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RP: Cirrus Station [Cirrus Station] Purina Potpourri Popjoy


Inactive Member

Several weeks later~ (maybe 3 weeks)

Although several words could have been associated with the Cirrus Research Station, very seldom would one connect a word such as 'calm' to such a place. The constant problems, shenanigans and mishaps happening aboard the NAM science research space station were not always quiet or subtle as some of the more involved benefactors of the Cirrus project would have liked. Some issues were broadcasted to the world, although seldom did Nepleslia seem to care much beyond a strongly worded letter to NAM's head office, which was usually instantly discarded by the mailing department. Other mishaps often didn't make it past the Cirrus Station's vast blanket of information filtering; sometimes it was felt that the best course of action was to simply say things were fine, as they were, more often than not. Employees and visitors of the Cirrus Research Station new beyond the shadow of a doubt that Cirrus Station often had its share of problems... but they were often fleeting. Annoying at best, brief at worst.

As such, when those aboard the floating research station described the previous handful of weeks as "calm", or "quiet", or "peaceful and productive", they were often met with skeptical glances. However, this was the case; Cirrus Station had, since Head Administrator Cassefin Montreal's return from intensive care, been strangely without issues of note. There were the usual small things, of course; a man in weapons development lost the upper segment of his pinky in a misfiring incident. Two scientists in the chemical labs had to be issued rest orders, their eyes and surrounding area around the eye red and slightly aggravated due to a small chemical fire, combined with a history of allergic reaction to a specific compound used in the mixture. Small things, small problems, contained and dealt with without the need for security or help beyond a medical advisory. Most of the Cirrus was happy to have this reprieve from the norm; glad to have some rest amongst a storm of constant, annoying problems that seemed to hang over the station like a plague.

The Administrators of each section of the Cirrus Station, however, were quick to see through such things. The past weeks had been calm, for this there was no doubt. However, each administrator had also noticed a marked decrease in work orders and scheduling from the Head Administrator. There were no issued tasks in Nepleslia Prime agriculture for Purina Popjoy to inspect and test Prime's naturally ornery fauna, and as such Purina continued work on her own project backlog that she had accrued over time. Dick Vanderhuge had no orders from the main office for Cassefin's weapon projects to be pushed to the top of his To-Do list, and as such the ID-SOL Administrator kept his teams working on the designs for the new Atlas-class Destroyer's main gun and integrated systems. It was like this for each section of the Cirrus; Administrators were doing their own work at their own pace, freed of Cassefin's weekly requests, and this translated into smooth-sailing days of satisfying labor. It had been, in fact, three weeks or so since any of them had actually heard from Head Administrator Cassefin Montreal at all. Whereas the other Administrators saw this reprieve of Cassefin's presence as a fleeting blessing, Purina Popjoy grew concerned after the first week; it wasn't like Cassefin to not give each section of the Cirrus Research Station a list of pressing projects. Purina also came to realize that, beyond that first week, she had only managed to catch glimpses of Cassefin, and any attempts at communication with her Head Administrator were either ignored or dismissed instantly. The pink-haired Administrator could do little else than continue with her own work and hope for a good outcome.

In three weeks, Purina Popjoy had accomplished much. Several species of newly-acquired aquatic reptiles from Azora had been analyzed and categorized, the information sent to public networks to be included in outside projects. New biological DNA strains extracted from Nepleslia Prime avian animals was being researched, the information slowly being adapted into information that could potentially help find a cure for one of Prime's more annoying physical ailments, "Orange-Eye". This was were she was at that moment, sitting before a large, powerful microscope, watching the visual data being gathered on a small flat monitor to the side. With a tempered hand, Purina carefully adjusted the orientation of the microscopes focus as she surveyed the data, watching intently.

