairway. "If there is nothing else, captain, I wish you the best of luck."

Alike? Vinross-Yu and myself? I...

Kokuten seemed stuck on the rather absurd-sounding comment. Even though the two of them were genial, well-spoken, and with, usually the best intentions... The Captain's face contorted a bit when he thought about it. Laj, as much as he hated to admit it, was a great guy to be around. Even with the past haunting over Kokuten's shoulders, he never felt threatened in the slightest, even when a gun came out. Seeing as how the Senator was good at working people, Kokuten thought it all an act. Yet... It was all genuine, as Kokuten tried to be.

He decided to think on it some other time, then being escorted from the vessel. With a short sigh, he stepped out, and nodded a farewell to Odette. Then, he stepped down the stairs, and back out onto the cargo bay's floor area.

Walking out there, back into the open caused a small wave of relief to roll over his shoulders. His muscles untensed in a way he was unfamiliar with, as Kokuten hadn't even realized how stiff he had been through the whole ordeal. In a way, it was like coming home after a day of hard work in a job one didn't like. He felt at ease.

At any rate, he needed to find Cassefin, or at the very least, report in. He didn't want her thinking he was dead or whatnot. So he made his way.


Although it was impossible for Kokuten to tell from the one-sided observation room window, he would soon come to realize that Cassefin had indeed noticed him leaving the shuttle, as well as his approach. The door to the observation room slid open, revealing a very aggravated Cassefin Montreal standing on the other side, arms crossed and eyes glaring up at Kokuten above her glasses. "Well?" Cassefin almost demanded, remaining stationary in Kokuten's way. Behind her, both Kess and Mimi's volumetric images watched from the corner with pensive gazes. "What happened? What did you do?"

"What did I do?" Kokuten held up his hands defensively, as if the curious Head Administrator were to strike out at him at any moment, "I'm not sure what you mean."

Cassefin cleared her throat, her angry eyes darting to the side for a moment. If she was expressing worry, she had a funny way of going about it. "...what did you talk about."

"That..." Kokuten shook a finger at Cassefin, and gently waving it off, as he found his choice words not quite the ideal for the situation, "Yes, what we talked about was... about the Cirrus. Mostly. For the most part." The doctor felt somewhat lucky he had the mask to hide his face, otherwise she'd see the less-than-comfortable expression he wore. "We also discussed fine delsaurian draft and thoroughly meted out the subject of our involvement in his plans."

"The Cirrus? My Cirrus?" Cassefin's attention drew back apprehensively, her eyes narrowing at the thought of Kokuten and Laj's discussions turning towards the research station. "What are you talking about? What plans, he has plans? What's going to happen?" The red-haired administrator couldn't help but sound a little worried as she bombarded Kokuten with more questions.

"Now don't you worry. These plans of his are... directed elsewhere, it was more of discussion about the things that already happened. As far as I can tell, we've got nothing to worry about from Laj Vinross-Yu." Kokuten tried to put a little assuredness behind those word, holding his hands out, as if for a dual-hand shake. "Rather, he seems very concerned about your safety. Perhaps... it's why he helped us during the Red Incident. I'm not sure. But he was awfully forthright about it."

Cassefin had only heard about what had happened during Caulder De Soto's short term as Head Administrator from official sources, although she also knew bits and pieces from Squad 35 as well as other CSS reports on the incident. The woman remained silent, her eyes narrowing further as she turned her chin upwards, staring up at the slightly taller man. Her mouth was pursed and scrunched up slightly, signifying both skepticism and agitation. After a short, silent moment, Cassefin's crossed arms suddenly shot up at Kokuten's faceplate, her palms flattening against the visor in an attempt to lift the obscuring screen upward, her lips pressed tightly together in aggravation, close to the point of turning white. "Is that it?! Is that really what you two talked about?! I don't believe you! Open this helmet immediately!"

The Captain tilted back a little bit, his foot catching him to support himself. With all he could see being the palms of her hands, Kokuten quickly moved to unseal his helmet with abrupt hissing sound. The helmet almost turned aside, turning his neck uncomfortably in the mild struggle. So he threw it off and snatched up her shoulder, trying to keep her at an amicable distance.

"What, you think because I had a little talk with Vinross-Yu that I'm going to betray you, too?" snapped Kokuten in annoyance, his nerves flaring under scrutiny, "Just what do you want to know, hm? That Vinross-Yu's hands are all over this place? That you're some kind of lynch-pin his maniacal plans? Would you be able to believe he's a genial guy? Or that when I spoke to her Marissa didn't even give a damn about how you were?" Those red eyes were blistering hot as he curled a disgusted snarl over his lips, "Are you really going to believe me when I tell you what the real threats are? Hm? Or did I actually just throw myself in the lion's den for some measure of worth?"

Cassefin Montreal glared daggers directly into Kokuten's colorful retina, watching them as his mouth moved on and formed more words to follow along. The Head Administrator put her hands back down, wrapping them together just above the front of her stomach as her face began to slowly lose some of its tension. "What I want, Chiaki, is the truth," Cassefin stated, her body drawing up a bit as she stood at the end of Kokuten's arms length. "What did you go in there to ask Vinross Yu? What did he say?"

A metal hand went to the forehead of the Captain, and small jagged line carved itself on the back of his mind. There was always some difficult frog to swallow. Nothing ever came in light doses. It was either go sick or chug the medicine bottle. Unfortunately for Kokuten, the medicine tasted bitter. Still. Was she really just a tool? Just like her mother and Vinross-Yu intended her to be? A stepping-stool to the next age? Or was she a woman, with her own heart and soul?

