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Cirrus Station Security: Variable weapon


Retired Staff
Inactive Member

Doshii Jun

Andrew, I'll go through this later, say, tomorrow night. S'okay with you?


My only issue from my casual over-view is that ionizing tungsten is an EPIC task. It's pretty much the least easily ionizable element you could have chosen. There is a reason why the Atromos rifle simply turns a light gas into plasma.







Doshii Jun wrote:
Andrew, I'll go through this later, say, tomorrow night. S'okay with you?

Doshii, reminder to look at this
Wiki links copied from the old forums were truncated and do not work.

Please re-link so we can review this.
I request different ranges and speeds for solid and plasma. Not only because there's no real difference save for hull and shield types, but also the following:

What you have at the current speeds is piercing power, but little stopping power. Slowing the solid and lessening the range should permit you to be able to stop or slow targets that are incoming.

After all, a mortally wounded enemy can still use its residual strength to come at you and rip you in half if you lack stopping power, whereas stopping power can stall long enough for your earlier fired piercing rounds to have their desired effect of slowing and/or killing the target before they can reach you.

Also, why do you have the Hydrogen Cartridge and the Ionized Gas Canister if they do the same thing with the same round amounts? Isn't that redundant and unnecessary to have both?
Stopping power is a myth. It does not exist. To be quick about it, when you shoot a deer with a high-powered rifle, the deer doesn't get lifted off its feet or stumble backward. If you hit it right, it hops about for a few seconds, then keels over and dies.

What you want is a round that's going to penetrate a fair amount without overpenetration, and a round that's going to expand reliably inside of a target.

10 mm is huge for a rifle round -- more than you really need, but it will work. That being the case, however, mimicking the variable speed-setting that Yamatai's LASR has would suit best the mass driver portion of the weapon.

However, you should rely on the plasma to really cause damage to armored targets -- your mass driver should use a round that will expand. Tungsten will overpenetrate at any speed as the bullet's just too hard.

Long story short: the only thing that counts in guns is shot placement and psychological harm. You want an instant kill, you shoot for the head or maybe the heart. Otherwise, you're killing them softly.
Actually, I intended for this weapon to have no stopping power, as well as very limited penetration capability. These are actually intended features in the design for the solid ammunition, for mostly story reasons. The general 'suck' of the CSS VR is something that the players of Cirrus Station will have to overcome. It's also my point to make it a rather shoddy weapon at first, and improve it when the situation on the plot warrants it.

Basically, it's intended to be cheap and shoddy.

I might consider making the rounds made out of a softer metal. Penetration, in any case, is something the designer of the weapon wanted to avoid.

As for the plasma having both the ionized gas container and hydrogen cartridge...I suppose I could lump the two together. I'll do both of these when I return today.

-Changed the rounds from solid tungsten to ceramic aluminum-core rounds. We're so lucky to have some gunophiles in Nepleslia.

-Lumped the Ionized Gas Container and Hydrogen Cartridge into a single canister. This makes a little more sense, I suppose.

-Added a small line of description at the very end, in the "About This Weapon" section.

Any other discrepancies?
Soresu or Toshi could you guys have a look at this?
For Toshiro and Soresu -- I went through the changes he made.

This submission is recommended for approval by staff member Doshii Jun.
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