To her left, Squad 35 Captain Kokuten stood at the head of the table. His presence there was formality, at best; this was the week where all squads ending in 5's were assigned to Purina's biological research labs. Purina glanced down the table at Kokuten for a moment, lifting her eyes from her work and giving him a short smile before looking back at her screen, adjusting the position a fraction to the right. Idly, without thought, Purina slowly reached up with her other free hand and lightly brushed a small white object attached to the cuff of her research coat. Purina rubbed the objected between her thumb and forefinger, feeling the contours of the item; a small pin, only an inch or so in diameter and shaped like a round, frilled cloud, of all things. Miss Popjoy continued to fondly fondle the item a moment longer before her hand fell back down to a touchpad at the base of her microscope.

Kokuten knew the object well; he had received one himself only a few days ago. It had arrived with his CSS suit and other equipment right before his security shift, neatly tucked into a small white envelope along with a simple note written on a small index card:

"I'm sorry." - Cassefin

Beyond that, Kokuten had not seen hide nor hair of Miss Montreal since their last meeting after Kokuten's talk with Laj Vinross Yu. Before all of this, Cassefin was difficult enough to get a hold of; now, the prospect seemed all but impossible. The pin itself was obviously made with less-than-efficient knowledge; the smooth, gleaming white surface of the pin fit loosely in the brass back. Cassefin had made the base magnetic; no doubt with the intention for it to be worn outside of a jacket or security suit. Kokuten had noticed a handful of others wearing the pins, but only just a handful; Cassefin's method of selection for apology must have only extended so far between her employees.

For that reason, it was hard for many people to take Kokuten all that seriously for his shift that day. Unlike most of any who may have worn it out of the way, or not at all, the Captain of Squad 35 wore his cloud pin right over the edge of his visor. Worst yet, whenever anyone put obvious attention towards it, e.g. looking at it without directly speaking of it, he seemed to act as if there was nothing there at all. At one point, someone had gotten bold enough to put out the cloud pin, to which Kokuten answered them by tugging the pin off, looking at it, and then slapping it back on his head.

That only hid his concern, which had ate at him for the last three weeks. For the first week he had been very hopeful. The second week had driven him towards a biting worry. The third week had made him somewhat withdrawn, and seeking of distraction before he felt his decision lose value. Occasionally he'd clench his fist, rub his chin a little more firmly, or tapping his fingers on his shoulder plating. He exhibited all sorts of nervous habits as his mind felt consumed.

Yet, Purina's smile was a bit of distraction, it allowed him to smile a bit, though she couldn't see it. He had worn his helmet to conceal himself from others, to prevent them to see the unknowing expressions on his face.

He needed to talk to someone about this, it was eating him up.

But who? Purina? No. No no no. He valued her image of him a little too much. She didn't need to know about this.

What are you, a coward? She's a pink puff-ball.

A pink puff-ball with command over monstrous beasts.

She's not that kind of woman, you assholes.

It's always the nice ones that have the sharpest fangs.

Yeah, look at you! How many times have you bit someone with that 'nice-guy' attitude of yours?

Don't give me your shit, I'm a grown-ass man.

Kokuten put a hand up to his helmet, his fingers trying to dig to his scalp, with no avail. To Purina, it'd look like he was suffering from severe headache. He needed to speak to someone, before the whole thing drove him crazy.

"Purina," said the Captain, steadily, "can I ask you something?"

"Would you like to hear something funny, Captain?" Purina replied to Kokuten question with one of her own, talking in a strangely calm tone as a tense smile formed across her mouth. Her eyes kept watching the flatscreen monitor in front of her as her hand twisted the dial once more, changing the view on the screen while her other hand softly stenciled a few notes on a pad in her lap.

That return question gave the Captain a little pause, but he answered her none-the-less, "Sure."

"It's about clouds," Purina spoke again, her eyes continuing to watch her work, rather than look at the man she was holding a conversation with. "Cirrus clouds. They're actually very long, thin formations that lay low in a planet's atmosphere. They look more like... you know, tide marks, on the shore, or the beach of a lake?" The pink-haired administrator explained in odd fascination, her strange smile remaining present on her face as her second hand reached up and began lightly touching the cloud-shaped pin again. "This cloud, however, more closely resembles a Nimbus formation. They are often rounder, more solidly formed. They aren't really shaped like this," Purina flicked her pin idly between her words, unsure of whether or not Kokuten even noticed. "But that is often how Nimbus formations are represented. Cassefin didn't know that when she named the Cirrus."