"I... Went... I went in there with the intention of gauging my chances to speak with Marissa Cranker. But... before that, I asked for answers." revealed Kokuten, hooking his thumbs on his belt, "Vinross-Yu poured me a drink and spilled everything. He explained just why he did what he did. He intends to advance Nepleslia using your technology. He intends to keep you where you are, because he believes you work best in these ideally safe conditions. You remember the whole bit with the plasma technology for the armor-based propulsion? Him. You want to guess where all your research is going through to get speed-lined to the front? Through him. That day when the Uniques ransacked the Armaments Division? He was checking an investment. The bugs, the espionage? He's watching you, waiting for the next gem to come rolling out of your head."

The Captain sighed, fiddling with his armor plates, a small cigar poking out, but reactively pressed back under the hiding spot, "The worst part? He's your best friend in all this, at least compared to the woman he works with."

While Kokuten spoke, Cassefin's glares slowly melted into looks of confusion. All her anger suddenly gave way to the startling vulnerability that she was truly subject to, if what Kokuten was telling her was true. All of what the captain was saying was difficult to absorb all at once; Cassefin did her best, however, to wrap her head around the several distressing points while stifling the mountain of questions piling up behind her lips. As Kokuten finished, Cassefin could only stare back up at him, a hurt look on her face as she replied to him in a low tone. "... I don't understand. What does that all mean?"

He regarded her with a dour look, a small chill rising up his spine as it dawned on him just how much he had let loose. Perhaps he hadn't intended to tell her everything, but when it opened up, he could only let it all spill forth. A small tether tugged his lips further, though, as she put forth her own question. In that, he reaffirmed himself and his words.

"From the very beginning, since the station was being built, you've been working for him. Every worthy idea you make, and every invention you come up with is studied to see what utility it can make for Nepleslia. If so, he takes it from your hands, and puts it into other, less risky hands. If you needed a label, he would be a Nepleslian Supremacist. His heart and soul is poured into the advancement of Nepleslia, and he's chosen to force you to do the same through his coercing."

Kokuten's explanation was far more devastating than he could have believed at the time; much like Laj had warned him, Cassefin's realization of what her efforts had been for rattled what foundation she had found solace in from her work. As the words registered, Cassefin's shoulders sank and her expression soured. The Head Administrator did her best to keep her crestfallen expression hidden, but the news was far too demanding of her; she couldn't find the strength to keep up a facade. Kess and Mimi remained stationary a few feet away, but their faces also reflect varying degrees of worry as well; their boss had just been told that all of her work thus far as been controlled and, ultimately, for naught.

"So... you're saying that I don't have any control of my life here? Laj Vinross Yu controls everything that I do?" Cassefin asked weakly, the question sounding more like a reaffirmation rather than legitimate curiosity.

"That's a matter of perception," answered Kokuten, grimly, his hands coming up again for some matter of a consolation. He could feel a small measure of her pain, see it through her restrained eyes. "You have about just as much control over your life as I do. While I patrol these halls, I'm doing what you want me to do. While you work here, you're doing what he wants you to, which is basically the same thing you've been doing for ages."

The Captain leaned down, fighting that sense of caution, and clasped her shoulders, firmly; his steel, green eyes met her dead on. "Laj isn't controlling you. He's trying to influence you. The man has no direct control over Cirrus Station, but he has a wide influence on all the clouds swirling around it. What matters right now is that you know, and he doesn't know that."

Cassefin's eyes strained shut, her mouth twisting up as though she had bitten into something deathly sour. The woman shook her head side to side, swinging her shoulders out of Kokuten's light grip. "You're LYING! Don't lie to me!" Cassefin shouted angrily amidst the frantic twists of her head. "You just told me he was! I've been influenced, controlled, ever since I started the Cirrus! Probably... probably even before this, too!" The red-haired administrator stopped her movements, turning her head up and glaring burning daggers at Kokuten; it was difficult to tell just whom she was angry with, given the situation, but the good captain was unfortunately the closest living person at that moment. Whatever sadness or sorrow she was experiencing was quickly becoming well-hidden behind her anger and indignation. "It's all making sense now. Nothing I've done has been recognized for what it is. The only person who actually respects and recognizes what I do... is taking it all away. For what? Why... why should I even bother?"

"You can't just give up!" came a sharp, incredulous response from Kokuten, now keeping his respectable distance, should she choose to lash out. "Laj is just a thrifty businessman, you're a god damn scientist, just make your solution! You know your inventions are good, you know they make a difference in the universe. If you give up now, then what was all of it for?"

When Kokuten had finished, Cassefin stood silent for a moment, examining his face with analytical eyes. Her features remained scrunched and twisted, either in pain, anger or a combination of both; this show of emotion did not falter, not even as Cassefin rose up straight, drawing in a long breath of air as the corners of her eyes began to show signs of moisture. "Nothing," the woman finally answered, her voice slightly choked beneath her low, shaky but firm tone. "All of it, for nothing."

Cassefin quickly brushed past Kokuten after she had finished, still full of anger and remorse. The Head Administrator didn't stop until she was far, far out of sight, leaving Kokuten alone in the room with only the two Squad 35 Savtechs looking onward in the corner, strange looks playing about their faces as they exchanged glances between themselves and the captain himself.

The Captain had little to say. He opened his mouth when Cassefin had brushed by, but only let his head hang, silence being the only words following. For several minutes, he seemed to contemplate the floor, emotions abandoning his face for an unfocused look in his eyes.

"Nothing. Huh."