"When we first saw the Cirrus during its construction, Cassefin remarked that it looked like a cloud," Purina continued. "It was mostly white, like it is now, but not painted white, and the round tops and center-bound subsections did make it look vaguely like how one would draw a Nimbus cloud. Cassefin didn't name it after the Nimbus, though. Instead, she went online and searched for names of cloud formations."

Purina sighed and turned in her swiveling seat towards the captain, still lightly grasping the cloud-shaped pin as her other hand set down on the top of the notepad in her lap. "Want to guess why she picked the name Cirrus, captain?"

"Is it because... Cirrus clouds float higher than Nimbus clouds?" Kokuten grasped, using his basic knowledge of physical science to answer the question, though he felt a little humbled by Purina's clear knowledge of the subject. "Or perhaps she didn't want to name it after a rainy cloud?"

The woman listened to Kokuten's answer, her smile widening as she closed her eyes and beamed at the CSS captain, giggling slightly underneath her breath. "Nope," Purina said enthusiastically. "Cassefin wanted to call it the Cirrus Research Station because she simply liked the name. I also think she liked it because it wasn't as common as Nimbus clouds. It was only after did she learn that the cloud she associated the station with was a Nimbus cloud, but by then it was too late to change it. Really though... I'm glad we weren't able to," Purina said, her smile fading a bit as she reached on and delicately rubbed her hand along the smooth table top, her eyes following her hand as she traced the edge of the material. "I really can't picture this place under any other name. I've been here since the start... for a good five years now, I think. It's my home now. I'll always remember it as the Cirrus."

Purina sighed again. Her eyes were dangerous close to dampening, and she shut them while her small smile returned. Recovering quickly, Purina shook her head once and cleared her throat, her composure regained and poignant. She look to Kokuten for his reply, or perhaps his own question. She didn't speak for either.

"That was... incredibly nostalgic of you," answered Kokuten, a noticeable glow behind his visor that was mismatched by the tone in his electronically produced voice. He felt somewhat tense, half-knowing and half-unknowing, but he pressed on his end of the table and asked anyway. "Is something amiss, Ms. Popjoy? You aren't normally like this."

"I'm not normally this worried," Purina answered after a moment. "You know why, Mr. Chiaki," the woman spoke again, leaning forward and reaching her lithe arm up, extending her index finger and delicately tapping at a position on her forehead. It was the same area that Kokuten's cloud-shaped pin was attached to his helmet... or rather, it would have been, had the pink-haired acclaimed scientist not absentmindedly mixed up her lefts and rights. Apparently without realizing it, if her prideful airs at her 'clever' gesture were any indication.

"Has she ever done something like this before?" asked Kokuten, with little warning or shift, knowing Purina would pick up on his line.

"No," Purina replied. "Never. Not like this, anyway. Do you know something about this, captain?"

Kokuten was lucky for his face-covering helmet as it kept Purina from seeing the squirm in his face. He pushed himself off the table, and offered a dignified response. "If you knew something. A secret about someone, someone who was unaware of that truth... And you knew that telling them truth would hurt them, would you do it? Knowing that the secret would come out at one point?"

Purina tilted her head to the side quizzically, although her expression let him know that she wasn't too fond of the direction his answer was implying. "I suppose it would depend on the secret. What sort of secret is it?"

"A particularly personal one, tempered by years of subtle manipulation to keep said secret as is." answered Kokuten, rubbing his thumb over the edge of the table, "One that, when known, might make the revealing party to question whether or not it was a good idea to reveal said... secret."

Kokuten's reflective faceplate was a veteran of many harrowing stares; Purina's increasingly accusitional glare seemed to have no affect on the shining surface, much to her annoyance. The woman took a breath, averting her eyes to the ground as she thought about the context of the question. "... I don't know. Keeping secrets isn't always a good thing, but sometimes people lie because things are better left unsaid. You don't tell a girl she looks terrible when she asks you how she looks... even if she does," Purina said, almost as though she was reprimanding Kokuten rather than answering him. "Did you tell her that she looked ugly?"

Snrk. came a sudden response to her accusation. Kokuten had not expected that answer, nor did his gut. Suddenly, he couldn't contain himself, and began bouncing his shoulders in hardly restrained laughter. In a few seconds, he was able to settle himself down. At that, he pulled his helmet, removing his first line of defense against harsh stares. With his face revealed, Purina could see the quickly tossed up mask of stoicism, to hide the mirth wanting to burst from below.

"N-no." Kokuten cracked a smile, before nervously tapping the table, almost slipping on the 'No'. "This is something a much more scathing. Not how she looks, what she's doing, but what someone has been doing to her."

"If you don't want to tell me, Kokuten, then I'd just rather not know it," Purina said sternly. "But you should have done right by Cassefin. I don't know what happened, what you told her or what anyone has been doing to her, but it seems apparent that whatever you told her has severely affected her," the woman theorized, not privy on the entire situation, but given enough information to see things for what they potentially were. "And... I don't know what will happen. Cassefin spent a lot of time by herself," Purina's face softened as the subject turned back to Cassefin herself. "I've never seen her just not do things. When she would get sad, it would last for maybe a day or so... but I always knew she was better the next day, because she would work twice as hard. As though nothing happened. But if what you've told her has kept her so quiet for this long... for this long," the woman lightly gripped at the pin on the hem of her coat, her eyes glancing at the floor for a brief moment before returning back to Kokuten. "Then I don't know what to expect."

"I can't take it. The waiting." answer the tall Chiaki, breaking off before he could meet Purina's gaze directly. He had suddenly become restless. "The helplessness. What I told her was meant to inform her, but it ended up with more immediate damage than working around the current situation. What was being kept from her was something deep she had a right to know." Kokuten threw his hands up in the air, before tossing them down again, looking at Purina with a fervent gaze, "She couldn't handle the truth so it ended up like this. This is partly my fault, all of the current events. But now... Now I don't know what to do. I thought I was helping, but I may have just made for the worst possible situation."

"Cassefin likes to pretend that she's stronger than she really is," Purina said dejectedly, her mood dipping along with Kokuten's regret. "I suppose she had you fooled, too. Locked up in her fortress up there, we can't do anything to help her now. All that we can really do now is just wait and see if she bounces back..." The biologist sighed and looked up at the ceiling, her face a myriad of mixed emotions, none of them particularly good. "If she's stronger than her mother was."

"Maybe she is, maybe she isn't. It all relies on her, yes, but the situation is a tad... Boxed in. I'm hoping she goes back to her old regime if not for a sign of progress, but this... She's got to do more than find the will to 'bounce back', she's going to have to think of a reason to 'keep going'." Kokuten returned to the table, only to lean on his helmet, his armored hand pressing gently onto the smooth surface. "It's why I question what I did. Was it wrong? I can't get a second opinion, because... well it's a secret. This isn't like a case-file where you can get another doctor to check your prognosis, I'm used to bouncing my judgements off others."

Kokuten's other hand slapped flat on his face, slowly sliding down and tugging his features rather firmly. "And if I had to handle a particularly risky case by myself I always had alcohol and other forms relief to take off the edge."

"I don't know what to tell you, captain," Purina replied, drawing in a deep breath to regain her composure. "I'm going to keep doing what I can do. What I know to do... and just wait for the outcome. It's been three weeks... I'm tired of worrying."

Finished, Purina returned to the monitor in front of her, noticeably less happy about things than she was when she previously glanced at the flat screen.

"Then maybe something should be done." Kokuten spoke with an absolute seriousness in his voice, his hand pressing flat against the table.